Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 957: Disposing of Giant Whale Carcasses

Xingyu August 28, 1176, in Xiaoyuyu Village, the most southeastern border of Feilong Kingdom, in a two-story aristocratic wooden building, several young people dressed as nobles were playing billiards.

"Yan Tielong, when do you think my sister will come back?".

Yan Tielong, who was playing billiards, heard Long Ruied's inquiry. He thought for a while and said that Princess Long Lias would come back in about four to five days if she didn't come back by boat. month time.

Hearing Yan Tielong's answer, Prince Long Ruiede couldn't help asking, how about his sister's political strategy of moving here?

When Yan Tielong heard Prince Long Ruied's question, he stopped the club in his hand and remembered about Princess Long Lias' communication strategy with him.

The strategy for coming to Xiaoyuyu Village was not Yan Tielong's strategy, but the strategy group behind Prince Long Ruiede and Long Lias came up with it together.

Princess Longliasi used Yan Tielong's strategy in Liushuiyu Village back then, so that no matter what happened in the south, there would be food to eat, just like Yan Tielong rescued a large number of refugees who were fighting because of fishing.

Thinking of Princess Longlias' strategy, Yan Tielong told Prince Long Ruied that there is no problem with Princess Longlias' strategy, but.

Hearing what Yan Tielong said but didn't go on, Long Ruied couldn't help asking if there was any problem?

When Yan Tielong asked Prince Long Ruiede, Yan Tielong thought about it for a while and said that it is not easy to fish here. He has communicated with some fishermen here, and through those fishermen, he said that there are many hidden reefs here. Moreover, the weather was very unstable, and the most important thing was that sea monsters often appeared on the seashore, and he also asked Xiaoyin to scout the sea monster-infested areas in the sky, but he didn't get any results.

Hearing Yan Tielong's narration, Prince Long Ruied was a little surprised. You must know that Yan Tielong and him only arrived at three o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, and being able to inquire about so many situations in such a short time is much better than his Dragon Claw members.

Just as Prince Long Ruied was discussing with Yan Tielong how Princess Longlias would deal with the nobles in the south in the future, a member of Dragon Claw rushed to Prince Long Ruied to report that a huge monster corpse appeared by the sea!

Prince Long Ruied was very interested in hearing that a huge monster corpse actually appeared on the beach, so he took Yan Tielong and a team of hundreds of personal guards to the place where the huge monster was found.

Soon Prince Long Ruied and Yan Tielong came to the area where the huge monster was found and when they saw the corpse of a huge monster nearly fifty meters long, Prince Long Ruied couldn't help feeling that if such a big monster ran to land alive, then It must be a disaster for their humanity!

However, Yan Tielong stared at the huge monster's corpse as if recalling something, and soon he thought of something and ordered everyone to stay away from the huge monster's corpse for 300 meters. The command.

Regarding Yan Tielong's order, everyone looked at Prince Long Ruied. After all, Prince Long Ruied is now the supreme commander of Xiaoyuyu Village, and the officials who followed him will only obey Prince Long Ruiede's orders.

It is not clear why Yan Tielong gave the order to stay away from the monster's corpse, but Prince Long Ruied still followed Yan Tielong's narration and gave the order to everyone.

When everyone left to a safe distance, Prince Long Ruied couldn't help asking Yan Tielong, what's wrong with that monster's corpse?

Yan Tielong heard Prince Long Ruied's question, he said that the whale body had a lot of energy due to some relationship, and it would explode at any time.

That's why he kept everyone away from the whale carcass.

When Long Ruied heard Yan Tielong's narration of the name of the monster, he hadn't reacted yet, but he couldn't believe it when he heard that the whale carcass would explode.

Seeing Prince Long Ruied, they didn't believe it. At the same time, in order to prevent some curious people from getting too close to the whale carcass, Yan Tielong quickly summoned wind bombs to attack the whale carcass.

When the wind bomb hit the whale carcass, the whale carcass suddenly exploded. Even if Yan Tielong and the others were more than 300 meters away from the whale carcass, they were splashed by the explosion of the whale carcass.

Many knight girls couldn't bear the stench from the whale carcass and liquid, and they almost lost the strength to vomit.

At the same time, many guards heard the explosion. They thought someone was going to attack His Highness the Fifth Prince, so they quickly ran to the Fifth Prince's side for protection.

However, many guards also vomited when they smelled the stench. At the same time, the magicians of Tianyu Campus checked the scene. They found that there were necromancers who used the corpse explosion technique, but they also had a corpse explosion that was so powerful. Why is the undead element so weak?

