Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 895: Soldiers who, deception also

"The jackal is not pitiful, the wolf is not amiable, Goujian has the heart of a jackal, and will be a great trouble for Wu in the future!"

Wu Zixu recounted what had happened in the rest of the month to Sun Wu, who was living in seclusion in his mansion and did not listen to the government.

Sun Wu tutted his tongue in admiration: "Tasting the dung and tasting the fenugreek, it is also a failure of Goujian to do his own thing like this, but according to ordinary people, they would think that this is a symbol of Goujian's submission."

"I saw the exact opposite of that!"

Wu Zixu said bitterly: "The tiger lowered its posture to kill passers-by, and the civet cat lowered its body to attack its prey. Gou Jian came to Wu to be a servant. He had a far-reaching plan and emptied the treasury and dedicated it to Wu. There is no resentment, this is deceiving the king. When he tasted the dung, he was afraid that he could not wait to eat the heart of the king! To make such a humble and submissive act, he actually wanted to take revenge on Wu. This man is so forbearing, It's too terrifying, if I don't kill him at this time, I'll have no time to regret it when the ancestral temple turns into a mound of ruins and the ancestral temple is overgrown with thorns!"

He was excited, but Sun Wu disagreed and said, "Zixu said this in front of King Wu, I'm afraid it's useless..."

"Of course." Wu Zixu admitted somewhat dejectedly: "Your Majesty just said, 'Don't repeat the words of the prime minister, the few people can't bear to hear it again'. Then he didn't listen to me, and instead listened to Bo Xi's words, rewarded Gou Jian, and let go He was listed as a guest, and the king also promised at the banquet that on the first day of next month, he would go back to China."

Sun Wu smiled and said, "The words of being left in the past were not wrong, Bo Xi, it really became a hindrance for you."

Beli was a doctor during the period of King Helu of Wu. At that time, Bo Xi fled from the state of Chu. Although Wu Zixu and Bo Xi had no personal friends, but because they had similar experiences and shared the same illness, they recommended him to King Helu of Wu. Li Li was very worried about Bo Xi, and said softly to Wu Zixu: "I see Bo Xi as a human being, eagle-eyed, greedy by nature, specializing in merit and good at killing. If you reuse him, I'm afraid you will be implicated in the future."

But Wu Zixu, who was just arrogant and thought of revenge, didn't think so. He believed that "sympathizing with each other and helping each other with the same worries" is like frightened birds, chasing and gathering together...

So under Wu Zixu's strong recommendation, Helu took in Bo Xi and made him a doctor, and asked him to plot state affairs with Wu Zixu and take revenge on Chu State together. Political enemies.

Speaking of the past, Wu Zixu sighed: "What was said by Li Li, every word is like a pearl, it is a pity that he died early, otherwise, with this person's help, the government would not have been like this. But as the saying goes, Huma looks to the north wind to stand, the more Yan Xiangnan is coming to the sun, who can not love what he is near, and not feel sorry for what he thinks? I do not regret what happened that day, but Bo Xi, in order to fight for power with me, has repeatedly catered to the king, and wanted to pardon Goujian. It's really hateful to be private and forget the country!"

"Do you know Zixu, what did I see?" Sun Wu felt something, got up and looked at the gloomy sky outside the pavilion again, sighing.

"What happened today is exactly the same as what happened to my uncle Sima Rangju! The monarch was insensitive, the traitor gained power, the loyal minister made great achievements, but he died in the end..."


Sun Wu's words were a bit unlucky, and Wu Zixu's face sank: "I have done a lot for Wu Guoli, and I grew up watching the king. When the prince Bo died early, and the princes were fighting for the position, the king did not have the upper hand. It was only by fighting to the death that he got the throne. After the death of the first monarch, he supported him with one hand. The king was so grateful that he even wanted to give me the land in the north of the Wu Kingdom. As for being dazed like Duke Ping (Qi Jing) and destroying a fortified city."

"Uncle Clan didn't think that Chujiu was a wise ruler like Duke Huan of Qi, so what happened? World events are unpredictable, and the weakest king's kindness, Zixu is better to be careful."

Unlike the Wu members who held their own kindness to their husbands, Sun Wu and Wu Wang could be regarded as enmity. Although he had taught Fu Chai how to use the military and had the righteousness of master and apprentice, when Sun Wu first entered the Wu Palace and taught Wu Gong beauties to practice military formations in front of He Lu, there was Fu Chai's mother in the heads of the beauties that he cut. ...

Sun Wu used his troops skillfully and was prudent. After helping his husband to break through and avenge Helu, he immediately resigned from all positions in the army and retired to the mountains and forests, so as not to dangle in front of his husband all day long, reminding him of the revenge of killing his mother. But Sun Wu did not leave Wu, which was his second motherland. He often served as a guest in Wu Zixu's mansion, and wrote his "Art of War" in a clean and safe environment.

He showed his empty sleeves and said to Wu Zixu: "Zixu has paid so much for the Wu Kingdom. Now that he is sixty years old, it is time to think about himself. , why don't you retreat bravely and retreat like me? You are stronger than me, you have a wife and son, and a large fief with beautiful scenery. Isn't it beautiful?"

The pavilion was suddenly silent, and only the sound of the drizzle hitting the bananas was heard. After a while, Wu Zixu said, "I can't put it down."

