Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 933: Ugulaxi

At 7 o'clock in the morning on June 1, 1176 in Xingyu, Yan Tielong learned from the content of the book "Breakthrough Class Love" and Kubabad's narration yesterday that Shatu Xue Lien and her parents wanted to be accepted by the Lugu family again. Once the Lugu family accepts it, the status of Shatu Xuelien will be greatly improved, so it is very possible to replace Shasha Yeris.

Knowing that Shatu Xuelien needs to be accepted by the Lugu family again, Yan Tielong believes that the luck of his fiancée really brings him good luck. After all, he has a letter from Lubagoth in his hand, so he only needs to hand the letter in his hand to Shatu Xueli Well, maybe Shatu Xuelian will no longer be a resistance.

However, there is one troublesome thing for Yan Tielong, that is how to send the letter in his hand to Shatu Xuelian.

You must know that the dwarves are very taboo for men to meet married female dwarves, especially for female dwarves with higher status.

Some people will say that this is very simple, as long as you discuss with the person in charge of Jingyang City about purchasing elf-style equipment, and if you are looking for an opportunity to give it away, it is fine, or you can just send a letter home.

If you think about it, you are completely wrong; you must know that in order to prevent his wife from cheating, the city lord of the city lord's mansion will send servants to keep an eye on him, so it is almost impossible to send letters secretly. At the same time, once the city lord's wife disappears from the servant's sight, the servant will let the guards look for his wife , so it is almost impossible to send letters secretly.

As for sending the letter openly, it is even more impossible. After all, the content of Lubagode's letter involves fallen elves. If other unrelated dwarves know about it, it will cause the Lugu family to lose some reputation, and it may have a counterproductive effect.

Yan Tielong also thought about sneaking into the city lord's mansion to deliver the letter himself, but after being plundered by the fallen elves, the city lord's mansion is very strong in terms of defense and stealth, so it is easy to be discovered as Yan Tielong as a human being. After all, in the dwarf territory, Yan Tielong is tall It's just flawed, many camouflage skills can't be used at all.

Yan Tielong, who had thought of many ways, had no choice. He found Kubabad and hoped that the other party could help him find a way. Of course, Yan Tielong also said that the letter must not be seen by other dwarves.

As a result, Kubabad said that he could solve Yan Tielong's troubles as long as he found the dwarf sender;

Kubabad faced Yan Tielong's distrust of the dwarf delivery members. He said that the dwarf messengers belonged to official employees, and their delivery could be delivered directly to the target without being inspected.

The reason why the dwarf courier will not be inspected is that the courier is a very dangerous job. After all, it is easy to be attacked by monsters when traveling between cities and villages.

Sending letters in cities and villages is not the most dangerous. The most dangerous thing is sending letters to the land of the fallen elves or dark elves for the dwarf king.

Of course, these are not the main reasons why the dwarven messengers were inspected. The real reason was that during the war with the Earth Balrogs thousands of years ago, many messenger members risked their lives to break through and be surrounded by the Earth Balrogs to send out the letters; After the Demon War ended, in order to reward the bravery of the dwarf messengers, the dwarf king incorporated the dwarf messengers into an official organization, and announced that members of the dwarf messengers should not be searched for letters, and those who broke the law would be punished.

After listening to Kubabad's introduction to the Dwarf Messenger Organization, Yan Tielong always felt that something was wrong; Yan Tielong soon thought of a possibility, that is, the Dwarf Messenger Organization might be the intelligence organization of the Dwarf King.

Seeing that Yan Tielong didn't even trust the dwarves to deliver letters, Kubabad suggested that Yan Tielong find the owner of a tavern named Dali.

The reason why Kubabad asked Yan Tielong to find the owner of Dali Tavern was because the wine brewed by the owner of Dali Tavern was very suitable for the taste of dwarf spirits, so every once in a while, the owner of Dali Tavern would send a batch of wine to the city lord's mansion. The owner of Dali Tavern is a female dwarf, so she can help Yan Tielong.

As soon as Kubabad finished speaking, Yan Tielong suddenly heard: "Boss,

Aunt Ugurasi, I know you; I can introduce you, but you have to buy me a drink! ".

Seeing that the owner of the voice was Man De Yin Yi Xue, Yan Tielong almost forgot who it was.

You must know that after the battle with the three major sword masters, Yan Tielong judged that Mandeyin Yixue's strength was good, but his skills were scumbags, so he asked the Shitu Martial Art Museum to give Mandeyin Yixue special training in martial arts. After that, I didn't ask each other.

Then Yan Tielong formed a caravan of more than 10,000 people, and forced Mandeyin Yixue to join, but it may be that after tempering in the Shitu Martial Arts Hall, her temper was no longer so impulsive, which caused her sense of existence to drop significantly.

