Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1020: The reason why Leng Jianji lost control

Xingyu 1177, February 6, at 7 o'clock in the morning, Yan Tielong was roasting camel meat for his fiancée in a camp for 10,000 people less than two days away from the Zandus Kingdom.

Just as Yan Tielong finished roasting the camel meat, Jebobos entered the tent, and he told Yan Tielong with a sad tone that the last member of the Korala tribe had just breathed his last breath.

Yan Tielong heard Jiebobosi's sad tone, he told Jiebobosi not to be too sad, and offered to try the camel meat he had just roasted.

Jiebobos was not polite, he directly picked up the barbecue in Yan Tielong's hand, and then bit down.

After tasting Yan Tielong's barbecue, Jebobos couldn't help but praise Yan Tielong's delicious barbecue, and asked how to make it?

Yan Tielong didn't hide his secrets either, he told the other party how to roast camel meat.

However, after hearing how Yan Tielong roasted camel meat, Jiebobos directly said that it was too complicated to remember.

Yan Tielong shook his head when he heard Jiebobos give up his words, and then took out a bottle of fine wine for Jiebobos to taste.

On the side, Aaliyah was a little puzzled by her fiancé's reaction. She wondered why his fiancé invited Jepopos to drink early in the morning!

In fact, Yan Tielong invited Jiebobos to drink, which was to transfer Jiebobos' sorrow for the destruction of the Korala tribe.

You must know that Yan Tielong learned from members of the Xieluo clan that Jiebobos's mother's natal family was from the Korala tribe. It is true that no relatives of Jiebobos died here, but it is not a good thing for Jiebobos. After all The strength of the Kelala tribe is also related to the status of Jebobos in the Xieluo tribe.

Fortunately, this time the hunting of the Korala tribe was completely wiped out, but there were no people from the family of Jepopos' mother here, otherwise the wild cat mercenary group would also be unlucky.

Under Yan Tielong's intentional drinking, Jepopos quickly became drunk.

Seeing Lei Guqianyueji enter the tent, Yan Tielong asked the other party, how about the surviving wildcat mercenaries?

In fact, Yan Tielong asked the dwarves to take care of the leader of the wild cat mercenaries, Sarah Mao Yansi, in order to prevent Sarah Mao Yansi from suffering misfortune. After all, the members of the Xie Luo clan in Yan Tielong's team now have enmity with the wild cat mercenary group.

Lei Guqian Yueji asked Yan Tielong, she said that the surviving wild cat mercenary group had been treated with drugs, and their lives were not in danger, but the situation of the head of the night cat mercenary, Sarah Mao Yansi, was a bit bad. After all, Yan Tielong and the others found Sarah Mao Yansi, Sarah Mao Yansi had lost five arrows in her body, bled profusely and was drowning, and now Sarah Mao Yansi has been in a coma.

After listening to Lei Guqianyueji's report, Yan Tielong felt a little strange in his heart. You must know that Yan Tielong gave Sara Mao Yansi a good medicine for rapid hematopoiesis. Logically speaking, after being treated with good medicine, Sara Cat Yansi should be able to get out of bed now, why is she still in a coma?

In order to find out the specific situation of Sarah Maoyansi, Yan Tielong went to Sarah Maoyansi's tent in person.

When Yan Tielong and the others arrived at the Saramao Yansi tent, he heard the sound of fighting inside the tent, which made Yan Tielong subconsciously feel uncomfortable entering the tent.

Yan Tielong and the others entered the tent, and they saw Mandeyin Yixue and Regsenboluo paying several members of the Xieluo clan.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yan Tielong already understood what was going on, so he asked several members of the Xieluo clan to leave.

Members of the Xieluo clan who failed in the assassination were somewhat dissatisfied with Yan Tielong.

But they also knew that it was impossible for the senior officials in the clan to let them avenge their relatives in the Korala tribe.

After seeing those dissatisfied members of the Xieluo clan leaving, Yan Tielong expressed his gratitude to the two dwarves. After all, if it were them, his allies might have already reported to the underworld.

Maybe the voice was too loud just now, or maybe Sarah Mao Yansi responded well, and he woke up faintly and asked for water.

Hearing Sarah Mao Yansi's voice, Yan Tielong took out a water bag from the space ring to drink water for Sarah Mao Yansi himself.

After Sara Mao Yansi finished drinking the water, he asked Yan Tielong if this is the underworld, and how did Yan Tielong die?

When Yan Tielong heard Sarah Mao Yansi, he smiled and said that this is not the underworld, but the real world.

When Sara Mao Yansi heard Yan Tielong's narration, he didn't react for a while, but when he did, he was very excited and thanked Yan Tielong for saving his life.

Yan Tielong heard Sarah Mao Yansi's thanks, he said that there is an alliance between them, and saving each other is also a matter of course.

