Leon extinguished the embers of the arch fire before leaving, after all, there is a fire on the mountain, a silver bracelet under the mountain, and the fire in the mountain is to pay attention to the safety of using fire.

Then he rushed towards the two rift valleys that he had explored and noted down yesterday.

As a mountain range, the environment of the Pyrenees can be called very primitive, a large number of steep slopes, cliffs, mountain rock structures and other natural creations have brought a lot of trouble to Lyon.

Fortunately, he is a wizard, most of the scenes can be easily handled, and the iron armor spell is basically hung on the whole process, after all, in the primeval forest, you never know what you will step on next foot.

“Isn’t it here?” Holding his wand and releasing fluorescent flashes, Leon looked at the rift in disappointment, the surrounding terrain did not match, and he did not perceive any obvious traces of magic flow, obviously, he was in the wrong place.

Returning to the top of the rift valley, Leon continued to move forward, and after crossing several mountains, Lyon found a valley and felt powerful traces of magic and magical enchantments.

Leon looked at the magic barrier of the valley in front of him suspiciously, he remembered that the location of the cave should be located in a deep valley somewhere, but he finally found traces of magical existence in this mountain range, Leon did not intend to let go of this opportunity to explore, after all, it was better to kill the wrong than let go.

Perhaps the location of the cave may be due to the change of the surrounding environment due to the movement of the earth’s crust, and the location here is barely a deep valley concept, although there is a gap with the depth of the rift valley explored before, but it is also in the low-lying position of the Pyrenees.

Normal wizards who crack magical defenses need to integrate magic into them to find weak points, and then use this as a breakthrough to open a back door for themselves.

But Leon had not yet learned this skillful enchantment breaking method, and so, he chose to do it hard.

It just so happened that there was no one here, and there were some skills that he wanted to try.

“Ultimate Flash!”

Leon gave the command in his head, using the golden skill Ultimate Flash that he once said he would not use to kill, although the action may be shameful, but this play wild he has always been curious about how powerful the so-called laser that destroys everything is.

Anyway, there is no one around, no one will see it if you use it, and it will not die.

But what surprised him was that when he released the ultimate flash, he did not make a perverted action of straightening his waist and shaking his crotch, but instead unconsciously wrapped his hands around his chest, and an extremely dazzling light gushed out from his chest.

A second later, Leon’s arms automatically expanded under the guidance of the system, and at the same time, a pure white pillar of light erupted from his chest, slamming into the magic enchantment not far away.

Leon clearly saw the ripples and twisting marks on the enchantment due to the attack of the ultimate flash, but the enchantment was not shattered and withstood this attack.

But now Leon doesn’t intend to pay attention to this at all, he is concerned with his own release of the ultimate flash.

“System, you get out of here for me, didn’t you say before that the action had changed? How is it still the same! ”

“Does the host believe what the system says?”

The system actually replied to Leon rarely, and still used the tone of the yin-yang person, which made Leon angry.

“This system only provides krypton gold channels and consumption platforms, all drawn rewards cannot be secretly changed, please believe in the professional ethics of this system.”

As if sensing Leon’s anger, the system added a sentence very seriously.

“Do you know how resistant I was to this skill before? Do you know how many times someone has been sprayed for this skill? ”

Leon complained angrily at the system.

“Nothing to do with this system.”

The system said it, and fell into a state of silence again, no matter how Leon sprayed it, it was a scolding and could not return the mouth.

After spraying for a while, the system did not respond to Leon’s words, making Leon feel embarrassed that he was talking to the air, and could only temporarily let go of this system that pretended to die, and took out two mangoes at the same time.

After scolding for a long time, I was thirsty, and one ultimate flash cost two hundred mana points, which is basically equal to two-thirds of Leon’s mana combined, so Leon eats two magic mangoes to moisten his throat and return to his mouth, and there is no problem.

It’s just that what makes Leon speechless is that the entrance of the magic mango actually has no moisture and fruity aroma at all, and the import directly melts into the magic power and pours into the whole body, and the taste of the mango is not tasted at all, as if eating a mouthful of air.

“Bah, isn’t this an ordinary instantaneous magic potion, a broken system for hanging sheep’s heads and selling dog meat.” Leon cursed the system again, and then took a bottle of mineral water stored in his wallet and drank it.

Focusing on the magic barrier IQ in front of him, he once again charged up and shot out an ultimate flash.

This time was obviously very different from the last time, the first ultimate flash only rippled the mana, but this time, Leon obviously saw a crack in the magic barrier, which meant that this barrier was about to reach the limit of defense.

Swallowing two mangoes again, Leon threw out the third ultimate flash without hesitation, with plenty of magic power, and no CD is just doing whatever he wants.

Without the sound of shattering, the mana barrier directly shattered into countless fine pieces of mana crystalline dust, and at the same time, it quickly evaporated and disappeared in the sunlight in the next second, exposing the scene of hiding under the barrier.

But what left Leon speechless was that behind the barrier was not the huge cave entrance in his memory, but a crisp green meadow, and a mountain stream.

At the same time, a large group of winged, white as snow pegasus could be seen running and soaring on the grass, away from the direction where Leon was, as if frightened by this sudden attack.

“Rune horse?”

As an academic wizard who had read Old Man Newt’s book “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”, Leon recognized the names of these winged horses at a glance, but because he knew what kind of horse it was, he panicked.

This is the Pyrenees, the site of the Heatherbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and if memory serves, the Rune Horse is also a common mount for the Heatherbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, just like the Nightingale at Hogwarts.

Now that he has broken a magic barrier in the Pyrenees, there are still a large number of rune horses in the barrier, and Leon can basically think of what situation he has encountered with his ass.


This was basically Leon’s first reaction, but in the next second, a breathless mezzo-soprano roar reached Leon’s ears.

“Who dares to hit the idea of our Rune Horse at the Heatherbatons Academy of Magic?”

Then Leon turned his head stiffly and saw a woman more than three meters tall approaching him.

The exaggerated height subconsciously made Leon think that he had crossed again and met the eight-foot lady in the castle.

However, after seeing the standard Bobo head and the giant wand held in her hand, Leon recognized the identity of the person in front of him, it was the headmaster of the Hisbatons School of Magic, Olim Maxim.

That is, the owners of these rune horses came.


The book is mine, so I think it’s very simple to eat the book and change the setting, if you don’t like certain paragraphs or chapters, as long as it doesn’t affect the main plot structure, you can casually propose it, I will change it immediately.

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