Beautiful things always attract everyone’s attention, peas are expensive crops, and the townspeople have invested the most energy in these crops.

The appearance of the pea natural spirit naturally made many people see it instantly.

“Lord Lord is here!”

When the townspeople saw the lord coming on horseback, the noisy scene suddenly quieted down.

This was not the first time they had seen the spirit of nature, such a beautiful and noble thing, only such a great existence as Lord Lord could possess.

Eren took the pea spirit of nature lightly, this little guy has this green hair, compared with Amy and Terra before, this spirit of nature seems quieter and seems to be a little introverted.

After being accepted by Allen, he hid in Allen’s arms, and his two small hands tightly grasped Allen’s clothes, for fear of being thrown away by Allen.

“Little one, from today onwards, how about your name Gray?”

The Spirit of Nature nodded timidly.

Eren smiled and stroked her cheek so she didn’t have to be too nervous.

After leaving with Gray, Eren immediately ordered the people to take good care of the pea fields as before, and he took Gray back to the castle.

As soon as he entered the castle, Eren saw two small things, one red and one yellow, playing around, not once or twice.

“Amy, Terra, stop making trouble, come here, and introduce you to new companions today.”

Eren said to the two playful little mischievous.

Suddenly, the two natural spirits focused their attention here.

The red spirit of nature is Amy, she is the rose spirit of nature with a dazzling red hair, and the yellow spirit of nature is Terra, she is the spirit of nature of wheat.

After Gray saw the two same kinds, a flash of joy suddenly flashed in his eyes.


Gray shouted.



The three natural spirits soon met together and got along more happily.

Eren asked people to prepare another small bed in the Spirit of Nature Room, and then it was time to reclaim the farmland, and an acre of magical pea fields were once again reclaimed around the castle.

“My lord, they are so beautiful.”

Edward’s butler was so smiling that he couldn’t open his eyes.

In just one or two months, Rose Town has three natural spirits, and if it weren’t for the barren territory, Allen could definitely claim to be the richest baron in the entire Duchy of Lane.

“Yes, Grandpa Edward, these are our treasures.”

Allen smiled and said: “Grandpa Edward, I have to go to the Earldom recently, so I will trouble you to take care of these little ones in the future, these are the magic crystals that feed them, it is good to give each of them half a piece at a time, and give them two to three times a day.” ”

Eren handed a large pile of magic crystals to Edward’s butler.

“Don’t worry, adults, I will swear to protect these little guys to the death.”

Edward said with an unusually serious face.

Alan explained something, and then asked Edward Butler to call Marko.

He asked Marko to prepare and follow him with twenty elite warriors to return to the county tomorrow.

Marko immediately went down to arrange.

All that remained was to let people reclaim the farmland, and he had already commanded it.

Soon the day passed.

By the dawn of the morning, Eren had mounted his horse and led a group of men and horses towards the outside of Rose Town.

His destination is the Castle of Thorns!

The reason why I chose to ride a horse is because the speed of riding is relatively fast, and you can reach the Thorn Flower Castle earlier.

Along the way, Allen clearly felt the benefits of the business road.

Flat roads, with clear road signs around and no more potholes, are definitely a good thing for businessmen.

After all, merchants generally carry goods, and too muddy roads are really a big torture for them.

Because of the business road, it only took Allen and them more than half a day to complete the previous day’s journey.

Eren looked at a huge city in the distance, and a trace of nostalgia and complexity flashed in his eyes.

“I can’t imagine that in less than two months, I, Allen, have returned.”

Eren smiled and led the centaurs into the Thorn Flower City, heading towards the Thorn Flower Castle in the center of the city.

The huge city, the bustling commercial streets, and the dense population all made Allen feel a lot of emotion.

I used to disdain the size of the city, the commercial streets, and the population, after all, he is a traverser, has seen a truly prosperous metropolis, and simply looks down on such a backward city.

But since he took over Rose Town, he knew that the City of Thorns was simply the most prosperous city in the entire Earldom!

Allen’s arrival was soon known by Lord Count, and Allen and the others quickly and smoothly entered the magnificent Thorn Flower Castle.

The castle is five stories high, and there are densely packed small castles with two and three floors, standing in the center of the city like stars and moons.

Alan’s expression was calm, and his heart was already complaining madly.

My own small castle is not afraid to take it out and embarrass people, but everything will be fine, and one day, my castle will be more magnificent than the thorny flower castle!

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