Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 613: most ruthless

Poor Hongyan always has a bad life, the most ruthless imperial family. ", x.

Not only the princes of the emperor, but also in a family like Zhao, the love of children is far less important than family affairs.

So just after dismounting, before he could rest, and before he could say a few words to Ji Ying, Zhao Wuxi was called by his father Zhao Yang.

The one who greeted him at the door was Zheng Long, the leader of the black-clothed guards. Zheng Long was about to lead him there when he heard someone behind him shout in a greasy sweet voice, "No shirt."

Zhao Wuxi shivered because of this voice, he was really panicking!

Today, even the titular lord of Wu Xie, the Marquis of Lu, does not dare to call him by his first name, but respectfully calls him "the great general". There are also people who are qualified to be called that, and they are basically the elders of the Zhao family.

He turned his head slowly, and sure enough, he saw a middle-aged man, short and stout, dressed in Luzheng and wearing a golden crown, walking towards him with his robes up. It was the owner of Wen County, the doctor Zhao Luo.

"No shirt." Zhao Luo greeted him with a warm smile: "I haven't seen you for many years, do you still remember your uncle?"

Zhao Wuxi blinked, looking at Zhao Guangde's face, he bowed to the cheap uncle and said: "Back then, the boy was able to go abroad smoothly, relying on the hundreds of soldiers provided by his uncle. He competed with the Qi people on the river. , I also borrowed a ship from Wenxian County, so I forgot no one, and I can't forget my uncle..."

Zhao Luoxin thought it was true, and he was overjoyed, and said flatteringly: "Wu Xie, although you are a junior, you have established a large territory in the East. Although I am an elder, my admiration for you is like a surging river. also……"

Holding Zhao Wuxi's hand, he rambled, and he choked up as he spoke. He started a complaint meeting, and put Wen County's economic and trade changes in population in order to support Zhao's Qi, Wei, and Zheng's battles over the years. The loss is exaggerated.

Seeing Wu Xie becoming impatient, Zhao Luocai finally asked awkwardly: "Previously, the suzerain handed over the Jixi land of Wei to Guangde and Wenxian soldiers to garrison. So last year, I was assigned to the State of Lu and became Juye County under your jurisdiction, which I can understand..."

"But what about Punan Pingqiu and Pu Eryi that were captured last year? Can you give them to me to compensate for the losses of Wen County during the war in the past few years?"

It turned out to be for the benefit... Zhao Wuxi's heart flashed a trace of unhappiness. This Zhao Luo is not only impatient, but also short-sighted. Now that the situation is uncertain, he has already set his sights on Pingqiu and Pu, and wants to participate in the division of interests.

Also, I heard that he has given birth to two sons in the past two years, probably because the concubine's room blew a little pillow wind, which made Zhao Luo have a different idea: he wanted each of the sons to own a city. Let the Zhao family in Wenxian County spread their branches and leaves.

But the country I have worked so hard to conquer is not for you to be thrown away by the four bodies who are not diligent, the five grains are not divided, and the battles are repeated and defeated, and only the moths who know how to eat, drink, and play are ruined!

So Zhao Wuchun smiled and said, "Father and I have seen what my uncle and cousin have done in the past few years, don't worry, I can't write two words of Zhao in one stroke. I will definitely not treat Guangde badly. As for those two towns, their ownership involves the state of Wei. It's not up to me to decide, but I'll talk about it when my father convenes the clan and retainers for a public meeting."

"That's it..."

Zhao Luo's face darkened. He was afraid of Zhao Yang, scared to death, probably because he realized that he would never have the chance to turn the two cities from the garrison in his son's hands into his hereditary territory. Looking rather disappointed.

Zhao Wuxi didn't have time to appease this incompetent uncle, and followed Zheng Long into the hall door.

He glanced at Zhao Luo, whose face was wrinkled behind him, and thought to himself: "I thought he would be able to restrain himself, but he is still stubborn, and it would be inappropriate to hand Wenxian over to him. If the time is right, we still have to give Zhao Luo. If he is sent to Jinyang or Xia Palace to retire, Zhao Guangde should not inherit Wenxian County, it is better to cut two towns in Weiguo to him as compensation, and Wenxian County will be directly administered by Jinyang Zhao clan!"

