Start a Dungeon

Chapter 418 The calm before the storm

Upon hearing this, Lott turned to look at the goblin, and raised his head slightly to signal it to continue speaking.

Vickers looked down at the tablet in his hand again, then raised his head and said:

"We can use steam to create a cloud that is large enough to envelop the scarab and its surroundings, but the electromagnetic storm inside is uncontrollable. You know, water can conduct electricity, although pure water cannot, but under those conditions there is no way It cannot be absolutely pure - an uncontrollable thunder and lightning can easily split the entire Scarab through water vapor. Even if it doesn't, the electromagnetic waves carried in the storm clouds will interfere with the magnetic system inside the mecha. "

Although the bottom of the scarab can eject a large thunderstorm area, it is a weapon and can be controlled, and now it is assisted from the periphery. The difficulty of controlling this seems to be far beyond the capabilities of the goblins.

Vader: "Is it because of the water vapor that I can't control it? What if it's something else?"

Vickers turned to look at the screen: "In that case, it will not be able to carry electromagnetic molecules very well. If you just want some clouds and fog that can obscure your vision, we have many methods, but in the end it feels like water vapor It is better to carry the load because the effect is better, and the power of thunderstorms will also be increased when the electromagnetic molecules inside rub against each other."

The Black Warrior said nothing, while Lott crossed his arms and looked at the goblins, asking: "What are the technical difficulties you encountered?"

Vickers: "Thunderstorms cannot be controlled; magnetic fields in water vapor clouds cannot be shielded; scarabs cannot move once the clouds unfold."

After Lott heard this, he quietly stretched out his hand to hold his chin and rub it.

Water, thunderstorms, electromagnetic waves, these are all natural things.

To speak naturally

"What about magic?" Lott raised his head and asked.

Vickers: "Our magical attainments are limited and we cannot do it."

Lot frowned and said, "Where are Teresa and Emily?"

Vickers: "This is what we hope for, sir. Please invite the two witch ladies to join our research and development team."

After Lott heard this, he was immediately relieved.

If technology is not enough, there is still magic that can be used.

Celebrate this world of swords and sorcery.

In three days, with Theresa as the main person in charge, Emily as the assistant, and Tina as the assistant, dozens of magicians and goblins worked together to draw up a plan that could easily control thunder and lightning in the clouds and mist.

I have to say that my subordinates are really full of talents. They want technology and technology, magic and magic, and they even have bicycles. It is simply amazing.

When designing the plan, we need to collect a lot of experimental materials from the outside world so that they can be brought into the time workshop for development.

Depending on the situation, the production of this thunderstorm cloud is a bit tricky. The light scheme design has been prepared for so long with the help of so many big guys. So how long will the research and development take?

10 years? 20 years?

As soon as the organism enters the time workshop, the extra emotions in the body will be automatically stripped away, and it will not stop until it completes the goal, just like the walking zombies who only know how to work.

When the research and development actually started on the fourth day, Lott still didn't agree with Tina going in, so she could just find a few sorcerers to replace her.

When the door of the Time Workshop closed in front of Lott and Tina, it opened again the next second. The research and development of Thunderstorm Cloud was completed.

Teresa said that it took them 15 years to complete it, and they failed many times in succession. There were also times when the medicinal materials they brought in ran out, so they had to spend a lot of energy to materialize them through templates. Finally, , the 20 million energy points brought in were completely spent.

Of course, the results were gratifying. After watching the demonstration, Lott felt quite satisfied.

In the past four days, in order to save the situation of failure, the Birdman Councilor specially commissioned the underground city to send reconnaissance planes to select several small towns with weak defenses and no goat-headed monsters stationed there for them.

Although this is not a big problem for the overall layout of the Sheephead Monster, it is extremely beneficial to the publicity of the Birdmen. As long as they win once, they can broadcast it to the residents of the recovered land.

In this regard, they did succeed.

The goat-headed monster's current front line has been shrinking back to defend, and at the same time, the defense of the magic stone mining area continues to be strengthened.

In this regard, the underground city is still standing still, but the number of reconnaissances has increased a lot. Although there are illusion clouds blocking it, every time a reconnaissance plane appears in the sky and flies by, the sheep-headed monsters are all as if they are facing a formidable enemy. .

In fact, the reconnaissance plane is just a cover-up, used to divert the attention of the internal intelligence officers - their current task is still to mark the generator so that the Scarab's shaped cannon can be aimed at the point.

During these days of waiting, the war on the entire continent decreased sharply.

Like the calm before the storm, both sides are gathering strength.

But it's a pity that the sheephead side is really building up strength, while the dungeon side is just waiting to be paid.

Monday morning of the second month

Lott watched quietly as the 920 million in the energy display instantly disappeared by 800 million.

A big stone finally fell to the ground in my heart.

There are still 130 million that can be used. All the energy in other elf centers has been used to pay wages, so this is all the funds that can be used in the end.

Theoretically, if you wait another day, you will have 200 million energy reserves.

But based on the spell messages intercepted from the other side in the past few days, it seems that the sheephead monsters have transferred a very senior commander from other territories that are currently fighting. He can be said to be a famous general.

It is said that it is easy to get a thousand armies but it is difficult to find a general.

Excellent commanders can be said to play a decisive role in military command.

The better the general, the more amazing his control of the battle situation and the use of tactics.

Like Rommel in Germany, Zhukov in the Soviet Union, and Nimitz in the Pacific.

Therefore, it will be a long night and many dreams. We must capture this gem city called Sussex today before the opponent's senior generals arrive!

Monday morning at 6 am

It was just getting dark.

20 Scarabs were lined up in a row, several kilometers apart, and they all drove slowly and quietly towards the goat-headed monster camp.

Lott didn't mention the attack on the dungeon that day to anyone. The notification to the Birdmen was scheduled for five days later, which was to confuse their internal spies.

When the scarabs slowly approached the goat-headed camp for about 2 kilometers, the patrolling team there seemed to notice the movement here, but many of them were killed by the death snipers on the scarabs.

This journey is quite thrilling. I am afraid that the actions here will be known to the other party, otherwise the surprise attack strategy will be meaningless.

"We have reached the best shooting position, Lord." This battle was of great importance, and Vader personally went to the front line to direct the battle.

"Good luck to you, man." Lott said solemnly.

"Thank you, just watch it, this is definitely the most exciting show!"

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