Star Odyssey

Chapter 795

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Lu Yin thought Qiong Shanhai wanted to talk to him about these happenings these days. But when Lu Yin saw a corpse in City Lord's mansion, his face sank and his eye light was cold. Crafty Thorn, dead. After coming to Myriad City, Yan Yan always followed Lu Yin, and Crafty Thorn secretly probed the news, almost haven't appeared. As a Hunting Realm killer, but also has a peculiar innate talent, even Lu Yin can find the trace of Crafty Thorn through the Rune Word Principle Number, but now his body appears in front of his eyes. "Who did it?" Lu Yin's voice was low, looked towards Qiong Shanhai. Qiong Shanhai shook his head, "I don't know, when I found it, he was already like this". "where?". "In the alley outside Qiong Lin." Lu Yin was the first to think of Hugh Phineas. If anyone could easily kill Crafty Thorn, it would not cause much movement, apart from Enlightenment Realm, nobody else. But he quickly denied that Hugh Phineas hadn’t seen Crafty Thorn and shouldn’t be started against him, and even if it was started, it’s impossible and silent. The characteristics of Dark Phoenix Clan take action are too obvious. Moreover, Crafty Thorn is a veteran killer who can be Silent killing, 90% may be a sneak attack, unless Hugh Phineas possesses the strength of a sneak attack killer, and knows that Crafty Thorn is doing things for himself, this probability is too low. "How does the City Lord know he is mine?" Lu Yin wondered. Qiong Shanhai took out a brand, precisely the Royal Court No. 2 Captain logo, "His Congealing Space Ring was intact and nothing was taken away." Lu Yin squatted down and looked at Crafty Thorn to check his wounds. "Don't look at it, only the internal organs are smashed up and down the body, on the surface haven't scars, people who take action only use one blow" Qiong Shanhai said. Lu Yin frowned, but this was Crafty Thorn, and he was not as good as A'Dun or Yan Yan, but his life-saving ability was definitely not worse than A'Dun. He was killed by a blow, and he pressed it on Crafty Thorn. Inexplicable, familiar power appeared, this power made Lu Yin's scalp numb, this is, Aura of Death. Crafty Thorn is the internal organs shattered by the Aura of Death. The only person who can perform Aura of Death in the universe is the Dying Netherworld Clan, New Human Alliance take action. Lu Yin's pupils flickered, his head lowered, and Qiong Shanhai didn't find anything abnormal. He slowly rose and said to Qiong Shanhai, "I also ask City Lord to pursue the murderer as much as possible. He is the Captain of the Great Yu Empire 2nd Team. He is a subordinate of Junior and cannot die without cause." Qiong Shanhai nods, "Relax, Myriad City will not allow arbitrarily