Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1764: The dangerous place of 0 River Valley

[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

At about ten o'clock in the morning on February 6, 1182, a team of about 180,000 people came from outside the Baichuan Valley of the Kingdom of Saint Martin. This team was composed of soldiers from the Feilong Kingdom and nobles and businessmen from the King of Saint Mary. and some refugees.

The leader of the 180,000 team is still Lion Frege, but now Lion Frege does not dare to enter the Baichuan Valley, because yesterday's Air Force scouts had already inspected this place, and they found that there are many unknown forces hidden here. stationed.

Liont Frege naturally knew that those hidden unknown forces should be targeting their team. If they entered regardless, then they would most likely become the meat of those hidden forces for everyone to enjoy.

Not long after, Liont Frege saw a black dot appear in the sky, which made him relieved, because he knew that the black dot in the sky was his son-in-law returning from reconnaissance.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Yan Tielong to land in front of his father-in-law. After he came down from the Elf Horned Eagle, he told his father-in-law that there were a total of thirteen forces in the Baichuan Valley. They had the potential to unite. If they really went this way, then They really became the meat on the steaming board. After all, the geographical advantage here was on the ambusher's side.

Hearing his son-in-law's proposal to take a long detour, which would add five days to the journey, Liont Frege couldn't help but frown. After all, he hoped to lead the army out of the Kingdom of St. Madern as soon as possible.

Seeing his father-in-law's hesitation, Yan Tielong reminded his father-in-law in a low voice that there were many natural spies in their team. If they really traveled through all the rivers and valleys, they would be able to get through. Based on his assessment, an army of 100,000 people might not survive.

After listening to his son-in-law's reminder, Liont Frege naturally would not rush in willfully, so he followed his son-in-law's suggestion and commanded the team to make a detour.

Soon the whole team knew that the commander of the Feilong Kingdom was going to make a detour, and the soldiers and officers of the Feilong Kingdom strictly followed the commander's orders and started to enter another road. After all, that road was a bit far but safer than the Baichuan Valley.

However, not everyone is willing to make a detour. After all, they are very worried about being overtaken by the official army of the Kingdom of St. Madern. After all, they are the persecuted nobles and businessmen, and they believe that after mainly passing through the Baichuan Valley, they can leave in two days. St. Madern Kingdom, so they began to separate from the Legion of Feilong Kingdom.

Faced with the separation of the rescued nobles and businessmen, Liont Frege did not stop it, but he also said that the protection contract between him and those nobles and businessmen was also terminated, and the separated businessmen and nobles were no longer protected by his army.

Since those nobles and businessmen did not trust the Feilong Kingdom's army, after all, they believed that the Feilong Kingdom was another form of banditry. If they could trust the Feilong Kingdom's army, then they would be real fools, so soon about 50,000 people separated. Appear.

Of course, only less than 2000 to 3000 of the 50,000 people are nobles and businessmen, and the rest are the armed guards they recruited. However, these armed forces are not under unified management, so although there are many of them, they are all miscellaneous soldiers fighting on their own. That’s all, this is Lion Frege’s evaluation.

The remaining 30,000 people did not want to follow the nobles and businessmen, but it was a pity that they had no capital, because in order to escape from the capital, which can be said to be a hell on earth, they had sold themselves to Yan Tielong. Unless they had a ransom, they would not dare to run away. They are about to prepare for death.

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The 30,000 people Yan Tielong bought from the local area were not ordinary people. These people were various high-level craftsmen and their families. However, Yan Tielong's taking away these craftsmen caused more invisible losses to the Kingdom of St. Martin than abducting ten saint-level powerhouses. Be serious.

Of course, the King of St. Mary's Kingdom doesn't feel anything yet. When he moves to the capital and builds a palace and weapons and equipment, he will understand what the Kingdom of St. Mary's has lost. Unfortunately, it will be too late for him to regret it by then.

In fact, Lion Tielong didn't understand why Yan Tielong bought so many craftsmen. After all, he believed that Feilong Kingdom had no shortage of these craftsmen; and Yan Tielong's answer was that he wanted these craftsmen to build his territory.

In fact, this time King St. Martin's King and his entourage, Yan Tielong not only purchased more than 30,000 senior craftsmen and craftsmen's families, he also spent nearly millions of gold coins to secretly take away the royal library of the royal capital. Of course, the royal library was openly It has been set ablaze by the former eldest prince's people; it can be said that this time the biggest gainer of King Saint Martin and his entourage is Yan Tielong.

At this time, when Lion Frege was leading 130,000 people around the Baichuan Valley, the 50,000 people who were left to enter the Baichuan Valley had already begun to enter.

