Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,777 The evidence is conclusive

Young Emperor Qing was shocked, and Prince Yan shouted angrily, "Lu Yin, don't talk nonsense." He didn't say anything before, not only because he was afraid of offending Lu Yin, but also because it would be useless if he said it, but now he is anxious.

There is no problem in dealing with the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. No matter how powerful Lu Yin's background is, the worst he can do is defeat. But if he is labeled as colluding with the New Humanity Alliance, it will be different.

That is a serious crime that affects all races. Let alone collusion, even if there is suspicion of collusion, they will be cleared. This is the attitude of the Hall of Glory.

Lu Yin was so vicious that he actually wanted to use this trick against the Divine Gu Dynasty.

The original Grand Master coughed angrily, "Lu, Alliance Leader Lu, even if His Majesty is your enemy, you should not wantonly frame up our Divine Gu Dynasty, this, this".

Young Emperor Qing stared at Lu Yin, "Lu Yin, today you either have to prove that our Divine Gu Dynasty really colluded with the New Human Alliance. If you dare to make false accusations, I, Young Emperor Qing, will never let you go, even if you sue the Council, In front of Mr. Zen, I will also demand an explanation until death."

Lu Yin faced the chief referee and saluted slowly, "The chief judge is here because someone reported it and there is evidence that the former Grand Master of the Divine Gu Dynasty colluded with the New Human Alliance to develop the poison of life in the Gu world. --sorrow".

Qing Shaohuang suddenly looked at Yuan Taishi.

The former Taishi's expression changed drastically, "Leader Lu, don't talk nonsense."

Lu Yin looked at Yuan Taishi, "The person who reported the report is named - Yuan Miaomiao."

Yuan Taishi, Qing Shaohuang and many others all looked into the distance. There, Yuan Miaomiao came forward, faced everyone's gaze, and saluted slowly, "Miaomiao reported that Taishi Yuan Zhong colluded with the New Humanity Alliance to develop poisons." , the evidence is conclusive, please step aside, Mr. Magistrate."

Gong'ao is a remote place in the Gu Liu Realm close to the Divine Gu Continent. The outside is full of poison and is difficult for ordinary people to approach. Even practitioners who walk in the starry sky will escape death if they enter. However, the innermost part contains a poison called Gong. Metal, although this kind of metal is highly poisonous, its availability is not great, so few people go to Luo Ao.

Lu Yin asked the chief referee to come to Gu Liu Realm based on Yuan Miaomiao's report. Her dictation was enough for the chief judge to make a visit. As for whether it was true or not, he would have to wait for the chief judge to come and make a decision. It had nothing to do with Lu Yin.

What Lu Yin was most worried about was that the chief referee would just happen to meet the Second Night King. He had no choice but to let the Second Night King continue to be imprisoned by Kunze.

This step was necessary. From the moment Yuan Miaomiao told Lu Yin that Grand Master Yuan had colluded with the New Human Alliance to develop the poison of life, Lu Yin and Wang Wen determined a plan, and this plan could plunge Young Emperor Qing into the abyss.

Becoming the most important step in the unified universe.

The chief referee disappeared with Qing Shaohuang, Lu Yin, Yuan Miaomiao and Yuan Taishi, and headed to Luo Ao. Everyone could only wait where they were.

Balsam's eyes flickered. Sure enough, there was a problem. Since there was a problem here, then, when she thought of Liu Qianjue and others' attack on Yanlan Liujie, would Lu Yin be prepared? If he was prepared, Lu Yin would be too ruthless and his calculations were too deep.

The eight major flow realms in the inner universe, the first flow realm, the beast-controlling flow realm, and the Lingxi flow realm are all attacking the Yanlan flow realm. On the Gu flow realm, Lu Yin personally took action. Jie didn't dare to come forward.

If all of these are related to Lu Yin's calculations, the entire inner universe will change drastically.

We obviously heard that this Gu Liu Realm banquet was a plot by Jian Zong and other forces to plot against Lu Yin. How did it end up like this?

