StarNet Empire

Chapter 504 Weird Creatures

Chapter 504 Strange Creature

Wu Xiang first saw the gaps formed by a few branches and leaves in front of him. Obviously, the scouts were hiding on a certain big tree, spying information through the gaps in the leaves.

Outside the gaps in the leaves was a wetland, several guinea pigs were rolling in the muddy swamp, their entire bodies covered in a thick layer of mud.

A six-legged horned dragon lay on the relatively dry hard ground near the wetland, snoring.

A group of hyena wolves in the forest appear and disappear from time to time, and eyes that glow like lanterns are constantly flashing in the forest.

These savage beasts were creatures that Wu Xiang had encountered and hunted in the beginning.

But what Wu Xiang wondered was, what exactly did the scouts find, and Wu Xiang was asked to share its vision and spy on this wetland for himself?

Although guinea pigs, hexapods, and hyenas live together peacefully, it is indeed surprising, but there should be nothing to be surprised about, right?

Since Wu Xiang only shares the vision of the Shadow Mouse, Wu Xiang cannot control the actions of the Shadow Mouse, so he can only continue to patiently spy on the outside world through the Vision of the Shadow Mouse.

Under Wu Xiang's careful peeping, Wu Xiang finally discovered the strangeness.

He discovered that there is actually a faint green line connecting the hexapods on the hard ground, the guinea pigs rolling in the wetlands, and the hyena wolves in the forest.

This green line, like light, is definitely not a material existence. Wu Xiang can see that the green light will only appear when the forest is flickering with shadows.

Wu Xiang discovered something strange again, that is the shadow of the jungle.

The appearance of this shadow was not caused by occlusions or light shifts, but it seemed that the whole world suddenly dimmed under certain rules, but it would light up again soon, returning to normal brightness.

When walking in the jungle, Wu Xiang didn't notice the existence of the shadows. It wasn't until now that he used the Shadow Mouse's vision to spy on the jungle, only to find that the shadows appeared regularly.

"What is that green light that only appears when the jungle shadow appears?"

Wu Xiang thought about it. He was sure that because of the existence of this green light, the six-legged ceratopsian, hyena wolf pack, and guinea pigs could live in peace.

Since it is not close to the body, it just shares the vision of the shadow mouse,

Wu Xiang couldn't perform spiritual perception, but he guessed that this green light might be a manifestation of similar spiritual control power.

Wu Xiang's heart suddenly moved. He quit the vision of the Shadow Mouse and switched back to his own vision.

Finding an open place with sufficient light in the jungle, Wu Xiang stopped and asked the creatures under his command to appear in a place with sufficient light as much as possible, and then observed carefully.

Sure enough, the shadows in the jungle are not limited to the places where the Phantom Rat finds them, but they are happening everywhere. It's just that if you don't pay attention to observation, you will ignore them.

When the shadow of the jungle appeared, Wu Xiang discovered that the creatures under his command who were controlled by his mind also had spiritual green lines appearing and appearing from time to time.

This spiritual green line, if you don't observe carefully, you can't see the scene presented. You must cooperate with the appearance of the jungle shadow and focus on observation to discover it.

After Wu Xiang observed carefully, he found that there was a spiritual green line extending to the depths of the jungle. It was obviously connected to the Shadow Mouse that went deeper into the jungle for spying.

It seems that this spiritual green line just means that creatures that are connected together will not attack each other and belong to the same camp.

The creatures under Wu Xiang's command will live in peace because these creatures are all controlled by Wu Xiang's mind, and Wu Xiang has set heavy spiritual shackles on their spiritual level.

Then, what happened to the six-legged horned dragon, guinea pig beast, and pack of hyena wolves that the shadow mouse saw?

Could it be that they are also controlled by some spiritual force?

Wu Xiang decided to find out the truth.

With the creatures under his command, Wu Xiang went deep into the jungle along the route given by the Shadow Rat, heading towards the jungle wetland.

On the way, the blood wolf and the five imperial dogs cooperated more and more tacitly in their hunting actions. The five imperial dogs teamed up to hunt, while the blood wolf attacked and killed the most threatening savage beast with one blow to death or severe damage.

Not all the savage beasts hunted are exclusive to first-order high-quality creatures such as the Lion King Mastiff, Giant Bull King, and Giant Goat Monster in the team.

Most of the time, they're all left with leftovers.

After all, second-order organisms need more energy elements, not only for continuing to evolve, but for daily energy consumption, they also need to absorb a large amount of flesh and blood essence to obtain energy for replenishment.

The cute fox master and the pandaren also left the back of the rock crab's carapace. As the jungle began to widen, the towering trees were no longer densely arranged. Trees, therefore, do not cause much commotion in the action of rock crabs in the jungle.

Also, rock crabs sometimes prefer to dive and travel underground.

Regardless of the huge body of the rock crab, the huge body of more than ten meters high is like a building, but after diving into the ground, the ability of the rock crab to pass through is no less than that of the rampant on the ground.

As long as the underground geology is not an extremely solid rock layer, rock crabs can easily travel more than ten meters underground, and they will not follow Wu Xiang and his party who are left on the ground.

As they gradually approached the jungle wetland, the rock crabs completely passed through the ground, and the giant rock crabs were no longer seen in the team.

Suddenly, Wu Xiang mentally sensed the warning from the rock crabs in the ground, and felt that the ground trembled slightly. The ground in front of the five imperial dogs walking in the front suddenly swelled high, and the raised ground even shook the dogs. The top is raised.

The imperial dog's hair exploded, and it jumped down from the rising mound very agilely.

Suddenly, a strip-shaped creature covered with arthropods pierced through the rapidly rising mound, rolling towards one of the imperial dogs.

The imperial dog leaping in the air couldn't change its posture, and was caught by this arthropod, and was dragged into the mound with a bang.

Several arthropods also came out of the mound, engulfing other imperial dogs.

Just when the other four imperial dogs that had not jumped to the ground were also doomed, a huge earthquake suddenly occurred underground, and the creatures on the ground felt their bodies shaking and their footing was unstable.

The arthropods coming out of the mound seemed to be held by some force, and they froze for a moment, and the four imperial dogs were able to jump to the ground, followed by a rush, escaped from the vicinity of the mound, turned around, and faced the mound The several jointed limbs stretched out from the middle roared, ready to pounce.

The raised mound seemed to be breathing, rising for a while, and showing signs of sinking again for a while.


The mound suddenly rose at a high speed, and then exploded. A strange creature with more than a dozen arthropod tentacles on its head and a sharp mouth at the end of the tentacles rolled out of the mound.

The exploding mound revealed a huge pothole, and the rock crab slowly crawled out of the hole, one of the rock crab's claws clamped two arthropod tentacles that were still rolling endlessly, the carapace On the back, there is an imperial dog, but this imperial dog is covered with green spots and is lifeless.

(To be continued.)

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