Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1498: 0 Lei Chamber of Commerce took the remaining ore and the War Temple warehouse was stol

At around nine o'clock in the morning on March 23, Xingyu 1180, Yan Tielong was conducting handover matters with the stationed members. After all, he had decided to leave for the Dark Elf clan tomorrow.

When the negotiations with the senior officials were about to begin, outside the door of the parliament hall, a member in charge of guard Feng reported that Bai Lei Chamber of Commerce President Lei Guqi and Tsukihime asked to see the president.

Yan Tielong was a little confused when he heard that Lei Guqian Yueji wanted to see him. After all, the deal between him and Lei Guqian Yueji had been reached, and the other party should have nothing to do with him.

No matter what, Yan Tielong asked the doorman to ask Lei Guqian and Yueji to wait in the reception hall, and he would meet with him after handling the affairs here.

After dismissing the guard, Yan Tielong gave his final summary to the left-behind senior management, and then announced the end of the meeting, and then took his fiancée, Princess Long Lias and the two left-behind senior management to see Lei Guqian Yueji. After all, Yan Tielong also wanted Lei Guqian Tsukihime can take care of the members here, so Tsukihime must have more contact with the senior management left behind.

When Yan Tielong and other senior officials of the Holy Pattern Union came to the reception hall, Lei Guqian Yueji was not as anxious as last time, but instead sipped the scented tea very leisurely.

After exchanging salutes and questions about etiquette, Yan Tielong didn't ask around the bush about the other party's purpose?

Regarding Yan Tielong's direct inquiry about the purpose of his visit, Lei Guqian Yueji first thanked Yan Tielong for the favor.

Yan Tielong had a confused look on his face, but when he heard Lei Guqian and Yue Ji talking about the human relationship about the War Temple, he suddenly realized that after all, the dwarf at the War Temple yesterday had a very unfriendly attitude.

Lei Guqian Yueji told Yan Tielong that Tuyan Maguda was the scum of the Temple of War yesterday. He dared to ask for all her elf-style equipment without spending a penny. As a result, she gave her a severe beating. She even had to ask the Temple of War to give her an explanation; and yesterday afternoon, the Temple of War sent dwarves to apologize to her; but now she encountered another trouble, hoping that the Holy Pattern Guild could help them, the Hundred Thunder Chamber of Commerce.

After hearing Lei Guqian Yueji's talk and asking for help in a good mood, Yan Tielong did not agree immediately, but instead asked the other party if he wanted to help in this way.

When Lei Guqianyueji heard Yan Tielong's inquiry, she also directly stated that she already knew that the Saint Mark Guild still had half of the elf-style equipment, and she asked Yan Tielong to sell the remaining half of the elf-style equipment to her.

Regarding Lei Guxi Yueji's request, Yan Tielong was about to refuse, but she told Yan Tielong not to refuse because she was afraid of her hands, and then four strong dwarves picked up a large box from outside.

After Lei Guqianyueji opened the box, she told Yan Tielong that she would buy the remaining ores with half of the elf-style equipment and human-style equipment.

Yan Tielong heard that Lei Guqian Yueji wanted to pay with half elf-style equipment and half human-style equipment. He carefully checked the equipment in the box.

After Yan Tielong checked the equipment in the box, he seriously asked the other party if he could guarantee that the equipment he paid for would be of the same quality as the equipment in front of him.

Upon hearing Yan Tielong's inquiry, Lei Guqian Yueji did not hide it and told Yan Tielong that she did not know the quality of the weapons, but these weapons and equipment were paid for by the God of War.

Yan Tielong understood when he heard that it was the Temple of War that paid the price. After all, he knew that the Temple of War was short of ore, and Yan Tielong had previously led the Temple of War to the Bailei Chamber of Commerce. It seems that the Bailei Chamber of Commerce had already agreed to Zhande Temple's purchase of the ore, and the Bailei Chamber of Commerce had also The ore must be handed over to the dwarf king, which also means that the Bailei Chamber of Commerce's ore reserves are definitely not enough, so the Bailei Chamber of Commerce will look for them.

After thinking for a while to understand the truth, Yan Tielong agreed to the transaction proposed by the other party without even increasing the price.

You know, Lei Guqianyueji had just reminded Yan Tielong that he could increase the price of the ore. After all, according to her, it was the War Temple who had deep pockets to pay for it.

The reason why Yan Tielong maintained his evaluation of Lei Guqian and Yueji was because he did not want to quarrel with the War Temple. After all, he knew that the War Temple had dwarves in the Holy Mark Guild and the Bailei Chamber of Commerce. If the price was long, the senior officials of the War Temple would know about it. , when the time comes, they will definitely remember what happened today, and it is very likely that they will stumble the Holy Pattern Guild in the future.

Lei Guqianyueji was very surprised that Yan Tielong didn't pay a long price, but she still reminded Yan Tielong that the war temple was in the nature of apology in a transaction, so there was no problem with a slightly higher price.

Yan Tielong knew in his heart that it was not easy to take advantage of the Temple of War, so he refused Lei Guqian Yueji's kindness and continued to trade at the price just now. His only requirement was to ensure the quality of the arms in the transaction.

Lei Guqianyueji was a little surprised by Yan Tielong's persistence, but she still ensured the quality of the arms. Then the two parties began to sign a contract, and then their subordinates began to transport the arms and ore.

