Star Lord: My Starfleet Is Billion Points Strong

Chapter 127 High-explosive nuclear bomb! Planet nuclear bombing! (Subscribe)

When the Imperial Fleet has fully penetrated into the dominance of the Aichina civilization.

The images sent back by the ship's detection device made everyone lose their voices.

Fang Ze and his fleet commanders did the same, with expressions of horror on their faces.

almost the same time.

The figures of the nine fleet commanders appeared on the large screen in the command cabin of Fang Ze's ship.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, this Star Territory has fallen!

Aichina's civilization encountered the invasion of the Zerg army, and thirteen satellite life planets were fully occupied by the Zerg. Only in the home planet of the Aichina civilization, Barosha Star, there are still a few Aichina giant worms tenaciously resisting the Zerg! "

"The scale of the Zerg is too terrifying, and the fall of Barosha Star is only a matter of time!"

"Damn it! How can Zerg appear in this star field?

Interstellar "Didn't the merchant Fogg say that the fleet of the Dorum Nebula Alliance has blocked the Zerg army on the interstellar battlefield 7,000 light-years away?"

"Are those really the rumored Zerg?"

"You can't be wrong, there are records about the Zerg in the Empire's database!"

"Those bugs with jet black bodies, six legs, and huge sharp mouths are swift war bugs, the most numerous; beetles with a length of 100 meters and a height of tens of meters are tank bugs with extremely high armor defense; Up to "eight and seven" hundred meters, the plasma worms that can spit plasma cannons; those flying in the sky are zerg dragons, and those in the underground world are tunnel worms"

"As recorded."

"The most powerful thing about the Zerg is not their single combat power, but their numbers!"

"There are fourteen life planets, and the number of bugs on each planet exceeds 10 billion, and some planets are even more. According to incomplete statistics, the size of the army of insect races that invaded the Aichina civilization has reached more than 200 billion!"

"More than 200 billion!!!"

Everyone shuddered.

The citizens of their First Civilization Sequence Empire, all civilizations and races combined, are only more than 200 billion.

And the Zerg army.

Invading a level 3 alien beast civilization requires an army of over 200 billion.

See how scary it is!

It is even more difficult to imagine how many bugs there are on the interstellar battlefield of the Dorum Nebula Alliance, perhaps tens of trillions, hundreds of trillions??

"His Majesty the Emperor!"

"The shipborne detection device did not scan the energy signal from the Zerg to the battleship.

"No Zerg battleships?"

Fang Ze breathed a sigh of relief, but was also full of doubts.

Zerg battleships are also distinguished by their astonishing numbers.

According to the interstellar businessman Fogg, on the battlefield of the Dorum Nebula Alliance, it is conservatively estimated that there are at least millions of Zerg warships.

As long as one tenth appears here, he will also lead the fleet to evacuate.

However, the detected information showed that no Zerg battleships were found in this star field.

This puzzled him.

If there are no Zerg battleships, how did these Zerg emerge suddenly?

Don't wait for Fang Ze to think about it.

Just at this time.

On the big screen in the command cabin, Captain Tanya of the Fifth Cruise Fleet said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, my fleet has been attacked by plasma worms! The plasma cannons they spew can attack us in outer space. !

It can be seen through the transmitted screen.

On a living planet close to the Fifth Cruise Fleet, densely packed plasma cannons flew out of the atmosphere. Although the speed was not as fast as the high-energy particle cannon beam, it was also very fast.

Countless plasma cannons blasted straight into the camp of the Fifth Cruise Fleet.

Immediately, a large number of starships were hit.

However, those who were hit by the starship were not destroyed, and the ship's energy shield successfully resisted the plasma cannon attack from the plasma worms.

Fang immediately said: "Captain Tan, report the energy value data of the plasma cannon!"

Captain Tanya replied quickly: "Back to His Majesty the Emperor, the energy value of the plasma cannon has reached level 15, and it was successfully resisted by our new shipboard energy shield. However, the starship under attack, the energy shield value Slowing down, the Plasma Cannon attacks can weaken our energy shields!

Hear this.

The expressions of other fleet commanders changed slightly.

Weakening the energy shield, this is the first time they have met.

In previous interstellar wars, their energy shield values ​​were fixed.

Unless the attack value exceeds the limit that the energy shield can withstand, under the replenishment of the energy block, the ship's energy shield will never be broken or weakened.

Plasma cannon, which can weaken the ship's energy shield.

This is a very scary thing!

Captain Abidi hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, shall we evacuate this star field immediately?"

"Withdraw? No way!"

Fang Ze directly rejected Captain Abidi's proposal.

He knew Captain Abidi's concern, because there were too many worms in this star field, and there were also plasma worms that could attack their fleet.

Once the war begins, their fleet will definitely be damaged.

If withdrawn now, the fleet will be unscathed.

