Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1495: The Lord of 3 Lingcheng buys ore

At ten o'clock in the morning on March 21, 1180, Xingyu, tens of thousands of caravans appeared outside Mitsubishi City. At first, the soldiers in Mitsubishi City were very nervous. After all, tens of thousands of troops were enough to attack the city, but fortunately they learned that Only then did the people of the fourth and tenth princes in the armed caravan feel relieved.

Of course, the caravan that appeared in Sanlang City was the caravan of the Holy Pattern Union, and the reason why the fourth prince and the tenth prince appeared in the caravan was because Yan Tielong had already negotiated with the fourth prince and the tenth prince half a month ago. After all, the dwarves are now The tribe and the fallen elves have not yet reached an alliance, so the hired fallen elves cannot enter the dwarf territory. If they break in forcefully, it will cause a diplomatic incident.

After arriving in the dwarf territory, the Holy Mark Guild will have a serious shortage of transportation manpower, so Yan Tielong greeted the fourth and tenth princes half a month ago. Of course, Yan Tielong also paid a large sum of money to the two princes for transportation. Add protection fee.

When the gate tax collectors of Mitsubishi City learned that the goods were the goods of the fourth and tenth princes, they did not dare to collect taxes. After all, members of the royal family enjoyed tax-free policies in the local area.

Even in order not to affect the speed of caravans entering the city, Mitsubishi City even sent an army to maintain order on the streets.

Before the Holy Mark Guild had completely secured the caravan, it was already around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Members of the entire Mitsubishi Holy Pattern Guild began to get busy. After all, this time Yan Tielong and the others shipped a lot of various living materials and various ores from the fallen elves, and a large amount of goods had to be sorted and processed quickly. After all, some goods had to be sold quickly. Otherwise it will deteriorate.

At the same time, the dwarf merchants who noticed the large amount of goods coming from the Holy Mark Guild also saw business opportunities, so they poured into the Holy Mark Guild one by one to see if there were any opportunities to make money.

Soon the Holy Pattern Guild was throwing out a large number of life supplies with a limited time limit. After all, with the size of the Saint Pattern Guild in the dwarves, those life supplies with a limited time limit would have broken thousands of times. It would be better to give the profits to the dwarves at a low price. Merchants sell.

When the dwarf merchants saw that the Holy Pattern Guild actually threw away such a large amount of daily necessities, they were stunned and at the same time surprised. After all, the amount thrown out by the Holy Pattern Guild was too much for them to eat.

In response to the remarks of the dwarf merchants in Sanling City who said that they could not afford a large amount of daily necessities and were worried that prices in Mitsubishi City would collapse, Yan Tielong ordered his subordinates to tell the dwarf merchants to transport these goods to other cities for wholesale. They made little money, but they were so big. In the end, there was an astonishing profit, after all, their Saint Pattern Guild kept the price very low.

Hearing the reminder from the Holy Mark Guild, a large number of dwarf merchants also reacted, so they made purchases in batches. After all, the members of the Holy Mark Guild were right, and the prices of the elves' daily necessities were twice as cheap as the current market.

However, what the purchasing dwarf merchants didn't know was that the Holy Pattern Guild said there were too many goods, causing them to sell them at a loss. In fact, they still made double the profit of the goods themselves plus transportation costs and protection.

It was around nine o'clock in the evening, and the busy members of the All Saints Pattern Guild could finally breathe a sigh of relief. After all, there were only two dwarf merchants left on site. As long as they finished processing their goods, they could have a good rest.

It was around ten o'clock, and most of the Holy Pattern Union had already had dinner and rest, while Yan Tielong and the other senior leaders of the Holy Pattern Union were calculating today's profits.

Princess Longlias counted that today they had harvested nearly three million pure natural gems, which also aroused her dissatisfaction. After all, she had seen hundreds of millions or even billions of pure natural gems being traded.

Yan Tielong was dissatisfied with Princess Long Lias. He had no choice but to say that this was a living material, not a huge profit like arms, and it was only one afternoon. The profit of collecting more than three million pure natural gems was already very good. He believed The batch of goods brought in after the settlement will also have a profit of nearly one billion.

Princess Longlias mentioned that the goods obtained from the fallen elves were worth one billion in pure natural gemstones. Her eyes lit up. After all, the important product of their Holy Pattern Guild this time was not living supplies, but various high-grade ores. .

And Princess Longlias was born as the vice-president of the Holy Pattern Guild. She can get 5% of the profit share of the Holy Pattern Guild. That is, after buying all the things, she can become the virgin of Yan Tielong and Shite Aaliya. The richest man in the Feilong Kingdom, this is just the profit from daily necessities.

Just when Princess Longlias was thinking excitedly about sleeping on a bed made of pure natural gemstones, Shiter Aaliya raised a problem that Yan Tielong and the others urgently needed to solve. This problem was those living supplies with a short shelf life. After all, Today, dwarf merchants buy a large number of goods with a long shelf life. It is not easy for merchants to get goods with a long shelf life.

