Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1467: The dwarf prince is poisoned

At nine o'clock in the morning on January 13, Xingyu 1180, at the entrance of the Holy Pattern Union stronghold in the capital of the dwarves, Yan Tielong watched the craftsmen and blacksmiths repairing the Saint Pattern Union stronghold. He couldn't help but sigh. After all, the cost of repairing the stronghold in front of him was huge. He was moved.

You must know that due to the armed attack by illegal forces on the 11th, there was a problem with the load-bearing of the Saint Pattern Union stronghold. If it was not dealt with at a high cost, it would easily collapse and cause this area to be submerged.

Just as Yan Tielong was supervising the construction of the stronghold, Yueying Lingqianyi came to report: "Sister, Lei Guqian Yueji has something important to see you!".

After hearing Yueying Lingqianyi's report that Lei Guqian Yueji came to him with something important, Yan Tielong wondered in his heart what Lei Guqian Yueji had come to see him for, and even speculated whether it might be related to the eldest prince.

The reason why Yan Tielong guessed that it was related to the eldest prince was actually related to the distribution of his sons by the dwarf king.

Since the third princess previously requested the dwarf king to let the seriously ill eighth prince pass away as the crown prince, so now the seriously ill eighth prince is still the dwarf king's crown prince. After all, the eighth prince still has three to four months to live.

At the same time, in order to maintain stability and avoid being blamed by the fallen elves in the future, the dwarf king sealed all his sons' territories. Even the tenth prince and the sixteenth prince had their territories sealed, and asked to leave the royal capital within a month. .

Of course, the territories that the dwarf king rewards his sons are relatively wealthy. For example, the sixteenth prince has three mineral veins in his territory. He will be relatively wealthy for at least a hundred years, and there are also a lot of good mushroom fields. Even if there are no mines in the future, there will be Agriculture cannot starve to death.

Although the territories of other dwarf princes are not as good as those of the sixteen princes, as long as the territories they choose are managed well, they will live better than most dwarf nobles.

Of course, there are also a few dwarf princes who choose remote territories. For example, the territory chosen by the tenth prince is constantly remote, and the border area has just been plundered by the Balrogs.

Among the many dwarf kings, except for the eighth prince, only the eldest prince was not restricted from leaving the dwarf capital, and the eldest prince was also rewarded with territory. However, the reason why the eldest prince was left behind was because the dwarf king needed the eldest prince to assist in political affairs. "In fact, it is the Leigu family. The three elders support the eldest prince's efforts. After all, they believe that once the eldest prince leaves the royal capital, the dwarf king will most likely become another dwarf prince in the future. 》

Soon Yan Tielong met Lei Guqian Yueji in the Holy Pattern Union Hall; and when Lei Guqian Yueji saw Yan Tielong, she was very eager to pull Yan Tielong to the outer door.

Yan Tielong immediately stopped Lei Guqian Yueji's actions. He hurriedly asked Lei Guqian Yueji what was going on?

Lei Guqianyueji was very anxious to tell Yan Tielong that the eldest prince had been assassinated, and the most outrageous thing was that even the palace pharmacist had been bribed. Now the eldest prince was in danger, so they asked Yan Tielong to save him.

Yan Tielong was not surprised at all when he heard Lei Guqian Yueji's words. After all, the eldest prince and the eighth prince who remained now were the eyes of all the dwarf princes' supporters; the eighth prince had only a few months to live, so the eldest prince naturally became Those forces focus on the target.

Because Lei Guqian Yueji was in a hurry, the streets they passed were full of chaos and almost injured pedestrians. Even the patrol soldiers in the royal capital pursued Lei Guqian Yueji and Yan Tielong.

However, when the patrol soldiers saw one person and eight dwarves who were causing chaos in the streets entering the Grand Prince's Mansion, the patrol soldiers were also embarrassed. Fortunately, the guards of the Grand Prince said that those dwarves and humans were important guests invited by the Grand Prince. Send it away, otherwise it will bring trouble to the Holy Pattern Guild. After all, this is the capital of the dwarves.

Soon Lei Guqian Yueji led the eldest prince to the door of the ward. Faced with the inspection by the guards at the door, Yan Tielong was found a lot of dangerous items for the guards, which also caused the guards to almost think that Yan Tielong was an assassin. Fortunately, Elder Lei Gu showed up in time to guarantee, and then Yan Tielong was allowed to enter the room.

After examination, Yan Tielong told the dozen or so dwarves in the room that the eldest prince had been poisoned by two kinds of poisons. The first was from the wound, and presumably the assassin extracted the poison from the weapon. The second poison was more serious, after all, it had spread in the stomach.

Then Yan Tielong began to write a prescription and handed it to the prince and concubine on the side. The prince and concubine was a novice in pharmacology, so she handed the prescription to the family pharmacist on the side.

However, after the pharmacist read Yan Tielong's prescription, he directly questioned Yan Tielong's intentions. After all, several of the medicines in Yan Tielong's prescription were highly toxic, and the dosage of Yan Tielong's prescription was extremely poisonous, and the dosage of Yan Tielong's prescription was obviously excessive.

