StarNet Empire

Chapter 108: Jiang Yuqin's Thoughts

This Thunderhawk aircraft has more space and more seats than a large airliner, and its design concept and space utilization are more reasonable.

Mainly, the stealth, anti-missile, and anti-riot functions of the Thunderhawk aircraft really make Wu Xiang salivate.

With these three functions, Wu Xiang will not be afraid of being threatened by missiles when he rides the Thunder Eagle.

The anti-missile system is a very mature laser weapon in the simulated world. It can destroy the hostile missile the moment it locks on it.

The stealth system is not just anti-radar detection, but a stealth effect that really confuses the vision.

The anti-riot system is a powerful airframe defense. Even if it is attacked by missiles, it will not be easily destroyed. Of course, the premise is only that it is attacked by one missile, not multiple.

The condition for purchasing this Thunderhawk aircraft is that the scientist career level 3 is required.

To start the Scientist career, Rocket Science skill level 5 is required.

Therefore, Wu Xiang can only look at the ocean and sigh at the moment.

Of course, Wu Xiang can still customize a Thunderhawk aircraft from the customization panel in the happiness reward store, and the price only needs 50,000 happiness points.

It's just that Wu Xiang's happiness points need to be saved to buy the Dome Eye satellite and the Dome Eye satellite launcher, and he needs to accumulate more happiness points. Where can he get 50,000 points to customize the Thunderhawk aircraft?

Moreover, Wu Xiang is not so urgent about the exclusive aircraft.

After he taught the Japanese and Han countries a tragic lesson, he believed that at least in a short period of time, no one would dare to plot against him recklessly.

Wu Xiang stayed in the simulated world until New Year's Eve in the real world. Wu Xiang also received several text messages from his mother Jiang Yuqin asking him to go home.

Last year, the mother and son did not celebrate and watch the New Year together, this year. It must be that her mother, Jiang Yuqin, did not want to leave any regrets.

But Wu Xiang didn't understand why his mother didn't come to his shallow water beach villa in Shenhai City to celebrate the New Year, but asked him to go back to his hometown in Baoyang City to celebrate the New Year?

Mother's life is hard to break. Wu Xiang could only let go of the doubts in his heart, and took the bodyguards with him. Take your own private plane Xingguang from Shenhai Airport to Baoyang Airport.

As a third-tier city, Baoyang City was originally not qualified to set up an airport.

However, because Baoyang City was the founding place of Xingwang Company, and because of Xingwang Company, it attracted a large number of passengers, and later a Baoyang Airport was built.

When he arrived at Baoyang Airport, Wu Xiang saw the secretary sent by his mother Jiang Yuqin to pick him up.

As the female mayor of Baoyang City, Jiang Yuqin naturally did not continue to live in the old house. Instead, they lived in a compound assigned by the government.

Since he was going home for the New Year, Wu Xiang took Zhongnanhai's bodyguards Leng Dao, Ji Zimu, and Luo Zhongyi with him.

Of course, there is also a girlfriend Li Sihan who has not been officially announced.

This is the first girl in the real world who has a deep affection for Wu Xiangda.

Also in Xingwang Company, he gradually became Wu Xiang's right-hand man, managing the position of head of the seventh human resources department.

There are guards in the office compound, but the special car driven by the mayor's secretary will naturally not be blocked.

Came to Jiang Yuqin's new home, an independent and exquisite two-story courtyard.

"Son, here you come. Come in quickly."

Hearing the sound of the car, Jiang Yuqin greeted her with a smile on her face. She happily looked at this son who made her extremely proud.

"Mom, I'm back." Wu Xiang hugged his mother deeply.

"Mom, let me introduce you. This is Li Sihan, the head of our company's personnel department seven, an executive of the company, and your son's girlfriend." Wu Xiang introduced.

"Hello, Auntie, my name is Li Sihan." Li Sihan said nervously.

"Good girl, you are so handsome. Come on, everyone, come in quickly." Jiang Yuqin held Li Sihan. Smiling, "Don't be so nervous. Just relax and treat this as your home."

A group of people walked into the house. To Wu Xiang's surprise, besides Aunt Liang, the helper hired by Jiang Yuqin, there was also a middle-aged man with a somewhat embarrassed expression in the house.

Judging by his extraordinary appearance and his easily recognizable official atmosphere, he is obviously also a senior government cadre.

"You... How are you..." The middle-aged man was sweating on his forehead, and his expression was even more cramped.

"Mom, who is this?" Wu Xiang frowned slightly.

"Let me introduce you." Jiang Yuqin's expression was a little unnatural, "This is Xu Changgeng, the head of the Organization Department of the Dongshan Provincial Party Committee. You can call him Uncle Xu."

"No, you're welcome, just call me Lao Xu." As the head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Xu Changgeng had met many important people, but Wu Xiang gave him a feeling of pressure.

Even though he was an elderly person, he felt a sense of embarrassment when he saw his parents.

"Hello, Uncle Xu." Wu Xiang addressed Xu Changgeng according to Jiang Yuqin's instructions.

"Mom, this time my son will return to Baoyang to spend a good New Year with you." Wu Xiang sat down next to Jiang Yuqin.

