Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1443: Retreat to absorb the power of clones and episodes

At six o'clock in the morning on November 28, Xingyu 1179, Yan Tielong sat with his eyes closed in the sacrificial ceremony room of the lust cult stronghold below the Black Moon Pool, while many lust cult followers gathered at the door of the secret sacrifice ceremony room.

The reason why so many Lust Cult believers gathered at the door of the secret sacrificial ceremony room was because they were worried that their gods would starve to death.

Of course, the followers of the Lust Cult know that their gods do not need to eat, but they also know the needs of the humans possessed by their gods. If the body does not eat for a long time, it will die, and the possessed gods will return to the divine world by then. Not even a single benefit was obtained.

But now the followers of the lust cult are in a dilemma. The first is that they are worried that the possessed human body will die because they have not eaten for a long time. The second is that their gods have ordered them not to enter the room, which also prevents them from entering. Room.

One of the older followers of the sex cult told the young followers of the sex cult around him that nothing could happen to God’s body, and said that she had lived enough because she had met God in person.

Faced with the older Lust Cult believer's request to enter the secret sacrificial ceremony room, the leading Lust Cult believer was also a little moved. Just when she wanted the older Lust Cult believer to enter the room to take a look.

Just when the leading senior member of the Sex Cult was about to open the door, he was suddenly stopped. The person who spoke was the first senior member of the Lust Cult who was sober in the sacrificial ceremony room five days ago, and her name was Lin Tianhui Ling'er. At the same time, She is also a master of the three elements of water, wood and lust. She directly stated that she must not enter without God's instructions, otherwise it would be disrespectful, and asked the older lust cult believers how to appease the wrath of God once she entered.

The older lusty cult believer is very single and said that if it causes God's dissatisfaction, she will not drag down the sisters, and she will sacrifice her soul to God.

When Lin Tianhui Ling'er heard what the older sisters said, she was very disdainful and said that if they really made their god angry, even if all the believers on the scene were sacrificed, they would not be able to calm it down. Then she pointed out that since it was their god who chose that human being, then she believed Nothing would happen to her god, otherwise she would wonder if the human was pretending.

Hearing Lin Tianhui Ling'er's narration, all the lust sect believers present showed expressions of sudden realization. After all, Lin Tianhui Ling'er said it right. If their gods can't even solve their own small hunger, then it's okay not to believe it.

Although the followers of the lust cult have dispelled the idea that their gods will starve to death, some believers are still worried about the condition of their gods, so some believers suggested that it would be better to take a look at the condition of the gods, even from a distance. After all, In her words, if something unexpected happened to God, they would be prepared.

Lin Tianhui Ling'er strongly did not think that something would happen to their gods, but they did need to confirm. After all, even some ascetic monks could not do it without any movement for five consecutive days, so they began to discuss how to avoid disturbing their gods. Situation Watch God's Situation.

After discussing with the senior members of the Lust Cult, they carefully opened a crack in the door of the secret sacrificial ceremony room, and then they looked at the situation in the room through the small crack.

Soon they saw Yan Tielong meditating with his eyes closed, but they were unable to realize the power of their god, which made them very confused. However, soon a lust cult believer Gao said that the curse of their god's body had returned. This resulted in them being unable to receive the power of God.

Many senior members of the lust cult believers agreed. After all, not long after they woke up, they discovered that the curse of humans possessed by gods had returned.

Of course, the followers of the Lust Cult also continue to study the curse on the human body. Unfortunately, they can only temporarily lift the curse at best, and now God does not allow them to enter the room, which also prevents them from helping and studying at close range.

Soon the senior members of the Lust Cult began to quarrel quietly, and the content of their quarrel was about who would like to see their god up close?

Not long after, the senior members of the Lust Cult discussed and decided to let a new member take a look. Even if the god is angry, it will only be the new member who is unlucky.

I made arrangements as soon as I thought of it; not long after, some pretty fallen elves were brought over by a senior member of the Lust Cult. Through introduction, I found out that some of the pretty fallen elves had joined half a month ago.

Feeling that there is no problem with some pretty companions, the senior members of the Lust Cult believers asked them to walk in front of their god to see what happened.

When she heard that she was asked to see God, some of the pretty followers of the Lust Cult were very excited. After all, she believed that as long as God paid attention to her, her future would be bright, so she walked to Yan Tielong in small steps.

When some comely followers of the Lust Cult came to Yan Tielong, she found that Yan Tielong was unresponsive, so she carefully placed her fingers under Yan Tielong's nose.

Soon some pretty followers of the Lust Sect sensed that Yan Tielong was breathing, so she excitedly sent a message to the senior members of the Lust Cult.