Of course, at this time, Long Ruied had been escorted back to the bathroom of the noble building to take a bath. After all, the stench of the whale explosion residue contaminated on his body was unbearable.

"Your Excellency Yan Tielong, how do you know that the corpse of the monster will explode? You must know that before you came, our members of Tianyu Campus had already conducted magical reconnaissance on the corpse of the monster, and there was no problem in the result."

Yan Tielong heard some Danny Luoying sent by Tianyu Academy ask the other party, and he wondered in his heart whether he should tell the other party that after the death of the whale, a large amount of methane and ammonia gas were produced in the body, etc. These popular science explanations.

However, Yan Tielong gave up using popular science to explain. After all, human civilization in this world is still too backward. Using popular science will make the other party unable to understand, so he asked the other party if they have dealt with necromancers?

Dani Luoying asked Yan Tielong, he nodded, and reminded Yan Tielong that he had just said that the monster's corpse only had a small amount of undead elements, and those undead elements could not trigger the corpse explosion at all.

Yan Tielong didn't know that the representative of Tianyu Academy in front of him was the uncle of his magician mentor, so he regarded him as a repeated student of Tianyu Academy, and asked him to return to the library area of ​​Tianyu Academy to study hard, and then use the magician in this world to understand way to explain.

As a genius and thorn in Tianyu College, Danilo Ying heard that Yan Tielong had to study hard. He had a way of using magic to blow away the man in front of him, but when he heard the other party explain why only a small amount of undead elements would make the body explode , I admire the change in my heart, but I am very arrogant on the surface, saying that he is a battle magician, not a scholar, and knowing so much will not increase his combat power.

Faced with Daniloying's arrogance, Yan Tielong strongly wanted to warn him, but thinking of his arrogance, he would definitely ignore his warning, so he asked the soldiers on standby if they had cleaned up the wreckage of the whale explosion.

However, the reason why Yan Tielong seriously asked the soldiers beside him was because Yan Tielong was worried that the debris from the explosion of the whale body would pollute the land and water sources, which might cause plague, which is not good.

However, before the soldiers had time to report, Daniloying said that the pollutants had already been purified with fire.

When Yan Tielong heard Daniloying's words, he hurriedly asked the other party whether the body of the giant bone whale was also burned?

Daniloying asked Yan Tielong, he said that the monster's corpse was the hotbed of the plague, and he would definitely burn it.

Hearing Dani Luoying's words, Yan Tielong rushed out without saying a word, and seeing Yan Tielong rushing out, Dani Luoying frowned and hurried to follow.

Soon Yan Tielong saw that the whale carcass was constantly burning, so he took out the alchemy magic book from the space ring and input the magic power to quickly summon ice magic to extinguish the fire.

However, the effect of ice magic on the flames of the whale carcass was not that great, and seeing that the ice magic had no effect, Yan Tielong immediately thought of another way. This method was to summon the elemental flame wolf to absorb the flames on the whale carcass.

Danny Luoying was a little surprised to see Yan Tielong manipulating the elements to explode the flame wolf to eat the corpse of a whale. After all, he had learned that Yan Tielong was their pharmacy instructor from the Tianyu Academy's magician, but he did not expect that Yan Tielong would actually know how to use water. The magic that conflicts with Huo Erzhong.

Soon Yan Tielong used the element explosion flame wolf to extinguish the flames on the whale carcass, and then Yan Tielong checked the burnt situation of the whale.

Enduring the stench, Yan Tielong found that the carcass of the pilot whale was burnt a lot, but the main materials were still preserved, so he returned to his room to get tools to get materials from the carcass of the pilot whale.

When Yan Tielong returned to the giant whale carcass, he was assisted by Danilo Ying.

Faced with Daniloying's questioning, what do you want to do with the monster's corpse? Yan Tielong was so angry that he asked Danilo Ying to go back to Tianyu Academy to study hard, and don't stop him if he doesn't know anything.

Then Yan Tielong told Dani Luoying that the giant whale body is all treasures, even if it rots in three or four months.

After Yan Tielong finished speaking, he took out a very sharp blade and began to dismember the giant whale carcass, and began to introduce his role in dismembering the material from the whale carcass.

Hearing that Yan Tielong would continue to introduce the materials produced by giant whales, Daniloying himself experimented with the effects of some whale materials, and he found that those whale materials were indeed as Yan Tielong said, so Daniloying felt the knowledge of his own knowledge for the first time in his heart Some are not enough.

After Yan Tielong disassembled the giant whale carcass, he looked at the huge whale skeleton, and he thought that the huge whale skeleton was a very good keel for building a ship.

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