StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 397: The Fallen Emperor

The highest point of the palace.

"The viewing angle here is not bad!"

Sith, standing on the observation platform, looked up at the sky, and said with a wry smile.

At this moment, for him, he hadn't even dreamed about it, but when he really faced this moment, he was unexpectedly calm.

In fact, compared to Hussein and Moros, the Sith is much stronger. If it weren't for the emergence of humanity and the sudden emergence of the Zerg crisis, the other three alliances might be completely killed by the Sith.

And his biggest mistake was that he misread the form in the later stage and fell into thinking similar to the other Big Three, which directly led to the current result!

As human mech forces began to airborne, many hidden air defense forces were activated in an attempt to intercept the airborne mech forces.

However, when these air defense armaments activated their energy, they were immediately discovered by the orbital fleet, and there was a wave of precision strikes from the orbit. Only a very small part of the air defense armaments could make such a strike before being destroyed. Two attacks.

However, this did not pose much threat to the mecha units. During the entire counterattack, only 3 mechas were destroyed and more than ten mechas were slightly or severely injured. Among the three destroyed mechas, the mecha The division's cockpit was also successfully ejected!

At this point, the entire Emperor Star had no air-to-air armaments anymore, and could only watch the huge number of mecha troops descending in the air.


Even before landing, the use of reverse thrust reduced the falling speed.

But the weight of the mecha placed there still caused a loud noise, and even the ground cracked.

"All squadrons report the situation immediately!"

"All the first squadron landed, no loss..."

"All the second squadron landed, no loss..."

"One of the third squadrons was injured by ground air defenses during the airborne landing, and the rest was without loss..."

"Fourth Squadron..."

Soon, the squadron leader of ten squadrons immediately reported the loss, and in the entire third squadron, only one mech was slightly injured.

"Well, the third squadron left a small team to protect the injured, waiting for the assault ship to land, and the rest of them immediately encircled the palace of the Hitria Empire according to our team's scheduled combat mission!"

"First Squadron understands... Second Squadron understands... Third Squadron..."

Suddenly, all the mechas, based on the size of the squadron, flew quickly toward their mission goals!

at the same time.

Although all the military targets on the entire surface have been devastated from orbit.

However, the Royal Palace of the Hitria Empire and the nearby areas were not attacked. After all, the mission is to live. Even if you can’t catch alive, you have to take the corpse back. The so-called life is to meet people, and to die. See the corpse!

If a naval gun is used to directly attack the palace, it is very likely that no one will be seen alive or a dead body will be seen!

So, it's really unclear whether or not Sith was killed!

On the periphery of the entire palace, Hitria's Janitor Corps is arranging defenses, preparing for the final resistance!

It is said that the Praetorian regiments of the Hitria Empire have actually not participated in wars for thousands of years. Now they can almost be called honor regiments. It is okay for them to wear gorgeous uniforms and walk around with their chests straight. But if you want them to fight, let's avoid it!

On the simple line of defense, almost all the soldiers of the Imperial Guard were trembling, and even the beam guns in their hands were almost out of hand.

Looking at a large number of mechas approaching at high speed, the colors in their eyes were full of horror!

Finally, one of them suddenly dropped the beam rifle in his hand, turned his head and ran away, but he was greeted by a beam shot from the hands of the guards of the palace, killing him directly!

However, as long as there is a first person, there will be a second and a third person...

Soon more than a dozen deserters appeared, and they were unsurprisingly killed by the palace guards who acted as the superintendent team.

However, what happened below was not something the palace guards could continue to stop.

As the human mechs approached, more and more soldiers of the Imperial Guard dropped their weapons and fled. Even if the palace guards kept pulling the trigger for battlefield executions, they gradually couldn't stop the collapse.

Until many soldiers of the Imperial Guard no longer lost their beam rifles, they turned and shot at the palace guards behind them.

The whole situation is completely out of control!

After all, the number of palace guards is actually less than one-thousandth of that of the Imperial Guards. Shooting deserters is fine, but if it evolves into an exchange of fire with the entire Imperial Guards, then sorry, it will all be wiped out in an instant!

It should be understood that in addition to beam rifles, the Imperial Guard has heavy weapons, while the palace guards only have beam rifles!

Sith, who was on the observation deck, naturally saw this scene, but he still did not change his expression.

Perhaps, for him, since human beings airborne the Emperor Star, all this has been doomed!

Regardless of whether the Janitor Corps resists to the death, or all deserters, there is no difference in the overall result.

"Let's go!"

"After I die, no one can remove my corpse. If humans do not confirm that I am dead, the citizens of the entire empire must be buried!"

Sith saw it very clearly. From the time humans’ orbital strikes did not attack the palace, Sith knew that humans wanted to see people alive, and corpses when they died!

Only in this way is there a slight possibility that humans will not destroy the entire Hitria Empire and leave a ray of life to civilization!

With his back to all the guards, Sith said slowly, and then he took out a very gorgeous small beam gun!

"His Majesty!"

With a sigh, the guards who realized what the Sith was going to suddenly all knelt on one knee and shouted in a crying voice.

Many guards even took out their weapons and prepared to go on the road with the Sith.

I have to say that the palace guards are indeed the most loyal group of people to the Sith in the entire empire!

Of course, this loyal minister is not very real, after all, these people are the result of the brainwashing of Sith.

Outside the palace, the entire Imperial Guard Corps has now collapsed, and the mecha squadrons have hardly encountered any decent resistance, and they have taken all the defensive positions!

"Commander, this is the seventh team, find the target, repeat it, find the target!"

Six wolf-greedy mechas are now floating at the highest point of the palace, surrounding the observation deck, and pointing their weapons at the Sith and the guards who are on the observation deck!

However, just after the report, the Captain of the Seventh Squad, who had not waited to reply, saw the mission target raising the weapon in his hand and facing his head.

"call out!!!"

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