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Chapter 336: artificial mental retardation

  Chapter 336 Artificial mental retardation

According to the information intercepted by Lumière, humans in this era still have not given up their resistance, and the rebel army organized by one of them named John Connor even successfully destroyed a base of Skynet, so Skynet believes that he is The savior of mankind is a huge threat to himself, so he built a time machine and tried to send a robot to the past to kill John's mother. In this way, the savior would not be born and the threat would be lifted.

   I have to say that after listening to Lumière's report, Duanmuhuai's first thought was—what kind of artificial retarded idea is this?

  What makes Skynet think that eliminating a person can stop the threat of mankind?

   Are you out of your mind?

It can be seen that the artificial mental retardation is the artificial mental retardation, and it will only be sorted according to the threats that can be seen. Obviously, it only saw the man named John leading the rebel army to destroy its own base, so it regarded him as its biggest threat .

   But so what without John Connor?

  Can't there be another one?

  When one John falls, thousands of Johns stand up!

   At that time, Skynet will have to come again and kill another John's mother?

  In the end, will it have to send a lot of robots to wipe out the past human extinction?

  So, it really is an artificial mental retardation.

   Duanmu Huai pouted, completely dismissive of this plan, besides, changing the past through the established future, how do you know that what you are changing is the past where you are? And if it succeeds, it means that the future John Connor will no longer exist, and Skynet will no longer feel threatened by John Connor, nor will it make a time machine to go back in time... Then this Skynet will not Does it no longer exist?

  Retarded logic, idiot ideas, not worth mentioning.

  That song is well sung, there has never been a savior, and we don’t rely on immortal emperors. To create human happiness, we all depend on ourselves...

  The human empire didn't explode and collapse without the emperor, did it?

  The reason why Lumière mentioned this document was because Skynet defined it as the highest-level confidential hunting list, but for Duanmuhuai—a plan that was so stupid that it was not worth mentioning, there was no need to care about it at all.

  They don’t need to go back to the past to guarantee history or something. If they kill Skynet now, everything will be fine?

So Duanmu Huai just wants to have fun with going back to the past to destroy the savior. What he is looking for now is the best way to reach Skynet—after all, Skynet is essentially a string of data, so it must be completely wiped out. just work. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome if it hid in the east.

   Lumière also agreed with this, and she did propose a solution.

   Judging from the current documents, everything made by Skynet relies on its own underlying code logic. In fact, the machines it manufactures also operate on the same underlying code logic, but the encryption is more advanced.

  This is the same as no matter how humans evolve, the heart is still the same heart, and it has not evolved two hearts and brains.

  So, as long as Lumière sneaks into Skynet and disassembles the core underlying code of Skynet, then he can find a way to restrain it and completely destroy it together with the entire robot army. But there is a problem with this, that is, Skynet is not stupid. Lumière's sneaking into Skynet will definitely arouse the vigilance and awareness of the other party.

   Therefore, someone needs to draw Skynet's attention.

After all, Skynet is still a kind of supercomputer in essence. If something attracts its attention, it will inevitably put more computing power into it for analysis and analysis. In this way, it can maintain the computing power required by other places. If it is reduced, it will give Lumière an opportunity.

   After all, there is no supercomputer with unlimited computing power.

  How to consume the computing power of Skynet?

   Then you need to find something that makes it difficult to analyze... After all, artificial mental retardation is artificial mental retardation, and the underlying logic will never change. Collect data, analyze intelligence, draw conclusions, and find solutions. Therefore, once it encounters an existence that it cannot understand or analyze, the artificial mentally retarded will spend a lot of computing power to solve it hard.

   This can be regarded as the difference between human beings and artificial mentally retarded people. When human beings encounter this kind of situation, they will not understand it at most. Duanmu Huai couldn't understand the principle of the puppets made by the puppeteers in the holy city, but no matter what the principle was, as long as it could be used, why bother?

  But artificial mental retardation is not enough. If it doesn't figure out the principle and find the solution, it will never stop.

  Of course, if you want artificial mental retardation to take the initiative to analyze and analyze, you must make it feel threatened, otherwise the artificial mental retardation will prioritize everything. You see, Skynet is not thinking about the meaning of human existence or the truth of the universe, is it?

  According to this idea, the battle plan was quickly drawn up.

Duanmuhuai led people to attack Skynet's soldiers to attract Skynet's attention. If they pose a big enough threat to Skynet, Skynet will inevitably pay more attention to them, and then try to collect information, analyze it, and spend computing power. Then, when Skynet was concentrating its computing power on this aspect, Lumière sneaked into Skynet, and then investigated the underlying code core of Skynet, looking for a method that could completely destroy it in an instant.

