Star Odyssey

Chapter 2854


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Lu Yin got it, no wonder Chief Elder Sister was so angry when he mentioned Ce Wangtian, let alone Chief Elder Sister’s hot temper, even if he was kicked from the tree by Ce Wangtian, his temper would not be so good. Go, and where did Ce Wangtian kick to Chief Elder Sister?

He glanced at Chief Elder Sister.

Chief Elder Sister gritted his teeth and was still immersed in the anger at Ce Wangtian. That bastard, she must chase after Immemorial City and get the bastard cramped.

“Then, what about You Word Secret Technique? What’s the matter?”

“That’s what I left behind. I left it before the Third Continent war, to prevent death on the battlefield.”


“Of course.”

“Sister, Ce Wangtian, very difficult to deal with?” Lu Yin asked.

Chief Elder Sister makes a fist: “Although I don’t want to admit it, that bastard is extremely shameless and insidious. On the surface is definitely not his true strength, otherwise it would be impossible to kick me down. At that time, everyone was on guard against each other. , I’m also impossible to trust him, but he can just kick me down.”

Lu Yin understands, he is another sinister guy.

“Why did you guys go to Immemorial City in the first place?” Lu Yin was curious.

Chief Elder Sister frowned, and thought for a while: “First Ancestor said, Immemorial City, there is power to the Ancestral Realm.”

Lu Yin opened his eyes wide: “The power above Ancestral Realm?”

Chief Elder Sister looked at Lu Yin: “Everyone is sure that ancestors are the end of human cultivation, but you know very well that ancestors are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. The weakest Ancestral Realm can’t beat you, the strongest Ancestral Realm , You haven’t even the power to fight back. Since there are strong and weak, why are they called ancestors?”

“Because the realm of ancestors is not an absolute limit.”

“First Ancestor is not Ancestral Realm. Although he promotes it as Ancestral Realm, also called First Ancestor, the consensus of everyone in our era is that First Ancestor is by no means Ancestral Realm. Three Realms and Six Paths are already Ancestral Realm. The limit of First Ancestor is still not as powerful as Three Realms and Six Paths. As you can imagine, he surpasses Ancestral Realm.”

Lu Yin understands: “The lost family has ancient cards beyond Ancestral Realm.”

Chief Elder Sister looked solemn: “The battle between humans and Eternal Clan lasted that many years. In fact, in our time, Eternal Clan at first was not taken seriously until First Continent broke, First Ancestor, Three Realms and Six Paths, One by one disappeared, either dead or missing. Only then did Eternal Clan show his fangs.”

Lu Yin is anxious: “Why do you like this? What happened in the first place?”

Chief Elder Sister shook his head: “Everything happens too fast. When we react, First Continent is already broken, and then Fourth Continent. We are fully involved in the Battle of the Third Continent. At that time, there was Foreign Domain powerhouse. Help, I was kicked down by Ce Wangtian during the Battle of Jiuhe, and I reversed time, and finally became like this now. By the way, didn’t Old Ancestor say it?”

Lu Yin shook his head. Of course he asked Lu Yuan’s Old Ancestor, but Old Ancestor was unwilling to tell him more, saying that it was related to the limits of the current human cognition power system, and there should be power beyond the Ancestral Realm. This power Let First Continent break.

Old Ancestor is afraid of telling himself, allowing himself to make changes to the power system, and ultimately changing the path he takes.

“Where is First Ancestor? Haven’t died?”

“Since you asked the source Old Ancestor, don’t ask me, how could I know much about the source Old Ancestor.”

Lu Yin is right to think about it.

Lu Yuan Old Ancestor determined that First Ancestor was not dead, but where is First Ancestor? Immemorial City?

For Eternal Clan, what kind of existence is Immemorial City? If there are many human powerhouses in Immemorial City, why not counterattack Eternal Clan?

With his Half-Ancestor cultivation base, can only understands here, no matter how much, can only waits for the breakthrough Ancestral Realm.

