StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 696: Research black cavity

Five hours have passed since Lin Yu launched the second attack on Haig.

Tens of billions of federal warships are lined up one after another in a neat fleet array, demonstrating the well-trained federal fleet.

And not far from the fleet, a creature the size of a star is standing in the void, but there is no vitality in it.

From the outside, although Haig's body was full of scars, there were no horrible injuries that were fatal. Basically, they were all wounds that could be described as abrasions, and at most they were scratches.

However, regardless of the appearance, the internal body tissue cells have been destroyed.

It is not very accurate to say that it is damage. To be precise, under the influence of the inducible dark energy compression gun, a large number of cells in its body have mutated, and in a very short time, it quickly infects all of its body. cell.

In the end, due to cell mutations, its body organs cannot provide the necessary functions for survival, even if it is a ninth-order biological civilization individual as strong as Haig, it can only end up with hatred.

It is worth noting that Haig lasted a full two hours during the process of endosomal cell infection and mutation.

And during these two times, obviously, it was enough to stabilize the energy in his body.

However, even after the energy in his body was stabilized, it was affected by cell mutation and the gradual failure of various organs, making it unable to counterattack. However, he used his last strength to do something else. That is...

Contacted Kanon!

In a form like a farewell telegram, he sent out a piece of his own memory.

However, these are not what Lin Fan needs to care about now. At this moment, what he cares most is...

At the edge of the Shepherd’s seat, on the coordinates where Haig and the Second Purgatory Legion descended, after more than two months, can we still find anything of value?

After all, the arrival of Haig and the Second Purgatory Legion was so sudden that it directly caught the human and insect coalition forces by surprise.

In this regard, Lin Fan has always had a feeling...

Does the purgatory side master some kind of super beam method that is more powerful than space teleportation or hyperspace navigation?

Moreover, this method can directly bypass the cosmic ocean currents!

Of course, there are still a lot of questions here. For example, if Haig really has such a way to cross the supercluster without resorting to the cosmic ocean currents, then why did he enter the Kempinian supercluster? But it has honestly walked the ocean current channel?

Regardless of why this is, in short, Lin Fan can be sure that it did not reach the Weierster Supercluster through the cosmic ocean currents.

After all, when the Federal Fleet first arrived at the Weierster Supercluster, it sent a reconnaissance ship, and put a lot of monitoring devices in the other two ocean current nodes connected to the neighboring Supercluster.

If Haig came through the ocean currents, Lin Fan could not have known it.

In addition, when Haig and the Second Purgatory Corps descend, the Federal Fleet will detect a powerful and unknown energy source on its landing coordinates, but it has been fighting for the past two months and has no chance to go to the destination. Detailed investigation.

And now, Haig was killed, and Ipnos left the Weirst Supercluster by passing the cosmic ocean current in Stuart a month ago.

Therefore, at this moment in the Weierster Supercluster, except for some scattered Tier 5 and 6 ethnic creatures stationed in various star regions, there is no longer any existence that can pose a threat to the Federal Fleet. It is time to go there. After reading it, I hope that after more than two months, there will still be some valuable things left!

Although Wei also came to Chelsea after the Federal Fleet, she had to deal with the remains of the purgatory creatures on Ravel's side. Therefore, compared with the fleet, she departed three days later, that is, three days. Only a few days later will you arrive at Cheers.

But even if Wei Wei hasn’t arrived, it doesn’t mean that Lin Fan will have to wait three days before going to Haig’s arrival point. After all, even if Wei Wei is not there, it’s good to let the fleet collect all the data that can be scanned first, otherwise it’s impossible. It was only three days away, and nothing was detected as a result?

This...Who can tell?

Therefore, there can be no delay. Three hours ago, Lin Fan had sent each of the Nether Fleet, Dreadnought Fleet, and Conventional Fleet a size of a galaxy-class legion to go together.

After all, these three types of fleets represent three different types of technical systems, and the scanning and detection devices they use are also different. Only when they are dispatched can the most comprehensive data be obtained.


On the edge of the Shepherd’s seat, the arrival coordinates of Haig and the Second Purgatory Army more than two months ago.

In addition to the huge fleet scattered around and alerting this area, dozens of warships are located at the precise location of the original Haig's arrival point.

In these dozens of warships, there are a large number of scientists on board. These are all the team of scientists who set off with the fleet during the Federal Fleet expedition. Now, they are all concentrated here, within these dozens of warships.

Every ship’s bridge is extremely busy at this moment. There are those who control the ship’s instruments or the special devices that they carry with them when they set off to scan, and there are also those who constantly analyze the huge data stream in front of the console. A group of white coats got together and argued.

In short, no one is idle.

In the bridge of each warship, dozens of huge virtual images are projected, respectively showing the situation inside other warships, just like having a video conference, thousands of scientists are working together.

It’s just that, despite good luck, I have obtained a lot of data, and even a trace of black cavity energy that has not been completely dissipated can be However, black cavity and black cavity energy, for these scientists, it is really It's too superb.

After all, they are just ordinary scientists, not strategic-level scientists. It is too difficult to study black chambers across almost two dimensional civilization levels!

In three days, thousands of scientists, almost everyone lost a lot of hair on the top of their heads, which shows how helpless they are in the past three days.

However, this situation quietly changed with the arrival of a person.

In the dark void, a azure blue spiral-shaped hyperspace window was suddenly opened, and a huge spaceship flew out of it. Its size could even compete with Lin Fan's Gonggong Battle Star.

Soon, among the dozens of spacecrafts originally located on the anomalous coordinates, a small shuttle ship quickly flew out of the airport and headed towards the huge spacecraft that had just arrived.

And this huge spaceship is the only vehicle, one of only three super scientific research ships in the entire Federation...

The third ship, the Bayerland.

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