Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1806: Deal with the rebels

[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

At around ten o'clock in the morning on June 11, 1182, Xingyu City, Yan Tielong received the latest battle report from Queen Xue Xili'er and the others in the Taixue City Lord's Mansion; and Yan Tielong who looked at the battle report couldn't help but sigh that Xue Xili'er has won the hearts of the people!

The battle report said that yesterday, Xue Xilier led 10,000 local troops from the Snowy Night Kingdom on a rapid march to the royal capital. When they arrived at the rebel area of ​​influence, they encountered the first wave of 5,000 rebel forwards.

When Queen Xue Xilier faced the rebel army of 5,000 troops, she did not immediately order the killing, but instead persuaded the rebel forward to surrender.

The vanguard of the rebel army did not accept Xue Xilier's persuasion to surrender at first, but instead denounced the royal family for making the people of Xueye Kingdom miserable.

Queen Xue Xilier was scolded by the vanguard of the rebel army. She did not deny it, but she also pointed out that the rebel army was in very bad shape now. Even if she didn't care, the nobles of the royal capital and the old kingdom would destroy the rebel army, and she could protect them. Rebel Army.

Faced with Queen Xue Xilier's attempt to persuade them to surrender, many of the lower-level rebels were already moved at the scene. However, they were still under the jurisdiction of military officers, which made them dare not surrender even if they wanted to.

Seeing that the rebels could not be persuaded, Queen Xue Xilier decided to challenge the rebels in order to avoid a large-scale fierce battle!

Faced with a duel proposed by Queen Xue Xilier, the rebel forward wanted to undermine the morale of Queen Xue Xilier and her 10,000-strong army. The rebel army naturally agreed. Then they sent a forward general named Bolan Lishi, who was just like his name. A strong man holding a three hundred kilogram heavy hammer.

Faced with the challenge of the strongman Bolan Lux, Queen Xue Xilier and the others sent a man named Damien Gershen. He was originally a thief with some strength, but was caught by Xue Xilier during a commissioned mission to capture theft.

Of course, Xue Xilier noticed that Damian Gershen still had some principles, so she paid a large bail to redeem Damian Gershin from prison, and then persuaded him to join the Holy Pattern Guild and work openly to make money.

Damien Gershen was very grateful to Xue Xilier for redeeming him from prison and giving him a new life, so he agreed to Xexilier's arrangement and joined the Holy Pattern Guild.

After becoming a member of the Holy Mark Guild, Damian Geshen still had a habit of petty theft, but he also developed for the better.

In this case of being framed, Xue Xilier chose to believe that Damien Gershin had changed, and used other members of the Holy Pattern Guild to help prove that Damien Gershin was innocent. He is completely devoted to Queen Xecile, and he will go all out for any task entrusted by Xecile herself.

Of course, Damien Gershin looks only about 1.5 meters tall, but he can participate in main team level tasks, which shows that he is very powerful.

When Bolan Lux saw the short Damien Gershin, he showed a very disdainful expression. After all, he thought that he could smash his opponent into meat pie with one blow of the hammer.

Faced with the contempt of Bolan Lux, Damiang showed no expression at all, and he launched the attack first.

Bolan Lux's strength is indeed very strong, but he has no lethality if he can't hit anyone, so Bolan Lux collapsed from exhaustion due to Damiang's dodge.

After Damian Geshen exhausted Bolan Lishen to death, he provoked the rebel forward.

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[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

Seeing Damian Gershen defeating the strongest among them, no one in the rebel army dared to accept a single challenge. After all, they still knew themselves.

After seeing that the rebels did not dare to accept a single challenge, the morale of Queen Xue Xilier and her army naturally increased greatly. However, Queen Xue Xilier did not pursue the victory. Instead, she directly chose to give the rebels time to think about it, and then led the army to retreat ten kilometers back. Set up camp.

The leaders of the rebel army breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Xue Xilier did not pursue the victory. After all, they knew that they were no match against Queen Xue Xilier's army head-on.

Of course, the rebels were not willing to be recaptured so easily, so they made a surprise attack on the zero-hour camp of Queen Cyril's Legion that night.

However, Xue Xilier had already been prepared. When three thousand rebels rushed into Queen Xue Xilier's zero-hour camp, they suddenly found that the soldiers in the camp were made of weeds and wood.

When the rebels saw the dummy, they naturally knew that they had been fooled, so they subconsciously wanted to run away. As a result, they were surrounded by the army of Queen Snowsril, and they couldn't even run away.

Soon, three thousand rebels who made a surprise attack were captured by Queen Xue Xilier. However, Xue Xilier did not abuse these rebels. Instead, she gave the rebels two choices. The first was to join them and become Queen Xue Xilier's army. One of them, the second option is to let these rebels go back, but they may not be so lucky in the next battle.