The gong is concave, the chief referee leads Lu Yinji

When people arrive and wave their hands, the poison disperses.

There are nearly twenty planets here. Due to being corroded by the gong's poison all the year round, there is no life.

Grand Master Yuan stared at Yuan Miaomiao with murderous intent in his eyes.

Lu Yin stood beside Yuan Miaomiao and looked at Yuan Taishi, "We're all here now. If you honestly explain the location of the research on the poison of life, maybe the chief referee can give you a lighter sentence."

"I won't be given a lenient sentence, I will die," the referee said coldly.

Lu Yin was speechless.

"Leader Lu, the one who offended you is the Qing Emperor and has nothing to do with me. Why are you causing trouble for me? Slandering me?" Grand Master Yuan gritted his teeth.

Young Emperor Qing also stared at Lu Yin, "Lu Yin, don't think that you can slander our Divine Gu Dynasty just anywhere. Maybe you have thrown some kind of life poison here long ago and want to slander me. The Chief Magistrate will not Fooled by you."

Suddenly, the chief referee took action, pointed out with a finger, the gong split, and a pair of scarlet vertical eyes opened. There were quite a few corpse kings hidden here. At the same time, a corpse king used the red pupil transformation, and the number of runes directly surpassed Yuan Yuan. division, with a combat strength of over one million.

Lu Yin was shocked. It was so dangerous. Fortunately, when Yuan Miaomiao told him the location before, he did not explore it himself, but told the chief referee. Otherwise, he would be in trouble, and the king might not be able to save him the next night.

The million-power Red-Eyed Zombie King was quite powerful. He would have been the Seal of the Universe on the Sixth Continent. However, he had no chance under the judge's scale judgment and was directly obliterated.

Luo Ao has indeed found many traces of studying the poison of life.

Qing Shaohuang couldn't believe it, "How is that possible? It's all fake. It's all fake." He stared at Lu Yin fiercely, "It's you who is slandering me, it must be you."

Lu Yin sneered, "You mean I have the ability to capture a million-power Corpse King and throw it here to slander you? In that case, why don't I just let the Corpse King destroy you? It was the New Humanity Alliance who did it anyway, and there is no The evidence points to me.”

Young Emperor Qing was speechless, and turned to stare at Grand Master Yuan.

The former Grand Master had a gloomy face and his eyes were full of despair.

Seeing the expression of Master Yuan, Qing Shaohuang understood and turned pale, "Is it you? You colluded with the New Humanity Alliance? Why? I'm not mean to you, why did you collude with the New Humanity Alliance?".

Grand Master Yuan clenched his fists and glared at Yuan Miaomiao with hatred, "I should kill you, I should kill you."

Yuan Miaomiao closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Young Emperor Qing, there is no need to pretend. It was you who instructed Grand Master Yuan to collude with the New Humanity Alliance to develop the poison of life. Perhaps the poison of life was secretly developed by your Divine Gu Dynasty from the beginning and then sold to the New Humanity Alliance," Lu Yin said.

Young Emperor Qing roared angrily, his eyes widened, "You are talking nonsense, my Qing family rules the Gu flow world, why should I cooperate with the New Human Alliance? Lu Yin, you want to slander me."

Lu Yin picked his ears and said, "This is the truth and you still want to quibble? The former Grand Master is right under your nose. With your strength, can you not tell that he is colluding with the New Human Alliance? Stop pretending."

Qing Shaohuang was furious and grabbed Lu Yin, "You're talking nonsense." He just took a step and couldn't move anymore. The referee said coldly, "You're wanton."

Just two words made Qing Shaohuang wake up from a dream, and he thought of the worst outcome.

Regardless of whether he has anything to do with Yuan Taishi's collusion with the New Humanity Alliance, he will be taken away for review. With the Hall of Glory's attitude towards the New Humanity Alliance, there is absolutely no way he can be safe.

But back to the Divine Gu Dynasty, where will the Divine Gu Dynasty go?

