The demons of the demon world were faithful, but the demons who had been taken from the heavens also followed Lokan's orders surprisingly diligently.

Even though the ownership of the Elyos disappeared, he did not even know why the name ‘Heaven’ did not disappear.

They rallied their staggering forces and began conquering the neighboring free cities.

“Are you going to surrender?”

“This is a free city! No force can encroach on the freedom of this place!”

But they also did not give up the city meekly.

Although Rokhan declared that he would recognize the city's autonomy, the Free City was truly a group of people who did not belong to any faction and wanted to live in freedom.

Strong resistance arose from the first city, and Lokan never asked twice.

"okay? I can't help it. Wipe it all away.”

He suddenly became a villain, but he didn't care. This is because the cause of heavenly unification cannot be achieved by taking care of the circumstances of others.

He will show mercy to those who surrender, but yield nothing to those who resist.

There is only ruthless violence.

The forces of Elyos and Demons, which will be called the forces of violence, began to wipe out all the free cities that refused to surrender.

‘Is that an example too?’

Of course, some cities have surrendered to Lokan first. Cities that had experienced Lokan were the center.

Knowing Rokhan's disposition, he knew that if he resisted, there would be merciless violence, and he knew that if he surrendered, there would be no pressure or exploitation than he thought.

In fact, it was something that could be known just by looking at the circumstances of the estates he had run during that time.

However, some resisted to the end, and they were devastated by the Elyos and Demons, the greatest forces in Heaven.

“Construction, construction, construction.”

From Rokhan's point of view, it didn't matter if he could only get a ruined city close to an empty shell.

As he acquired the cities of the Elyos and Asmodians, and other cities that surrendered, the money he had already accumulated so much that it was difficult to count.

It was enough to rebuild the destroyed buildings, and it was enough to recruit and refill the soldiers as well.

Since Lokan did not know the previous situation of all cities, there were quite a few places where security and development were better than before.

“Just kill this guy and this guy.”

However, not all beings in cities that surrendered survived.

Among those wagging their tails, dedicating the city to Rokhan first, there were deaths. They were the existing vicious lords who were close to the cult.

No matter how much they sacrificed their city, they were the ones who could hit the back of the head at any time.

Moreover, what was important to Rokhan now was not an individual's pledge of allegiance, but the public's response, trust.

Wouldn't that increase the amount of divinity that was continuously supplied?

Whether it was a rebellion or a guerrilla, success would not be possible without the support of the people.

“Huh, there really is no end.”

However, it was not easy for him to achieve unification because the heavens were so wide.

It is said that the speed of territorial expansion is accelerating as those who surrender become soldiers again and participate in the war, but nevertheless, the end was not in sight.“I’m going to need some numbers.”

It seemed like it would take quite a while. How long does it take to conquer free cities right now?

In fact, the war against the forces expected to be stronger in resistance has not yet begun.

Even at this rate, the unification of heaven could be achieved in the end, but it could take too long.

Moreover, the news of those who are slowly engaging in guerrilla warfare was also being heard.

“There are more cities that resist than you think.”

Lokan, who was still contemplating, revised his plan.

In the past, he had to go around on his own and skip the base, but when he was trying to achieve the great cause of heavenly unification, he didn't have to eat only the base ownership.

In order to acquire ownership, it was necessary to move and transfer the places occupied by the demons and the Elyos, which also took a considerable amount of time, and it was necessary to examine the construction, internal affairs, and public sentiment, so the time was inevitably delayed.

One way to solve this problem.

It was to make them surrender themselves.

“After all, in a case like this, an armed demonstration would be the best.”

And Lokan knew that method better than anyone.

It shows the difference in power that can't be resisted.

It would be great if you could show how the cities that have already surrendered have changed.

“The Phantom Realm would suffice.”

Then it was necessary to decide who to show the power to. After pondering for a while, Lokan targeted the Phantom Realm.

If it's the Phantom Realm, isn't it a place where he has quite a bad relationship with himself?

Although Carlton, who was called the King of Unholy King, disappeared due to the fall, the power of the rest of the kings was on the healthy side, so it was perfect for opponents.

Lokan worked immediately so that all the celestial races could see it.

[Lokan, the god of violence and destruction, will find the Phantom Realm.]

First, the rumor spread all over the heavens. You can move to the Phantom Realm at once, but this is to focus your attention.

To show him how he can defeat the Phantom Realm.

There was also the meaning of provocation.

This is to stimulate the kings of the Phantom Realm, who are proud enough to call themselves kings, and prevent them from fleeing or surrendering.

[Lokan-sama, can I have a conversation?]

However, in the meantime, Hazard, the king of Hwanmong with a mysterious personality, sent a message to Rokhan.

But pretending not to know, Lokan did not respond.

The number of messages sent increased, but he also pretended not to know.

He must have thought from the beginning that he had a plan even if he came out flat, but he keeps looking at his liver? It was clear that he was misunderstanding something.

‘Maybe you think it’s worth a try.’

