StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 728 Hell 1 Tribe - Horrible Collision

The golden abyss demon's eyes narrowed, "My clan's space coordinates? Do you think I will give them to you?"

"Of course not!" The man said without any hesitation, "If it were me, I would never tell other tribesmen where my tribe is stationed..."

The golden abyss demon frowned immediately, "Then what are you going to do?"

The man smiled very easily, "Of course I will beat you. If you don't tell me, I will beat you until you tell me!"

The Golden Abyss Demon did not answer any more. Instead, he cast a regretful look at Ye Chao and others. Then, he turned his head and looked at the human, "Want to beat me? Hey, hey, hey, come on, I'll wait for you to beat me up." I!"

After saying that, the wings on the back of the golden abyss demon spread out, turned into a bolt of lightning, and instantly fled towards the distance...

"I said I was going to beat you up, how could I let you escape?" Seeing that the golden abyss demon almost flew out of everyone's sight, the human man was not in a hurry, raised the sniper rifle under his arm, and gently used his right hand to He shot towards the magazine of the sniper rifle, holding the gun with one hand and the trigger with the other, and locked the back of the golden abyss demon through the scope.

In one second, the golden demon flew millions of kilometers in an instant. Fortunately, this was the universe, with very few obstacles, and it was also on a planet. I'm afraid he had already escaped everyone's sight, but just before he was about to escape, At that moment, at the end of the field of vision, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck the golden abyss demon!

There was a muffled roar, and the golden abyss demon had no time to dodge. Even under this sudden attack, he had no time to defend himself. He was struck directly by lightning. The powerful force of thunder caused him to be blown backwards for thousands of meters, and Dozens of electric rays flashed continuously on the giant dragon's strong body.

"Before I showed up, I used an electromagnetic pulse grenade to completely seal off the surrounding area. How about it? The feeling of paralysis is very good..." The human looked completely confident, and while the golden abyss demon was paralyzed by lightning, he didn't even think about it. He took the initiative to attack, but joked and laughed.

The more confident he looked, the more panicked the Golden Abyss Demon became. However, on the surface, he would not show it. He was paralyzed for a second, and before the human could finish speaking, the Golden Abyss Demon had already recovered. , completely ignoring human provocations, and rushed in the same direction again!



Another bolt of lightning!

The most important thing is, it’s still in its original location!

The golden abyss demon was hacked away again.

This time, the power of the lightning was obviously more powerful. What frightened the abyss demon was that the paralysis power coming from his body was several times more powerful than before.

The human's mouth immediately showed a smile of success, his finger pulled the sniper rifle, and a red bullet flew out with a bang!

This bullet was obviously not an ordinary bullet, and it did not even belong to technological civilization. As soon as the bullet flew out of the muzzle, it disappeared immediately. Almost at the same time, the Golden Abyss Demon's shoulder exploded with a bang!

"Oops, missed!" The human said with a joking smile.

Missed? Looking at the proud smile on that human's face, I'm afraid this shot was intentional!

After recovering from paralysis again, the golden abyss demon was extremely frightened. He could not feel any abnormality at all from the so-called grenades that the human man lurked in the surrounding space, but two consecutive paralysis made him no longer able to If you dare to try, masters can compete with each other, and the winner can be determined in a second.

"Kill, all demons, focus on attacking that human, kill him!" He doesn't want to fight humans, but he can't escape easily, but it doesn't mean that the golden abyss demons will be captured easily. Although this human is strong, there is only one person after all, and he , and the entire army of the hell clan!

The crazy ones were the first to take action. As soon as they entered the battlefield, they showed a state of half-madness and half-awake madness. They would not even consider whether they could hurt the enemy even a hair.

Hundreds of thousands of crazy demons swarmed towards that human being. Not to mention what the effect would be, at least the scene was extremely spectacular, as if black flames were spreading towards the ant from all directions!

The human didn't care at all. The sniper rifle in his hand turned handsomely in a circle on the side of his body and landed steadily on his right hand. Then, he saw his left hand pointing to the center of his eyebrows. His figure flashed and separated into five The five clones, together with the six main bodies, form a small prototype defense circle, and then...

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Six sniper rifles fired six bullets. The six bullets flew one meter and split into twelve bullets. Then they flew one meter and split into twenty-four bullets... forty-eight bullets, ninety-six bullets... flew out. Twenty meters away, a terrifying number of more than three million bullets were split. The terrifying number of bullets were shot in a fan shape, and the bullets of the six clones had almost no dead ends.

The moment the bullet touched the Crazy Demon, it exploded like a grenade, completely blowing the Crazy Demon to pieces within a radius of fifty meters. More than three million bullets, the damage caused in an instant was almost greater than the damage caused by millions of Zerg troops in one minute. The number of crazy demons killed and injured was extremely high, and the human sniper rifle attack did not stop with one blow, but fired neatly at the speed of one shot per second. Under this terrifying attack, not to mention tens of millions of crazy demons, just a few Hundreds of millions of crazy demons would never get close to the 500-meter radius of that human being!

When strength reaches a certain level, quantity has become a factor that cannot determine victory or defeat. Just like in front of us, even if there are hundreds of millions, or even billions, or tens of billions of crazy people, humans can still take a step forward by exhausting the energy in their bodies. Anti-space, wait until you regain your strength and then take another step forward and continue to attack, then tens of billions of crazy demons will only die!

The Golden Abyss Demon was so frightened when he saw this scene that he ordered thousands of crazy demons to come to him and use their lives to find a path for him, and then move forward along the place where the crazy demons walked. Find Shuyuanww. zhoshyn. co

However, soon, the Golden Abyss Demon became desperate!

Because, the thousands of crazy demons dispersed and advanced, but without exception they were smashed into pieces by lightning, as if the surroundings of this battlefield had really been completely sealed by the human beings.

The golden abyss demon looked at the massacre of crazy humans, gritted his teeth, and used his domain, instantly shrinking the domain to a ten-meter area around him, and then rushed outside with boiling magma in a ten-meter radius.

"Crack! Boom!"

The ambush set by humans seemed to be angered. This time, the diameter of the thunderbolt struck was ten meters in diameter. The thunderbolt was stronger than the golden abyss demon. It hit the golden abyss demon with a devastating blow. It shattered the boiling magma, and then sent the target flying back thousands of meters, almost falling within the attack range of the human.

The golden abyss demon was seriously injured by this blow. He finally stopped struggling, turned his head in despair, and shouted angrily at the human, "This is... divine power, what kind of electronic pulse grenade, you are clearly Use divine power to change the rules of the surrounding universe, no one can enter or exit this barrier except the god level!" _zw263

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