The most ruthless imperial family, for Zhao Wuxi, compared to the increasingly thin blood relationship, officials who are obedient and can be replaced at any time are more reliable...


After taking off his shoes and tidying up his clothes, he entered the hall, only to see Zhao Yang sitting cross-legged on the "bed" designed for sitting, playing a game with a man in black.

Naturally, the game is not simple chess, but the extremely complex black and white nineteen.

Zhao Yang has gotten a little older this year, with a little white in his black beard. Fortunately, he is full of energy and still looks like a hero.

Although he was playing chess, his mind was not in the right place. He heard Zheng Long's announcement from a distance, and his eyes floated to the door. Seeing Zhao Wuxi walking in, he couldn't help but smile, messed up the chessboard, and stopped playing.

The man in black opposite Zhao Yang also turned around and looked at Zhao Wu Xie with complicated eyes. He was wearing a mask, and it was his self-destructing appearance. Now he has become Yang Hu, the minister of Zhao Yang's arms!

Before Zhao Wuxi saluted, Zhao Yang suddenly asked with a straight face and sternly: "Someone told me that ice is formed by freezing water, but it is colder than water. Now in the eyes of the world, no shirt is You are separated by Taihang and Dahe, and Jinyang is also called the Eastern and Western Zhaos. This time, when you entered Jin, you were hired by the court in the name of Zhengqing of the State of Lu, but I am only the second minister of the State of Jin, and theoretically, my status is quite..."

He asked coldly: "Public affairs come first, personal affairs come second, should you and I pay homage to each other first?"

The normal son just came home and was harassed by the old man. I was afraid that he would be scared and stupid, but Zhao Wuxi said calmly: "Zhengqing or Ciqing, the status is acquired only after the day after tomorrow. Father and son, this is the case. This kind of relationship exists from the beginning to the end. Of course, the promotion of the day after tomorrow is not as important as the natural blood relatives. A son is always a son, and a father is always a father.”

He bowed his head with three bows, and his forehead touched the ground with a sound: "Unworthy boy without shirt, I have seen my father!"

Zhao Wuxi didn't even pretend to cry or cry. His strength had already allowed him to get rid of this kind of acting to gain Zhao Yang's sympathy, so as to divide his level of power.

However, patriarchal power is still insurmountable, you have to save some face for your father, young and old, you should be coaxing an impulsive child.

Sure enough, Zhao Yang was very satisfied. His stiff face was slowly melted by the spring breeze, and he said with a smile, "You unworthy son, you are back."

He waved his hand at Chaoyanghu: "My father and son are talking, you go out first."

Yang Hu agreed, bowed respectfully to Zhao Wuxi, and strode away.

Zhao Wuxi got up and looked at Yang Hu's back, and said slowly, "Father, is this fierce tiger still worthy of use?"

Zhao Yang stroked his beard and said, "Yang Hu has been taking care of Zhao over the past few years. He has made a lot of ruthless strategies for me, and has also recommended many talented people with bad reputations. Since I have him, he has been with me. After being the mastermind by his side, Dong Anyu can operate in Jinyang with peace of mind, and Fu Sou can get out of Xintian to contact Han and Wei for me."

"There are ministers of peace, and there are ministers of strategy. There are also ministers of diplomacy. In this way, with the addition of Sima Ziliang (mailless) who is in charge of the military, the Zhao family's horses are ready and can travel thousands of miles!"

After his praise, Zhao Wuxi sighed: "The boy can tie this tiger, but he is not sure to let him be used by me. Only a man with great talent like his father would dare to feed the tiger by his side, but he is not worried about his backlash."

Xiao Xiao flattered. Zhao Yang was very useful, but he did not prevent Zhao Wuxi from asking intentionally or unintentionally: "By the way, the sentence 'Ice, water condenses, but cold in water' was just said by Yang Hu?"

"It's not him." Zhao Yang took no precautions, didn't treat his son as an outsider, and said the man's name with a smile.

Luan Ji... a descendant of the Luan family who defected to the Zhao family as a diners. Regardless of whether he was intentional or not, Zhao Wuxi firmly remembered the name.

Sure enough, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Let Er wait for the diners to eat fish, fish, and carts. It is to expect you to work hard, not to let you come to divide my father and son!


