Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 981: Received a Kidnapping Mission

"Starworld Legendary Guild ()"

At nine o'clock in the morning on November 12, Xingyu 1176, Yan Tielong and Shi Te Alia came to Donggu Arena, a hundred gold jewellery.

The reason why Yan Tielong and the others went to Baijin Jewelry Store was because they received a mission from the owner of the jeweler; of course, the jewelry owner also helped Yan Tielong deal with a lot of pure natural gemstones.

The waiter at Baijin Jewelry Store prepared top-grade cigars and top-grade coffee for Yan Tielong, and the value of these two items alone was as high as a hundred gold coins.

When Yan Tielong was smoking a tenth of a cigar, Como Jinli, the owner of Baijin Jewelry, walked over with a box in his arms.

Yan Tielong extinguished the cigar sparks, and then asked Como Jinli what mission they had to come in person to explain?

Komo Jinli wiped the sweat from his brow and drank a cup of tea from the servant beside him, and then he told Yan Tielong about this commission.

Through Komo Jinli's narration, Yan Tielong knew that the other party was being targeted because he helped him deal with pure natural gemstones, and now his most beloved young son was kidnapped.

Yan Tielong frowned when he heard Komo Jinli's story about his son being kidnapped, and asked where his son was kidnapped?

The reason why Yan Tielong asked that was because he was the acting manager of Donggu Arena. As long as the tax was paid, Yan Tielong and the others would protect the tax-paying merchants and ordinary people.

If something happened to Komo Jinli's son in Donggu Arena, Yan Tielong would not only find a way to solve it, but even pay a large amount of compensation.

After all, the Zandus Kingdom has more than one arena, and the Zanders Kingdom does not restrict the flow of people. Once the merchants think that the business environment in the Donggu Arena area is bad, they can choose other arena areas to operate. That's why Yan Tielong asked Komo Jinli's son was kidnapped there, after all, it was related to the attitude of the manager of Donggu Arena.

Komo Jinli really wanted to tell the man in front of him that his son was kidnapped in the East Drum Arena area, but he couldn't, because his favorite young son was kidnapped by fox friends to other areas. Once he lied, he would face Anger towards the real master of Donggu Arena behind the man in front of him, so he told the truth.

Hearing Komo Jinli's story, Yan Tielong breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the area he managed was not kidnapped, so this time the task was easier, so he asked the other party how to deal with it?

Komo Jinli sighed and said that as long as his son is fine, he is willing to pay the ransom.

After Komo Jinli finished speaking, he opened the box in his arms.

Yan Tielong looked at the nearly 200 pure natural gemstones in the box, and he admired the other party's disregard for money. After all, he knew that the other party's assets were only about half a million.

Yan Tielong already understood the other party's plan. He asked the other party about the place and time of the transaction, and at the same time put a definite amount contract in front of the other party.

Seeing Yan Tielong set the amount to 200,000 gold coins, Como Jinli was a little bit pained. After all, this pure natural gemstone worth 200,000 gold coins could be sold for 300,000 or more if he slowly sold it.

Fortunately, the content of the scroll is that if the son of Komo Jinli is not rescued and the pure natural gems worth 200,000 are lost, then the Saint Mark Mercenary Group is willing to pay 400,000 gold coins for compensation. Of course, if the son of Komo Jinli is not rescued, the compensation will be 100,000 gold.

Seeing such a high amount of compensation for the content of the scroll, Komo Jinli signed his name and handprint on the scroll without any hesitation.

After Yan Tielong took away the contract scroll and a box of pure natural gemstones worth 200,000 yuan, he promised Komojinli that he would bring Komomijin back safely.

Yan Tielong and Shite Alia came to the star restaurant in the talent arena area pointed by the kidnappers to wait for the kidnappers to arrive; however, Yan Tielong and Shite Alia were very surprised that the kidnappers did not come, but Comomikin himself and several The guards came forward.

Komomikin explained to Yan Tielong and Shite Alia that in fact, any kidnapping is fake.

All this was planned by his father.

After hearing Komokini's explanation, Shite Alia was very curious and asked what Komokini wanted to do?

Komomikin told Shite Aaliyah that his father found that the family atmosphere was very disharmonious recently, and even he was poisoned, so his father wanted to use this time to plan the kidnapping to see the reactions of family members.

After Komomikin explained, he asked Yan Tielong to give him a pure natural gemstone worth 200,000 gold coins.

Faced with Komomijin's demand for pure natural gemstones worth 200,000 gold coins, Yan Tielong said of course it is possible, but Komomijin must return to Baijin Jewelry Store with him.

However, facing Yan Tielong's request, Komomikin suddenly said: "Shoot!"; then the two masters around Komomijin attacked Yan Tielong and Shite Alia.