Faced with the dwarf pharmacist's doubts, Yan Tielong directly stated that he did not believe in his potion strength and could ask other pharmacists to treat him, and then left.

When Yan Tielong stood up to leave, the guards around the eldest prince stopped him. At the same time, Yan Tielong heard the pharmacist express his intention to poison the eldest prince and wanted to leave.

However, facing the pressure from the pharmacist next to the eldest prince, Yan Tielong said that he was an honorary member of the Presbyterian Church. If he was to be convicted of murdering the eldest prince, he could wait until something happened to the eldest prince after taking his medicine.

Faced with Yan Tielong's tough response, the dwarf pharmacist next to the eldest prince was very surprised, but insisted not to use Yan Tielong's prescription, and at the same time insisted not to let Yan Tielong leave.

Looking at the deadlock in front of her, Lei Guqian Yueji couldn't help but wink at her third grandfather, hoping that he could mediate.

However, when the third elder of the Leigu family saw the gesture from his direct granddaughter, he pretended not to see it. After all, if something went wrong, he would not only lose the trust of all the forces behind the eldest prince, but he would even have to bear the reputation of regicide.

Seeing that Third Grandpa ignored her instructions, Lei Guqian Yueji was dissatisfied. After all, it was she who finally asked the president for help, but ended up causing trouble, so she loudly expressed that she would vouch for Yan Tielong with her life.

Yan Tielong was a little surprised that Lei Guqian Yueji offered his life as a guarantee, and it also made him have a good impression of Lei Guqian Yueji.

It may be that Lei Guqian Yueji woke up the eldest prince with a loud voice, or it may be that the eldest prince just woke up. After drinking the water given by his wife, he vomited three mouthfuls of blood, and then used the remaining energy to express his absolute trust in Yan Tielong. He fainted.

After everyone present heard that the eldest prince had absolute trust in Yan Tielong, everyone was stunned, including Yan Tielong.

You must know that Yan Tielong has not been in contact with the eldest prince for a long time. He did not expect that the eldest prince trusted him so much, which also moved him for a while.

After hearing that the eldest prince had absolute trust in Yan Tielong, the eldest princess asked the guards to get the medicine and gave Yan Tielong a room to make the medicine. She also mobilized with the highest authority. The only requirement was to save the life of the eldest prince.

After hearing the order given by the eldest princess, many dwarves present persuaded the eldest princess to think twice. According to their words, they could wait for other royal medicines to treat the eldest prince.

However, the eldest princess directly questioned that if the next royal pharmacist was also bribed, her husband would definitely die by then.

Hearing the words of the eldest princess, the dwarf retainer who had just suggested to wait for the arrival of the royal pharmacist shut up. After all, the royal pharmacist who had just been hanged was the one who poisoned the eldest prince. If Regusi Tsukiji hadn't sensed the problem, Then their eldest prince will be poisoned to death.

When Yan Tielong came to the medicine room prepared for him by the eldest prince, the things previously searched by the guards were also in it. It seemed that the eldest prince's absolute trust in him just now played a big role.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Tielong successfully extracted two antidotes from the eldest prince, and then he personally delivered the medicines and handed them to the eldest prince's concubine.

However, to Yan Tielong's surprise, the eldest princess did not take the potion, but asked Yan Tielong to feed it to the eldest prince himself.

At this time, Yan Tielong also saw through some of the eldest prince's little thoughts, and he was very confident in his own medicine, so he immediately gave the eldest prince a poison to deal with his appetite.

Not long after taking the potion, the eldest prince complained that his stomach hurt, and then vomited black blood. This made everyone present very nervous. There was even a loyal guard who put a sharp knife on Yan Tielong's neck and said that if anything happened to the eldest prince, Yan Tielong would be buried with him. , and then they will follow.

Yan Tielong was brave and brave, but he also felt guilty about the sharp knife on his neck. He hurriedly said that the eldest prince's vomiting of poisonous blood and poisonous stomach acid was a sign of detoxification. Once the eldest prince vomited, his life would not be in danger.

The situation of the eldest prince was exactly as Yan Tielong said. After the eldest prince vomited three mouthfuls of poisonous blood, he expressed that he felt much better.

Then Yan Tielong began to detoxify the eldest prince's trauma. After the detoxification was completed, he did not leave. After all, everyone present wanted to see the eldest prince wake up.

Of course, the eldest princess agreed to Yan Tielong's proposal to notify her family, so she sent her cronies to the Holy Mark Guild.

But Yan Tielong didn't expect that before they could wait for the eldest prince to wake up, the dwarf king actually came to visit in person.

After the royal pharmacist beside the dwarf king diagnosed the eldest prince, he told the dwarf king and everyone present that the eldest prince's life was no longer in danger, but he was still a little weak and needed nourishing. Then he began to write a prescription.

Not long after the dwarf king watched, the royal steward came to report that there were important government affairs to be handled, so the dwarf king had no choice but to leave to handle the government affairs.

After the dwarf king left, the eldest princess picked up the prescription from the royal chief pharmacist and asked Yan Tielong to see if there was anything wrong with it.

After Yan Tielong read it, he said there was no problem, but for the sake of the eldest prince, it was best to take his medicine first to remove the remaining toxins in the eldest prince's body and then nourish it.


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