StarNet Empire

Chapter 135: Intel Waveguide

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The Intel waveguide launched by Intel is indeed able to realize wireless connection technology, and the alien system embedded in the waveguide is also more practical than Starnet's star media system and has a better web browsing experience. . Once launched, it was very popular with all American citizens and other nationals in the United States.

The U.S. government even followed the trend and issued a statement. The U.S. government has not yet reached an agreement with the Star Network company to introduce the Star Network. At present, all Star Network signals in the United States are illegal access and are illegal.

This illegal access to satellite network signals has already brought many economic losses to the United States, and even caused a huge impact on the Internet industry in the United States.

The United States announced that it will completely ban such illegal satellite network signal access, and also calls on American citizens to abide by the law and use the Internet signal business of Intel Corporation of the United States.

In the past, American citizens would certainly not have ignored such appeals. After all, the Internet in the past could not be compared with the Star Network.

But now, it also uses an Internet called Intel waveguide connection, but it also realizes the same wireless connection technology as Starnet, and also has the same extremely fast web browsing experience.

Moreover, the Intel waveguide can not only provide Internet signals, but can even connect star network signals in parallel.

In other words, Internet users in the United States can also use the Intel waveguide to activate Starnet's star catalyst products without having to connect to Starnet's signal.

The Internet has long been laid around the world and has become a computer service used by almost all walks of life around the world.

It was only the rise of Starnet and the outbreak of many Internet hacking scandals that put the Internet in an embarrassing situation of decline.

But now, the broadband connection technology of the photonic transmission medium that has just been launched on the Internet has just encountered Waterloo, and the wireless waveguide medium connection technology that is the same as the star network has been launched so quickly, and it really has a super fast Internet browsing experience. It was immediately welcomed and supported by many netizens.

The United States first launched the Intel Waveguide, which improved the brand-new ultra-fast web browsing experience of the Internet. After restricting the illegal access to the star network signal, it is unlikely to cause a reaction from netizens.

In just half a month, the Internet in the United States has undergone tremendous changes, and has won the full support of global Internet companies and those with vested interests in the Internet. In an instant, the Internet exploded with amazing power like a Jedi reborn .

The free Internet access policy launched by the US Intel Corporation has been warmly welcomed by netizens all over the world.

In particular, even the Intel waveguide is in the form of giving away an Intel waveguide for free according to each citizen's ID card, replacing the Internet from wired photonic medium broadband transmission to wireless waveguide connection, quickly making the world's declining Internet Once again glow infinite vitality.

The Internet miraculously has the same wireless waveguide medium connection technology as Starnet, which also makes the countries that were forced to sign Starnet agreements with Starnet regret it\u003c="l"\u003e.

But this time, none of these countries dared to easily violate the agreement. With a few lessons learned from the past, it has been proved with blood that Starnet is not a provocative existence.

If you obediently perform the agreement, although the country earns less money, both sides will benefit from it after all. But if you refuse to perform the agreement, Starnet will suffer huge losses, and in the end, your country may suffer even greater losses.

Besides, although the Internet has acquired the wireless waveguide connection technology to achieve an extremely fast web browsing experience, it does not mean that Xingwang will be driven out of the Internet platform market by the Internet.

On the contrary, Xingwang has laid the foundation of the Internet in the minds of netizens all over the world. Netizens all over the world know that there is a network Xingwang that is more advanced than the Internet, as well as various technological products related to Xingwang that are more advanced and modern. .

Even with the rise of the Internet, it is impossible to suppress Xingwang.

With this kind of thinking, those countries that have signed the Star Network agreement with the Star Network company welcome the upgrading of the domestic Internet, and are also happy to see two domestic Internet service providers competing.

Wu Xiang used the holographic light screen to browse through a series of Internet news materials related to the US Intel Corporation during this period at Starnet Corporation.

In front of him, the top executives of Xingwang Company also gathered here.

"Boss, our star network company's wireless waveguide connection technology must have been shamelessly stolen by the American Intel Corporation. We must sue the American Intel Corporation to the international court..." Cai Zhongqi said solemnly, "This kind of stealing from other companies Behavior of proprietary technology is desirable, and we must make US Intel pay the price."

Wu Xiang turned off the holographic light screen and looked at the crowd.

"Wireless waveguide connection technology is not unique to our Star Network company." Wu Xiang shocked all the company's top management when he opened his mouth. Unfortunately, it is impossible for Wu Xiang to say what Intel's waveguide suddenly acquired by the US Intel Corporation must have come from Alien hands have invaded the simulated world of the real world.