Although East and West Zhao are thousands of miles apart, and it takes two months for news to travel back and forth, the contact has never been broken.

Therefore, there is no need to go into details about what happened in the past six months. Zhao Wuxi only picked up what he saw along the way. Briefly said it to Zhao Yang.

"The Crown Prince of Wei, Kuai Xue?"

When he heard the name, Zhao Yang suddenly became serious.

Wei Guo was sandwiched between the two Zhaos in the east and west. It was not only a mortal enemy and an obstacle, but also the most convenient direction for expansion. Before he knew it, half of Wei's country and its population of 170,000 or 80,000 had fallen into Zhao's hands. Although the core emperor Qiu Chuqiu is still there, the rest of it alone has made Zhao's brain full of fat, which is much more cost-effective than Zhi's wasting all his energy to eat meatless Qiuyu.

However, with the restraints of various officials inside, the protection of Qi and Zheng outside, and even the invisible, but ubiquitous tradition of "existence and extinction followed by extinction", it is impossible for the Zhao clan to destroy the guards in one battle.

Therefore, Zhao's current strategy is still to keep in touch with the ****, trying to force Weiguo to surrender. In this international situation, setting up a puppet Weiguo to pay tribute, rather than confronting Wei after annihilation It is stronger when people resist and the princes are angry.

But Hou Yuan of Wei was stinky and hard, and if he didn't die for a day, it would be difficult for Wei to obey the Zhao clan.

Fortunately, the pillow came when he was dozing off. The Crown Prince of Wei State, Kuai Xue, was frightened by Zhao's offensive and had no choice after being expelled from the country.

Zhao Yang smiled mockingly: "It's a pity that Young Master Qi Yangsheng is a guest at the Xiqi Palace, otherwise, with this Prince Wei, and the sons and grandsons of Young Master Zhu, Teng, Xue, and Xiao Zhu that you brought, it would be quite like an alliance. meeting."

Zhao Wuyi knew that his father liked to be lively, and this was one of the reasons why he brought those vassal children to Jin, apart from being a hostage so that the lords of Si Shang did not dare to make trouble.

For a big family like the Zhao family, both face and stature cannot be lacking.

But those are the icing on the cake, and there are more important things to do. He coughed lightly: "This time Prince Wei also brought a piece of news, a very important secret."

Zhao Yang was refreshed: "What secret?"

"In January, the envoys of Fan and Bank of China and the pedestrians of the Marquis of Qi will meet at Xintai in Puyang, and they will seek Zhao Ye!"


Western Zhao alone is stronger than the Zhao clan in history. Under Wu Xie’s suggestion, Zhao Yang moved the main city to Jinyang, which was easy to defend and develop, and brought the power of Shichen and Xiaozong to the center. The big mu system was extended to all counties, and the land was granted to the people, which won a lot of cheers. In addition, there are military reforms to train cavalry, cavalry and archery, and the Nashi style of attracting diners. Under the auspices of Deng Xi, from the grassroots to the center, the legalization is also slowly progressing, and the remnants of the ancient patriarchal system have been swept out of the Zhao family. door.

But even so, the power of Xi Zhao is only comparable to that of Fan and Bank of China. After all, he was destroyed once in the difficulty of the lower palace, and he was behind the development opportunities for 20 to 30 years.

The reason why he was able to gain an advantage in the confrontation in the past few years is that he borrowed Qi Guo and Xian Yu's attack on the two, and secondly, he was able to rely on the rise of Zhao Wuxi in the east.

But once Fan, Zhonghang, Qi, and Wei's four enemies of the Zhao clan unite to plot against the Zhao clan, the advantage will cease to exist, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

Sure enough, when Zhao Yang heard the words, his face changed: "Jin and Qi have not yet reached a truce, and Yiyi is still in the hands of Qi people. How dare Fan Jishe and Zhong Xingyin dare to treason?"

Wu Xie shook his head and said, "Judging from the description of the Prince of Wei State, the two should not be able to join the State of Qi. After all, there are many conflicts between them. The purpose is to discuss with Qi and Wei how to contain my Zhao family. If they don’t attack each other during the war, the Fan family will also inform the Qi people about Zhao Bing’s movements in Nanyang!”

