Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 2070: The Dragon Nest of the Feilong Kingdom was destroyed and the mastermind behind it

After Yan Tielong failed to create a fire puppet clone in the main city of Hainas Province, Yan Tielong sensed what the second puppet was like.

You must know that the strength of the puppets Yan Tielong arranged in the dragon's nest reached the high level of saint level, and in order to protect the dragon's nest, he arranged many defensive barriers in the dragon's nest. In addition to the original barriers and magic arrays of the dragon's nest, he did not I don’t think those gray-robed magicians can raze the dragon’s nest to the ground.

However, what Yan Tielong didn't expect was that the puppet placed in the dragon's nest discovered the enemy. He originally wanted to kill a hundred gray-robed enemies in front of him, but unfortunately he was stopped by Princess Long Lias, so Yan Tielong's puppet clone could only watch helplessly as a huge meteorite hit him. Towards the dragon's nest, the dragon's nest was naturally razed to the ground, and even affected the royal capital of Baidu Road.

Yan Tielong saw through the puppet that the gray robe could actually release the ban and destroy the dragon's nest. He originally wanted to deal with the group of hundreds of gray robe senior magicians in front of him.

However, Yan Tielong didn't take action yet. He suddenly sensed that an outsider was approaching, so he took no action and continued to hide. As a result, he saw hundreds of senior magicians being assassinated by dozens of shadow assassins who suddenly appeared.

Only a few senior magicians reacted quickly, but unfortunately these shadow assassin weapons had a magic-breaking effect, so the shadow assassins easily broke through the energy shield and killed the magicians.

After the magician was silenced, they turned into shadow assassins and left quickly, and Yan Tielong's puppet clones naturally followed those shadow assassins.

Tracking the shadow assassin to a cave ten kilometers away from the death mountain of the gray robe magician, Yan Tielong's puppet clone actually saw King Long Ruide, which shocked him so much that he even didn't know how to speak to the dragon. Princess Rias narrates.

But fortunately, the King Long Ruide seen by Yan Tielong's puppet clone was not real, because he also saw Princess Long Rias and Queen Long Lias.

Of the three people Yan Tielong's puppet saw, only the queen was real. However, Yan Tielong didn't expect that another person would walk out. This person was the queen's biological brother. They were talking to a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes. If it was Long Lias When the princess is present, she will definitely recognize the Marquis Lanyi, who has always been loyal to the emperor.

Through conversations with several people behind the scenes, Yan Tielong learned that Marquis Lanyi was originally a descendant of the king who destroyed the Feilong Kingdom. In fact, they had always wanted to destroy the Feilong Kingdom and restore it to the Feilong Kingdom.

In order to destroy the Feilong Kingdom and restore the country, the Lanyi family first lurked, then showed their talents in the Feilong Kingdom and firmly became royalists.

It took the Lanyi family more than ten generations of hard work to successfully gain the trust of the royal family of Feilong Kingdom.

When the prince seized the throne, the Lanyi family did not join any forces until the old king appeared and he immediately expressed his loyalty.

After the incident of the prince seizing the throne was over, the old king made the head of the Lanyi family the auxiliary minister of the Dragon Red En Kingdom, and even let him control five armies raised by the royal family.

Originally, Yan Tielong thought that the group in front of him was the one who took action against the Dragon Royal Family, but it turned out that it was not just these people, and another group of people had already succeeded in allowing the pretended Princess Long Rias and Long Ruide to continue their actions.

Just when Yan Tielong's puppet clone was about to continue tracking the Lanyi family, he was discovered by someone, which made him very confused as to who discovered him.

But it's a pity that Yan Tielong's puppet clone didn't have time to do other things at all, because he was faced with the siege of thirteen holy-level powerhouses.

Faced with the siege of thirteen saint-level powerhouses, Yan Tielong's puppet clone did not last long and was severely injured. He had no choice but to self-destruct and took away one saint-level powerhouse and seriously injured five saint-level powerhouses.

Originally, Yan Tielong thought that when he killed one and seriously injured five saint-level powerhouses, he thought that the queen of the Lanyi family and another mysterious force would not take action. However, they did take action anyway, and their target was naturally Long Rui Aide. king.

The Lanyi family, the queen, and the first wave of dead soldiers sent by the mysterious forces were blocked by the guards protecting Long Ruide. However, King Long Ruide was still successfully poisoned by one of his royal chefs.

The poisoned King Ryad wanted to see the hidden enemy, so he used his brother-in-law's antidote to detoxify and deliberately pretended to be poisoned.

The Lanyi family, the queen and the mysterious forces were naturally fooled. After all, they had many informants in the palace, and they naturally found out that the Kingdom of Long Ruide was poisoned, so their second stage began, that is, they started to steal the symbols. The king's seal can mobilize all the legions of the entire Feilong Kingdom.

