Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,735 Right, Wrong and Fairness

"Practitioners, the weak eat the strong, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, but I believe that this world needs right and wrong, and fairness. Even if I can never pursue it, this is my goal. Even if I am shattered to pieces, even if the jade and stone are all destroyed, even if this human being will never exist. Human beings are not zombies."

"Lu Yin's counterattack against Sifang Tianping is correct for the Lu family. He can take revenge. If mankind is destroyed by the Eternals, he is guilty as far as mankind is concerned. If I am still alive that day, I will judge him and give him a Fairness, if he is convicted in advance because of a result that has not yet happened, whoever decides, this end of the scale will be reserved for whom."

Zen Lao looked at the scale with complicated eyes, "Is this what your master meant?"

"I don't know, this is my decision."

Mr. Zen nodded, "I understand, let everything go as it comes." After saying that, he left the world of arbitration, leaving one last sentence before leaving, "This is not an abandoned place, but an ancestral land. Deserters will always be deserters."

Lu Yin didn't know what happened in the new universe, and naturally he didn't know the changes in Elder Chan's mentality. For him, no matter what Elder Chan's attitude was, or what he should do, he couldn't give up leading the new universe just because of a few words from Elder Chan. He will respect the decision of those who follow him about the decision of the Five Continents to counterattack the Starry Sky of Trees, but will not completely let it go. The words of the leader of the Boundary Mountain are partly from the heart, and partly, they are forced to do nothing.

Human beings do not allow internal friction. As much as Zen Lao taboos this, Wu Lingshen looks forward to this.

In the end, it all depends on their respective methods. Wu Lingshen's plan will definitely succeed, but the result may not be what he wants, and he must drag the Eternals into the water.

How could the Eternals watch from the sidelines?

Lu Yin immediately sent a message to Qingtan not long after Kui Luo left.

Qingtan, who was far away in Jie Mountain, saw the message from Lu Yin and looked confused. The origin of the thing?

She didn't know what an origin object was, but she still did what Lu Yin said.

In the endless territory, Old Man Cangqiong has his eyes closed, and four people are sitting in charge. Even if the half-ancestors from the Fifth Continent come, they may not be able to save Lu Yin. There may be great scruples in killing this person, but catching this person is more valuable. The Skin of the Supreme Ancestor, the Object of Origin, Jiuding Combat Skills, etc. This boy has too many secrets. The most important thing is that he suddenly opened his eyes, the legendary - Death inheritance.

The God of Death is a legend that few people believe, but Lu Yin's performance in the Supreme Tournament attracted the attention of many people, and Old Man Cangqiong was one of them. Just because he didn't talk about it, it didn't mean he wasn't watching.

Once Lu Yin can be caught, he must press him about the inheritance of the God of Death.

Just as he was thinking about it, Qingtan suddenly sent a message. Old Man Cangqiong glanced at it and his expression changed drastically.

‘Lu Yin returned from the Science and Technology Star Territory, explained his whereabouts to the Council, and mentioned that he discovered the Origin Object on the Weicheng battlefield’.

Old Man Cangqiong and others still didn't believe that things of origin would appear inexplicably on the Weicheng battlefield, but Qingtan's information made him shaken.

They couldn't figure out why Lu Yin ventured to the Science and Technology Star Territory. It was not impossible to say that it was for the origin of things.

Is there really any origin?

Old Man Cangqiong's eyes flashed, the thing of origin, the skin of the Supreme Ancestor, which one is more important? It's all important to him.

The All-Heaven Seal is not a half-ancestor, but some All-Heaven Seal has reached the half-ancestor level, and some have not. He doesn’t have it, but he has ambitions, because he is one of the few who has broken through it even though he has not reached the half-ancestor level. A practitioner of Xiachongguan and Zhongzhiguan, he has an ancestor’s

heart, and very urgently.

Otherwise, Mrs. Hong would not be captured.

Once this kind of thing is exposed, it will easily lead to a war with the Martial Ancestor Territory.

Now that the news of the thing of origin has been confirmed again, Old Man Qiong can't sit still. Regardless of whether there is a thing of origin or not, he must send someone to this city.

Now that the cultivators from the Sixth Continent in the city are from the Martial Ancestor Domain, he must send his own people there.

There is no need to defend Lu Yin's side. He has already gone back. As for the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, there is no need to pay attention to it for the time being. You can let it go for a while. If it is really confirmed that there is an origin, the balance of the war may tip to Chuangtianyuan. There is nothing like it. Pozu is more important.

The Milky Way is majestic, with weird fish emerging from time to time, and occasionally unfathomable giant creatures swimming through the river, making even the giant boat in the Milky Way shake.

The older generation once said that the passage of some river creatures may even capsize the giant ship in the galaxy.

Since the Sixth Continent settled in the outer universe, most of the territory in the outer universe has gradually been ruled and no one can control it. However, the two giant galactic ships in the east and west have always been under the control of the Fifth Continent, and the cultivators of the Sixth Continent have not fought for them.

This is true even for the giant ship of the Western Galaxy that can reach directly to the western territory of the outer universe.

As long as you board the giant boat on the West Galaxy, you can directly reach the western territory of the outer universe. The sixth continent cultivators have this confidence and are not afraid of the arrival of any fifth continent cultivators. However, the inner universe of the fifth continent does not allow the sixth continent cultivators to enter easily.

Whether they are willing to admit it or not, the average strength of the Sixth Continent is stronger than that of the Fifth Continent.

