Start a Dungeon

Chapter 314 Delicious Seafood

"Let's go check out the next place~" Lott said easily, stroking Loli's head like a cat.

As his words fell, the submarine speedboat, which was surrounded by sharks and was being bitten by sharks, screamed. When the motor behind it started to work, the surrounding sharks were scattered by the current like flowers.

When the group of people traveled a certain distance and determined that there was nothing around, the ship stopped.

"It's safe." Lott glanced down at Teresa in his arms, then turned to look behind him and found that Tina was holding Maria's arm tightly and covering her head on her shoulder. He looked extremely frightened, which made Lott immediately feel, had he done something wrong?

"Are you okay?" Tina looked up at Maria and asked carefully, then turned to look at Lot.

"It's okay." Lott said with a smile, thinking that he might as well send them home and find someone else to do the experiment.

Just when he was about to do this, Tina sat upright and said excitedly: "What monsters are there at the next stop?"

"Eh?" Lott couldn't react at the moment, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid, of course I'm afraid, but it's very exciting!"

Seeing that this girl was afraid of ghosts and loved watching ghost movies, Lott didn't know what to say. Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed that Tina was looking at him with horror in her eyes.

Without thinking, Lott immediately turned around and hugged the little Loli next to him.


There was a violent impact, and the entire speedboat suddenly rolled violently. Tina held Maria in her arms and screamed excitedly.

After rolling several times, the ship's hull stabilized.

"The danger is out."

Following the prompt from the system, Lott lowered his head and quickly checked Loli's situation, and then was stunned: Is Teresa asleep?

"The teacher has cast hypnotic magic on herself." Tina glanced over and said, "Maybe the current situation is too exciting for her."

Is it

Lott looked at Theresa's sleeping face and felt relieved. Then he raised his head and asked, "What was that just now?"

"A big turtle." Maria replied from behind.

Lott was a little dazed. In just one night, there were so many messy things in the sea? Just ignore the group of mermaids guarding the door of the teleportation array?

"Where are we going next?" Tina was as excited as a little girl who wanted to watch a horror movie.

"Bouncey Crab."

Lott pointed at the big screen, and a 3D image about elastic crabs popped up. These things looked a bit like king crabs, and the legs looked thick and long.

"It must taste great." Maria concluded immediately, then turned to Tina and said, "Stay for dinner tonight, I will make you a delicious elastic crab to try."

"Okay, okay."

Listening to the laughter in the back seat, Lott rested his chin with one hand and looked closely at the image of the elastic crab - it was just a three-dimensional picture, nothing else.

"This thing is so fat, why did the system mark its habitat as a red danger area?" Lott frowned.

That's what they said, but the two people behind them didn't care about it. They clamored to go and have a look.

Lott smiled bitterly and shook his head, stepped on the accelerator, and after a while, the system prompt arrived.


Several people looked left and right at the surrounding sea area. The clearly visible water area was filled with a large number of coral reef-like scenery, and various dark and ugly creatures were wandering in it. Most of the creatures in the entire water area were ugly and unsightly. ——Lot then remembered that they were currently in the deep sea. Even though there was so much light around them, in fact, it was really dark outside.

But then again, why are the fish here so ugly? It's almost impossible to find any that look better.

In fact, fish in the deep sea are under so much pressure every day. Who has the time and energy to dress themselves up like shallow water fish? They are already very tired just living, and there are a group of people around them that are uglier than them. The same kind of people are competing with each other, and the surroundings are so invisible that you and I can't see each other's faces clearly, so we just let it go.

"It's not easy to be a bottom fish. The most important thing is that the pressure is so great. These gangsters actually kill each other. Why? Is it just because the other person is ugly?"

"My lord, what are you talking about?"

Maria and the two listened for a long time and could hardly understand a word.

"It's nothing." Lott, who was halfway sighing, turned back and smiled, "Then we are already at the place now, Bouncy Crab."

boom! !

Just as Lot was mid-sentence, the entire ship suddenly sank, and something foreign stepped on the bow.

Lott turned his head blankly, then slowly raised his neck and looked up. Maria, while staring at the things above, leaned into Lott's ear and said, "We have found it."

Lott nodded, stared at the thing above, tilted his head slightly to the side and asked, "Can you cook this thing?"

"Then we have to get it off first."

Above everyone's heads, stood a king crab. It had eight thick and powerful long legs up to 3 meters long. Its body was half the length of the entire speedboat, and the edge of the front deck of the ship was forcefully poked. Eight small holes appeared - the material of this ship is made of secret steel alloy. In other words, this speedboat is made of special steel specially used on the Scarab.

Such a strong hull can poke several small holes, which shows how strong this crab is.

"Wiki, is the hull okay?" Lott asked, glancing down at the claws of the elastic crab.

‘It’s no big deal. ’ the artificial intelligence replied.

At this moment, when he heard the two people behind him exclaiming in surprise, Lott quickly raised his head and was stunned.

I saw the crab slowly bending its long legs, lowering its middle body slowly, and then its two crab eyes looked at Lott who was sitting in the transparent cockpit. That scene Like the taunting man-eating monster in a disaster movie.

"What does it mean?" Lott asked without looking back.

"It said: 'I'm delicious, come and eat me'" Maria translated, and Tina, who was huddled next to her, turned to look at her blankly.

"Really." Lott nodded, "I have never seen such a request in my life, Vickers."

Vickers: 'Yes, my lord. ’

Lott: "Are there any flying saucers nearby?"

Vickers: 'Just waiting for your orders. ’

Lot: "I want to eat fresh ones. I'll catch them and raise them first, and then I'll cook them when Maria gets back."

Vickers: 'As you command, my lord. ’


Recommend a new fantasy book to a friend: "Intelligence Supplier" is a relatively novel intelligence agency theme. The full text is slutty. You can pay attention to it.

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