Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,708 The First Boundary Mountain

"From ancient times to the present, the New Human Alliance is the biggest enemy of mankind. It has always been. Girl Balsam, do you think there will be a day when we humans can completely wipe out the New Human Alliance?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Balsam said, "With the temperament of Alliance Leader Lu, it is impossible for the New Human Alliance to exist in the inner and outer universe. This issue depends on Alliance Leader Lu himself. Wherever Alliance Leader Lu goes, there will be no New Human Alliance."

Lu Yin looked at Xiangzhi, "You have so much confidence in me?".

Balsam smiled and said, "I can clearly see Alliance Leader Lu's attitude toward the New Humanity Alliance." At this point, she changed the topic, "In fact, Clover Company can completely cooperate with the Dongjiang Alliance. The Star Source Pill we produce can be provided first. For the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, Alliance Leader Lu can try using the Star Source Pill to see the effect."

Lu Yin suddenly raised his hand and spread his fingers.

Balsam is confused.

Lu Yin said seriously, "Five thousand, give me five thousand Star Source Pills first."

Balsam was stunned, "Five, five thousand? Leader Lu, you haven't tried it yet." Lu Yin waved his hand, "No need to try, I have money, give me five thousand to equip Lu Xuanjun and the giant lineage first. By the way, I also plan to form the Heavenly Sin Army, five thousand may not be enough, give me 10,000."

"Ten thousand pills are too many, Alliance Leader Lu," Xiangzhi wanted Lu Yin to try the Star Source Pill in person. Lu Yin fully demonstrated the attitude of a rich man. It doesn't matter whether the quality is good or not. Let's get it first. Money not a problem.

What Balsam was about to say several times was interrupted by Lu Yin. Finally, Lu Yin remembered that financial transactions should be left to Qiong Xi'er, so he introduced Balsam to Qiong Xi'er with only one request: to buy as much Star Source as possible Dan comes.

Balsam didn't even think about negotiating a deal at this time. She just came to confirm the situation of Lu Yin's Star Source Pill.

Lu Yin's performance made her unpredictable, and at the same time she was a little suspicious. Could it be that the disappearing Star Source Pill was really related to Lu Yin?

Lu Yin knew that his performance would arouse Balm's suspicion, but he had no choice. One of the two Star Source Pills was promoted into a sapling, and the other was fed to it. He couldn't get the Star Source Pill, and it would be easier to forge it. It was discovered that it was better to make a joke. Although Balsam was suspicious, it was impossible to completely determine anything.

With his current status and ability, he has no fear of the mysterious King Ye, but it is best to hide in the dark. He is not sure yet about the true meaning of King Ye and Xingyuan Pill, and does not want the sapling to be discovered and something happen to him.

We don’t have time to deal with that King Ye at the moment. When he returns from the Science and Technology Star Territory, not only Clover Company, but also Aurora Spaceship Company will have to make a trip, as well as Jian Zong, they will all have to deal with it together.

In his mind, apart from the Eternals, the biggest enemy is the Sifang Balance, which is also the most threatening enemy. Everything else can be postponed later.

Lu Yin is cleaning up the Basong River boundary, and the council is also convening. The only goal is to reward Lu Yin.

The New Humanity Alliance has always been the biggest enemy of the Hall of Glory. It even exists in the Behemoth Star Territory, the Technological Star Territory, and the Sixth Continent. In particular, several half-ancestors such as Elder Zen know about the Eternals, and they are even more hostile to the New Humanity Alliance. With a determination to kill, Lu Yin wiped out the cosmic headquarters inside and outside the New Humanity Alliance. This achievement was really great.

Several directors were discussing what rewards to give.

This is not only a reward for what Lu Yin has done, but also an encouragement for others to do it and destroy the Corpse King. It is very important. Mr. Zen even mentioned it specifically, so this meeting of the council was held.

"Lu Yin belongs to the east

The Xinjiang Alliance is not a subordinate organization of the Hall of Glory. In fact, we should not give rewards. The New Human Alliance is the enemy of the entire human star field. It is the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance’s duty to destroy it. Too big a reward will only make others think that I, the Hall of Glory, are partial. In the East Xinjiang Alliance, Before the Xinjiang Alliance, no matter in the outer universe or the inner universe, there were forces that wiped out the Corpse King. How could we ever give him a reward? It’s unfair,” Nan Yuan said. He represents the Xia Family of the Seven-Word Royal Court and is hostile to Lu Yin.

The old man retorted, "How can the Corpse King, who has been annihilated by all the major forces in the inner and outer universe, compare with what the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance has done, which is the inner and outer universe headquarters of the New Human Alliance?"

"The New Human Alliance's internal and external cosmic headquarters is said by the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. This may not be true. It may just be a stronghold where the Corpse King gathers more," Mr. You said.

Sanliang was dissatisfied, "Since you have this attitude, what's the point of this meeting of the council? Is it to discuss whether rewards should be given?"

Mr. You and Nan Yuan looked at each other, unable to deny that this council meeting had an instruction from Mr. Zen, and the instructions clearly stated the reward. What they wanted to discuss was what to give, not whether it should be given.

Yang Ji suddenly said, "Why don't we give him a big world?"

"No", "No", Nan Yuan and Mr. You refused at the same time.

The big world can only exist in the Glory World and is not allowed to appear in the inner and outer universes or even the cosmic sea. Once the big world is given to the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, it means that the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance can legitimately bring its army into the Glory Realm. That means entering a new universe.

