Start a Dungeon

Chapter 298 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

"This is...the sea?"

On the screen, the sun, the beach, and the white waves lapping on the shore are the sea that Lott has never forgotten so far.

Vickers saw the lord's look of amazement at the side and said proudly: "We simulated the same shock frequency based on the real sea environment, which made the sea water stir, and then added wind elements to the surface of the ocean. It looks like It’s just like a real sea breeze, but the currents inside the ocean need to be further observed.”

The goblin kept talking to the side about the situation when making the sea. Although Lott couldn't understand, he still had to make an expression of "Oh~ I see" - in order not to dampen the enthusiasm of his subordinates for work. After all, the sea Whatever, it was still done for him after all.

Just as Vicks was drooling excitedly, he suddenly shut up in the middle of his sentence, then turned his head and silently looked at the control panel in his hand.

Lott had a question mark on his face and turned to look to the side - Maria was pushing the dining cart over.

All right

"How was your resting place last night, sir?" Maria, wearing a gray OL professional skirt and sexy stockings, came to Lott's side and asked with a smile. After finishing, she slowly squatted down and fiddled with the tableware inside.

Lott looked at her blankly and asked subconsciously: "Why did you think of wearing this outfit?"

When Maria heard this, she immediately turned to look at Lot with a smile, then stood there with one hand on her hips like a model, and asked: "How is it? Do you like it?"

"Very beautiful." Lott gave a fair comment. In fact, he felt that Tina's professional attire was more suitable.

"Let's try wearing a black and white maid uniform next time." Lott couldn't help but said.

After hearing this, Maria smiled even brighter and said repeatedly: "No problem, as long as you like it, it doesn't matter if you let me wear nothing."

Lott smiled slightly awkwardly - she was serious, not kidding!

"Ahem." Lott watched Maria continue to squat there playing with the tableware, then turned to look at the big screen.

Although there is now a sea and a beach, well, is there anything missing?

"no one!"

Lott then realized that it was already approaching autumn. Who would go to the beach now? Of course, because the sea had just been formed, no one knew about it.

Then we have to do something quickly before humans discover it.

But before that

Lott glanced at the energy storage device, which showed 13.45 million energy points, which was originally 30 million.

Lot: "Where are the Vaders?"

Vickers: "Mr. Knight Officer set out early this morning. Since he discovered a lot of hostile alien creatures before, he planned to clean up the coastline along the way and take in all the human territories he encountered. Adds energy to us.”

Lott: ".Really?"

The war maniac just can't sit still. After having three big toy ships in his hands, he has to practice his skills with some unlucky ones.

However, one thing to note is that in order to prevent the fruits of victory from falling into the hands of the enemy, for every human territory that is collected, two Scarabs must be placed there for guarding purposes.

3 million for one, 2 for 6 million, there are so many human cities, the number of scarabs

Lot thought for a long time, but in the end he had no choice but to start with the production cost, so he turned to look at the goblin and said seriously: "Vickers, think of a way to make the battle group's strength more powerful without compromising the combat effectiveness." Costs come down.”

Vickers lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Sir, please wait a moment, we need to discuss the plan."


Lott looked at the energy device again:

13.45 million

17.55 million were used last night, which were the three Scarab formations that Vader took away.

Each mecha carries 1,500 death knights, 500 sorcerers, and 500 werewolves.

1,000 energy points for a knight, 1,200 energy points for a werewolf, and 1,500 energy points for a sorcerer.

In other words, a mecha contains a knight with a cost of 1.5 million points + a werewolf with a cost of 600,000 + a magician with a cost of 750,000 + a scarab with a cost of 3 million and its armored guard.

A total of 5.85 million battle groups

Three branches are 17.55 million

"Spending money is really like running water." Lott kept sighing as he saw the rapidly beating value showing 13.5 million energy.

Currently, there are only 6 Scarabs carrying troops, namely the three in the west, north, and east of the dungeon boundary, and the three led by the Throne Knight. The other ones are all taken care of by robots. After all, it is just a security mission, there is no need to waste the troops there.

"Well" Lott gradually fell into deep thought when he thought about the cost and the number of scarabs.

Although 50 to 6 million yuan of energy is being received every day, the underground city has an entire continent to defend. There is a Pacific Ocean just between here and the sea. It is not difficult to imagine how big the area of ​​​​this continent is.