What the Lanyi family, the queen, and the mysterious forces didn't expect was that the dragon seal they sent to steal was fake. However, King Long Ruide had already ordered the trusted legion commander in advance to obey the orders of the fake dragon seal.

Soon the Lanyi family, the queen and the mysterious forces took control of the official 30 legions, which was an army of 150,000. Unless the Qing emperor mobilized the Qing Dynasty to surrender all the territory to attack them, the royal capital would already be under their control.

After taking control of the Feilong King's capital, the Lanyi family, the queen and the mysterious forces did not dare to announce to the whole country what they had discovered in the capital, because they knew very well that they were not the only ones who had ambitions and hid them. If those families were to discover the capital, After discovering what they have discovered, the Qing emperor will definitely take action. Whether they can secure the throne is a question.

However, what the three major rebel forces did not expect was that the queen actually cooperated with her younger brother to backstab the Lanyi family. Soon the nobles in the territories around the royal capital knew that the Lanyi family had actually committed regicide.

After the Lanyi family was stabbed in the back, they instead began to protect King Long Ruiide because the queen wanted the king dead so that the Lanyi family would be known as regicide.

Of course, the reason why the queen dared to backstab the Lanyi family was because she had the support of mysterious forces. At the same time, they believed that Princess Longlias had been eliminated. In addition, there was no other royal bloodline, so the queen could legitimately inherit the throne. The entire throne, especially if they can kill the regicide Lanyi family, will make their throne more stable.

Facing the king's full-force assassination, the Lanyi family suffered heavy losses. Unfortunately, they had no way out, so they could only use all their strength to attack the queen and the bewitched nobles.

During the confrontation between the Lanyi family and the queen, King Long Ruide disappeared from the control of the Lanyi family, escorted by loyal guards and Yan Tielong's shadow puppet.

King Longruide, who escaped from the palace under the control of the Lanyi family, did not immediately intervene in the confrontation between the queen and the Lanyi family. He had to deal with the losses until the end of the fight between the two forces.

Of course, King Long Ruide is still doing one thing, and that is investigating the third mysterious force. Fortunately, the members of Hidden Dragon Claw are so powerful that they actually investigate the third force, the Holy See of Light.

King Long Ruide was surprised when he learned that the third force was the Holy See of Light. You must know that King Long Ruide, under the influence of Yan Tielong and Princess Long Lias, had already classified the Holy See of Light as a cult. Once he discovered that there was a Holy See of Light, he would With a huge bounty, it stands to reason that the Holy See of Light would not dare to appear in the Feilong Kingdom.

According to the reports of the hidden Dragon Claw members, the reason why the Holy See of Light was able to install so many masters was because they did not preach according to the Holy See of Light at all, and they used the Mother Earth Cult as a cover to lurk in the royal capital secretly.

Through the Holy See of Light, a master of believers actually sneaked into the royal capital in the name of the Mother of the Earth Cult. King Long Ruide also suddenly realized that the largest sect in the Feilong Kingdom is the Mother of the Earth, followed by the Holy See of Life.

The reason why the Holy See of Life is ranked second instead of first is actually because the royal family prevents the Holy See of Life from becoming too powerful and even issues some policies against the Holy See of Life. As a result, this policy makes it difficult for believers of the Holy See of Light to pretend to be followers of the Holy See of Life. However, the Mother of the Earth Cult did not. As a result, the followers of the Holy See of Light took advantage of the loopholes in Feilong Kingdom's official policy towards the Mother of the Earth Cult and sneaked into the royal capital pretending to be followers of the Mother of the Earth Cult.

After investigating the third wave of forces, Ed Long naturally wanted to close the net, so he suddenly appeared to join the war with the Lanyi family and the queen.

The Lanyi family saw that there was no hope of restoring the country, so they left the main family members behind and the other younger members ran away.

Since the Lanyi family had given up resistance, they were wiped out in the first wave, and then came the fight between King Long Ruide and the queen.

However, this is the Feilong Kingdom after all, and the queen is naturally no match. However, the followers of the Holy See of Light soon ended up in person.

However, it is a pity that the believers of the Holy See of Light are targeted by members of the Dragon Claw, so the Kingdom of Dragon Ruide still needs to deal with the believers of the Holy See of Light.

What King Long Ruide didn't expect was that the hidden masters of the Holy See of Light suddenly attacked when he thought he would deal with the queen and the followers of the Holy See of Light. As a result, the believers of the Holy See of Light actually came to King Long Ruide.

Faced with the attack by the top masters of the Holy See of Light, the shadow clone of Yan Tielong who was hiding in the shadow of King Dragon Ruide had to emerge. Unfortunately, the shadow clone of Yan Tielong was still destroyed by the top masters of the Holy See of Light. However, the followers of the Holy See of Light had no choice but to emerge. One of the three top masters died together, one was seriously injured, and the remaining one was only slightly injured.

Faced with the siege of five holy masters, the remaining top master of the Holy See of Light had no choice but to run away. After all, he would be dead if he didn't run.

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