Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1488: Lin Heiyue’s family takes the bait

At nine o'clock in the morning on February 20, 1180, Xingyu, in the president's room of the Saint Pattern Union in Black Rulin Town, Yan Tielong, with the help of Princess Long Lias and Lionte Aaliya, they finally settled the matter in the near future. Revenue, in total, the Holy Pattern Guild made a profit of nearly 15 billion pure natural gems from selling 590,000 pieces of elven-style equipment.

Of course, of the 15 billion pure natural gems calculated by Yan Tielong and others, 12 billion pure natural gems are still on the way, and 2 billion of them are paid for by agricultural products and daily necessities.

After Qiang Ran settled the accounts, Long Lias couldn't help but frowned and reminded Yan Tielong that if 12 billion pure natural gems were shipped to Black Rulin Town, their Saint Mark Guild's warehouse would not be enough, and there was another important The problem, this problem is the security force. After all, nearly 15 billion pure natural gemstone funds will definitely attract the attention of the elves who are interested in falling.

After hearing the reminder from Princess Long Lias, Yan Tielong also realized that his own security was insufficient, so he seriously thought about countermeasures. After all, if he didn't think of a solution as soon as possible, he would very likely be slaughtered as a pig by the fallen elves in the future.

While Yan Tielong was pacing back and forth, there was a knock on the door of the principal's office.

Hearing the knock on the door, Shiter Aaliya opened the door. Seeing that the fallen elf was a member of the guard, she asked the other party in a calm tone what's the matter?

The guard saluted the vice president, and then told Shite Aaliya that there was a messenger outside who claimed to be the Lin Heiyue family and asked to see the president.

When Shiter Aaliya heard the Lin Heiyue family, she didn't react for a while. She just felt that it sounded familiar. On the other side, when Princess Long Lias heard the name, she showed an expression of prey coming to the door and told the guard that Lin Heiyue would be here. The family please go to the reception hall, and they will go see each other after they finish handling the matters here.

When the gatekeeper, the fallen elf, heard what the other vice-president said, she saluted and went to perform the task.

At this time, Shiter Aaliyah had already remembered about the Lin Heiyue family. After all, she still did not approve of her fiancé teaming up with Princess Long Lias to trick the Lin Yu family and the Lin Heiyue family.

As for Shiter Aaliya's disapproval of cheating the Lin Yu family and the Lin Heiyue family, Princess Long Lias said that not only did they not cheat the Lin Yu family and the Lin Heiyue family, but the two families might even thank them in the future. .

Hearing Princess Long Lias' confident words, Yan Tielong, who was thinking about how to deal with security issues, was also interested and couldn't help but ask why?

Princess Long Lias did not answer. Instead, she asked Yan Tielong whether Lei Guqian Yueji's Bailei Chamber of Commerce brought back so many living supplies that would attract the attention of the dwarf executives?

When Yan Tielong heard Princess Long Lias's question, he nodded in approval without thinking.

Princess Long Lias, who noticed Yan Tielong's nod of approval, then expressed her expression. The dwarf executives found out that their arms are so popular and highly profitable among the fallen elves. The dwarf executives are not fools. They will definitely not sell equipment at a reduced price. At the same time, they will also conduct Monopolize sales, and judge that it will be very difficult for the Holy Pattern Guild to obtain dwarf elf-style equipment at low prices in the future.

After listening to Princess Long Lias' story, Yan Tielong already understood that the dwarves have reduced the rate of arms production, and with the threat of the Earth Flame Demon, the arms price of the fallen elves will inevitably increase, and the market occupancy rate has not reached 3 to 5 At the same time, the weapons made by dwarves can still be popular for a while, which also makes Yan Tielong consider whether to slow down the sales speed. After all, he only has more than 210,000 pieces of fine-style equipment left in his hands. Once sold out, it is likely to be from dwarves. The tribe gets low-priced elf-style equipment.

At the end of Princess Long Lias's story, she told Shiter Aaliya that the future reduction in shipment rate of the dwarves could be accidentally revealed to the Lin Heiyue family. It is expected that the Lin Heiyue family would be very willing to buy their equipment.

Soon Yan Tielong interrupted the conversation between the two women, and then he said that they could not keep their guests waiting too long, and then led the two deputy captains to the reception hall.

When Yan Tielong and others arrived at the reception hall, they saw that the hair of the fallen elf in the reception hall had a hint of white hair, which meant that the other person was already in his twilight years.

When the representative of the Lin Heiyue family heard the fallen elf guard introducing Yan Tielong, Shiter Aaliyah, and Princess Longlias as the president and vice-president of their Holy Mark Guild, she immediately saluted and introduced herself as Lin Heiyue Hualien. The fifth elder of the Lin Heiyue family.

In order not to be disrespectful to etiquette, Yan Tielong, Shiter Aaliyah and Princess Longlias returned gifts separately, and then Yan Tielong asked the waiter to serve high-quality scented tea to entertain each other.

After Lin Heiyue Hualien tasted the scented tea, her eyes lit up. After all, the scented tea she tasted was better than the scented tea her family bought from special channels. She couldn't help but ask Yan Tielong if he could buy some scented tea.