   And in this plan, the most important thing is to make it difficult for Skynet to analyze the part of the intelligence - Duanmuhuai is full of confidence in this.

  There are not many scientific talents on my side, so are there still fewer unscientific talents?

  He wants to see how Skynet analyzes magic!

  After all, in the Skynet files searched by Lumière, the general analysis goal of Skynet is to collect information, including the opponent’s height, weight, measurements, race, whether there are underlying diseases, whether the personality traits are radical or conservative, and who they are connected with. Then use these to analyze the opponent and find out **** him.

  The method of making a time machine to travel back in time to kill John Connor was discovered by Skynet. According to Skynet's logic, as long as John's mother is killed, John will not be born, and then the threat will cease to exist. And the time machine is a means to achieve this goal - from this, it can be seen that this Nima is an artificial mentally retarded man with great strength.

  Using unreliable results to deduce unreliable means...and let it do it...It's really speechless.

   But unfortunately, artificial mental retardation is still just artificial mental retardation.

  If you think about it carefully, you will know that even if it was successful in the past, it may not necessarily affect your own future. It is more about creating a future of a new parallel world. Don't even think about artificial mental retardation. If it succeeds, it will fall into an endless loop.

It killed Connor, then there will be no Connor in the future, no leader of the rebel army, there is no need to build a time machine, no need to send robots to go back to the past, then the past will not be changed... an infinite loop, stuck BUG .

Well, if it kills Connor, there will be no Connor in the future, and there will still be a leader of the rebel army, then the artificial mental retardation will still create a time machine, send the robot back to the past, kill the mother of the leader of the rebel army, and prevent him from appearing— ——Then a new leader of the rebel army will appear in the future, continue to create a time machine, go back to the past, and kill the other party’s mother to prevent him from appearing——A new leader of the rebel army will appear... Well, still It's an endless loop.

  So you see, artificial mental retardation is still artificial mental retardation.

   Just such a mentally handicapped artificial intelligence, it can only be called **** if it can analyze magic.

  Duanmuhuai can be sure that as long as he shows unscientific power, the artificial mentally retarded man named Skynet will try his best to analyze it, and then put a lot of computing power into it to find a solution.

   Then it was time for Lumiel to go out.

   After confirming the plan, Duanmuhuai began to shake people.

Since the computing power of Skynet is going to be consumed, the more unscientific people the better, so Duanmuhuai not only called An and Guleya, the elites of the Magic Academy, but also sent Fei who had been staying in his room all the time. Lin also pulled out, plus Lani, a sorcerer from the golden family, and Audrey, as a top student and aristocratic lady, with good magic talent, so naturally they also brought them along.

  There is also Augis who has been following her around... Well, looking at it this way, there are quite a lot of unscientific people around me.

  In addition to this, there are Bambi and-Kula.

   That's right, Kula.

  Bambi and Kula met on Venus Island. The two little guys had the same temperament, and they hit it off right away and got mixed up. This time Duanmuhuai was going to take people to the new world, Bambi thought of Kula, and asked Duanmuhuai to take her with him, then Duanmuhuai thought about it, and Kula was indeed a relatively unscientific member, so I also took it.

   As for whether Skynet would fail to throw a nuclear bomb, Duanmuhuai was not worried. The reason was simple. He didn't know Skynet's tactics before, so it would be really annoying if a nuclear bomb was suddenly thrown over him. But now that he knows it, there is no problem...Of course, he also asked Lumière to keep an eye on Skynet, and remind him as soon as the other party tends to throw nuclear bombs.

To Duanmuhuai's surprise, Eclair also wanted to go to that planet with them. Originally, Duanmuhuai thought she would prefer to be with her partner, but since Eclair asked for it, Lumière also expressed that she would It doesn't matter if you take her away, anyway, Eclair is happy to be active and not quiet, and can't stay at all, so Duanmu Huai also took her along.

   "Where do we land from? Master?"


   Facing Augis' inquiry, Duanmuhuai thought for a while, then turned on the screen and started to investigate.

   "Since we want to attract Skynet's attention, the best way is to intervene directly, to see where humans and robots are fighting, and just shoot in... I found it."

   Soon, Duanmu Huai locked on a coordinate, where the army of robots could be seen moving forward, while the humans on the opposite side relied on their crude fortifications to resist. But obviously, their resistance is basically useless to this army of robots.

   "Okay, let's go!"

  (end of this chapter)

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