After Zhu Hongcheng drove Chen Binglan around the street for more than ten minutes, he was finally arrested by JC, who rushed to hear the news.

A few minutes at most.

Videos of Zhu Hongcheng dragging Chen Binglan to march have been everywhere.

And it directly occupies the hot search of various online platforms.

"This guy is a man!".

"Although I envy the second generation, now I only have sympathy for this buddy. "

"The grass on his head can feed 100,000 cattle and sheep. "

"That's how this kind of woman should be treated!".

"I can accept the chaos in my private life, but you are obviously a person who is similar to selling, and you want to go online to pretend to be a feminist, which is disgusting!".

After the video was exposed, more people knew about it.

Basically, no one supports Chen Binglan anymore, and even most women say that Zhu Hongcheng did a good job in this matter.

"I'm also a woman, and I support the little brother in the video. "

"It's this kind of woman who ruined our reputation, I was poor when I married my husband, and now I have a luxury car in the villa. "

"You have the right to pursue what you like, but you can't be so shameless. "


The feminist tables who support Chen Binglan don't know where to hide.

Silently felt the feeling of being slapped in the face.

More than half an hour later.

Chen Binglan, who finished the transcript, rushed to the hospital.

"Where's my dad, where's my mom?"

She looked anxious and asked her relatives.

"Do you still have the face to ask your father, ask your mother?".

"They've been blown away by you!".

"People like you have disgraced our two families!".

"Now I don't dare to talk to people when I go out, and when I chat, people ask me if you are my niece!"

"Chen Binglan, people like you, why don't you die!".

The relatives who used to stammered with her in every way because Chen Binglan was rich have all turned their faces now.

Pointing at her is a scolding.

Inside the hospital.

Other patients' family members also pointed at Chen Binglan.

The expression is strange and the whisper is discussed.

Chen Binglan's face was ugly.


She left the hospital.

Ten minutes later.

She rushed in with a fruit knife.




She wields a fruit knife, and her expression is as gloomy and hideous as that of a female ghost in a movie.

Each knife left a wound on her family's relatives.


"You bastards are scolding me now?".

"Every year during the Chinese New Year, why don't you scold me when you give you a big red envelope?".

"Why don't you scold me when there is something in your family that needs to be asked of me?"

"Why don't you scold me when your family is traveling in the magic capital to eat me and live in me?"


"Scold me, you're not as good as me! At least I'm making money with my own body!"

"What about you? you can't even stay in a hotel and steal all the garbage from the hotel's disposable slippers!"

"What right do you have to scold me!".

Cheng Binglan roared violently.

The fruit knife brought up patches of blood flowers.

Wait until JC arrives.

The corridor of the hospital was already covered with blood.

The relatives of the Chen family and the Wen family, the women who scolded Chen Binglan the hardest, all fell in a pool of blood and wailed.

Even, some have gone into complete shock.

JC hurriedly controlled Chen Binglan and arranged for people in the hospital to give first aid.

Fortunately, the first aid was relatively timely, and although several women were not lightly injured, they were even seriously injured.

But no one's life is in danger.

The moment you are put on a sterling silver bracelet.

Chen Binglan suddenly cried.


But soon, she looked up again.

At the moment of being taken away, she stared viciously at the relatives on both sides of her parents.

"I only regret why I didn't buy a bigger knife and hack you garbage bloodsuckers to death!".

After speaking.

At home, relatives were grief-stricken, and in hateful eyes, they were escorted out of the hospital by JC.

Leaving blood stains everywhere.

And there was a wailing everywhere.


A legend.

It didn't take long.

A video of Chen Binglan doing something to relatives in the hospital was spread by some of the patient's family members.


She is once again on the hot search.

"Heh, although I hate this woman, her relatives are also wonderful. "

"Most of the time, people still need a little bit of morality. "

"I think this result should be considered a success, Chen Binglan pays the price for what she did, and the strange relatives of their family will also pay the price for their verbal violence. "

"In fact, in the final analysis, Chen Binglan's matter, I think her parents have a greater responsibility. "

"Sure, don't her parents really know what their daughter is doing outside? "

The comments of netizens are still very fair and just.


The feminist table that had shrunk its head before began to haunt again.

[The fourth update, I will start to add more changes!Ask for continued support!].

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