Lu Yuan Old Ancestor said, breakthrough Ancestral Realm, his path is fixed, when the time comes tells himself everything he knows.

Soon after, Lu Yin and Chief Elder Sister separated.

Heavenly Sect adds another powerful combat power, Netherworld Ancestor.

Now, with Heavenly Sect and Lu Family, the number of Ancestral Realm combat power has reached twelve people. If you don’t count yourself, the prisoner has also slipped away. I don’t know where to hide.

In terms of quantity, already surpassed the reincarnation time and space of losing the Yuan Sage, Transforming Sage, and Shaoyin Divine Venerable, and is the deserved strongest of the six parties.

In the time of reincarnation, there is a fight against Heavenly Venerate, Grade 9 Lian Zun, and on his own side there are Lu Tianyi Old Ancestor, Netherworld Ancestor, and Mu Xie Senior Brother, as well as the crazy Chairman Shaochen, Old Chen who walked out of the road of alternative cultivation. You can use the power of Three Suns Ancestor’s aura and use the power of Lu Tianyi Old Ancestor.

If there is a decisive battle between Beginning Space and Reincarnation Time and Space, Lu Yuan Old Ancestor drags Great Heavenly Venerate, and Reincarnation Time and Space will be defeated.

Lu Yin himself also has foreign aid in the six parties. How do you look at it? Knowing that in all parallel universes, his side is the strongest.

Once Lu Buzheng and the others break through Ancestral Realm, Lu Yin can really look forward to the extreme Heavenly Sect era.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The power of Beginning Space will naturally attract Eternal Clan’s coveting, and then fighting with Eternal Clan, Beginning Space will not be able to make the six parties in front.

“That direction.” Sixth Continent, Woman of Fate pointed in a direction.

The side of the body is Lu Yin and Lu Tianyi.

Lu Yin invited Lu Tianyi to accompany him to the Sixth Continent to find the Star Seeking Tower.

Destiny is always a thorn in his heart, and whether it is Lu Yuan Old Ancestor or Lu Tianyi Old Ancestor, he wants to see where Destiny is.

They already know the way of Desolate God rebirth. Heavenly Sect and Lu Family are collecting humanoid Origin Treasure. Now they are looking for Destiny’s beads. The strongman of the Heavenly Sect era might appear one by one.

Following the direction pointed by Woman of Fate, Lu Tianyi took Lu Yin towards there.

The Sixth Continent is the site of Eternal Clan, but Lu Tianyi is led by Lu Yin and Woman of Fate.

Compared with Eternal Clan, Woman of Fate cares more about Lu Tianyi.

In the era of Heavenly Sect, Lu Tianyi was Dao child, same as Chu Yuan and Heluo Mebius, and now, he is already Lu Family second only to Lu Yuan’s Old Ancestor, how strong is the Woman of Fate can feel.

The method of cultivate Destiny, Woman of Fate has a unique feeling method for each person’s strength, and Lu Tianyi is rarely powerful in her perception.

This deeply impossible breath made her think of Master Destiny, very ridiculous, Lu Tianyi actually gave her a breath similar to Master Destiny, this is impossible, Lu Tianyi can’t reach the Master level no matter what, But that feeling kept oppressing her.

Lu Tianyi led the way, and the three soon came to the direction guided by the Woman of Fate.

They saw-Taoist Origin Sect.

In the Heavenly Sect era, four continents were destroyed, only the Fifth Continent and Sixth Continent survived to the end.

The Fifth Continent relied on the Lu Family, during which Shocking and stunning generations such as Ancestor Chen and Ancestor Ku were born, and Lu Yin did not know how the Sixth Continent survived to the end.

However, the Sixth Continent should not be considered weak, otherwise it would not have been able to fight the Fifth Continent, despite the cooperation of Eternal Clan.

The powerful cultivator of the Sixth Continent and its descendants were transferred to the Fifth Continent Outer Universe, and Taoist Origin Sect was also transferred. At the beginning, Kui Luo passed the Sixth Continent Taoist Origin Sect of the Outer Universe and saw the statue of First Ancestor. And what they see now is the site of the Sixth Continent Taoist Origin Sect.