Whether it was an expert, a master, or a high master, it was rare to properly utilize that power immediately after reaching a new level.

Maybe it's similar to Shinwi? He has that kind of thought in his mind.

However, Rokhan knew better than anyone that the idea was quite the same.

Those who have not yet attained the Divinity may not understand, but between Level 499 and Level 500, there is a greater gap than any other gap that has occurred every time you raise the level.

It was impossible to press down with the amount of divinity that several royal class demigods gathered at once, and there was a difference in the level of power that could be exerted with the same amount of divinity.

And, above all, the ability to grasp the structure of the divine power and acquire it as one's own had the power to quickly lead to a state beyond full maturity, even if the priest was still inexperienced.

In that sense, if he was trying to benefit from Rokhan, he would have been able to even try it if he had to pour out all his divine power into a special skill skill from the beginning.

"shall we start?"

Lokan, who had so much steam, confirmed that many eyes were focused on this place, the Demon Realm, and slowly moved his body.

He no longer hid his divinity. He stepped on the land of the Demon Realm, exposing his violent and destructive divinity to the fullest.


As soon as they took one step, the buried traps were destroyed.

It was something I knew and stepped on, but it was because the difference in power was so great that I did not need to prepare much.

The traps prepared by the Phantom Realm could not even withstand Rokhan's footsteps, and they all turned to garbage.

“It’s Lokan!”

“Lokan has appeared!”

“This presence… … ? Did you really have a godhood?”

With his appearance, there was a commotion in the area.

The news of the ship's destruction seems to be unconcerned, but in fact, it's not strange.

Because Rokhan couldn't find a place first, he dug a wide range of traps, and his power was enough to slow down his advance rather than inflict damage on him.

As a result, I couldn't even do that.

“Retreat, retreat!”

With the appearance of Rokhan, the servants became busy. They wanted to order the retreat all at once, but they abandoned even the base and began to retreat quickly.

‘It doesn’t matter if it’s a trap or something.’

He could have pursued him if he wanted to, but Lokan did not rush.

It could also be a trap, but it didn't mean much.

As was the case with famous kings, if he were the kings of the demon realm, he would unite and fight against it.

It would be difficult for him to deal with the former Lokan alone, but he knew that he had truly attained the prestige, so betting on a match alone would be suicidal.

Because of this, Lokan, who slowly entered the base, took ownership of the base and repeated the action over and over again.

He began to devour Hazard's territories, where he would do anything he would do if left alone.

‘You should have known that you were alone here, but what about this?’

The rule of thumb for facing Lokan is to prepare for a grand match.

It's best to keep your minions back and prepare for a single clash to avoid giving them a chance to gain additional divinity.

However, if he had known that Rokhan had gone out alone without his troops, he could have been a little different.

It is likely that he will try enough to deplete his power through a war of attrition.

If the divinity you use is even a little more than the divinity obtained by catching the beasts, it has its own meaning.But they showed no movement.

It's good to lose power, but in the process, as if worried that Rokhan would get used to the power of the new ruler, he focused on crouching down and gathering together.

It seemed like they were saying that there was only one battle to engage in a war of attrition.

“Are you all gathered?”

As we continued to advance and pursued the retreating troops, we were able to naturally reach the largest battlefield in the Phantom Realm.

Mirage Plains.

It was the cradle of the beasts from which the most and the most special ones were born.

It was quite spectacular when we put them all together, as phantoms were originally fantasy creatures.

The number of hwansu who had the same appearance was not very large. Hundreds of thousands of beasts of various colors, each with their own personalities, are encamped and waiting!

It was strange and enjoyable to the point of wanting to watch it, but unfortunately, they were facing each other as enemies of Rokhan.


Everyone was nervous as Rokhan's footsteps, which had a deep resonance, took a step forward.

The four kings beyond the army of conquests each expressed their divinity and gave orders to their armies.

“Kill him by all means! Show them the power of the prisoners!”

In addition, they revealed their unique divinity.

Magic, Dream, Feral, Survival.

The four colors of divinity were mixed to create a wide-area buff.

They evolved one level and amplified their unique abilities.

These are skills that are different from those of the general ones, so even if he didn't become a half-god, I had hopes that he would be able to influence him to some extent.


But Rokhan looked at them and smiled.

It was a one-on-one matchup of hundreds of thousands, but it would soon be meaningless.

“Heh heh heh heh heh!”

Lokan's shout shook the whole demon world.

He lost the will of his prisoners, who were like a lamp in front of the wind, and planted fear in the depths of their hearts.

If you hit it, you die.

This simple proposition stuck in my mind.

“Where are you going!”

“Those who run away will die at my hands!”

The result is a departure from the front row.

All the subordinates of the demigod began to run away in fear, and the demigods were not much different.

He stood up somehow, but his legs trembled like aspen trees, and his eyes were filled with fear.

Lokan gently raised the battle ax toward them.

It was an opportunity to properly demonstrate new equipment and new powers for the first time.

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