Start a Dungeon

Chapter 393 Omission

Kill the leader of a certain legion of sheepheads?

Aren't they crazy?

No force can confront the sheep-headed monster head-on.

Unless it is a continent-level force.

The question is, why do they think that the dungeon is the overlord of the entire Eilenor?

"Tell me what happened to the Fenrir Legion Commander?" Lott asked calmly.

The witches looked at each other and finally replied:

"Our hometown was destroyed by it. When the teacher was young, she was assigned by her superiors to assassinate Babvis' branch leader. As a result, the mission failed and all the members were killed. She herself was seriously injured, and the last one hid incognito. Get up."

"She thought she would spend the rest of her life like that, but unfortunately her old illness relapsed, and Fenrir's minions searched for us, and she finally left in a state of wandering."

"She gave us a fortune and treasures when she was dying, and then told us to stay far away and never conflict with Babvis's demons."

The three of them took turns telling what happened. Lott listened patiently in the hall, and finally couldn't help but say:

"Then how can you be sure that my army can defeat them? You also know that there are not many forces in this world that can defeat those demons."

"No, sir." The older witch among them said excitedly: "We heard the news that your army wiped out all the Babwes Army on Eilenor Watch Island!"

When Lott heard this, he was stunned.

What he didn't know was that after the Battle of Watch Island, the guardians of Elinor Continent became famous far and wide.

Many tribes have inquired about the location of the mainland in order to seek refuge there.

After all, this is the only force that can contain those sheep-headed demons so far.

That is, the legendary overlord of the continent!

Of course, Lott was forced to pretend, but what followed was that Elinor was on the goat-headed monsters' red list.

If it weren't for the outbreak of the Birdman Civil War and their unstable funding, they would have started a war on the Elinor Continent long ago.

Lott only knows this now.

On the Vader side, unknown patrol boats and steaming bi-winged aircraft were often found on the coastal beaches.

Since the locations where he placed his base are excellent landing sites, people often come to those places for reconnaissance.

The results are obvious. They are either sunk by heavy artillery or destroyed by missiles. In addition, a large number of combat flying saucers are sent out in the sky every day to conduct high-density patrols in the air defense area.

Basically no one who came to investigate came back to report what happened.

To Vader, these were just little bugs coming to test them, and he didn't take them to heart, so he didn't report them to Lot.

The important thing is that the intelligence officers are following the entire civil war situation of the birdmen and have no time to detect things about the sheep-headed monster.

It wasn't until today that Lott suddenly realized that he was finally being targeted by the goat-headed monsters, and it wasn't just for a day or two.

This startled him into a cold sweat.

For no other reason than due to omissions in intelligence, all decision-making levels did not take the sheep-headed monster seriously.

And once they pulled away, their target was directed at the underground city.

It is not too late.

"The Fenrir Legion under Babwis, right?" Lott nodded, "I understand ladies, if possible, I will let my subordinates go over and solve it."

Since the war with those goat-headed monsters is inevitable, let's go with the flow and sell them a favor.

When the witches heard this, they were all excited.

If you can avenge your teacher, you can also get valuable experimental materials, and most importantly, you can get the care of the city lord, so you don't have to worry about your livelihood in the future!

Afterwards, Lott asked them to move into the headquarters building of Dragon Scale Pharmaceuticals. There were various experimental materials and props there, which were definitely enough for them to show off their talents.

After finishing things here, Lott started to let the system write down the memo.

In order to obtain the world leaves from the witches and defend against future threats from the goat-headed monsters.

It must be considered in the long term.

"Is Vader asleep?"

Lott checked the time, it was around 5am.

Fiona was still painting at this time, no wonder the old man was angry.

"The knight officer just woke up." The system replied.

I woke up around 5 o'clock.

Hearing this, Lott couldn't help but ask: "How many hours does Vader sleep a day?"

System: "2 hours."

After hearing this, Lott couldn't help but feel dumb. That guy was almost catching up with the robot. Is it really okay?

Forget it, even if there is a problem, it can be solved with energy.

Lott: "Where are Curtis and Arman?"

System: "The diplomats are sleeping, and the intelligence officers are still at the forefront of the Jonas tribe's civil war."

The decision-makers seem to be busy all day long.

Lott: "If Curtis wakes up, let him come to see me. Inform Arman that I need him to report on the birdman civil war and the goat-head monster. Let Vader talk to me."

System: "Yes."

After a while, the portrait of Black Warrior appeared in front of the screen. The intelligence officer still needs to wait for a while. He is currently on the front line and has to step back.

"Good morning, Lord."

Lott nodded and said straight to the point: "What's going on over there lately?"

Vader: "Calm and calm."

Lott: "If I remember correctly, since Watch Island was captured by us, a battle group called the Golden Fleet of the Goatheads is heading here. Where are they?"

Vader: "We have sent them to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish."

Lott: "."

Vader felt that those guys were too slow, so he had 1,000 flying saucers attached to the auxiliary fuel tanks, and with the support of 100 supply flying saucers, they rushed directly towards the slowly rising gold fleet.

The result is obvious. The sail battleship group without any air defense capabilities were all reduced to wooden slag under the bombing of flying saucers that surpassed modern technology.

Absolute air superiority has an unparalleled effect in any world.

"Tell me what you know about the sheep-headed monsters. What's your experience after fighting them for so long?" Lott asked.

Vader thought for a moment, looked at the camera and nodded: "Their technological and industrial foundation is weak, which is a little better than some other primitive tribes. Their combat level is still at the level of swords and magic, even if they have acquired it from other civilizations. After technological weapons, tactical concepts are still in an extremely backward situation.”

If the weapons are lagging behind, they may be able to make up for it elsewhere, but if the tactics are lagging behind, they will suffer a big loss.

This reminded Lott of the past when weapons from the late Manchu Qing Dynasty began to be imported in large quantities from foreign countries, and finally the equipment level was almost catching up with other countries.

However, the concept of combat still remains in ancient times, such as dispersing tens of thousands of troops into thousands of people and placing them in each city. When foreign troops come, they will be sent out one by one to die.

If the combat concept is backward, no matter how advanced the equipment is, it will be in vain.

Of course, the sheep-headed monster's tactical skills are much higher than those of the Tatars, but they can only be compared with the backward ones. Compared with a genius tactical commander like Vader, it is like a baby facing a heavy tank.

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