killing. If this person dares to kill, he must be prepared to be sanctioned by Myriad City." The body of Crafty Thorn was incinerated, Lu Yin left the city house with a heavy heart, and the New Human Alliance actually appeared. If it was Corpse King, it was okay, but it came from Dying Netherworld Clan. The experience of being integrated into the Dying Netherworld Clan for the first time allowed Lu Yin to know the status of the Dying Netherworld Clan in the New Human Alliance. However, when the Dying Netherworld Clan appeared, the New Human Alliance must have a big picture. You must know that even in Extreme Origin Star, Also haven't Dying Netherworld Clan people appeared, and now actually appeared in Myriad City. Myriad City must have what New Human Alliance needs. New Human Alliance take action is no good, Myriad City may be in trouble. Lu Yin thought about it and immediately wrote a letter to pay someone to send it to Ruixiangge and give it to Qiong Xi'er. He took Yan Yan to leave Myriad City and went to the surrounding planet first. Otherwise, he always felt like himself Exposure to the eyes of New Human Alliance is too dangerous. "Brother Lu, Brother Lu, you have to help me." Zhu San found Lu Yin and grabbed him, crying and shouting, "Brother Lu, Xi'er don't want me again, you must think of a way." Lu Yin hurriedly pushed him away, "I'm sorry Brother Zhu, I have to leave Myriad City first, and I'll talk about it when I get back." "No, nothing's important. Haven't Xi'er is important, Brother Lu, you must help me, 100000, 100000 crystal essence help me come up with another idea" Zhu San tempted with money. But Lu Yin remain unmoved, there are so many Enlightenment Realm powerhouses in Myriad City, and New Human Alliance dares to conspire, he has no idea, Mr. Lu Yin 本以为Qiong Shanhai 想跟他谈这些天happen 的事,他确实带起了一股歪风。 但当Lu Yin 看到City Lord 府内一具尸体的时候,脸色沉了下来,eye light 冰寒。 Crafty Thorn ,死了。 来到Myriad City 后,Yan Yan always follow 着Lu Yin ,而Crafty Thorn 则暗中打探消息,几乎haven’t 露面。 作为一个Hunting Realm 杀手,而且还拥有奇特的innate talent ,就连Lu Yin 都是通过Rune Word Principle Number 才能找到Crafty Thorn 的踪迹,如今他的尸体却出现在自己眼前。 “谁做的?”Lu Yin 声音低沉,looked towards Qiong Shanhai 。 Qiong Shanhai 摇头,“不清楚,发现的时候,他already like this 了”。 “在哪?”。 “琼林外的巷子里”。 Lu Yin 第一个想到休Phineas ,如果谁能轻易杀死Crafty Thorn ,还不会造成太大动静,apart from Enlightenment Realm ,没别人。 但他很快否定,休Phineas 又没看过Crafty Thorn ,不应该对他下手,而且就算下手,也impossible 无声无息,Dark Phoenix Clan take action 特征太明显了,何况Crafty Thorn 是老牌杀手,能被无声无息杀死,90% 可能是sneak attack , 除非休Phineas 拥有sneak attack 杀手的实力,还知道Crafty Thorn 在为自己做事,这种probability 太低了。 “City Lord 怎么知道他是我的人?”Lu Yin 奇怪。 Qiong Shanhai 取出一个牌子,precisely 皇庭第2 队Captain 标志,“他的Congealing Space Ring 完好无损,什么都没被取走”。 Lu Yin 蹲下身,打量着Crafty Thorn ,检查他的伤痕。 “不用看了,全身上下只有内脏粉碎,on the surface haven’t 伤痕,take action 之人只用了一击”Qiong Shanhai 道。 