StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 248: The 2nd Shanhaiguan Great War (4)

  Babania is extremely anxious in the path of stars between Taylor and Willas.

   It has been more than seven minutes. It stands to reason that no less than 70,000 warships have arrived in Willas. No matter what, news should come back.

   But the reality is that there is no news from the front line, and Barbania's eyes are completely blackened, and he doesn't know what happened!

   "Marshal Barbania, the first fleet of the front line arrived in Willas, the commander sent a communication!"

   "Quickly, pick it up for me immediately, and I will ask myself! Wait...what did you just say? The first batch?"

   Hearing the adjutant’s report that, when the news finally came back, Barbania was very excited, but immediately found something wrong.

   The commander of the first 5,000 warships in the fleet?

   Is this a joke? Isn't this the batch that was wiped out in my own judgment?

   "Yes, the first batch, the communication has been connected!"

   Soon, a figure appeared in the bridge.

   "Quickly, report the situation immediately. What is the situation with Willas? Why don't you come back for seven minutes after you arrive?"

   "Seven minutes? We just came out of the way of the stars, marshal!"

   The commander looked at Barbania with a bewildered expression. The Marshal couldn't be wrong about the time, right?

   "You said you just came out of the way of the stars?"

   "Yes, Marshal Barbania, no more than half a minute!"

   The chin, Banya, was also a little dazed, and he even wondered if his adjutant had mistaken the time, so he turned his head and glared at the adjutant.

   The adjutant was also extremely aggrieved after seeing Babania's eyes.

   "Okay, let's not talk about other issues, and report the situation in Villelasne immediately!"

   "Marshal, I'm about to report to you. I don't know why. After we came out of the Star Road, we found that this is not Willas. We are currently comparing the astrology to make detailed positioning!"

   The commander said to Barbania, and showed a look of doubt.

   "It's not Willas, what are you kidding about, what else can the end of the Star Way be if it's not Willas?"

   "Marshal? It's really not Willas? Before we set out, we all read the star map of Willas carefully? I'm pretty sure this is not Willas!"

   As the commander said? He sent a newly scanned star map to Barbania.

   Looking at the star map sent by the commander, Barbania was also very dazed? This is really not Vilas, the whole star system is very different from Vilas.

   "The report? Has our position been determined? It is located at the end of the first main spiral arm of the galaxy. According to the data in the database, this should be a star system named Deo, belonging to the Lasso Federation of the third-level civilization!"

   "Marshal Barbania? Our position has been determined? In..."

   "No need to report, I have heard it! Now you tell me, did the follow-up fleet arrive at the same place as you?"

   Barbania, who is not sure about the situation for the time being, just want to know, is this an isolated incident? Or is there really something abnormal in the way of the stars, sending their entire army to the first main spiral arm?

   "Yes? Marshal! The second and third batch of fleets have also arrived during the period of time reported to you."

   Does this make Barbania a headache? Is it possible that I can't go to Willas this time? But is the entire fleet going to the first main swing arm? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   But, no matter what weird problem arises? At least one thing makes Babania breathe a sigh of relief? That is, the first main spiral arm is the territory of the Vera Alliance? And the Babawi Empire is a subsidiary of the Vera Alliance!

   Therefore, even if there is an unexplainable abnormality in the way of the stars, sending its entire army to the first main spiral arm, there will be no danger, after all, it is their own people, and it should be enough to explain the situation.

   "Commander, detected a large number of objects flying towards us, the number is extremely large, and, and..."

   "And what, don't you say it!"

   Just as Barbania was thinking about what to do, other people's voices came from the other end of the communication again.

   "Furthermore, all are living creatures, not spaceships, with hundreds of billions in number, and they are coming at us from all directions!"

   "Living creatures, hundreds of billions? Quickly, observe them immediately and let me see what it is!"

   "Yes, commander!"

   Listening to the conversation between the commander and his subordinates on the other side of the communication, Barbania suddenly thought of something.

   Yes, it's no wonder that this place is so familiar to Deao just now. Isn't that the news from the Vera Alliance a while ago, the beginning of the raging Zerg!

   Hundreds of billions of living creatures in space...Could it be...not good!

   "Quickly, immediately let the fleet you have arrived to form a defensive formation. It is the Zerg, fight with all your strength, and never let them come close!"

   "Yes, marshal!"

  Although the commander does not know what the Zerg is, after all, only a few high-level members of the Babawi Empire currently know about this, and they have not disclosed the information to the public.

   However, the commander will still meticulously implement Babanea's orders!

At this time, the ultra-large-scale group is still 10 million kilometers away from the fleet of the Babawi Empire. Judging by the speed, it will take more than ten minutes for the two sides to start contact. Therefore, the Babawi Empire has to deploy a defensive formation, and the time is still enough.

   Ten minutes later, with the arrival of 5,000 warships every half a minute, 70,000 warships have been assembled here, barely forming a small defensive formation, and the swarm has approached a distance of 4 million kilometers.

   "Commander, the opponent has entered our range."

   "Order all warships, immediately start to stop them with all their strength, and don't let those bugs come near!"

   "Yes, commander!"

   At the same time ~ ~ Orion Arm, Shanhaiguan, and Mars Command Center.

   "The show has begun!" First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   Lin Fan smiled and said to Liang Xingchen on the side.

   "Well, we also happened to actually observe the battle between the fourth-level civilization and the Zerg, and get information about the Zerg by the way."

   Liang Xingchen nodded and said.

   Speaking of this plan, Lin Fan's biggest goal is not to cut down the opponent's 4.5 million warships, but to make a fight between the Babawi Empire and the Zerg, so as to collect all aspects of intelligence.

   After all, although the news of the Zerg has spread, and the advanced civilizations of the entire galaxy have received the news, the specific combat power and the course of the defensive battle led by the triangle empire prince Hasso, only a few words of news came out.

   As for the detailed information of the entire battle, it was completely kept secret by the Vera Alliance, so the other three alliances have not yet obtained it.

   In the video, fierce firepower immediately filled the entire screen.


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  From low martial arts to super martial arts, self-training to mythology!

   Thousands of worlds, infinite avenues, I just want to ascend to the heavens!

   is currently writing about the world: Zongwu, under one person

   To be determined: Zhu Xian, star change, devouring the starry sky, immortal rebellion, longevity realm, obscuring the sky, I, sun god, eternal life

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