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon, and several warehouses of the Holy Pattern Union were empty. After all, the size and quantity of ores were larger and much larger than weapons and equipment.

After processing the ore in the warehouse, Yan Tielong began to prepare the caravan heading for the Fallen Elves to set off in advance. After all, the Holy Pattern Union no longer had the ore, and it was necessary to replenish it from the Fallen Elves.

It was around five o'clock in the evening, just as Yan Tielong and the others were enjoying dinner, a dwarf member of the Holy Mark Guild hurried to the restaurant and came to Yan Tielong's side to report in a low voice.

Yan Tielong was a little surprised when he heard the words of the dwarf who reported the report, because the dwarf who had just been in charge of the intelligence here told Yan Tielong that a mysterious force actually dared to rob the warehouse of the Temple of War, and the goods that were robbed were the ore that had just been transported from the Bailei Chamber of Commerce. Now Mitsubishi City has been sealed off. After all, the God of War believes that the ore in a warehouse cannot be transported out of the city so quickly and silently, so they believe that the ore is still hidden in the city.

Just when Yan Tielong was thinking about what force dared to attract the attention of the War Temple, Yueying Lingqian'er suddenly told her sister that she knew where the ore for the War Temple was!

Yueying Lingqian'er was a little surprised when he suddenly appeared, but when Yan Tielong heard that Yueying Lingqian'er knew where the ore that robbed the War Temple was hidden, he couldn't help but ask where the other party was hiding.

When Tsukikage Suzukiji heard her sister's inquiry, she took out a map from her arms, and the map was the entire map of Mitsubishi City, and she even remembered clearly the time of the zone defense change.

Yueying Lingqianer pointed to the noble area in the southwest of the map and told Yan Tielong that the robbed ores were hidden there.

Seeing that the place Yueying Ling Qian'er pointed to was not far from the Temple of War, Yan Tielong couldn't help but sigh that the most dangerous place was the safest.

On the side, Shite Aaliya looked at the ore cache. She couldn't help but ask her fiancé if he would pass the information to the Temple of War?

When Yan Tielong heard what his fiancée said, he said it would not be long before he asked Yueying Lingqianer how he knew where the ore from the Temple of War was hidden.

Tsukikage Suzukiji heard her sister's question. She said she had been bored recently, so she drew Mitsubishi City herself. Soon the entire Mitsubishi was almost drawn. The first reason was that the War Temple area was not drawn. The reason was that there were too many masters in the War Temple. , so she drew it slowly today, and as a result, she witnessed with her own eyes a warehouse of ore from the Temple of War that a certain dwarf force cooperated with others.

Tsukikage Suzuelle then described in detail how a certain force fought for the ore in the temple warehouse, and how she tracked her into the mysterious force's stronghold.

After listening to Yueying Lingqian'er's story, Yan Tielong also became interested and wanted to explore it. However, Shite Aaliya on the side reminded her fiancé that it was better to alert the War Temple first. She was worried that the War Temple would search them if the goods were not found.

Originally, Yan Tielong didn't believe that the Temple of War would search their Holy Pattern Guild. After all, Yan Tielong thought in his heart that they were so powerful that there was no need to rob them. However, reality slapped Yan Tielong hard in the face.

Faced with the request from the God of War Temple to search the Holy Mark Guild, Yan Tielong refused. However, Princess Long Lias persuaded him and said that he should let the God of War Temple conduct a search. After all, the God of War God Temple has a great influence on the dwarves. A very irrational act.

After listening to Princess Long Lias's persuasion, Yan Tielong calmed down a little, so he chose to be patient and let the War Temple enter the Holy Pattern Guild for a search. However, he also warned the members of the War Temple during the search that they had better not go too far during the search, otherwise they would be afraid. Unable to do business with the dwarves, he will also use all his strength to deal with the Temple of War.

Faced with Yan Tielong's warning, the senior officials of the War Temple who wanted to search were much better off. After all, they also knew that Yan Tielong was an easy elder, and although he was a foreigner, he could still influence the War Temple as an honorary elder.

After nearly a thousand armed forces from the Temple of War conducted a comprehensive search, they found that there were various things in the Holy Pattern Guild, such as the weapons and equipment they traded with the Bailei Chamber of Commerce, but they did not find a single piece of ore, which made them very depressed. After all, they They also knew why the armed equipment they traded with the Bailei Chamber of Commerce appeared here, so they expressed their apologies and left directly.

Yan Tielong just apologized to the God of War and left. He was naturally very angry, so he decided not to tell the God of War where the ore they had been robbed was.

However, what Yan Tielong didn't know was that the Temple of War did not trust the Holy Pattern Union, which also led to Yan Tielong and the others being searched at the gate of the city wall tomorrow, but naturally no ore was found.

Of course, the War Temple dwarves who were responsible for searching for ores and guarding the ores were severely punished by the War Temple senior officials for their poor investigation and supervision. The punished War Temple still believed that the Holy Pattern Guild had robbed their ores, so they disguised themselves in order to find evidence. After joining the Holy Pattern Guild, they couldn't go back because of the high benefits of the Holy Pattern Guild. After all, they could become dwarves in the Temple of War. Their abilities were naturally much better than ordinary dwarves. They naturally stood out during the Holy Pattern Guild.


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