Yan Tielong was a little troubled when he heard the information brought by his fiancée. After all, dwarf businessmen are naive, but they are not stupid.

So Yan Tielong and other senior officials of the Holy Pattern Union began to discuss how to solve this problem. After all, there was a lot of discussion about fresh daily necessities. If they were smashed into their hands, millions of pure natural gems would be lost.

When it was around eleven o'clock, the senior management of the Holy Pattern Union thought of many ways, but in the end they decided to hold a food festival to consume the short-term living supplies, so as to reduce possible losses.

At this time, the dwarf members guarding the door came to the president's room to report, and the Lord of Kuiling Feixier asked to see him.

Yan Tielong was a little surprised when he heard that the Lord of Kuiling Feixier City asked for an audience. Although most dwarves couldn't tell the difference between day and night, most dwarves would subconsciously act like surface creatures during the day and sleep at night, which means that at this time Most of the dwarves were sleeping.

Qiang Ran didn't know why Kuiling Feixier was looking for him in this world, but Yan Tielong still arranged for Kuiling Feixier to wait in the living room, and he would see her after he came out.

Not a few minutes later, Yan Tielong took Princess Long Lias and Lion Aaliya to meet with the Lord of Mitsubishi City.

When Yan Tielong saw Kui Ling Feixier, he asked him what business he had with him at this time.

Kui Ling Fisier also directly stated that she came here for various ores. Of course, she also knew that the ores in the Holy Pattern Guild had been divided up, but she still hoped that the Holy Pattern Guild could leak some to them.

Yan Tielong was a little surprised when he heard that Kuiling Feixier requested ore and mentioned that the ore had been divided up. After all, the fourth prince and the tenth prince had indeed reserved a large amount of ore, but that was only one-tenth of the ore. He had There are still nine-tenths of the ore in it.

Qiang Ran didn't know where Kuiling Feixier got the news that the ore of the Holy Pattern Union had been divided up, but Yan Tielong still showed a troubled expression and expressed that it was difficult to handle. In his words, the employers of his batch of ore were either big families or The War Temple, or even members of the royal family, are not easy to offend.

Noticing Kui Ling Feixier's disappointed expression, Yan Tielong said that of course it was not impossible for some disappointment to escape from those big forces, but the price was also very high, and they couldn't give too much after negotiation.

Hearing Yan Tielong's trick of playing hard to get, the informed Shiter Aaliya couldn't help rolling her eyes, but Princess Long Lias on the side was very excited. After all, the higher the price quoted by Yan Tielong, the more she earned.

Kui Ling Feixier frowned when she heard Yan Tielong's story. After all, she got the news that the other party was right. She couldn't afford to offend any of the forces reported by Yan Tielong.

Soon Kui Ling Fisier gritted her teeth and quoted a price that was twice as high as the market price.

However, to Kui Ling Feixier's surprise, Yan Tielong actually refused, which made her couldn't help but ask Yan Tielong why?

Yan Tielong asked Kui Ling Fisier about the price of the other party. He was very moved, but he faced a problem that he had to solve. This problem was that he was almost out of stock in the fallen elves, and pure natural gems were sold in the fallen elves. It was worthless, and he used pure natural gems to buy the equivalent ore that the other party needed. At the same time, he did not shy away from telling the story that he had obtained billions of pure natural gems from the fallen elves.

When she heard that the Holy Pattern Guild actually had billions of pure natural gems, Kui Ling Feixier was very surprised. After all, she had nothing. The Holy Pattern Guild actually obtained so many pure natural gems, so she couldn't help but ask if she could use pure natural gems. Payment, then what to pay with?

Yan Tielong was not amused by Kui Ling Fei Ximan'er's question. He directly stated that there was a shortage of elf-style equipment, so the ore was replaced by elf-style equipment.

Hearing that Yan Tielong wanted elf-style equipment, Kui Ling Feixier agreed after thinking about it, but she mentioned five for one, that is, five points of mineral materials for one part of ore-made weapons and equipment.

Regarding the price proposed by Kui Ling Fisier, Yan Tielong tactfully expressed that a large number of dwarves were clamoring for the three-for-one price, and the risk of deducting some ores from major forces was too high.

Hearing Yan Tielong's suggestion that three for one was not enough, Kui Ling Feixier was very helpless, but she still bargained. In the end, Kui Ling Feixier and Yan Tielong negotiated a price of five for two. You must know that Yan Tielong suppressed two for one. s price.

After Kui Ling Feixier left with the contract, Yan Tielongjuan ordered the top management to stop all work in the factory starting tomorrow, and wait until tomorrow evening to announce that all the mines of the Holy Pattern Union have been sold to all major forces.


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