He looked at Lu Yin with a look of surprise and uncertainty. This man was eyeing the Divine Gu Dynasty. If he was here, this would be the outcome. If he was not here, it would be the same.

The more I think about it, the colder Qing Shaohuang becomes, my heart becomes colder, and my body becomes colder.

"Master Referee, I, I am really unjust. This junior has never colluded with the New Humanity Alliance," Qing Shaohuang said bitterly, trying to prove his innocence.

"Whether it is unjust or not, we will wait for the trial," the chief referee replied coldly, then fixed the void around the gong concave to prevent anyone from entering, and took Lu Yin and others back to the Imperial Palace of Gu King City.

When everyone saw the pale-faced Grand Master Yuan, full of despair, and the pale-faced Young Master Qing, they knew that Lu Yin's report was true.

Prince Yao and others felt that the sky was falling for a moment.

"Yuan Zhong colluded with the New Human Alliance and is now being brought back to Boundary Mountain for review. The person under review is also Qing Shaohuang. No one in the Divine Gu Dynasty is allowed to leave the Gu flow world and is awaiting investigation at any time." The chief referee pronounced the verdict coldly.

Lu Yin immediately responded, "The Eastern Xinjiang Alliance will fully assist the Hall of Glory in judging the Divine Gu Dynasty."

"Let the little saint come back, help the little saint with all your strength, and let him come back." This was the last sentence left by Qing Shaohuang before he was taken away.

It was obviously a banquet for a breakthrough in cultivation, but in the end it became the prelude to the capture and trial of Young Emperor Qing. Everyone looked at Lu Yin, not knowing how to face him.

Prince Nong looked at Lu Yin with complicated eyes. Regardless of whether Young Emperor Qing had colluded with the New Human Alliance or not, his future would not be very good. The best outcome would be to be imprisoned for a period of time. As for regaining control of the Divine Gu Dynasty, it would be impossible. , and the Divine Gu Dynasty will definitely be censored by the Hall of Glory. He can’t think of how many people will be unlucky, and he himself may also be unlucky. With the means of the Hall of Glory, although the Divine Gu Dynasty will not be disintegrated, it will still have to escape. layer of skin.

Qing Longlong walked up to Lu Yin, stared at him, and then looked at Yuan Miaomiao, "What's going on? Tell me."

Yuan Miaomiao's eyes dimmed, "Longlong, Yuan Zhong is not my grandfather. It was he who killed my parents and he colluded with the New Human Alliance."

"What does that have to do with my father?" Qing Longlong shouted, her voice hoarse.

Yuan Miaomiao shook his head, "I don't know if it has anything to do with His Majesty the Qing Emperor, I just reported Yuan Zhong."

Qing Longlong was startled. Yes, Yuan Miaomiao only reported Yuan Zhong, not Qing Shaohuang. The reason why Qing Shaohuang was taken away for trial was entirely because he was implicated by Yuan Zhong and had nothing to do with Yuan Miaomiao.

Even if it was not Yuan Miaomiao who reported Yuan Zhong but someone else, Qing Shaohuang would still be taken away for review because he was the emperor of the Shen Gu Dynasty.

"Why is this time? Why?" Qing Longlong said helplessly.

Yuan Miaomiao looked at her, "If it weren't for this time, would I be able to report it? Is it useful to report it?"

"You can report it to my father."

"I have no evidence. The evidence was determined by the Chief Magistrate. I didn't even have the chance to tell His Majesty the Love Emperor that if I did, I would die too," Yuan Miaomiao said bitterly.

Qing Longlong was unable to let go. Yes, if Yuan Miaomiao reported to Young Emperor Qing, Yuan Taishi would die, and Yuan Miaomiao would also die. This matter cannot be spread outside, and anyone who knows about it will die. Yuan Miaomiao is She thought about it for herself, and she couldn't be blamed. She could only say that Lu Yin came at the right time, and it was she who was the matchmaker who made Yuan Miaomiao and Lu Yin meet smoothly.

It's all her fault.

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