Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1109: Ancient Budaro

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At ten o'clock in the morning on December 5, 1177, Yan Tielong and the others were still in Xiaboge Kingdom, and they were now heading towards Fenggu City.

At this time, there was light snow in the sky, and Alia Shitt couldn't help feeling that how many people in Xiabogo Kingdom would not survive this winter!

Noticing that his fiancée was depressed, Yan Tielong comforted his fiancée, Xiaboge Kingdom is only experiencing a cold winter, but he believes that the spring of Xiaboge Kingdom will come soon.

But as soon as Yan Tielong finished speaking, Shite Alia suddenly became alert.

Seeing his fiancée's vigilance, Yan Tielong thought that another blind robber was attacking them again, so he took out a box from the side, opened the box, took out the contents and quickly assembled a powerful armor-piercing three-shot crossbow.

When Yan Tielong had just assembled the powerful armor-piercing three-shot crossbow, there was a warning from Fu Luotun outside the carriage.

Soon Yan Tielong saw a hundred cavalry appearing behind their squad of a dozen or so men, and the cavalry as a whole and their decorations were considered to be more elite light cavalry.

Yan Tielong didn't attack right away. After all, they had ten heavily armored elite cavalry from the Crystal Flower Knights.

For the cavalry who didn't know which force was approaching, the members of the Ten Crystal Flower Knights lived in front of the light cavalry, and the leader Tuestena issued a warning to the light cavalry not to approach, otherwise they would be killed without mercy!

Faced with the warning of the murderous picture Estena, the light cavalry stopped at the leader with prohibitive gestures, and then the leader drove the horses to stop less than ten meters away from Tu Estena, and then expressed his request to see the owner of the carriage .

Tuestina had already recognized that the leader of the light cavalry was the general who was scared away by their princess' magic trick yesterday, so she asked the other party to wait, and she asked the princess for instructions.

Hearing the word "princess" mentioned by Tuestena, and recalling that many important figures from other kingdoms had recently passed through Xiaboge Kingdom, the leader of the light cavalry believed that his choice was correct.

Princess Longlias heard the report from her subordinate Tu Esidna that the general was going to see her yesterday. She looked at Yan Tielong, who was already very calm, and couldn't help asking what do you think?

Faced with Princess Longli Yasi's inquiry, Yan Tielong thought for a while and thought that the general yesterday should have come to join them.

Regarding Yan Tielong's speculation, Princess Longliasi asked again, should she accept it?

Yan Tielong thought for a while and said that the light cavalry should be regarded as the elite of the surrounding area, and he thought that the general's character yesterday was not bad.

When Princess Longlias heard Yan Tielong's words, she already understood that Yan Tielong asked her to check the level of the light cavalry.

When the leader of the light cavalry saw Princess Longlias, he first introduced himself as Kebudaro, who was once the son of Kebufidek and is now a free knight; then he asked if he could know Princess Longlias name?

Regarding Kebudaro's request, Princess Longlias did not hide it, and she solemnly reported that she was Longlias, the eldest princess of the Feilong Kingdom.

Hearing the kingdom reported by Princess Longlias, Kebudaro tried hard to recall whether there was such a kingdom around him, but of course there was no name for the kingdom, so he couldn't help but ask how Xiaboge Kingdom compares to Feilong Kingdom?

When Princess Longlias heard Kebudaro's question, she was a little annoyed and expressed how a decayed kingdom could be compared with their thriving Dragon Kingdom!

Kebudaro was also a little dissatisfied when he heard Princess Longlias's reply, so he couldn't help but compare the Kingdom of Zendes with the Kingdom of Feilong.

Princess Longlias asked Kebudaro about digging a hole. This time, she did not answer the other party immediately, but after thinking about it, she replied that the two countries have their own advantages, so that future generations can judge.

Kebudaro was a little surprised by Princess Longlias' answer, he didn't expect that the other party would avoid the trap in his words,

This made him recognize the other party, so he proposed to Princess Longlias, and at the same time one request, this request is that in the war against Xiaboge Kingdom, please do not let him play.

Princess Longlias heard Kebudaro's effectiveness and request, and she also expressed interest in expressing that she does not need worthless people.

Kebudaro also understood what Princess Longlias meant, so he asked him how to prove it?

Princess Longliasi heard Kebudaro's inquiry, and she asked Baiye Yueyueqian, a member of the Crystal Flower Knights, to try Gubudaro's strength.

Bai Ye Yueyue heard the princess' method, so she drove her horse to Kebudaro and asked if it was a horse fight or a foot fight?

Gubudaro saw that the opponent sent a heavy knight to test him, so he thought carefully and expressed his foot battle.