Yes, he can't let go.

He couldn't let go of King Wu's husband, and the previous king entrusted his husband to him before he died.

He couldn't let go of the kingdom of Wu who accepted him when he was helpless and made him famous. He couldn't let go of the illustrious hegemony he created with Wu Wang Helu, Sun Wu, and Wei Li. If the Wu Kingdom declined, wouldn't all his hard work be in vain.

The affairs of Sima Rangju had a great influence on Sun Wu, so Sun Wu acted like a soldier, he acted according to his interests, but not because of his interests, and he was not greedy for power or fame. If he can be reused, he will use his genius-like army to the extreme, and if he is not reused, he will leave quietly, so as not to be killed by the master.

But Wu Zixu is different. He can't let go of his family feud, his adopted son, and naturally he can't let go of other things. He has so many things to do, how can he easily retire?

As a prime minister, the upper assistant king, and the lower An Li Shu, it is necessary for the king to clean up the villains around him, and to return the Wu Kingdom to a bright world! Although Wu State has hidden dangers, the overall situation is very good. As long as it is steady and steady, to capture Chen Cai and destroy Jianchu, it may be able to compete with the Zhao family in the south and the north, and dominate the world.

At that time, Wu Zixu can resign with confidence and retire.

After expressing his aspirations, Wu Zixu said sternly: "Changqing, I came to see you today, not to listen to your dejected words, but to ask if you can do anything."

Sun Wu knew that it was useless to talk too much, so he slowly tasted the wine, but smiled after a while.

"Zixu, do you know that since Po Chu returned, you have changed. If you want to describe you, you can use two words, and that would be... Mu Qi!"


apathy? Do you have the nerve to say I'm mad?

Wu Zixu's face showed a trace of sullenness, and there was also a trace of sadness about the past. He closed his eyes and recited: "The Lord should not be angry and start a division, and he will not be sullen and go to war. Anger can be rejoiced, and sullen can be rejoiced. A subjugated country cannot survive. The dead cannot be brought back to life. Therefore, a wise ruler should be careful, a good general will warn him, and this is the way to secure the country and the whole army..."

"Fifteen years ago, you and I led the army to attack Chu, left the boat in Huai Rui, and fought in Dabie, Xiaobie, five battles and Ying. The Chu army was defeated, and Zichang died, and victory was just around the corner. But for my own personal vendetta, If you only want to capture the King of Chu, you will not listen to your advice, and you will not return to the state of Chu. As a result, the Wu army was defeated by Qin and Chu outside, and there were rebellions at home. The great victory that has been painstakingly created has been abandoned..."

Wu Zixu sighed regretfully: "After that, Changqing, you said these words to persuade me. I will keep it in my heart. From now on, whether you are in government or leading an army, you will think twice about everything. What is the reason for changing the preface and turning to laugh at me?"

"This moment, that moment." Sun Wu apologized to him and said, "I'd actually rather see Wu Zixu, who was inexhaustible like the world and inexhaustible as the river and sea when he first entered the state of Wu.

Helping Gongziguang to seize the throne, dividing Wu's soldiers into three routes to harass the state of Chu day and night, leaving the people of Chu exhausted... Sun Wu couldn't help but admire Wu Zixu's methods back then. amazing potential.

But the superior life, the strong national power, the former false name, and the lofty status have become the ropes that bind his thinking.

Sun Wu said regretfully: "In the past, you were too strange, but now you are too righteous. In the face of wicked villains, intrigues and tricks, you not only need to be upright, but also need to be clever..."

Wu Zixu pondered, "Fantastic plan, Changqing means..."

Sun Wu slapped the table and stood up: "That's right, I want to go to the young master, and I want to leave the king. Wang Liao and Qingji are killed in one blow. Since the country has changed its flags, the world has changed, and the overlord's business has been completed, using the simplest method. method, to do the most useful thing, isn't that what Zixu is good at?"

Wu Zixu was shocked: "Changqing meant that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sent someone to kill Gou Jian..."

That's right, as long as Goujian is dead, there will be no one in the country of Yue. Even if it is not destroyed, it will not be able to make a big wave.

Wu Zixu, who was full of ingenious schemes, seemed to be back again, his mind turned sharply, and he lowered his voice and quickly made plans: "Although Zhuanzhu and Yuli can't find such unparalleled dead men, but within my fief, there is still a sword house. There are dozens of people, and everyone can die for me. When Goujian returns to the country, the people who are escorted by the king will turn back after crossing the five lakes. It's long, the terrain is complicated, and there's no telling what will happen.

But he hesitated again: "It's just this way, it goes against the king's wishes a little bit, and it will make outsiders laugh at Wu Guoxin for being untrustworthy."

"Soldiers are tricky. There are certain things that you can't help on your way, that the army does not attack, that the city does not attack, and the territory that does not fight... The king's order, there is something you won't accept!"

Sun Wujiang drank the wine in one gulp, and the soldier who "raised 30,000 people and the world is no match" smiled proudly: "Zixu, just do what you think is right. If the king of Wu blames later, I will naturally I will bear this crime. Anyway, my old bones can't stand the heat and humidity of Jiangnan, and I don't plan to stay in Wu country any longer!" (To be continued.)

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