Yan Tielong asked Lin Heiyue Hualien to buy scented tea, but he said that the other party liked it and he was willing to give her some. As for buying it, he just bought it. After all, the large amount of scented tea he brought had been purchased by the dark elves, and now the remaining scented tea could only be Used to attract customers.

When she heard that she couldn't buy it, she was disappointed at first, but when she heard that the other party was willing to give her some scented tea, Lin Heiyue and Hualien were very excited. She thought that the scented tea she just drank was worth thousands of gold.

After calming down her inner excitement, Lin Heiyue and Hualien told Yan Tielong that she came to the Holy Mark Guild this time to buy arms.

After Yan Tielong heard the other party's intention, he directly stated that there was no problem and quoted the price of the arms.

Lin Heiyue and Hualien heard that the price of Yan Tielong's hug was two levels less than the market price. She couldn't help but her eyes lit up, so she reported that she wanted to buy 5,000 pieces of elf styles, and said that if the quality was good, her family would also buy one. Ten thousand to thirty thousand pieces of equipment.

Yan Tielong naturally heard that Lin Heiyue and Hualien wanted to lower the price of arms, so he said that he had given the other party the best price. If he didn't believe it, he could ask outside.

When Lin Heiyue and Hualien heard Yan Tielong's story, she naturally understood that the other party was unwilling to lower the price. Of course, she also knew the market price, which made her feel very helpless. However, she still tried her best to negotiate with Yan Tielong and wanted to lower the price. After all, even if it was less The price of the second floor puts a lot of pressure on their family.

However, regardless of Lin Heiyue Hualian talking about lotus, Yan Tielong was not moved at all by lowering the price of arms.

Seeing that Yan Tielong was unmoved, Lin Heiyue and Hualien had no choice but to resign. After all, she still wanted to buy arms at a lower price.

After seeing Lin Heiyue and Hualien leave, Shite Aaliya saw that her fiancé and Princess Long Lias were unmoved. She couldn't help but ask her fiancé, didn't he want to squeeze benefits from the Lin Heiyue family? Why not lower the price with disappointment?

Regarding his fiancée's question, Yan Tie said that the reason why he did not lower the price was because they were the only ones selling elf-style equipment in the market at this price. At the same time, it also gave room for the interests of the Lin Mai family and the family who had previously asked them to buy arms, and said Next time, the prices of arms of Lin Heiyue family and Lin Yu family will increase.

After hearing her fiancé's story, Shiter Aaliyah still wondered why the price of arms would be raised next time. At the same time, she remembered that her fiancé wanted to remind the Lin Heiyue family that dwarf arms shipments would decrease?

Faced with his fiancée's doubts, Yan Tielong said he was not in a hurry. In his words, Lin Heiyue and Hualien would return soon, and he would just wait until the other party came back to buy arms before revealing it.

The fact is as Yan Tielong guessed. After Lin Heiyue Hualien came out of the Holy Mark Guild, she joined other members of her family to inquire about the price of arms. As a result, her people told her that the prices of elven-style equipment made by dwarves are very high, which is a bit ridiculous. Only if you have one level above, if you have a dark heart and five levels above, are you willing to win, and there are only dozens of them.

After drawing conclusions from the market, it was already around three o'clock in the afternoon, so Lin Heiyue and Hualien found the Holy Pattern Guild at one time and purchased 5,000 pieces of dwarf-made elf-style equipment at a price lower than the market price.

In order to get it as soon as possible, Lin Heiyue and Hualien actually paid cash directly.

Seeing that Lin Heiyue and Hualien were so cheerful, Yan Tielong accidentally revealed a piece of information. This information was that the dwarves would reduce the shipment rate due to lack of ore. In the future, the price of the elf-style equipment made by the dwarves would be higher. The next time you buy from them, the price may be higher. .

Lin Heiyue Hualien heard that the dwarves had reduced their arms supply due to mineral production, and she naturally understood that the price of elf-style equipment would be higher in the future, which also made her want to buy more elf-style equipment. However, she does not have enough money now. The most important thing is that she was not authorized by the family, and she could not buy more arms, so she could only get her five thousand pieces of elven-style equipment with some helplessness.

Not long after Lin Heiyue Hualien led her family members to transport 5,000 pieces of elven-style equipment and left the Holy Mark Guild, Huayue Ximaner found Yan Tielong.

Huayue Ximaner found Yan Tielong because she wanted to inquire about the reduction of dwarf arms production.

The reason why Huayue Ximaner knew that the dwarves were going to reduce production was naturally the news released by Yan Tielong. After all, this was the only way to quickly sell the arms in his hands at a high price.

In response to Huayue Ximan'er's question, Yan Tielong naturally nodded and admitted, and told the other party that if the other party did not believe it, he could ask the other party's family captives about the hidden dwarves to prove whether his story was true.

Huayue Ximan'er couldn't read Yan Tielong's inner thoughts, so she naturally didn't believe it, so she found the captured dwarf to understand what Yan Tielong said. As a result, she naturally learned that the dwarves were indeed short of ore.

Until the next day, the Holy Pattern Union announced the purchase of various ores at high prices. The reason why Yan Tielong purchased the ores was because he knew that the fallen elves had huge reserves of various ores, and he also planned the ore business in advance.


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