Shite Alia couldn't react to the sudden change in front of her for a while, but Yan Tielong was already prepared. He saw his black dragon blade shoot the two guards flying in rapid succession, and pointed the black dragon blade at Komomi's forehead.

Facing the murderous Yan Tielong in front of him, Komomikin trembled in fright and said that all this was a misunderstanding.

Facing the series of changes in front of her eyes, Aaliyah couldn't help but frowned and asked Komomikin why he attacked them?

Komomikin hadn't answered yet, but Yan Tielong said that it should be the pure natural gemstone worth 200,000 gold coins in his hand that made the other party do that!

As soon as Yan Tielong finished speaking, Komomikin admitted emotionally, and said that he had had enough of being his father's slave! He will take twenty gold coins to leave the slave owner's father and start a new life.

When Aaliyah heard Komomikin's emotional words, she was very puzzled. After all, her father Shite Frege was very good, and she couldn't understand Komomikin's situation at all, so she expressed that she wanted to understand Komomikin Why did Jin call his father a slave owner!

Komomikin heard that Alia Shitt wanted to know what his father was, so he began to talk about it.

At the same time, Yan Tielong asked the trembling female waiter to come over, and he ordered some dishes and drinks. After all, he thought that the story told by Komomikin would be very long.

When the waitress saw a tip of a gold coin, she immediately became bolder and ordered the chef to prepare dishes and drinks.

Comomikin hadn't finished talking, but the food and drinks ordered by Yan Tielong had already filled the table.

Through Komomijin's narration, Yan Tielong and Shite Alia knew that Komojinli was a very miser.

According to Komomikin’s story, Komokinli not only withheld employees’ wages, but also was very stingy with his family’s expenses; Quite a few patches.

When Aaliyah heard Komomikin's story, she pointed to the very luxurious clothes on Komomikin and thought it was inconsistent.

Komomikin heard the conversation with Aaliyah. He took off his luxurious coat, revealing his underwear with a lot of patches, and said that this time the planning is over, and he will change the luxurious coat to his father.

Seeing Aaliyah's surprised expression, Komomikin sold out to Aaliyah, hoping to win Aaliyah's sympathy and let him take 200,000 gold coins and leave the Kingdom of Zandus.

Komomijin did talk to Shite Alia, but Yan Tielong was unmoved and wanted to take Komomijin to see Komomikin. After all, he signed a contract with Komomikin. If Komomijin is let go Jin took away 200,000 gold coins worth of pure natural gemstones, but he wanted to compensate 400,000 gold coins.

Faced with Yan Tielong's refusal, Komomikin suddenly took out a dagger from his arms and pointed it at his neck, saying that if he was taken back, he might as well let him die!

However, after King Kong Komomi threatened him, he was glared at by Yan Tielong, and he felt unable to move, and then saw Yan Tielong take the dagger away from him.

Just now Yan Tielong used mind control to immobilize Komomikin, and then Yan Tielong worried that Komomikin was committing suicide, so he tied Komomikin up with vines and blocked his mouth with a napkin; One gold coin bought the napkins.

After tying up the Komomi gold, Yan Tielong directly picked up the Komomi gold, and then asked his fiancée to return to hand in the task with the pure natural gem.

It's just that when Yan Tielong and the others were about to leave the area of ​​the talent arena, they were surrounded by a group of armed teams, and each of the armed teams took out their crossbows to aim at Yan Tielong and them.

Originally, Yan Tielong thought that Komojinli secretly sent people to snatch Komomi gold and natural gemstones worth 200,000 gold coins. After all, the Holy Pattern Mercenary Corps compensated 400,000 gold coins.

However, the target of the masked armed forces surrounding Yan Tielong was not Komomi Gold. Their target was the pure natural gemstone worth 200,000 gold coins in the hands of Shite Alia.

Although Yan Tielong thought that he and his fiancée could solve the militants who surrounded them, but it would be difficult to keep Komomijin safe and sound. After all, those armed crossbows were not aimed at Yan Tielong and Shite Alia, but Yan Tielong against the Komomikin on his back.

After considering the gains and losses, Yan Tielong decided to take a gamble, so he asked his fiancée to give him the box containing pure natural gems, and then he told the armed leaders who surrounded them that the gems could be given to them, but.

Yan Tielong didn't finish speaking, he suddenly threw the box in his right hand behind him; and those who surrounded Yan Tielong and their armed forces were obviously paying attention to the box containing pure natural gemstones.

After the surrounding armed forces reacted, Yan Tielong and the others had already rushed out of the encirclement.

When the leader saw Yan Tielong and the others running away, they did not pursue them, but hurried to see if there was any problem with the pure natural gemstones in the box.

After they found that there was no problem with the pure natural gemstones, they left quickly.

In the evening, Yan Tielong and the others also delivered the mission; at the same time, Yan Tielong told the heartbroken Komo Jinli that those armed robbers who robbed halfway were probably people around the other side. After all, few people knew about this mission.

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