Yan Tielong led the caravan to Jingyang City, and Man De Yin Yixue was taken by Lei Guqianyueji, who was still in charge of the stronghold of Jingyang City Shenglei Chamber of Commerce at that time, to stay. The city ignores the existence of the other party.

After remembering who the other party was, Yan Tielong said that there was no problem at all, and at the same time asked about the situation of the owner of Dali Tavern.

However, Man Deyin Yi Xue only told Yan Tielong the name of the owner of the tavern, and she didn't know much about the rest.

At the same time, Man Deyin Yixue said that he would invite more people to drink and enjoy food at Dali Tavern, which might help the boss.

I really don't know why Man De Yin Yixue did that, but Yan Tielong still agreed, so a few employees appeared to look at the hotel and shop, and others went to Dali Tavern with the dwarves.

When Mandeyin Yixue led the crowd to the Dali Tavern, they felt very deserted, which made them a little strange. After all, the wine in this tavern is very famous, so it stands to reason that the place should be overcrowded.

Qiang Yan Tielong didn't know what was going on here, but he still ordered food from the waiter and the tavern. After all, he had been trying to find a way to deliver any mail, so he didn't even eat breakfast, so he was hungry now.

However, to Yan Tielong's surprise, the waiter told him that there was food in the tavern, but no wine!

Hearing that there was no wine in the tavern, Yan Tielong already understood why his tavern was so empty.

Soon the food and water from the tavern were placed in front of Yan Tielong and the others; however, regarding the food in front of him, Yan Tielong frowned subconsciously, knowing that the color matching and aroma of the dishes in front of him were not good.

After tasting a mouthful of food, Yan Tielong understood why Dali Tavern was empty.

You must know that Yan Tielong has also tasted a lot of food in many restaurants and taverns in Jingyang City. Yan Tielong was asked to evaluate the dishes of Dali Tavern. He thought that the dishes of Dali Tavern were the bottom of the restaurants and taverns he had eaten in Jingyang City.

But Yan Tielong thought it was a good thing in his heart, he could get the other party to deliver the letter for him in a deal.

After Yan Tielong finished eating the food on the table, Man Deyin Yixue asked the boss, how does the dish feel?

Yan Tielong bluntly stated that it was very bad. In his words, it was the worst Chinese restaurant and pub he had eaten in Jingyang City.

Hearing the boss's evaluation, Man Deyin Yixue asked the boss why he ate all the food since it was so bad.

Yan Tielong's answer to his staff's question was also very simple. He said that he had been hungry before, so as long as the food was not poisonous and edible, he would not waste food; then Yan Tielong declared to his own people that food should never be wasted.

Hearing Yan Tielong's announcement, many employees wailed, after all, many people ordered too much.

As for Yan Tielong's order not to waste food, the owner of Dali Tavern Ugulaxi couldn't help applauding, and then she took out a jar of wine and put it in front of Yan Tielong, saying that this was the few wine she had left to brew herself.

Yan Tielong was a little puzzled when he heard Ugulasi's few wines, but before he had time to ask, the other party put a bowl in front of him, and heard: "Taste and see my few good wines!".

Looking at the very clear wine, Yan Tielong began to look forward to it in his heart. After he took a sip, his eyes suddenly opened wide. After he swallowed it, he couldn't help feeling the good wine!

Hearing Yan Tielong's evaluation, Ugulaxi was very satisfied. For her, the fine wine she brewed was recognized as the happiest thing.

What did Yan Tielong think of? He thanked Ugurasi for the gift of fine wine, and said he would give him a gift in return.

Regarding Yan Tielong's request for a gift, Ugulaxi said that he didn't need it.

And Yan Tielong said that his gift was something that matched the wine.

Yan Tielong borrowed the kitchen and some ingredients under Ugulasi's puzzled expression, and then got busy in the kitchen.

Soon three delicacies were placed in front of Ugulaxi, and the three delicacies cooked by Yan Tielong were egg rolls, grilled insect skewers and spicy rice crackers.

Although the three delicacies belong to snacks, Yan Tielong thinks that these three snacks paired with the fine wine brewed by Aunt Ugulasi is definitely a kind of enjoyment.

Faced with Yan Tielong's gesture of invitation, Ugulaxi hesitated and chose grilled worm skewers. After all, grilled worm skewers are the most popular among the three delicacies.

Ugurasi took a bite of the grilled worms, and she immediately ate the grilled worms, and then quickly tasted the other two snacks.

After tasting the three snacks, Ugulasi couldn't help asking how Yan Tielong made such delicious snacks! He also suspected that Yan Tielong put special seasonings to make the snacks so delicious.

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