Outside, Wu Xiang is a big shot, no matter in the real world or in the simulated world, he has met many national leaders, drank tea and had dinner together.

But at home, Wu Xiang is always Jiang Yuqin's son, and he doesn't need that precious status.

"Okay, okay, last year Mom didn't go to Shenhai City to accompany you for the New Year because of work needs, so Mom also said sorry." Jiang Yuqin took Wu Xiang's hand and smiled.

Jiang Yuqin was very pleased that his career was getting bigger and bigger, not only in Longguo, but also in the international arena. His son still listened to her mother and was so filial.

"By the way, Mom, why don't you go to Shenhai City to celebrate the New Year with your son this year? Have you never been to my home in Shenhai City?"

"Mom will definitely find a chance to go to Shenhai City to take a good look at my good son's home and company."

Jiang Yuqin smiled, glanced at the people in the living room, pulled Wu Xiang away and said, "Mom has something to tell you in private, come with me."

Wu Xiang also turned his head to look at Xu Changgeng, and followed Jiang Yuqin towards the study.

"Mom, what do you want to say to me?" In the study, which had been quiet for a few minutes, Jiang Yuqin hesitated to speak, as if she had something to say.

"Son, you know, after your father and I divorced, I hated him for raising a mistress outside with his back to me, and even gave birth to a daughter, but in fact I don't hate him. In fact, as early as a few years ago, you and I Dad, it's as if we're separated, there's no passion between us, it's as plain as water, and I can understand that he's looking for a woman outside."

Wu Xiang didn't know why his mother talked to him about these private topics between him and his father, but he vaguely knew that it must have something to do with the middle-aged man Xu Changgeng who appeared at his mother's house tonight.

"What makes me angry is that he actually gave birth to a daughter with that woman, and it became a scandal and was spread out, which made me feel ashamed. Your father and I have no husband and wife relationship, so we just divorced and fulfilled their family. As long as there is a son Follow me."

"Mom, I know you don't hate my dad, so I don't hate my dad, but you suddenly told me about the things between you and my dad, what exactly do you want to say?"

Jiang Yuqin blushed slightly, and summoned up her courage to say: "Son, your father has already married another family, and you have achieved a great career yourself, so Mom has nothing to worry about. Do you agree with me?"

really. Wu Xiang smiled wryly.

Ever since he entered the door and saw Xu Changgeng's embarrassed expression and Jiang Yuqin's somewhat unnatural expression, he had vaguely guessed something.

"Mom, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't understand the world and don't understand things. Of course you have the right to pursue your happiness. My son has grown up and is already independent, so as long as you think it's okay, my son will only bless you from the bottom of my heart. "

Jiang Yuqin shed tears of joy and tremblingly said: "Mom also knows that doing this will make it difficult for you and will make you lose face. Maybe Mom is too selfish. Son, as long as you don't agree, Mom..."

"No, Mom, it's okay, I won't make things difficult, you are only in your forties, and you still have most of your life to live, you should bravely pursue the happiness you want, as for my son..." Wu Xiang's face was full of rebellion "Who dares to think that Wu Xiang's mother's remarriage is to lose my face? I, Wu Xiang, stand upright, so why do I need others to give me face? What do you think of others?"

Seeing that Wu Xiang was indeed not displeased at all, Jiang Yuqin was very confident and sensible, and she was also happy for her son's approval.

As a mother, and even as the mayor of a city, remarriage would attract the attention of social media, not to mention Jiang Yuqin has another identity, she is the founder of Xingwang Company and the biological mother of Wu Xiang who is treated at the national ministerial level.

The last identity will undoubtedly cause greater public opinion in the society.

The news of the divorce and remarriage of the mother of the founder of Xingwang Company will definitely have some impact on Wu Xiang's reputation, and it will even cause discussions for a long time.

However, Wu Xiang still supported Jiang Yuqin's decision without hesitation. Although he could give Jiang Yuqin endless money for a lifetime, and even help Jiang Yuqin to achieve a higher political status, that was not necessarily the happiness that his mother Jiang Yuqin wanted.

Since he has been independent for a long time and has the ability to support his mother in making any decision, he will not oppose any decision made by her mother and prevent her from pursuing the happiness she wants.

Since the father can start another family, what reason does he have to object to the mother also start another family?

While listening to Jiang Yuqin's narration, Wu Xiang knew that his mother Jiang Yuqin's partner was indeed Xu Changgeng, the head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee outside.

Xu Changgeng, male, 51 years old, his wife died of illness six years ago, and he has a 28-year-old daughter.

Wu Xiang didn't want to ask too much about how Jiang Yuqin and Xu Changgeng met. In short, his mother and Xu Changgeng met each other's eyes, and they both had feelings for each other, and both had the same desire to start a family again.

Knowing this is enough.

After leaving the study room with Jiang Yuqin and returning to the living room, Wu Xiang also had a lot of conversations with Xu Changgeng.

Wu Xiang's ministerial level treatment was already higher than Xu Changgeng's administrative level, and Wu Xiang was neither humble nor overbearing in front of the No. 1 leader of the country's core, let alone in front of Xu Changgeng.

Therefore, at the beginning of the conversation between the two, Wu Xiang's aura deeply suppressed Xu Changgeng invisibly.

(To be continued.)

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