StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 558 Glasgow-Son of the Duke

The bodyguard who was so arrogant just now became as obedient as a mole when he heard this call. He bent over, winked charmingly, and trotted quickly to the young man who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. He said in a soft voice, "Master, why are you here in person? I'll leave this matter to my subordinates." Isn’t that good?”

The young master ignored him and glanced around the hotel. Apart from the man being controlled, the four people in Ye Luo were particularly conspicuous. "they are……"

"You reckless boy, hey, young master, I'll clean it up for you right now..." As he said that, the bodyguard waved his hand.

Several guards with seventeenth level strength immediately rushed towards Ye Luo, however!

They haven't gotten within ten meters of Ye Luo yet!

Black light flashed!

"Bang bang bang..." The four guards flew out like four cannonballs and hit the wall of the restaurant behind them. Four big holes instantly appeared in the luxuriously decorated wall tiles!

The bodyguard's eyes jumped; the eighteen-year-old young master's gaze turned back to Ye Luo again, and he didn't even see anyone making a move!

Although Ye Meng performed exceptionally and struck fiercely and quickly, the young master still had no intention of asking Ye Luo and others about their identities. He just said softly, "Two elders, kill them!"

The two twenty-level strong men behind the young man each took a step forward. Their strength continued to expand. One of them looked at Ye Meng with a ferocious smile, "Boy, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. You dare to interfere in the affairs of the Steller family. Of course." You are really tired of living. Just do it yourself and break off an arm and a leg, and we can spare your life!"

Ye Luo curled his lips, "Ye Meng, kill these two losers, and leave that young master alive..."

Ye Meng grinned excitedly, "Come on, I, uh, young master...hehe..." With a cruel smile, Ye Meng took the lead and launched the attack. The speed of the velociraptor completely exploded, and it instantly appeared opposite the two twenty-level powerhouses.

The terrifying speed made the two of them immediately know that they had hit an iron plate. The danger of death was overwhelming. The two of them trembled and defended on the spot.

"Crystal shield!" "Gyro wind!" Countless hexagonal crystals condensed on the surface of one person's body a palm away, and the other person was instantly enveloped by the storm. However, Ye Meng's palm smashed the crystals without hesitation, Passed through the whirlwind and hit the two of them directly in the chest!

"Bang bang!" "Pfft!" The two twenty-level strong men, just like the previous guards, flew out without any resistance and hit the wall!

Ye Meng shook his head dissatisfied, "It's too weak. You have twenty-level strength, but you don't have twenty-level combat power at all!" The energy fluctuations in these two people's bodies were completely inconsistent with their combat power. Ye Meng thought he could still move. He moved his hands and feet, but he didn't expect that the battle was over as soon as he took action.

The young master's eyes widened, iron plate, damn, this is not an iron plate, it is clearly a steel plate! He glared at the previous bodyguards, "How on earth did you provoke them..."

The bodyguard trembled with fear. Now, of course, he knew that he was in trouble, but who would have thought that the person he hit with a random stool would be such a powerful peak warrior?

The young master glared at him fiercely, with a smile that was uglier than crying, "Well, some strong men, I think there must be some misunderstandings in this matter. I am the eldest son of the current head of the Steller family... …”

"Stop announcing your family status, don't say you are a child of the bullshit Steller family, even if you are the son of the Lord of Hell, don't even think about leaving today if you don't kneel down and kowtow thirty times." Ye Luo slapped him directly. Cut off the young master's words.

The young master's face instantly turned pale. With his right hand, he had secretly pressed the button hidden on the wrist guard. He looked at Ye Luo with an inward look, "Guys, I respect you because you are strong men who have practiced hard, so I gave you some face. But Don’t mean that the Steller family is afraid of you. Have you heard of the Vulcan’s orders? Lord Vulcan, who is killing everyone on the front line, is the elder of our Steller family!”

Ye Luo sighed and waved his hand.

Ye Meng chuckled and suddenly appeared next to the young master.

The young master was so frightened that he almost fell down. Ye Meng kicked him in the back of the knee, and the young master fell to his knees with a bang.

"I, uh, my young master asked you to kowtow, so you kowtow honestly. All the nonsense makes me tired. Don't talk about my young master. It really annoys my young master. Your life will be saved today. Come on..." As he said that, Ye Meng pressed the young master's head and hit it against the ground, "Bang, bang, bang..."

In one minute, there were thirty ringing sounds, accompanied by kowtows and screams. Everyone inside and outside the hotel looked at this scene stupidly.

"Twenty-nine, thirty, that's all..." Ye Meng laughed and pushed hard. The young master, whose head was covered with blood and whose eyes were dull, was pushed away.

The Steller family, but the Marquis family, is a top family that is weaker than Senator Duncan. The heir apparent of the patriarch is so abused. Oh my god, who is that person?

I don't know if it was the report from the young master just now, or because things were too big here, but before the young master could even get up from the ground, the guards from Glasgow arrived.

The Glasgow guards did not dare to act recklessly against the 21st level strong men. However, unexpectedly, the four Ye Luo people did not resist at all, and cooperated with them incomparably, taking the initiative to walk towards the prison.

Until the four people were imprisoned, the escort team was still in a state of confusion!

The director of the Lanluo Branch of the Glasgow Guards was making phone calls one after another. The twenty-first-level strong men were definitely not unknown people. He would not dare to touch the four of them before finding out their origins. However, Si However, the pressure on the Teller family has come down. The director is in a dilemma. He can only hope to quickly find out the forces behind the other party and let the two major forces fight.

It's a pity that on the tenth minute after the four Ye Luo were detained, before their backgrounds were found out, the branch discovered a fatal trap!

The control light brain in the branch was hacked. Find Shuyuan wwwwhaosn.c. All the cell doors were open. Inside, 321 ordinary prisoners, 17 serious case prisoners, and three death penalty probationers all escaped. One minute later , the computer virus spread along the branch database to the Glasgow planet database, and all prisons in the entire Glasgow planet were opened instantly!

Play big!

Thousands of prisoners regained their freedom and fought back against the guards crazily, creating chaos and taking revenge on society!

The entire well-ordered Paradise Resort almost instantly became a paradise for criminals!

And the initiators of all this, the four Ye Luo people, were not idle either. They spread out to help the criminals who were surrounded and suppressed again by the escort team. There was a twenty-first-level criminal whose combat power reached the twenty-second or even the twenty-third level. With the secret help of the strong, if those criminals have divine help, chaos will sweep across the entire planet!

When the escort team began to lose control of the situation and the criminals who gathered together showed greater destructive power, Ye Luo and the four of them stopped. They happily gathered together and came to the restaurant where they fought during the day again. , chewing the delicious food easily, enjoying the chaos and destruction, waiting for death to come!


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