Lu Yin 皱眉,这可是Crafty Thorn ,论实力比不上A’Dun ,Yan Yan ,但论保命的本事,绝对不比A’Dun 差,居然被人一击杀死,他一手按在Crafty Thorn 身上,莫名的,熟悉的力量出现,这股力量让Lu Yin 头皮发麻,这是,Aura of Death 。 Crafty Thorn 是被Aura of Death 入体震碎internal organs ,全宇宙能施展Aura of Death 的唯有Dying Netherworld Clan 人,New Human Alliance take action 了。 Lu Yin 瞳孔闪烁,低着头,没让Qiong Shanhai 发现异常。 缓缓起身,对Qiong Shanhai 道,“还请City Lord 尽可能追查凶手,他是Great Yu Empire 皇庭第2 队Captain ,是Junior 的下属,不能平白无故死了”。 Qiong Shanhai nods ,“放心,Myriad City 不会容许随意杀人,此人敢杀人,就要做好被我Myriad City 制裁的准备”。 焚化Crafty Thorn 尸体,Lu Yin 心情沉重的leave 了City Lord 府,New Human Alliance 居然也出现了,如果来的是Corpse King 倒还好,但来得是Dying Netherworld Clan 人。 当初一次融入Dying Netherworld Clan 人的体验让Lu Yin 知道Dying Netherworld Clan 人在New Human Alliance 中的地位,但凡Dying Netherworld Clan 人出现,New Human Alliance 所图必然很大,要知道,即便在Extreme Origin Star ,也haven’t Dying Netherworld Clan 人出现,如今居然出现在了Myriad City 。 Myriad City 必然有New Human Alliance 需要的东西。 New Human Alliance take action 绝没好事,Myriad City 可能麻烦大了。 Lu Yin 想了想,立刻写了封信花钱雇人送去蕊香阁交给Qiong Xi’er ,他自己则带着Yan Yan 要leave Myriad City ,先到周边planet 再说,不然他总觉得自己暴露在New Human Alliance 眼皮下,太危险。 “Brother Lu ,Brother Lu ,你要帮帮我”Zhu San 找到Lu Yin ,一把拽住他,连哭带喊,“Brother Lu ,Xi’er 又不要我了,你must 想想办法”。 Lu Yin 急忙推开他,“抱歉了Brother Zhu ,在下有事要先leave Myriad City ,等回来再说”。 “不行,什么事也haven’t Xi’er 重要,Brother Lu ,你must 帮帮我,100000 ,100000 crystal essence 再帮我出个主意”Zhu San 用金钱诱惑了。 但Lu Yin remain unmoved ,Myriad City 这么多Enlightenment Realm powerhouse 在,New Human Alliance 还敢图谋,他心里没底,Mr. Mu 给的jade stone 说是可以防御Without Darkness God ,但Without Darkness God 只是一缕spirit ,如果面对的是超越300,000 combat power 的New Human Alliance expert 呢? 他们敢对Myriad City 图谋,证明有办法遏制Myriad City 的力量,Myriad City 等于没用了,他可不想在这么危险的地方待着。 至于Crafty Thorn 的仇,未来总会报,他与New Human Alliance impossible 共存。 “Brother Zhu ,以后再说吧”Lu Yin 不耐烦。 “Brother Lu ,你不想要Origin Treasure 真解了?”。 “不想了,送你了”。 “本来就是我家的”。 … Lu Yin 被Zhu San 缠了Ban Tian ,硬是被他拖到了茶楼,耽误下来。 Myriad City 突然震动了一下,巨大rumbling sound 自远方传出,气浪直冲云霄,随后炸裂,无数人只感觉庞大的压力降落,不少建筑物被震碎。 Myriad City 所有人抬头望向happen 爆炸的地方。 Lu Yin complexion changed ,磅礴的Rune Word Principle Number 冲天而起,moved towards Myriad City 外冲去,这股Rune Word Principle Number 丝毫不比寻常Enlightenment Realm powerhouse 少。 “who ,敢攻击我Zhu Family ”怒喝声响彻Myriad City ,道道silhouette 冲出,moved towards Myriad City 外追去,among which is included 数名Hunting Realm powerhouse ,Zhu Family second only to Qiong Family ,家族Hunting Realm powerhouse 不少,更隐藏Enlightenment Realm Old Ancestor 。 “是我家,我家炸了”Zhu San 大喊大叫。 Lu Yin 望着远方袭击Zhu Family 的Rune Word Principle Number 离去,沿途golden rays of light 闪耀,天空,Star Crystal Essence 洒落,令人震撼。 “Origin Treasure 真解不是你Zhu Family 可以拥有的,我就带走了”阴冷的声音传遍天空。 “贼子,大胆”Zhu Family Family Owner Zhu Jie 怒吼着追去,很快消失在Myriad City 天空。 紧接着,奥夫曼,火焰工程师,Sohall ,Moonlight Mebius and the others simultaneously 现身天空,探查着什么,没等多久,打算全部追去,但却被Qiong Xi’er 拦住,而Myriad City ,也in this brief moment 出现了防护罩。 “Qiong Xi’er ,什么意思?”奥夫曼脾气不好,直接质问。 Sohall coldly snorted ,moved towards 星空冲去,却被防护罩阻拦,他单手按在防护罩上,想分解。 “不用费劲了,这是我Myriad City 抵挡300,000 之上combat power powerhouse 的护罩,除非Limitless Correction High Level Language Interpreter take action ,否则短时间无法分解”Qiong Xi’er 道。 休Phineas 冷声开口,“Myriad City 什么意思?不准我们leave ?”。 Qiong Xi’er eye light 扫过眼前的Enlightenment Realm powerhouse ,歉意道,“对不起,各位Senior ,家父just recently 遇袭,重伤,Zhu Family 又被入侵,放眼Myriad City ,能做到这点的唯有诸位Senior ,还请诸位Senior 在Myriad City 稍等片刻,等事情查明,Qiong Family 自会给诸位Senior 一个交代”。 Moonlight Mebius 抬眼,“袭击Zhu Family 的人带着Origin Treasure 真解leave 了Myriad City ,这个我们知道,但并haven’t 察觉有expert 袭击City Lord ”。 Qiong Xi’er 愤恨道,“这才是最terrifying 的,能做到这点至少是Enlightenment Realm powerhouse ,月华Senior 聪明睿智,相信可以理解”。 奥夫曼皱眉,“不是我们做的,放我们leave ,我们要替Zhu Family 追回Origin Treasure 真解”。 “抱歉,各位Senior ,家父遇袭,必须查清楚,还请各位Senior don’t be impatient ”Qiong Xi’er 歉意道。 不管谁质问,她都不愿意让众人leave ,在Myriad City ,众人也不敢贸然对她下手,Myriad City 拥有如今的地位,他们多少知道点什么,颇为忌惮。 Lu Yin ,Star Fox ,Wei Rong and the others 也都到了,互相对视。 “事情不对,Brother Lu leave City Lord 府没多久,这么短的时间能击伤琼City Lord ,而且还不发出丝毫动静,即便在场Enlightenment Realm powerhouse 都很难做到,毕竟琼City Lord 可是Enlightenment Realm powerhouse ,而且Qiong Family the foundation 不是一2 个Enlightenment Realm 能对付的,Qiong Xi’er 是故意把我们留下”Wei Rong indifferently said ,说完looked towards Lu Yin 。 Lu Yin 脸色平静,但却很着急。 很明显,just recently 袭击Zhu Family 的人是故意想引这些Enlightenment Realm powerhouse leave Myriad City 的,否则不会曝光Origin Treasure 真解,90% 可能来自New Human Alliance ,他们要对Myriad City 动手了,却担心众多Enlightenment Realm 联手,所以想引走这批人,而Qiong Xi’er 发觉了这点,想尽办法要把众多powerhouse 留下,跟Myriad City 共同面对危机。 Qiong Xi’er 能这么快察觉,肯定是因为自己那张纸条。 自己在那张纸条上提及了Crafty Thorn 可能死于New Human Alliance Corpse King 之手,以Qiong Xi’er 的精明,再加上just recently 袭击Zhu Family 的情况,立刻就能做出对Myriad City 最有利的判断。 他暗暗后悔,不应该那么快告诉Qiong Xi’er 的,至少等自己leave 后,心anxious ,New Human Alliance 是人类大敌,面对这股深沉的黑暗,自己也没能理智。 事情happen 的太巧合了,没办法。 New Human Alliance 的阴谋原本是可以成功的,能轻易将众多Enlightenment Realm 带离Myriad City ,却因为自己defeated 了,bad luck 的是自己也被困住了。 还好,他们想调离这么多Enlightenment Realm powerhouse ,证明也haven’t 把握对付,这是唯一的生机。 “Brother Lu ,你觉得呢?”Wei Rong 打量着他问道。 Lu Yin nods ,“你说得对”。 Wei Rong 挑眉,“我,说得对?”。 Lu Yin startled ,迷茫道,“你just recently 说什么了?”。 Wei Rong 淡笑,“我说,Qiong Family 是不是想让Brother Lu 你当上门女婿”。 Lu Yin 刚要否认,Myriad City once again 震动,这次的方向是City Lord 府,所有人看去,只听一声沉闷的roar ,伴随着阴冷森寒之气呼啸而来,让人头皮发麻。 Lu Yin complexion changed ,果然是Corpse King 。 其余人皆complexion greatly changed ,cultivate 到Enlightenment Realm ,经历都很丰富,New Human Alliance 的气息太好辨认了,只要不隐藏,他们都可以认出来。 远方,City Lord 府上空,Qiong Shanhai 一口血吐出,身体被巨大的力量轰飞了出去,气浪化作锋芒斩在了City Lord 府内,将City Lord 府大地divided into two 。 “是New Human Alliance 的Corpse King ,take action ”Moonlight Mebius screams ,身形消失。 ——– 感谢 书友54210414 brother 的打赏,加更奉上,谢谢支持,谢谢!!!!

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