Fang Ze said: "I suspect that the Zerg that appeared in this star field did not come from the interstellar battlefield 7,000 light-years away, but directly multiplied in this star field."

"There are no Zerg battleships in the star field, which can prove my speculation!

We "must wipe out all the bugs here!"

"Otherwise, once they prepare a Zerg battleship, or a mother nest base with space bridge teleportation capabilities, then our Gabriel star system will soon encounter the attack of the Zerg army!

"Retreat is not the solution!"

Fang Ze listened to the siren that gradually spread throughout the Imperial fleet.

The plasma worms on that life planet have all joined the attacking ranks and bombarded his entire fleet.

Fang Ze said with a serious expression: "Pass my order and launch an attack on the Zerg! The purpose of the battle is to destroy all the insects in this star field, not a single one!

Obey ", Your Majesty the Emperor!"

The nine fleet commanders saluted in awe.

Soon the huge expedition fleet began to adjust its camp.

Divided into nine fleets, they surrounded the life planet in unison, and then fired collectively.

boom boom boom boom...

In an instant, countless dazzling light beams blasted into the surface world of this living planet, setting off countless mushroom clouds of innumerable sizes.

The main targets of the fleet's attacks are those plasma worms that can fire plasma cannons.

The Zerg army without Zerg battleships will hardly threaten Fang Ze's imperial fleet as long as these plasma worms are solved.

After just two rounds of shelling.

Plasma worms on the planet were basically wiped out.

However, Fang Ze's imperial fleet was not without losses. Several small starships were hit by a large number of plasma cannons at the same time, and the shields collapsed on the spot, and the starships were bombed.

There are also more than a dozen starships that have been greatly weakened because of their energy shields.

Had to choose to evacuate to a more distant star field.

At the same time, there are also industrial ships to follow. After the engineer repairs and restarts the damaged shipboard energy shield device, these starships will join the battlefield again.

Plasma "The bug has been wiped out!"

"A high-explosive nuclear bomb is being dropped on the target planet!!"

"Confirm delivery coordinates, start delivery

la la la la...

With the help of thrusters, tens of thousands of high-explosive nuclear bombs flew towards the surrounded life planet.

The power of the high-explosive nuclear bomb is far stronger than the small nuclear explosive device that Fang Ze encountered.

The killing diameter of each high-explosive nuclear bomb reaches thousands of kilometers, and the terrifying shock wave can spread to thousands of kilometers.

Compared with ship-borne guns, high-explosive nuclear bombs, such as large-scale large-scale killers, are more suitable for cleaning up those bugs on the planet.

The only downside is that the radiation is too high.

It's a very troublesome thing to clean up the radiation factor all over the planet.

However, there are no living races on the planet anyway, and everything has been eaten up by the bugs, leaving only the bugs.

So the fleet commanders got Fang Ze's consent.

Immediately, a full-scale nuclear bombardment of the living planet was carried out.

It also seemed to sense a destructive threat from high above.

The bugs on the planet raised their heads one after another, and sent out bursts of piercing screams at the high-explosive nuclear bombs that kept falling in the sky.

There are also a large number of zerg flying dragons with wings that are hundreds of meters long, and they want to intercept the high-explosive nuclear bombs falling from the sky.

However, their efforts were in vain.

A high-explosive nuclear bomb that has reached three hundred times the speed of sound is simply not something they can intercept.

Soon after reaching the set altitude.

High-explosive nuclear bombs exploded one after another.

In less than ten seconds, the tens of thousands of high-explosive nuclear bombs scattered all over the planet were all detonated.

In an instant, super-giant mushroom clouds of extreme magnificence were set off on the surface.

The terrifying shock wave swept the entire planet.

The bugs on the planet were also directly vaporized by the bombing of the high-explosive nuclear bomb.

The black sea of ​​insects disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Of the tens of billions of worms, in the face of the bombardment of 30,000 high-explosive nuclear bombs, only a very few survived.

"Enable the carrier-based fighter formation to clear the remaining bugs on the planet!"

Immediately, the densely packed space fighters entered the airspace of the planet and swept the remaining bugs on the planet frantically, and fewer bugs could survive.

"Your Majesty, a large number of life energy signals have been scanned and hidden in the underground of the planet. They should be the tunnel worms of the Zerg, and they are the creepers of the underground world!

"Hiding in the underground world?

Fang Ze frowned, it wasn't easy to get rid of these tunnel worms.

"Don't worry about it for the time being, there is no life energy on the planet that can quickly reproduce bugs! When the carrier fleet returns, the fleet will continue to clear the next planet!

"Follow your orders!!

Soon after, the carrier-based aircraft group all reversed course.

The number of bugs on the planet is no more than one million, and they are all hidden underground.

Compared to the previous sea with a scale of tens of billions, less than one million insects are nothing.

Soon, the imperial fleet set sail again and went to the next life planet.

This planet of life is exactly the parent star of the giant worm of Echina - Balofa.

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