After lunch with Mr. Granger, Leon sat with him in the car and rushed to the city of London.

To Lyon’s surprise, the location of this reading was not in the book company, but in the café.

“The other party is one of the shareholders of Oxford University Press and lives in London, so he did not go to their publishing house, after all, their publishing house is in Oxford, but he likes to read books, and if you get his approval, then your book will definitely be successfully published.”

Before entering the café, Mr. Granger explained to Leon.

Leon nodded, holding the first original of “A Song of Ice and Fire” in his hand, and followed Mr. Granger into the café.

Near the seat by the window on the side of the street, an old man with glasses with Chinese hair was looking intently at the Times newspaper, and the coffee in front of him did not move at all.

“Hello, Mr. Patrik.” Mr. Granger greeted the old man first.

“Hello, Mr. Patrik, first meeting, I’m Leon Chris.”

Leon also greeted the old man with the title of Mr. Granger.

“Oh, Granger, here you are, sit down, this is the genius boy you told me about.” Patrick put down the Times in his hand, motioned for the two to sit down with a kind smile on his face, and greeted at the same time: “Waiter, please come here, what do you want to drink?” ”

“Blue Mountain Coffee.” Mr. Granger spoke to the waiter who arrived, and before Leon could speak, Patrik spoke first: “Give him a glass of freshly squeezed juice.” ”

Then he said to Leon: “Sorry child, coffee is not a good thing for minors, I made a decision for you without authorization, I hope you can understand.” ”

“Thank you for your kindness.” Leon nodded and smiled at Patrik, not angry.

“Child, how old is this year, where to study?”

After the waiter left, Patrick asked Leon first.

“At the age of twelve, the place where I studied was just an unknown private college college.” Leon replied helplessly, it was not that he was not honest, but that the “Confidentiality Law” did not allow it.

“Oh, you’re only twelve?” Hearing this, Patrik was stunned, he also thought that Leon was sixteen or seventeen years old, although his face was a little younger, but this height and physique, not like a twelve-year-old child.

“I’m in a hurry.” Leon quipped.

“Hahaha, that’s an interesting statement.” Patrik laughed when he heard this, and then sighed: “My granddaughter is as old as you, she is my pistachio, and I always feel very close to you children.” ”

“Now let’s get down to business, I didn’t plan to get involved in the company’s affairs, after all, I’m already retired, just living a pension life by shares, but Granger respects you very much, and I trust his vision, so I give you this opportunity.”

Patrick sat up straight, looked at Leon seriously, and said, “Now, you have half an hour, if your book can’t attract me, then I can only say sorry to you.” ”

“Please.” Leon also did not have an ink, and directly handed “A Song of Ice and Fire” to Patrik.

Patrick looked at Leon with some surprise that it was not a manuscript, but a printed copy that had been typeset, nodded and smiled, and then looked at the title of the book and the title of the volume.

“Oh, it’s actually a long story, “A Song of Ice and Fire – Game of Thrones”, it’s kind of interesting.”

Just by looking at the name, Patrik became curious, especially the sub-volume name, which made him very curious about how a twelve-year-old child interpreted rights.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn’t wait to open the book, turned to the first page, and read it seriously.

Neither Monsieur Granger nor Leon meant to disturb Monsieur Patrik, Leon had nothing to do and looked out the window at the street, while Monsieur Granger read the second volume that Leon had given him, The Clash of Kings.

Half an hour passed quickly, but Patrik did not mean to speak, still quietly flipping through the book, his reading speed was very slow, and at the same time he would stop reading and enter thinking mode.

“Gentlemen, do you need a refill?” It wasn’t until the waiter came to question the three that Patrik’s movements were interrupted.

“It’s okay, please don’t bother us, if you feel that we have delayed your business, then, sorry, this is my compensation.”

Patrick took out fifty pounds with an impatient face and placed them on the table, but there were no rough words in his words.

Then he was about to continue reading, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of Leon and Mr. Granger, especially Mr. Granger’s book in the same style as his own, but the title of his volume was “The Dispute of Kings”.

“Oh, you’ve finished the second volume?” Patrik reacted immediately.

“Actually, it’s all done.” Leon explained.

“Oh, unbelievable!” Patrick sighed, and then reluctantly put down the book in his hand: “I was fascinated, very interesting stories, and also valuable to study, it is hard to imagine that such an excellent work is actually from the hands of a twelve-year-old boy.” ”

“If you like it.” Leon replied with a smile, his expression rather flat.

“No problem, I now know why Granger is so respectful of this book, I have wanted to borrow him several times but are reluctant, in other words, I will not be, this book definitely has the value and significance of publishing.”

After Patrick finished speaking, he looked at Leon: “Just reading the first volume, I was amazed by the description of human nature in this book. Then he looked at the second volume in Mr. Granger’s hand.

“Even for my own sake, this book must be published, I can’t wait to see the future fate of the Seven Kingdoms, congratulations, Leon, I have a hunch that you will become the youngest best-selling author in the history of British publishing.”

“It’s too early to say that it still needs market acceptance to get answers, but I’m glad you enjoyed this book.” Leon replied.

“A humble young man, he is also very mature, and I kind of understand why you can write such a serious fantasy novel.” Patrick nodded, and then spoke: “If you are not in a hurry, don’t mind if my old man finishes the first volume, I know the rules, and I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to read this book before signing the contract.” ”

“Please.” Mr. Granger smiled and said, “I also need to finish reading this book, oh, it’s so wonderful, I can’t bear to put it down.” ”

“If you like it.” Although it is boring to stay here, Leon does not break the idea of the two’s reading experience, after all, it is about business.


As the title, the transition chapter, can jump, will not pit you, save points for the next trip to France.

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