Knowing that the human body possessed by their god was still breathing, all the senior members of the lust cult believers present couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they were worried that their god's body would die in an accident.

It was just that the senior members of the Lust Cult did not expect that the Lust Cult believers they sent to Yan Tielong were very bold and touched Yan Tielong. This made many senior Lust Cult believers secretly decide to kill the new members who dared to touch God. After all, they were too jealous. .

However, the senior members of the Lust Cult believers did not know that some of the handsome Lust Cult believers who seemed to be touching Yan Tielong were actually giving Yan Tielong a note, and the content of the note was about the rescue of the Yueying family.

In fact, the Yueying family is also taking risks now. After all, there are rumors in the lusty cult stronghold that their god has taken away a human body, and their lusty cult will make a comeback in the future.

The Yueying family is worried that Yan Tielong is really taken away by the gods, so the note they send to Yan Tielong now will put the sisters who sneak in in great danger.

Of course, the reason why the Yueying family is still willing to rescue Yan Tielong is thanks to the 100,000 pieces of dwarf-made elf styles that Yan Tielong previously prepared at a bargain price, and also because Yueying Lingqianyi firmly believes that her sister will not be snatched away by the little evil god. .

Soon, the senior members of the Lust Cult believers were dissatisfied with the Yueying family members pretending to be Lust Cult adherents tampering with their gods, so they quietly brought back some pretty Lust Cult believers.

Facing the summons from the senior members of the Lust Cult, some pretty Lust Cult believers were unwilling to give in, but she still went back obediently. After all, whether she went back or not, those jealous and crazy Lust Cult senior believers would definitely tear her into pieces.

After returning to the senior positions of the Lust Cult believers, some comely Lust Cult believers were scolded by those senior Lust Cult believers. Fortunately, Lin Tianhui Ling'er stopped those companions who were about to go crazy with jealousy, otherwise some comely Lust Cult believers would have to Accept the punishment of torture.

After confirming that there was no problem with their gods, Lin Tianhui Ling'er returned to the conference hall with all the senior members of the lust cult believers.

Just when the senior members of the Sex Cult believers had just returned to the parliament hall, a Sex Cult believer in charge of intelligence hurried over to report that five more of their Sex Cult strongholds had been pulled out, and many sisters had been sacrificed.

Hearing that the members in charge of intelligence had removed five more of their strongholds, the senior members of the Lust Cult at the scene were a little uneasy.

You must know that one month after the Lust Cult attacked the Lin Bao family's auction, nearly twenty strongholds of the Lust Cult were destroyed, and their total strongholds were only thirty. If the strongholds continue to be discovered and destroyed, then Lustism will soon disappear.

Lin Tianhui Ling'er first asked the members in charge of intelligence to leave, and then asked what he thought about the destruction of a large number of strongholds in the past month.

Faced with Lin Tianhui Ling'er's inquiry, the senior members of the lust cult believers present started talking a lot, and soon some members expressed that there might be traitors among their lower classes. In her words, if there were no traitors, their stronghold would not have been discovered so quickly.

When they heard the suggestion that there were traitors among the lower class believers, the senior members of the lust cult could not help but nod in agreement. Even Lin Tianhui Ling'er agreed, so she proposed to find those traitors, otherwise not only would they be in danger, but even their gods would be in danger. will be in danger.

Hearing that their gods were also in danger, one of the senior members of the Lust Sect questioned Lin Tianhui Ling'er's scaremongering. In her words, their gods were invincible, so how could they be hurt by mortal tribesmen.

Faced with doubts from her companions, Lin Tianhui Ling'er said that she did not doubt God's strength. In her own words, she had personally experienced God's power. She believed in God's power more than any of her companions present. However, she also pointed out the records of the Secret History of Elf Gods, Thousands of years ago, a certain main god cast a barrier on this world, which also caused the strength of all the gods to decrease when they came here. In the past, their gods also admitted this, so she thought that the clones of their gods came to this world, but the gods also The power cannot be used as desired.

After listening to Lin Tianhui Ling'er's narration, the senior members of the Lust Cult believers present had two reactions. The first was that they had known about it for a long time, and they were also the older ones among this group of believers. As for the remaining Lust Cult believers who were unexpected There are also new members at the top.

Then Lin Tianhui Ling'er said that now their gods have received bodies but have not adapted yet, so those guys who have killed gods will pose a danger to their gods, and they have to be careful.

After listening to Lin Tianhui Ling'er's story, the senior members of the Lust Cult believers also began to discuss how to eliminate the pests in their ranks, otherwise their hard work over the years would be in vain.

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