Chapter 8

1st job change (1)

The place we arrived with a shabby cart was a fairly large city.

No, most people felt that way, but in reality, it was just a small and medium-sized city.

“Wow… … .”

“Is this the starting city?”

“Certainly the mainland is different.”

While everyone opened their mouths in admiration, Lokan slipped into the city.

There are cases where people who escaped Pocket City together as their graduation motive form a party, but Lokan had no intention of doing so.

“Excuse me. What is the name of this city?”

Rokhan grabbed a passerby and asked a polite question, and he gladly gave an answer.

“Haha, it looks like you came from the village. The name of this city is Cton.”

Normally, I would be wary or ignore it, but this was also the effect of reputation [friendliness].

‘It’s Kton… … Is it a coincidence?”

The placement of cities following the Pocket City was random. Because of this, Lokan had prepared several scenarios in case he fell in each city.

Interestingly enough, however, Cton was the familiar city he arrived from in his previous life, out of Pocket City.

‘Let’s get a job first.’

After confirming the location, Lokan traced his memory and immediately looked for the job guild. This is because a job guild that did not exist in Pocket City exists here.

It can be seen that the full-fledged play starts from getting a job.

Conversely, if you do not get a job, you may be in a position to be hunted, not a position to hunt, no matter how active you are against herbivores in Pocket City.

From now on, not only will mobs that attack first will appear, but will also show a sharp difference in combat power.

The problem is which job to choose, and there were already a lot of buzz online about which job was good or a scam.

However, Lokan had already decided on a job.

It was like in his previous life.

He knew the pros and cons of other professions and how to acquire some hidden classes, but he could not choose another profession.

Even though he was a hidden class, he wasn’t all-around, because he knew that his weaknesses were as clear as his strengths.

‘Then it would be right to choose the class that best suits me.’

Lokan made that decision. After all, what makes the difference is the level, equipment, and title.

– 110% agility for three steps

[Strike][Lv 1]

Attacks the enemy stronger than usual only once for the next attack.

– 110% of strength

– 110% Agility

[War Cry][Lv 1]

Unleashes a roar filled with madness, terrorizing enemies.

-If the level is lower than the user, all stats will drop.

-If the level is seriously lower than the user, a short stun effect is randomly applied.

-If the level is higher than the user, the effect may be reduced or not.

– Weakens negative effects on the user.

[Berserk][Lv 1]

It burns itself with its ferocity and draws out a powerful force.

-Increases all stats by 200% for the duration

-No mana consumption for all skills for the duration.

-You do not die even if your health reaches 0 during the duration.

-Immune to all psychic attacks for the duration.

– Madness dominates the mind, making it impossible to distinguish between enemies.

– At the end of the duration, you receive 50% of your maximum HP as damage at once.

-If HP is 0 after the duration ends, if you don’t raise to 10% of your maximum HP within 5 seconds, you die.

-All stats drop by 50% for 10 minutes after the duration ends.

-All stats decreased by 20% for 20 minutes after the first sequelae.

– Doubles the penalty duration when reusing Berserk while the aftereffects are not over.

-Duration: 10 minutes

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