There are many human cities on it, and each territory represents a lot of energy. These are equivalent to the source of income for the underground city, thus ensuring that humans are free from hunger, pain, war, and fear. , is what Lott must do - it turns out that without the military intervention of the underground city, the war on this land will last for who knows how long.

As the degree and scale of military intervention increases, the energy cost will also increase: the cost of a scarab battle group is equivalent to 5,000 death knights.

So the question is, which model is better for the army to defend civilization and order?

If a large number of death knights are simply deployed to garrison in major urban areas, then once a crisis occurs, the knights will not only be exhausted from running for their lives, but may also be injured due to direct conflict with the enemy. In addition, the mobile response ability of the corps is too poor. There is no possibility of two or even three fronts fighting at the same time. Most importantly, it is easy to be contained and cannot guarantee the safety of human cities in the first place.

There is a saying that justice will never be absent, it will only be late.

Justice should not be absent, otherwise it would be unfair.

But being late will not be tolerated. If a certain city is invaded and there is no rescue immediately, or the action is too slow, or it is restrained, by the time the troops arrive, the human beings there will have been harmed. There is not much left, so what is the use of such justice?

Only by throwing firepower over the enemy's head as soon as possible to prevent disaster from befalling allies is what we should do as the guardian of civilization.

"Therefore, the number of scarabs must be sufficient. Each large territory must have 2 to 3 battle groups roaming there, and smaller places must have a military base that can deliver firepower in a timely manner!"

Lott crossed his arms and leaned back on the sofa to slowly issue instructions. The artificial intelligence was responsible for recording. After sorting it out, the goblins issued an action plan, and the knights and warlocks led the engineering team to be responsible for the construction.

"Wherever there are scarabs, there must also be a small military base for supply purposes - a small one with 1 million, and a large one with 5 million."

"A large teleportation array is set up between each base for scarabs and flying saucers to enter and exit. It is the type of light beam teleportation array used by the black dragon before - we can teach the black bear monsters about this."

"Also, in the human cities, all those rogue regimes like the former Sumir City have been investigated. I don't need an ally that squeezes the people of the territory. Only those who implement the sunshine policy like Kane City are worthy of being ours. friend."

"Some people often say that countries behave for their own interests, that is, 'there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.' This may be true, but our interest is to find allies with common values ​​and ideologies. ——The so-called Tao is different and they don’t work together. If there aren’t, then create a group of them.”

"Those rogue regimes with different ideologies from ours send spies in to support people who know how to implement enlightened policies, and deal with all the useless ones in secret - rogues are of no use to anyone except their own family. Most importantly, they get in the way of my interests!”

"To sum up, after the task of moving the sea is completed, the next task is to unify the entire continent of Alinor. Have you remembered it?"

Wiki: "It has been accurately noted, my lord."

Lot: "Distributed to Vader, Curtis, Herman - where are they now?"

Wiki: "The knights are currently sweeping intruders along the coastline; diplomats are heading to the human territory that the knights conquered before to persuade them to form an alliance and establish diplomatic relations with us; the intelligence officer is leading the shadow assassins to eliminate the last remaining people entrenched in Sumir City. It’s a lizardfolk stronghold.”

Lott: "Let Curtis pay attention to the other party's ideology and policy openness. If it meets my requirements, we will establish diplomatic relations. If it doesn't work, we will guide the other party and give them a chance. In the end, if it doesn't work, inform Herman to clean up - mine The military cannot be wasted defending a rogue regime."

Wiki: "As you command, my lord."

"We have already discussed it, sir." Vickers, who had been discussing for a long time, turned to Lott and said, "Due to current technical limitations, we cannot start with the overall structure, but we can put the parts on the mecha Active weapons were dismantled, such as cruise missile silos and heavy howitzers, and only some equipment was retained, such as grenade launchers, air defense interceptors, etc., while the surrounding armored units responsible for defense carried more special cruise missiles. Such as spiritual pulse, dragon incense missiles, etc."

The cruise missiles are stored in the Scarab and can be deployed on surrounding frigates when necessary, or carried by flying saucers for long-range strikes.

In short, what the goblins mean is that the current technical reserves are insufficient, so the Scarab can only be operated as an aircraft platform, and the overall cost is reduced to 2.4 million.

If additional personnel are mounted on it, the total requirements for a formation will be: 285+240=5.25 million.

That's 600,000 less than before. Once the number increases, it will be considerable.

"In order to maintain huge military expenditures, the next goal is still to collect energy - start building the sea."

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