StarNet Empire

Chapter 430 Reversal

Chapter 430 Reversal

Wu Xiang no longer doubted the authenticity of this world.

What is true is not whether this world is realistic, but that it is a world with the background of doomsday disasters.

The difference is that the doomsday catastrophe in the brain-conscious fantasy world is just a virtual reality survival adventure game produced by Wu Xiang. There is no alien invasion of the earth in the background of the game.

And now, in this reality, there is an event of doomsday catastrophe, and there is an event of aliens invading the earth.

This is a real doomsday world, but Wu Xiang has also confirmed that the reality he thought he had returned to is not reality either.

Wu Xiang conquered the fantasy world of brain consciousness, and jumped out of the barriers of the brain universe and the brain shell. The returnable reality is not the real reality, but another fantasy world.

However, although Wu Xiang is sure that this is not reality, this world is really the same as reality, and people will die as well.

When Wu Xiang is in this world, this world is real.

He didn't have the courage to try the consequences of death.

Moreover, Wu Xiang had a hunch that if he died in this world, even if he would not really die, the consequences of that kind of death would definitely not be something he could afford.

Therefore, no matter which world he is in, no matter whether it is real or not, Wu Xiang must be the strongest, the best and the safest.

After all, Wu Xiang is not playing any virtual reality game, but really living in a very special fantasy world.

Wu Xiang has a powerful hypnotic power to open the way, so Baoyang City is being baptized by meteorites, and there are countless ruins, and many streets are completely paralyzed.

With the abnormal phenomenon of resurrection after the death of life, and the attack of berserk creatures on human beings, the city showed great panic and chaos.

Many panicked humans are not even afraid of the aliens wearing high-mobility exoskeleton armor appearing in the city, and some even boldly attack these aliens, trying to snatch a high-mobility exoskeleton from the hands of these aliens. Exoskeleton armor.

The result was, of course, very tragic and bloody.

The aliens fired the laser guns in their hands without hesitation, and would dare to attack all creatures that attacked them.

Whether it's human beings, berserk creatures, or corpses that turn into corpses instantly after death, they are all pierced, scorched and shredded under the laser light.

The Huangxing people not only have strong combat capabilities, but also have extremely strong individual abilities because of their high-mobility exoskeleton armor. They can easily lift heavy objects of about five tons and throw them over a distance of more than ten meters.

But the Xingxing people were not arrogant and arrogant because of this, and they looked at everything. On the contrary, even if the people on earth showed such panic and fragility in their eyes, they looked like ants, and they would die as soon as they walked, they did not relax their vigilance at all.

Unless they are captives under their control, they will allow these creatures to approach within ten meters of themselves. Otherwise, once any unknown person enters their ten-meter warning zone, they will be shot and killed by the Huangxing people without hesitation.

For the time being, Wu Xiang didn't have the energy to plot against these aliens and fulfill his fantasy.

For all the panicked crowds in front of him, Wu Xiang would use his hypnotic power to disperse them instead of frantically gathering them.

Therefore, Katie Marty has almost become a unique scenery in the chaotic neighborhood. Without encountering much obstacles along the way, she returned to the Besu mansion that Wu Xiang bought in Baoyang City less than half a year ago.

Returning to this place was not because Wu Xiang thought his home was safe, but because of the high-powered Katie Marty touring car.

This is a twelve-meter-long super touring car with 52 run-flat tires.

Of course, the whole is also bulletproof, and the car body is very strong.

In fact, in the event of aliens invading the earth, and a group of space meteorites falling to the earth and causing a doomsday biochemical catastrophe, no matter how strong the fortress is, it will be useless if it has no power to protect it.

Only when the individual and the collective are strong and have the power to resist all disasters is the real safe place.

Wu Yurong, Jiang Yuqin, and Xi Mulin had no idea at all. Fortunately, there is Wu Xiang who can arrange everything. Otherwise, the panic in their hearts would not be much better than anyone on the street.

"Son, what should I do in the future? Why did this world change suddenly?" Jiang Yuqin wept, "I used to watch those horrible biochemical movies and TV shows, but I didn't expect it to happen in reality, and human beings would really become extinct. ?"

Wu Xiang felt extremely guilty, looking at his parents in front of him, with the uneasy and frightened expressions on their faces, his mood was really complicated and uncomfortable.

Although Wu Xiang knows that this world is not the real real world, but the parents in this world are not illusory or non-existent characters.

If reality is a world, then the world built by his consciousness is also a real world.

Flesh and emotion are real.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, human beings will not become extinct. On the contrary, the fall of space meteorites and the emergence of biochemical viruses have resolved the crisis that our human civilization may be enslaved or even extinct."

Wu Xiang sees it more clearly than anyone else. If it weren't for the catastrophe of the end of the world, a large number of space meteorites that fell to the earth destroyed the space battleships of the Huangxing people and made the Huangxing people lose their last support. Human beings are absolutely unable to resist the Huangxing people's attack The absolute deterrent of space battleships.

Without the space battleship, the aliens became the lost people who wandered on the earth without a home.

Although they have strong individual force and group combat capabilities, they are no longer existences that cannot be killed or dare not be killed.

In the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, the army and fighter jets have set out quickly. While clearing out those rampant biochemical creatures and mutated living corpses, the bigger goal is to kill or arrest those alien soldiers.

Alien soldiers, who originally made countries all over the world feel desperate, have now become treasures that are fiercely contested by various countries.

Visionary people in every country have clearly seen the threat of aliens invading the earth. With the crash of the Nadu space battleship, it is no longer the biggest threat, but has become the key to the possible rise of human civilization.

Including these alien soldiers active on earth.

The laser guns and high-mobility exoskeleton armor in the hands of these alien soldiers are weapons and equipment that are coveted by all countries, and they all want to decipher the relevant weapon and equipment technology from them.

It can be said that from the invasion of the earth by aliens, to the fall of the mysterious space meteorites to the earth, the dramatic destruction of the space battleship Longque of the Shaking Stars

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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