Zhao Yang sneered: "It's no wonder that the two armies did not even cross the river during the war, but unfortunately it is of no use. The country of Zheng was restrained by the Song people, the army of Qi was restrained by the two armies you left in the country of Lu, and the country of Wei was alone. The wood is hard to support, the teacher has lost ground, and the road is still open. Unless Fan and Bank of China go off the field and attack the Zhao family in person, that little trick won't work."

Zhao's offensive last year was a surprise, and coupled with You Wuzheng, a surprise attack expert who was good at using chariots, it was a coincidence that he defeated the enemy with his strength.

Wu Xie was not so optimistic. He worriedly said: "Although this generation has not succeeded, it cannot be ruled out that there will be a next collusion. The boy's idea is that maybe he can let the Crown Prince of Wei enter Xintian and ask the monarch to help him return to the country, as long as Give him a Weiyi occupied by the Zhao clan and call him a loner, and the pro-Jin forces, the masters and the forces within the Wei country will have the goal of taking refuge in. We will attack it with soldiers, and in time, we may be able to expel Weihou Yuan. Let Wei Guo defect to my advantage! This is one of them."

"At the same time, you can also instruct the Prince of Wei to report Fan and Bank of China for betraying Jin and surrender to Qi. His words will definitely make the king suspicious! If you can get a bow, arrow, axe and tomahawk, you can organize a crusade against Fan and Bank of China at the command of the king. The two ministers are nothing to worry about, they occupy the righteous name, and Zhibo has nothing to say! This is the second!"

"But didn't you say that Fan and Bank of China were not traitors to Jin?"

"If you want to add a crime, why don't you have no excuses? Did my father forget that the reason for the family's conspiracy with the family of Luan and the family of Zhao, to launch the trouble of going to the palace, isn't it also Zhuang Ji's so-called treason of the three ministers of the Zhao family? Besides, the three The annihilation of the Luan clan, which one is the real traitor to Jin? It is not orchestrated by the conspirators! It is better for me to seek people than to harm me, father!"

Zhao Yang pondered for a moment, Hu Qing, who likes dignified battles and doesn't like to play with conspiracies, managed to get around his moral barriers and nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's a good plan, and it's rather strong to start with Dong Zi's proposal. combine."

"Dong Zi suggested that the Zhao family should do it first?" Zhao Wuxi was surprised when he heard the words.

Since the time of Zhao Xuanzi, the Jin State has always had an unwritten tradition of "the first calamity will die". Whichever one of the ministers attacked the other first would be regarded as a treason and would be eliminated by the monarch and the rest.

This is the most powerful deterrent to curb Jin Qing's rivalry. More often, they can only choose to endure each other for the country, rather than fight against each other.

In Jin State, this is something that any weak crown prince can understand. As a wise man of the Zhao family, why would Dong Anyu make such a suggestion?

Dong Zi, Dong Zi, what do you think? Zhao Wuxi wanted to run to Jinyang immediately and have a long talk with him.

Zhao Yang did not elaborate on Dong Anyu's proposal, because even Dong Zi was hesitant, and Zhao Yang also rejected this proposal.

It seems to be more feasible to do it late, or to slowly weave a Luo targeting Fan and Bank of China.

These things have to be considered in the long run~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the end, Zhao Yang seemed to be a little tired and waved his hand and said, "It won't be too late to talk about these things after you get married, there are only three days until the auspicious day, so you must prepare well. , with the exception of Fan and Bank of China, who only sent messengers to show off, the rest of the families will let the children of the sect come to congratulate them in person!"

Zhao Wuxi's heart moved, and he asked earnestly, "Dare to ask, who did the Zhi clan send?"

"Is it Zhiyao?"

ps: There is only one bus today, and there are two small cars on the top of the big one. In short, there is no time to explain, so get on the bus!

(To be continued.)

ps: Thank you Wind Hunter for being the helmsman of this book. Thanks for the tip on the 16th! Thanks to the **** who was chased, drinking green tea when sleepy, man line 31, simon_s, Huayue in the scene, the eagle in the sky, czdxh042408, the most red sunset, the realm of fantasy, Lu Xisuo, the lonely little stone, Jinse. Yanyue, Lucky Mystery 12345, Yuqingwei, ~Yixuan, gokezq, Aoki Wanshi, a reward of ¥ for one night's lonely boat! Thank you for your monthly pass!




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