Lu Tianyi looked at the Taoist Origin Sect ruins ahead, with complicated eye light.

Only through the Heavenly Sect era can you experience the sorrow of prosperity and decline. Taoist Origin Sect represents the symbol of human beings in the beginning space, but now it is reduced to the place where Eternal Clan cultivates Corpse King.

“Are you sure you are here?” Lu Tianyi said in a low tone.

Woman of Fate nods: “OK.”

Lu Tianyi raised his hand, a finger pointed, void was distorted, and then the entire space seemed to be squeezed across the same by invisible force, swept across the ruins of Taoist Origin Sect – divided into two.

“The former glory will end here.”

A huge silhouette rushed out, the huge Ancestral Realm Corpse King of Eternal Clan.

The Corpse King rushed to Lu Tianyi, fierce and unafraid of death, they also haven’t fear of death, raised their fists and fell. There was black gravel turning outside of the fist wind, which was obviously innate talent.

Lu Tianyi eye light hasn’t fallen on the Corpse King at all, but looking at the distance, stepping out, taking Lu Yin and Woman of Fate, and passing by the Corpse King.

Corpse King smashed directly.

Ancestral Realm Corpse King, without the power to fight back.

Woman of Fate eyes shrank, she can’t understand.

Lu Yin understood. Lu Tianyi didn’t take action. Before him, the sequence particles he controlled hadn’t disappeared. It was the Corpse King who was looking for death by himself. He rushed over and touched the sequence particles.

Sequence particles are Lu Tianyi’s rules, a rule of extreme destruction. As long as he touches, he will have to crush the opponent, unable to heal, unable to recover, and extremely overbearing.

This is Lu Tianyi’s rules.

The gap between Ancestral Realm and Ancestral Realm is bigger than expected.

Ripples, all Corpse Kings are destroyed.

“Volunteer to become a Corpse King, die without regret, to be forced to become a Corpse King, to get rid of it, Xiaoxuan, to deal with Eternal Clan, can’t be soft-hearted.” Lu Tianyi said indifferently.

Lu Yin responded: “The younger generation knows.”

Taoist Origin Sect ruins are dilapidated, and the walls fall when touched. It originally represented the glory of Sixth Continent extreme, but it became like this.

“Old Ancestor, is the Sixth Continent Path Lord dead or alive?” Lu Yin asked.

The Sixth Continent Jialan family has no sense of existence. It is said to be Three Realms and Six Paths. The Three Realms will not be mentioned. Six Paths among, apart from First Continent Path Lord is also served by First Ancestor, Second Continent Mebius family, Third Continent Gu Yi The Fourth Continent Desolate God and the Fifth Continent Luyuan Old Ancestor are often mentioned, only the Sixth Continent Jialan is rarely mentioned.

Lu Tianyi found the Star Seeking Tower and came with Lu Yin: “The Jialan family has single-vein inheritance. This inheritance ensures that every descendant of the Jialan family is strong and there will be no weak ones, but the shortcomings are also obvious. , Easy to cut off.”

“The Jialan clan cut off the bloodline because of Tiankong Jialan’s disappearance. Tiankong Jialan’s father died in battle and the Old Ancestor disappeared. So far, the Jialan clan has never appeared again. As time passed, everyone thought that the Jialan clan was gone.”

Lu Yin asked: “The Old Ancestor of the Jialan clan is missing?”

Lu Tianyi looked ahead: “Found it.”

Looking at Lu Yin, the Star Seeking Tower is just ahead, and the entire Taoist Origin Sect site is already haven’t been the Eternal Clan Corpse King.

Lu Yin walked to the Star Seeking Tower step by step and finally found it.

The bead of Lu Family has been given away a long time ago, and now he is nowhere to be found. He found this bead, and only the Lu Family one is left, which can be found through the collected beads.

With Lu Tianyi by the side, Lu Yin is not in a hurry to get the beads, he wants to-climb the Star Seeking Tower.

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