When Sara Mao Yansi heard Yan Tielong's response, he was very glad that he had formed an alliance with Yan Tielong back then, but soon he asked Yan Tielong how many brothers are still alive?

Yan Tielong told Saramao Yansi that they were late, and now there are only 30 members of the night cat mercenaries left, including Leng Jianji.

Hearing that Leng Jianji was still alive, Saramao Yansi asked Yan Tielong how was his adopted daughter?

When Yan Tielong heard that Sara Mao Yansi mentioned Leng Jianji, he sighed and said that Leng Jianji's condition was much more serious than that of Sara Mao Yansi. Even if he used high-grade medicine to treat Leng Jianji, she would still be Half a wretch.

Sara Mao Yansi heard Yan Tielong's narration, he seemed to know why he kept blaming himself for not being greedy for money, which is why he killed his adopted daughter.

Qiang Yan Tielong was very curious, but he didn't ask, but used mental comfort to calm Sarah Mao Yansi.

After Sarah Maoyansi calmed down, he asked Yan Tielong to heal his adoptive daughter, no matter what price he paid.

Hearing that Sara Mao Yansi wanted to save Leng Jianji at all costs, Yan Tielong expressed his efforts, and at the same time asked the other party to keep Leng Jianji in the Shitu Martial Arts Hall for training and treatment.

When Sara Mao Yansi heard Yan Tielong's request, he agreed without thinking about it, and also expressed his willingness to pay 100,000 gold coins to Yan Tielong as treatment money when he arrived in the Kingdom of Zandus.

When Yan Tielong heard 100,000 gold coins, he was ecstatic. After all, Yan Tielong had already estimated that the cost of restoring Leng Jianji to the talent arena last time would be around 10,000 gold coins, so he agreed without hesitation.

After agreeing to Sara Mao Yansi to heal Leng Jianji, Yan Tielong asked Sara Mao Yansi how he clashed with the Korala tribe and triggered a big war?

When Sara Maoyansi heard Yan Tielong's question, he was in a daze, and asked about the Kelala tribe?

Yan Tielong saw Sarah Cat Yansi's confused face, so he reminded those who fought the wildcat mercenaries yesterday.

Sara Mao Yansi did not answer Yan Tielong immediately, but instead asked what was the relationship between Yan Tielong and the Korala tribe?

Yan Tielong didn't hide it either. He said that he had a very good relationship with the Xieluo tribe, and now he hired nearly 10,000 people to help him transport goods to the Kingdom of Zandus; at the same time, he also introduced the Xieluo tribe and the Kerala tribe. Relationship.

After listening to Yan Tielong's narration, Saramao Yansi breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Yan Tielong is now leaning towards the wild cat mercenary group, otherwise the remaining members of the wild cat mercenary group will be miserable. However, in order to deepen Yan Tielong's distaste for the Korala tribe, He talked about the process of returning to the human world from the remains of the Xingyu God.

It turned out that after the wild cat mercenary group returned to the human world, Sara Cat Yansi decided to go to the Vantone Oasis, go directly to Shouget City, and then return to the Kingdom of Zandus. This business route will definitely reduce profits, but victory in safety.

But Sara Maoyans and the others did not expect that when they were about to arrive at the oasis, they learned that Wantong Oasis had been ransacked. This made Sara Maoyans very shocked and worried that they would also be targeted by mysterious forces, so he decided to Change the route and go directly to the desert to the Kingdom of Zandus.

At that time, Sara Mao Yansi continued to go to Wantong Oasis, so they would definitely meet Yan Tielong. At that time, no matter which route Sara Mao Yansi chose, they would not encounter what happened yesterday.

However, Sarah Mao Yansi did not choose to enter the Wantong Oasis and continue walking in the desert; three days ago, Sarah Mao Yansi found that someone was following them.

At that time, Sara Mao Yansi only judged that there were sand robbers following him, but he didn't know how many people there were, but he was prepared.

Soon the first group of nearly a thousand sand bandits launched an attack, and the wildcat mercenary group had a hard time coping with it, but at that time Sarah Mao Yansi thought that they could still solve the opponent.

But when the wild cat mercenary group was about to clean up a sand bandit, another sand bandit attacked them, which also put the wild cat mercenary into a hard fight.

However, Leng Jianji was present, so the wild cat mercenary group fell into a hard fight, but he still defeated the two sand bandits.

Originally, Sara Mao Yansi decided to take a good rest before going to the Kingdom of Zandus, but at this time the Kerala tribe attacked them.

The wildcat mercenary group was exhausted, so Sarah Maoyansi chose to give up the goods and break out, but the Ke Lala tribe did not give the wildcat mercenary group a chance. In the end, Sarah Maoyansi was hit by five arrows Fainted to death; later Sarah cat Yansi said that he didn't know either.

After Yan Tielong listened to Sarah Mao Yansi's narration, he thought in his heart that Leng Jianji's rampage and out of control should be related to Sarah Mao Yansi.

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