Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1804: The coalition of three barbarian tribes was poisoned

[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

At around three o'clock in the morning on June 8, Xingyu 1182, the barbarian coalition forces of the three major tribes had lurked less than thirty kilometers away from Taixue City.

The coalition of three barbarian tribes wanted to take the Snowy Night Kingdom by surprise. However, what they didn't know was that their military operations had been monitored by some invisible creatures.

At this time, the sky began to fog, but it was still dark, so the barbarians did not notice the fog.

Of course, the fog during this period is not natural, but man-made, and this fog contains special elements. A small amount of breathing will have little impact on the body, but inhaling it for a long time may directly cause physical discomfort.

After the three barbarian coalition forces walked for nearly an hour, they were already in a forest less than three thousand meters away from Taixue City.

The leaders of the three barbarian tribes saw the city wall in front of them. Just when they were about to launch a charge to attack the city, they saw the city gate opened, and then a heavy infantry force of 10,000 people came out.

Seeing the uniform pace of the 10,000 heavy infantry, the people of the three barbarian tribes swallowed subconsciously. After all, the 10,000 heavy infantry in front of them were all very elite in terms of stature and weapons and equipment.

After the heavy infantry came out of the city to form a rectangular formation, the leading heavy infantry leader shouted a challenge to the leaders of the three barbarian tribes, and used the fierce fighting method between barbarians.

Soon, members of the three barbarian tribes were unconvinced. He stood up and walked out of the forest wielding a large mace to accept the challenge.

Seeing that people from the three barbarian tribes accepted the challenge, the heavy infantry began to form a half circle according to barbarian rules. After all, the remaining half circle needed to be surrounded by the three barbarian tribes.

Seeing that Xueye Kingdom actually followed the barbarian rules, the three barbarian tribes did not rush forward. Instead, they sent a small number of people to surround them in a half circle.

After the warriors from both sides were ready, they drew their heavy weapons and rushed towards each other. When the weapons were within attack range, they immediately swung their weapons to fight.

Ding! Ding~ding~, the weapons of the two sides kept colliding, but soon the maces of the players from the three major alliances were chopped off by the iron axes sent by the masters from the Snowy Night Kingdom. This caused the players from the three major tribal alliances to endure the loss.

After the Snowy Night Kingdom's contestants won the competition, the morale of Snowy Night Kingdom's heavy infantry greatly increased, and the contestants were very excited to challenge the barbarians of the three major alliances.

Faced with the provocation from the Snowy Night Kingdom players, the barbarians from the three major tribal alliances were naturally unconvinced, and soon the same barbarians with iron axes stood up to challenge the Snowy Night Kingdom players.

Soon the two sides were fighting together, and this time the player sent by the barbarians from the three major tribe alliances was stronger than the one just now. He caught the player from the Snowy Night Kingdom and slashed his ax at the player from the Snowy Night Kingdom, but it was a pity. The barbarian player's ax only made a dent in the Snowy Night Kingdom player's breastplate but did not damage it, so the Snowy Night Kingdom player took the opportunity to take it down under the surprised expression of the barbarian player.

The barbarian player who was captured was naturally dissatisfied. After all, the opponent had a huge advantage in armor, otherwise the ax just now would have caused the opponent to lose his combat ability.

Seeing that their own player had won this time, the morale of the heavy infantry of the Snowy Night Kingdom rose sharply, causing the barbarians from the three major tribes to sound the horn of retreat.

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[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

The reason why the coalition of three barbarian tribes chose to retreat was because they wanted to launch an attack. However, they were discovered by the Kingdom of Snowy Night, so the attack naturally failed to succeed.

Then they faced the one-on-one challenge from the Snowy Night Kingdom, but they lost two games in a row, which caused their morale to drop significantly. If they lost one one-on-one game, their three major tribal alliances would collapse directly.

Of course, if the coalition of the three barbarian tribes wins a duel, their morale will be very high, and they will even attack the city without fear of death. By then, the Snowy Night Kingdom will not be able to defend Taixue City unless it uses special means.

Seeing the three major barbarian tribes' coalition forces retreating, Queen Xeciliel on the city wall couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, she was not completely sure of guarding the 140,000 barbarian army who were relatively united.

Noticing Xue Xilier's relieved expression, Yan Tielong said that there was no need to worry. Even if the barbarians attacked the city, they could win as long as they persisted for two to three hours.

When she heard that she could win as long as she persisted for two to three hours, Xue Xilier remembered that Yan Tielong had gone out early in the morning, so she couldn't help but ask why?

When Queen Xue Xilier asked why, Yan Tielong asked whether the fog was a bit heavy today?