When Lu Yin went to Pegasus Villa to save the giant lineage, he passed by the Galaxy Ship. He was taken by the leader of the Boundary Mountains to the Science and Technology Star Domain. He also passed by the Galaxy Ship. Now he still has to pass the Galaxy Ship when he returns.

Looking at the giant galactic boat swaying in the distance, Lu Yin was curious, "The Sixth Continent doesn't have the right to use the giant galactic boat?".

The leader of Boundary Mountain said, "I don't know, I don't care about world affairs."

Lu Yin pursed his lips. Since Lu Xiaoxuan's identity was exposed, the attitude of the leader of the Boundary Mountain towards him has changed. He is less close and casual and more wary and distant.

There's nothing we can do about it. The differences between regions cannot be ignored, and the same goes for Zen Lao.

Soon, several people boarded the giant ship of the galaxy. With the strength of the leader of the Boundary Mountain, they could easily lead Lu Yin and the others across the giant ship of the galaxy. However, it was not necessary. Practitioners did not need to expose their strength at all times, and accidents could occur at any time.

Looking at the rolling galaxies, Lu Yin remembered the extremely terrifying rune numbers he had seen before. There were powerful creatures hidden in the galaxies.

Soon, the giant galactic boat moved and headed towards the inner universe.

There are many spaceships queuing up to board the East Galaxy Giant Boat, but there are very few people on this Galaxy Giant Boat. After all, there are too few cultivators who dare to come to the Sixth Continent. Once the Sixth Continent invaded the inner universe, causing There was too much hatred, and almost no cultivators from the Fifth Continent were willing to come.

Most of the cultivators on this giant galactic ship are from certain trading companies or casual cultivators. They really can't survive and can only try their luck. There are also some cultivators who belong to the universe outside the fifth continent and want to get rid of the sixth continent. Continental rule enters the inner universe.

"Another spaceship is coming, but it's too late," someone said with emotion when they saw a spaceship arriving in the distance.

"It doesn't matter, the giant boat comes and goes very quickly anyway."

"Wait a minute, you see, those people should belong to certain forces in the Sixth Continent."

The sound of discussion reached Lu Yin's ears. He looked around and saw a spaceship stopped not far from the giant ship of the galaxy. It was surrounded by several cultivators. The clothes worn by those cultivators looked familiar to Lu Yin. That symbol ? Qiuhan’s family?

Lu Yin was surprised, how could the cultivators from Qiu Han's family chase him here? The distance is not close.

With a bang, the spaceship exploded, and two figures rushed out in two directions, trying to escape. A cultivator from the Qiu Han family took action, sealing Uncle Hua, and murderous intent burst out.

On the giant boat, many people saw it. Although they were curious about who was trying to escape, they were not surprised. They had seen this kind of scene too many times.

In the starry sky, a young man's left arm was twisted irregularly, and his body was covered with dried blood stains. He faced a knife shadow and raised his hand, "Black Yama Palm".

Black flame-like lines spread from the palm of the hand, forming a huge black flame palm print, accompanied by the three lines of war energy blasting towards the knife shadow.

The shadow of the knife slashed across, tearing apart the black flame palm print, and slashed towards the young man's neck.

The young man was helpless and pale. He still couldn't escape. Was he going to die?

Suddenly, the shadow of the sword stopped, and unimaginable divine power descended. Neither the young man who was trying to escape nor the Qiuhan family cultivator who attacked them could move.

The starry sky was torn apart, Lu Yin walked out slowly, looking at the young man excitedly, "Xiao Pao, senior?".

The young man looked at Lu Yin, his eyes widened, and then he became excited and his eyes turned red, "Lu, Junior Lu."

The young man who was about to escape and use the Black Palm of Hell was surprisingly Xiao Pao, the former senior of the Tenth Academy of Starry Sky, and the other young man was naturally Da Pao.

Lu Yin and his group fled into the Falling Star Sea to avoid Feng Mo's pursuit. When they left, the big cannon and the small cannon stayed there. After the Sixth Continent invaded and the inner and outer universes were isolated, Lu Yin never saw these two again. Senior.

I thought the two seniors had died long ago, but I didn't expect to see them here.

"Junior Brother Lu, it's really you" Da Pao exclaimed, excited.

Lu Yin was happy, "Two seniors, I didn't expect that you are still alive. That's great."

"We didn't expect to see you alive," Xiao Pao said excitedly.

When Lu Yin appeared, there was no problem with the safety of the big cannon and the small cannon. He casually dealt with these Qiuhan family cultivators, while the big cannon and the small cannon were stunned for a moment.

Looking at their confused looks, Lu Yin wondered, "You don't know about me?".

"What's the matter?" The two were confused, and Cannon suddenly said, "Junior, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's leave quickly. The Qiuhan family is dead, and we must escape back to the inner universe."

Lu Yin quickly comforted the two of them. It could be seen that the two of them had suffered a lot. They didn't know where they were all these years, and they didn't even know about him.

The two of them would not feel at ease talking here. Thinking about this, Lu Yin turned around and said, "Senior, please take us to the other side of the galaxy."

Cannon and Xiaopao are at a loss, senior? Where is anyone?

The first Boundary Mountain came out and easily led Lu Yin and the others across the galaxy to the inner universe.

This scene subverted the understanding of Big Cannon and Little Cannon. In their understanding, is the Milky Way so easy to cross? There were indeed rumors that one could swim across the galaxy after reaching a certain level of cultivation, but it wasn't that simple.

"Brother Lu, are we here?" Xiao Pao was confused and looked back at the galaxy, which was so far away.

Lu Yin said, "Don't worry, senior, we are no longer in the Sixth Continent."

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