Of course, at this time, Yan Tielong is riding an elf horned eagle and is hovering at a position of 3,000 to 4,000 meters above the Baichuan Valley. After all, no one should be able to snipe him at this position, and this distance is also the limit of how far he can observe the ground. If it were higher, It will be disturbed by clouds, and even if he takes out his telescope, he may not be able to see the ground clearly.

The reason why Yan Tielong was circling up the Baichuan Valley was because he wanted to see the fate of those nobles and merchants who forced their way into the Baichuan Valley.

What Yan Tielong didn't expect was that the first wave of forces that blocked the 50,000 people were very scheming, because the other party only sent out 3,000 people, deliberately defeated and ran deeper, but in fact, they waited until the 50,000 people passed through the jurisdiction of the first force. , their escape route was directly cut off, which meant that these 50,000 people had become turtles in a urn.

It was around one o'clock in the afternoon, and a team of 50,000 nobles and businessmen had walked ten kilometers in the Baichuan Valley. Now they have become the center of the Baichuan Valley and the most dangerous area, because long-range shooters can be ambushed on the second mountain. It is very difficult for people on the road to climb up the mountain. This is the main reason why Yan Tielong doesn't mind his father-in-law walking here.

Soon a team of 50,000 nobles and businessmen entered the most dangerous area. A wealthy businessman in the walking team looked at the second mountain peak on the road. He couldn't help but swallowed and regretted walking away. After all, a powerful man like him The businessman naturally knew that an ambush in this environment would be a huge danger to their team, otherwise they would not grow bigger, so he told the Marquis who led the team not to advance, otherwise it would be very dangerous.

However, the Marquis who led the team rejected the proposal of the businessman who had a premonition of danger, because he also knew that since they entered the Baichuan Valley, there was no regrettable choice. Now he can only lead the army to rush out of this most dangerous area, otherwise they will all be killed. destruction.

The businessman who saw the danger saw that the team leader vetoed his proposal. Naturally, he was unwilling to die along with him, so he began to plan a later route.

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However, the businessman who saw the danger did not know that Yan Tielong in the air saw the entire scene. Now the nobles and businessmen were surrounded by tens of thousands of people at the rear. They could only stand a chance by rushing forward. However, there was only one chance. The opportunity was deliberately given by those ambushing forces. After all, it gave the nobles and businessmen a glimmer of hope that their reaction would not be so violent.

When the Marquis led nearly 40,000 people into the most dangerous area, the crossbowmen from the Second Test Peak Mountain who had been prepared naturally launched an attack.

Facing the rain of arrows, the army led by the Marquis did not resist too much, but continued to charge forward.

In fact, the Marquis made the right choice, but the reality was too cruel. The path he thought was the right path was actually the path prepared for him by the enemy. By the time they passed the most dangerous area, there were only ten thousand people left. Moreover, they have abandoned all their luggage. The most important thing is that they are all more or less injured.

However, what made the Marquis and others even more desperate was that they suddenly discovered that after they finally broke out of the most dangerous area, they found that the danger was not over, because there were now a large number of long-range weapons at the Second Test Peak Station around them, and there were even blocking horses ahead.

Just when the Marquis and others were in despair, the Second Test Peak suddenly encountered attacks from the air. However, these attacks were only smoke bombs, which also gave the Marquis and the others a chance to escape.

Naturally, the person who rescued the Marquis was Yan Tielong, but it was not that Yan Tielong was kind-hearted, but that Yan Tielong would use the Marquis and others to contain their energy, so as to reduce unnecessary trouble with his father-in-law and the others.

Although with the help of Yan Tielong's smoke bombs, the Marquis and the others finally ran out of Baichuan Valley with half of their people lost. However, they had some confusion in their eyes after they had just left the valley. After all, most of their wealth was left in Baichuan Valley. At this time, they all regretted it. Why are you so anxious? If they weren't anxious, maybe they would be so involved now.

In fact, the Marquis and others were lucky, because those merchants and nobles who chose to retreat were finally destroyed. After all, those nobles and merchants who retreated did not expect that when they entered the Baichuan Valley and were lured by lawless elements, their retreat would be The road is cut off.

When those who retreated wanted to rush forward, the various forces that wanted to swallow them had already taken action to close the net, so they were like fish being fished out of the water, unable to enter the water no matter how hard they struggled.

However, Yan Tielong, who was high in the air at this time, was considering whether to intercept the loot below. After all, as long as he threw a big bag of magic vines to the ground, he was confident that he could capture all the loot that various forces on the ground were grabbing.

After Yan Tielong's careful consideration, he gave up. After all, taking away all the trophies of these thirty forces would attract hatred and cause something to happen to his father-in-law. It would be bad, but he still gave it to the illegal forces below. Warning, but also want to see the strength of these forces.

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