Regarding Yan Tielong's unanswered question, Xue Xilier looked at the forest not far ahead and saw that it was indeed foggy. She thought of the rumors that the president could be very good at using poison. She couldn't help but wonder if defeating the barbarian tribe with poison would cause them to rebound. ?

When Yan Tielong saw that Queen Xue Xilier saw what he was doing, he said there was no problem. Instead, he smiled and said that instead of hating them, the barbarians would thank him.

Seeing that the president didn't want to say anything, Queen Xue Xilier didn't force it, and then she went to deal with some government affairs. After all, ever since the Barbarian Alliance army was about to attack the city, the security in Taixue City had been problematic.

Seeing that there was a security problem, Queen Xue Xilier was really angry with the old king. After all, once the Barbarian Alliance army took Taixue City, the entire Snow Night Kingdom would be destroyed, so she told the captain of the guard that she would not treat her father. The king's men kept their hands.

After listening to the order issued by Queen Xue Xiliwen, several guards captains showed happy expressions. After all, the reason why they arrested the old king's people were timid, which also caused many of the old king's people who caused trouble to escape. .

After Xue Xilier's personal guard captain received the order, they immediately took action. Soon they led a hundred elite guards to surround a hotel. Then hundreds of elite guards heard the guard captain saying that the barbarian spies in the hotel would be punished if they dared to resist. Ground kill! And let everyone rest assured, this is the order of Queen Xue Xilier!

After hearing the order from Queen Xue Xilier, the eyes of the hundreds of elite guards on the scene lit up. After all, they had been unable to let go of their previous arrest missions because of the opponent's special status, which resulted in him running away despite being able to catch him. This made other colleagues But after teasing them for not having the ability, now they don't have that layer of worries, and they can do their best to prevent it.

When the guard captain ordered the arrest, hundreds of elite guards rushed into the hotel. They didn't care whether there were ordinary people in the hotel. They captured all of them when they got the order. So a dozen businessmen and ordinary travelers were captured by these pro-guards. Wei Jingrui captured and detained him, and if he encountered resistance or his tone was slightly bad, he would be beaten.

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[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

When those people sent by the old king broke into the hotel with their elite guards, they discovered that they were somewhat disdainful of the Queen's guards who had dealt with them several times. Because of their status, the Queen's guards did not dare to do anything to them, otherwise It is impossible for them to cause so many things.

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However, as soon as the old king's people fought against the Queen's personal guards, they realized something was wrong, because they found that the elite Queen's personal guards were actually killing them, which made them panic. After all, they were able to escape so many times because of their status. Only with blessing can I be free until now.

Soon everyone in the hotel was captured by the Queen's elite guards. Of course, the old king's people were naturally dissatisfied. They actually used their identities as subordinates of the old kingdom to threaten and let them go.

However, it is not easy to threaten people in the old kingdom. After all, this time the queen personally ordered it.

At the same time, the three major barbarian tribe alliances also began to have trouble. Because they were trapped in a large amount of problematic fog, they began to vomit and have diarrhea.

When the old witch doctors who accompanied the army saw a large number of barbarians having problems, they naturally thought that the army was poisoned by the fog miasma, so they began to detoxify them.

However, the old witch doctors soon discovered that the medicinal soup made from the medicinal materials they brought was not very effective in treating the army, so they asked the leader of the army to withdraw. After all, they needed some time to find a treatment plan.

Faced with the old witch doctor's request, the leaders of the three barbarian tribes coalition refused and threatened their lives. The old witch doctor must find a treatment plan before dark today, otherwise they will all be executed.

Faced with the death order from the leaders of the three barbarian tribes alliance, the old witch doctors were desperate. After all, they did not think they could find a treatment plan.

The companions next to the leader of the three barbarian tribes coalition couldn't help but ask the leader if he was too demanding on the old witch doctors. After all, he could see that the old witch doctors were working at their full strength.

Faced with colleagues questioning whether he was too harsh on the old witch doctor, the leader of the three barbarian tribes alliance said that he really didn't have much time now. Once the Snow Night Kingdom discovered that their army was poisoned, they would definitely beat up the drowned dog. By then, they would become The sinner of the entire savage race.

The leader's colleagues did not take it seriously as the leader was worried. After all, the 140,000 troops were his greatest confidence.

However, a barbarian who was investigating urgently reported to the leader that the light cavalry of the Snowy Night Kingdom attacked them and asked the leader what to do?

Hearing that the Snowy Night Kingdom sent light cavalry to attack, the leader immediately ordered the barbarians who were now free to stop the Snowy Night Kingdom's light cavalry. They must not let the Snowy Night Kingdom's light cavalry discover their true situation.

However, what the leaders of the three barbarian tribe coalition forces didn't know was that the Snow Night Kingdom had long known about their situation, and now it was sending light cavalry to harass them just to make the barbarians continue to smoke the mist.

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