"Therefore, there is absolutely no need to sue the American Intel Corporation for stealing our Starnet's wireless waveguide connection technology. What our Starnet company needs to do now is to officially introduce our Starnet signal to various countries around the world as soon as possible."

Wu Xiang said: "Yes, the operation decision of our star network has to be changed. The legal department will immediately re-draft the star network agreement, based on mutual beneficial cooperation. In terms of profit sharing, Party B may even allow Party B to occupy no more than 2 %The advantages."

"In addition, the Star Network company should issue an announcement as soon as possible. The Star Network will also provide free signal transmission services. All Star Network users will no longer need to pay the monthly network fee for Star Network signal access."

Wu Xiang made several major decisions very swiftly and resolutely.

"Boss, aren't we in a hurry? It is true that the Internet has been revived because of the wireless waveguide connection technology, and has the same extremely fast web browsing experience as our Starnet company, but it is impossible to pose a big threat to our Starnet company." After all, our star network is currently popular with netizens all over the world, because the star catalyst system and star catalyst products launched by our star network company are deeply loved by users all over the world, especially Samsung mobile phones." Cai Zhongqi said.

As the CEO of Xingwang Company, he has the responsibility to put forward his pertinent opinions.

"The U.S. Intel Corporation may not only obtain wireless waveguide connection technology, but also more advanced technology." Wu Xiang said lightly, without any further explanation, and waved his hands, "You follow the decision I made. That's enough. Since the star network agreement needs to be greatly adjusted, the countries that have previously signed the star network agreement should also adjust their agreements, otherwise it will only cause dissatisfaction and hostility of these countries. This must be done carefully \u003c="r "\u003e."

"The production of Star Catalyst's fourth-generation products must also be accelerated, and the acceptance department must carefully verify the quality of the products, which must not be ignored."

After disbanding the high-level meeting in the president's office, or just announcing Wu Xiang's decision, Wu Xiang stayed alone in the president's office and meditated.

The aliens in the simulated world have obviously found the US Intel Corporation as their spokesperson in the real world.

And it is obvious that they want to fight Wu Xiang's Xingwang company, starting from the network war.

In just about fifteen days, the aliens in the simulated world were able to bring so many waveguides to the real world. Maybe their waveguide factory has already started production.

After all, there are many precision electronic parts processing and production enterprises in the United States. There is no need to build them at all. It only needs to modify the production line to produce waveguides.

The aliens in the simulated world have mastered the most advanced black technology. The outer space planetary gate they made allows them to easily teleport to outer space planets, carry out various scientific research work, and collect precious and rare minerals resources and so on.

As for the waveguide source material, the aliens naturally have as much as they want.

After all, half a month is not long. The aliens in the simulated world also need to go through careful investigation and spend a certain amount of time before they can make a plan to attack the earth.

Therefore, Wu Xiang still has time to prepare and make corresponding counterattack plans for a series of plans that the aliens may launch in the future.

With the free announcement issued by Starnet, more favorable Starnet introduction policies, and the announcement of lowering the price of Starcatalyst products, it immediately aroused the enthusiasm of netizens around the world for Starnet.

And Xingwang company also sent out a big news that the fourth generation of Star Catalyst has entered the countdown to the sale. This is a more advanced technology product that is more in line with the trend of the times. Not only the hardware has been upgraded, but the software has also been upgraded. promote.

Even for Japan and Han, Wu Xiang removed each other's blacklists and asked the relevant departments of the company to reply to these two countries.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Starnet has adopted this series of preferential decisions due to the pressure brought about by the revitalization of the Internet.

Sure enough, any industry must have competition in order to bring benefits to customers.

Monopoly must be curbed!

Netizens around the world are happy to see two Internet service providers competing with each other, Internet and Xingwang, and since they are both free networks, what else can they refuse?

Netizens think so, and so do most countries around the world.

Even if it is a country with vested interests in the Internet, they actually don't want to see the Internet alone, and of course they don't want the Star Network to dominate, so that their Internet interests will suffer huge losses.

Today, both the Internet and the star network have the same wireless waveguide connection technology, allowing netizens to enjoy extremely fast web browsing experience, as well as more advanced network electronic products, which promote the rapid development of the Internet era, which is in line with the trend of the development of the times trend.

(To be continued.)\u003c=""\u003e\u003c=""\u003e\u003c=""\u003e

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