Although Nan Yuan does not think that the Dongjiang Alliance has the strength to threaten the Seven-Word Royal Court, everyone can see Lu Yin's ambition. Once he comes in, no one knows what will happen. Even if he cannot threaten the Seven-Character Royal Court, it is enough to disgust them. of.

In particular, Lu Yin had a strong background in the Hall of Glory. The closer they got to the Boundary Mountain, the more panicked they became.

Yang Ji just said that as the Lord of the Great World of Light, he naturally believed that the Great World was the most important, and he also wanted to get closer to Lu Yin through this council. Mr. Zen offered to reward Lu Yin. This person is in Glory. The palace's background is deeper than he thought, and it's always good to have a good relationship.

Several people discussed it all morning, but still couldn't come to any conclusion. Zijing said in a rare move, "Don't he like money? Give him money."

Several directors were stunned, money? When would such vulgar things appear in the Council, which represents the highest parliament of mankind, but it seems feasible. Everyone who knows Lu Yin knows that he loves money, and his persistence in star energy crystal marrow is famous in the universe.

Even he was speechless for a moment. He wanted to win the big world for the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, but when it came to money, he didn't know how to refute it. What if Lu Yin really wanted money? Very confused!

"Then give them money." Nan Yuan made a decision immediately. Money was just a number to them. It was better than letting the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance directly enter the Glory Realm.

Mr. Right also agrees.

The rest would be hard-pressed to object.

In the end, the council decided that the reward for Lu Yin's battle with the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance to destroy the internal and external universe headquarters of the New Humanity Alliance would be one billion cubic star energy crystal marrow.

It was not much for the Hall of Glory, but back then the Fire Domain, including all the resources of the Ross Empire, did not have so much star energy crystal marrow, so it was already quite a lot.

Lu Yin was overjoyed when he heard the news. This was an unexpected fortune. He didn't expect that the council would give him a reward. One billion cubic stars can produce crystal marrow. That's a lot. That's it.

The Eastern Xinjiang Alliance suffered losses in its annihilation of Basongliu this time, especially the losses of the First Alliance Army, but they were far from

There is not as much as one billion cubic star energy crystal marrow. Ten million cubic star energy crystal marrow is enough to smooth out the losses. There are many more, let alone one billion.

The board of directors is still very good at being a good person! Lu Yin thought that this was the reward for wiping out the Basong Flow Realm. Once he returned from the Science and Technology Star Territory, no matter whether he discovered that Chuang Tianyuan was cooperating with the New Humanity Alliance or not, the reward from Zen Lao would never disappoint him.

Speaking of which, this mission was fake from the beginning. The Corpse King was controlled by him. This mission was not established at all. There was no telling who Elder Zen would send to the technological star field with him.

The Hall of Glory tried its best to reward them, and the image of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance on the Fifth Continent became much more upright because of this battle. The opposite was the silent Eternal Kingdom.

The corpse king with over a million combat power returned to the eternal kingdom a few days later, met Mr. Feng, and with Mr. Feng leading the way, he entered the high tower and met the Witch Spirit God.

"A skin that can make you lose your mind instantly? That boy really has everything. You guessed it right, it should be the skin of the Supreme Ancestor." The Witch Spirit God Doll floated in the air and said calmly.

A cold and stiff voice came, "God Wuling, I hope the eternal kingdom will still be there before your plan succeeds."

Wu Lingshen said coldly, "Why, do you think that kid has the ability to destroy my eternal kingdom?".

"He captured the Corpse King who was monitoring Yihuang Academy. He must have discovered something. He has the inheritance of the God of Death, the bloodline of the Lu family, and the Fuzu civilization. No one can predict what the future holds for this son."

"The more powerful the better, do you think Sifang Tianping is a vegetarian? The more powerful this kid is, the unlucky one is Sifang Tianping, but I am very strange, how did he know that the underground of the Red Moon Dynasty is the headquarters of our New Human Alliance's internal and external universe."

"He has been to Kunze, Luyan, and is in Kunze."

"Lvyan knows about Basongliu Realm?".


"If I had known, I should have killed him."

"It's not too late now, this price must be paid back."

Zen Lao acted quickly. Ten days later, Lu Yin was still in Basongliu Realm, and the people sent by the Hall of Glory to join him in the Science and Technology Star Territory had already arrived.

Looking at the ordinary old man in front of him with eyes full of curiosity, Lu Yin saluted respectfully, "Junior Lu Yin, see you senior."

The old man looked at Lu Yin and said, "Are you Lu Yin? The Lu Yin who unified the outer universe and now wants to unify the inner universe? You look very ordinary, not as exaggerated as the legend says."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "In front of the seniors, the juniors are naturally more ordinary."

The old man smiled and said, "Little guy, calling you ordinary is not a derogatory term. What do you think of me?"

Lu Yin was startled and hesitated for a moment, "Senior, senior hides everything deeply."

"Hahahaha, that means ordinary. To put it bluntly, you are just as ordinary as me, so this is to praise you," the old man explained seriously.

Lu Yin saluted again, "Junior, thank you senior for your praise."

The old man nodded, "I am the leader of the Boundary Mountain. You may not have heard of me. Let's put it this way. I specialize in protecting the Boundary Mountain and don't care about anything else."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Specializes in protecting Jieshan? Sanliang is your subordinate?".


Thank you brothers for your support, it’s the end of the year and I’m so busy! ! ! Tomorrow is New Year's Day. No matter how busy I am, I will update more. Thank you for your support, brothers! Thank you! ! !

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