Faced with the choice given by Queen Xue Xilier, almost all the three thousand rebels who carried out the surprise attack joined, while those who did not join needed to go back and report back to the rebels.

As the news of the failure of the rebel army responsible for the surprise attack was quickly transmitted back to the rebel army headquarters, the senior rebel army leaders at the headquarters had intense exchanges. They were also divided into three groups. One group was fighting to the death with Queen Xecile's army because they did not believe it at all. Any words from the royal family of the Snowy Night Kingdom.

The second faction is the moderate faction. They believe that they can avoid the sharp edge of Queen Xue Xili'er's army and avoid casualties. In the future, they will either become bandits or become common people of the Snowy Night Kingdom again.

The third faction is naturally the capitulation faction. They believe that Queen Xue Xilier is a wise queen. Following her, they think they will also have the potential to develop in the future.

None of the three factions could convince the other, so they used force to decide their future choices. As a result, they were about the same strength and no one could do anything about the other, so the three factions officially split.

The senior officials who chose to surrender were worried that something would happen over time, so they immediately took their armed forces and ran to Queen Xecile to surrender.

Facing the surrendering rebel high-ranking officials, Queen Xue Xilier personally received them and directly pardoned the capitulating rebels for their previous crimes, and also promised to arrange their future lives well.

Due to the intelligence of the surrendering rebels, Queen Xue Xilier sent an army to attack the Zhongyong and Die-Kiao factions overnight.

Of course, Queen Checilier also has different attitudes towards the Moderate and the Die-hard faction. After all, there is still room for moderation, but the Die-hard faction is completely hopeless, so she focuses on attacking the Die-hard faction.

Maybe the die-hard faction and moderate faction of the rebel army were careless. After they actually had a fight with the capitulation faction, they did not patrol the strongholds rigorously. As a result, they were defeated after a surprise attack by Queen Xecile's army. Soon the entire rebel army was defeated. The armed forces were almost solved.

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[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

After Queen Xue Xilier eliminated the rebel armies, she did not enter the royal capital because the counselors around her said that the rebels had caused harm to the royal capital after all, and it was very inappropriate to arrange the rebels in the royal capital, so Xue Xilier The queen decided to go to the last big city of the Snowy Night Kingdom. She wanted to arrange the rebel army in the last big city, so as to avoid the conflict between the rebel army and the forces in the royal capital.

After reading the information about Queen Xue Xilier's arrangements for the rebel army, Yan Tielong couldn't help but nod in praise.

Just after Yan Tielong finished sorting out the documents about the battle between Queen Xue Xilier and the rebel army, a member of the Holy Mark Guild hurried in and handed a small scroll to the president.

The content of the small scroll is that the caravan of the Holy Pattern Trade Union formed by Gu Yucheng has almost arrived at the King of Snow Night King. They asked the president if they are entering the King of Snow Night King now?

After reading the contents of the small scroll, Yan Tielong couldn't help but sigh that the members really work hard to make money.

After sighing with emotion, Yan Tielong thought about it for a moment, and then asked the Saint Pattern Union caravan not to enter the royal capital. Instead, he asked them to make a detour to the third city of the Snow Night Kingdom, so that supplies could be used to place the rebels.

As for the price problem in the Royal Capital, Yan Tielong already has a solution, but he still wants the old king and nobles in the Royal Capital to feel the backlash caused by the prices.

Time soon arrived at around five o'clock in the evening. When Yan Tielong had just finished his dinner, a member of the Holy Pattern Union rushed over to report that someone was causing trouble in the barbarian military camp!

Hearing that someone dared to cause trouble in the barbarian military camp, Yan Tielong asked without a trace of nervousness whether the person who caused the trouble had been arrested?

The members of the Holy Pattern Union reported that they had indeed been arrested, but those people took advantage of public opinion and now many people have surrounded the barbarian military camp.

Hearing that someone was using the people's hatred for the barbarians to surround the barbarian military camp, Yan Tielong thought about it and said that anyone who dared to break into the barbarian military camp would be dealt with by military law. Then Yan Tielong led a mere three hundred core personnel to the barbarian military camp.

It didn't take long for Yan Tielong and the others to arrive at the barbarian military camp, but now the people at the entrance of the military camp were already clashing with the barbarians in the barbarian camp. Fortunately, the barbarians were still restrained. If a fight broke out, Yan Tielong would be troubled.

Soon Yan Tielong led 300 people and began to control the bewitched people. However, someone once bewitched Queen Xue Xilier's people without considering the original people at all, and let the people directly confront Yan Tielong and the others.

Faced with the people who were bewitched by some people, Yan Tielong very forcefully announced that the people should leave the military camp. If they continued to stay here, he would enforce the law.

However, most of the people had no intention of leaving, so Yan Tielong did not hesitate to order the arrest of the people in front of him and the people behind the instigation of the people.

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