In fact, Gubudaro chose to fight on foot because he considered that the opponent was female and wore heavy armor, so he didn't have much advantage in cavalry combat. The reason was very simple, that is, Gubudaro saw that his mount was not as good as Bai Yeyueqian's. There are many mounts, and he is not sure to defeat the opponent in a horse battle.

However, in battle, Gubudaro considered that the opponent was female and was wearing heavy armor, as long as he used his dexterity, he could drag the opponent to death.

The fact is just as Gubudaro thought; Baiye Yueyue was also selected from thousands of girls and participated in elite physical training, but the knight armor on her body restricted her movement and attack speed, while Gubudaro was lightly armed, Qiang's training level is not as good as Bai Ye Yueyue's, but he has also been taught by a famous teacher. As a result, Gu Budaro took advantage of his own advantages and dragged on for three hours to make Bai Ye Yueyue's physical strength and energy drop significantly before defeating him.

Bai Ye Yueyue, who was defeated in the battle, already realized where she lost, and of course she refused to accept it, so she asked Princess Longlias to give her another chance.

Regarding Bai Ye Yueyue's dissatisfaction, Princess Longlias responded that Bai Ye Yueyue was already a dead person on the battlefield, and a dead person has no right to express opinions.

Then Princess Longlias expressed her appreciation to Gubudaro for overcoming brute force with wisdom, and then drew out her sword to accept Gubudaro's service.

And Adrimi, who was staying in the carriage, was a little dissatisfied with Princess Longlias accepting Gubudaro. After all, Yan Tielong originally wanted her to reserve talents for Leopers, but now Princess Longrias took the lead, and she There is no way to stop it.

On the other hand, Yan Tielong noticed Adelimi's dissatisfaction, so he had no choice but to remind Long Lias in a low voice that Princess Longlias is an outsider here, and the talents she can accept are very limited, so don't worry about it at all.

When Adelimi heard what the leader said, she thought about it, which made her feel a lot better.

Time soon reached five o'clock in the evening, and Yan Tielong's team of hundreds of people finally arrived at their destination, Fenggu City.

After paying more than 300 taxes, Yan Tielong and the others were able to enter Fenggu City, and they were still under surveillance. According to the city guards, Yan Tielong and the others were probably spies of other lords, so they had to be monitored.

Facing the surveillance, Yan Tielong and the others had no choice. After all, they added a hundred people, and after all, they had to supply supplies here in Fenggu City, otherwise there would be a food crisis.

After choosing a hotel, Yan Tielong asked the hotel owner about food supplies.

However, the innkeeper told Yan Tielong that food has been monopolized by the city lord, and he must buy food from the city lord if he wants to buy food. Otherwise, if he is caught, not only the food will be confiscated, but he may even become a slave.

From what the innkeeper said, Yan Tielong realized that he could buy food from other channels, but they were all illegal.

Of course, Yan Tielong also hopes to buy grain through regular channels, but if the price of grain purchased through regular channels is too high, he doesn't mind buying grain from other channels.

While Yan Tielong and the others were having dinner, Fu Luotun came back from inquiring about the news, and he told Yan Tielong that the official grain price in Fenggu City is now three gold coins per catty.

Hearing that three gold coins are a catty of grain, Aaliyah Shit couldn't help feeling that the price of grain here has already caught up with the price when the Zandez Kingdom was besieged by the Alliance Kingdom.

On the other hand, Princess Longlias has already begun to consider cooperating with the city lord here. After all, the price of food is so high here that transporting food from the Feilong Kingdom can make a lot of money.

Hearing what his fiancée said, Yan Tielong judged that the food price here is actually huge. He seriously doubts that the price of food here is very likely to be too high and low. If the food is so high, the people in the city will overthrow the city lord. rule.

Fu Luotun couldn't help admiring Yan Tielong's judgment, because he found out that the price of grain in the city is indeed divided into two types: internal and external; local people go to designated places to buy grain, and the grain is less than 30 copper coins per catty, which is still a bit small. Expensive, but the public should be able to accept it, but when foreigners buy it, no matter where they buy it, the price is three gold coins per catty.

After hearing the information from Fuluotun, Princess Longlias couldn't help but suggest that the people here buy food, and then they buy it from the people at double or triple the price.

Regarding the proposal of Princess Longlias, Fu Luotun said that it is unrealistic. In his words, the grain merchant has stipulated that each person should buy grain. If he wants to buy enough grain, then thousands of people must buy grain. Calling thousands of people is easy to be noticed by the city lord.

When Yan Tielong heard that Fu Luotun rejected Princess Longlias's proposal, he couldn't help asking Fu Luotun if there were other ways to buy food?

When Fu Luotun heard the group leader's question, he said yes, that is from the black market, but the price is ten times that of ordinary people, and there is a possibility of being liquidated by the city lord.

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