Spoiler For The Multiverse: The Start of the Live Broadcast of Marvel

Chapter 162: With great power comes great responsibility, and Ned is a true mage

  Chapter 162 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, is Ned really a mage? another spiderman


In the live broadcast room, the little spider also let out a roar, watching the green goblin who fled the scene with a strange smile on the screen, and caused several explosions at the same time, the little spider trembled with his arms, and the four mechanical steel claws on his nano-suit were fierce. He spread out, clenched his fists and roared: "This green goblin, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him!"

  Tony quickly hugged the little spider, trying to control his anger: "Calm down, Peter, calm down~"

But the little spider, who had already fallen into a rage, was very powerful. Tony, who only had the ability to seed, was still unable to control him. to the side.

   "You call this weak?"

   Seeing that the little spider could push even Team America away, Tony shrugged his red hands with a weird expression, and took in the cool air and complained to the new Peter.

But the new Peter has no intention of answering his question at this moment, because the red-eyed spider has turned around and grabbed his shoulder: "You just said, Green Goblin Norman Osborn, it's your little father, right? ,Where is he now?"

New Peter looked at the Spider-Man who was a few months younger than him, listened to his hoarse voice with murderous intent, and slowly shook his head: "Listen to me, Peter, anger can't solve the problem, this spoiler Nothing has happened yet, we can't use cases that haven't happened to judge the guilt of the parties!"

   "I'm sorry about the death of Aunt Mei in the spoiler video, but for you, there is still room for recovery, so calm down, calm down~"

"Yeah!" The extraordinary Peter also came over and took the spider's arm: "The last time when the spoiler revealed my future image, I saw the plot of Uncle Ben dying because of me, and I was the same as you at that time. Regret and loss, but after returning to my world, I used my newfound ability to save Uncle Ben who was attacked."

   "So, it's not terrible to know the bad future, because we can use our ability to avoid this false future that has already warned us!"

The little spider let go of the hands that grabbed New Peter's shoulders, looked at the people standing beside him, and shook his head in remorse: "However, I still can't forgive myself, as you just said, all this is actually It was all my own fault, I was too self-righteous, I interrupted Mr. Strange's spell to send them back, brought them back to Happy's house, and killed May."

"Mr. Strange is right, their death is the result of the grand multiverse that best suits them, and I should not go against it... Jesus, speaking of Mr. Strange, I also locked him in the mirror space..."

Loki shook his head: "You can't say that, according to what you're saying now, fate wants you to eat shit, do you really want to go down and eat? Boy, since you've made a big mistake, then you should face it bravely."

   "Last time I persuaded another Peter like this, and he succeeded. Now, I hope you can also reset your state and change your wrong future!"

  Tony turned to look at Loki, frowning.

   And aware of Tony's strange eyes, Loki squinted and asked, "Why are you looking at me with such squinting eyes?"

  Tony raised his chin: "No, I'm just wondering, which side are you on? Just now you sprayed me and the little spider for nothing. Why are you now a life mentor?"

"I don't stand on either side, as I said just now, as a god, whether it is the destruction of the world or the new world, it doesn't matter to me!" Loki said with a calm look on his face: "So you shouldn't be moved by yourself. If you have this suspicion, you might as well think about how you can deal with those weird guys on the moon."

   "What's on the moon?" This time, even Strange stood up curiously. Although they had vaguely noticed that they were looking at the moon base, they could not find any evidence.

   "There is something to explore by yourself, I am a **** king, not an encyclopedia."

   Loki snorted and continued to look at the screen with his arms folded.

  [After the Green Goblin left, Mei slowly got up and walked to Peter's side. The two hugged each other like the rest of their lives. 】

  [And looking at this messy building, Peter also had self-doubt, he felt that what he did was wrong, he should have listened to Doctor Strange and sent those people back to the original world. 】

  【But when Aunt May heard this, she shook her head: "No, you are doing the right thing, Peter, if they go back, they will all die."]

  【Little Spider frowned at this time: "But it shouldn't be my responsibility!"】

[Aunt May turns her head and sees Peter's expression. Under the circumstances of getting along day and night, she immediately understood what Peter was thinking, and said excitedly: "No, Peter, don't believe Norman's rhetoric, which is incompatible with mine. Moral mission is irrelevant.”]

  【“You are gifted with extraordinary talents, and you have extraordinary abilities, so you also shoulder different responsibilities.”]

  【“The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!”】

   [After speaking, Aunt May patted Peter on the back: "Okay, we have to get out of here~ I..."]

   [Speaking, her body suddenly swayed: "I have to go back and get it..."]

   [This time, she didn't have time to finish her words, so she stumbled and fell down. Seeing this, Peter quickly supported her body: "Mei...what's the matter with you..."]

   [Aunt Mei smiled weakly: "I need to take a breath."]

  【"Okay, let's take a break, then I'll take you to the hospital, we..."]

   [Peter was halfway through his words, and was suddenly stunned, because he saw the blood flowing from Aunt May's body. 】

  【"Help me, call an ambulance, who can help me..."]

  [Peter suddenly let out a crying cry, and then he lowered his head to comfort Aunt May: "It's alright, I'm right here, Mei, I'm not going anywhere...I'll be here with you..."]

  【Tears, gathered in the little spider's eyes, but before they dripped, Aunt May stopped breathing. 】

  【In the scene of flames and ruins, only Peter's soft sobbing and the call to Aunt May remained. 】

  In the live broadcast room, everyone sighed silently, and looked at the little spider with mixed emotions.

   This time, finally no one questioned whether his choice was right, and no one discussed whether what he did was worthwhile.

  Because all the consequences it produces will be borne by the person who makes the choice.

  [Under the rainy night, Peter looked at the huge screen, and the editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle was still publishing reports, accusing Spider-Man of only bringing chaos and disaster, destruction and death. 】

  【The rain fell on Peter's body, the water droplets washed away the filth of the battle on his body, but the cold chilled his heart. 】

[At Ned's grandma's house, watching the news broadcast on TV, Ned and MJ also had a heavy look on their faces, and at this moment, Ned, who was wearing the Doctor Strange ring, also waved his hand casually, facing MJ "To be honest, I really want to see Peter right now."]

   [As soon as he finished speaking, a few golden sparks suddenly appeared in the air in front of them. 】

  【Seeing this scene, MJ reminded Ned to repeat the action just now. 】

   [And just after Ned repeated the words and actions he just said, a portal the size of a human head actually opened in the air in front of him. 】

   "Oh~ buy~ Karma~!"

   In the live broadcast room, Strange opened his mouth wide and stared at the screen blankly: "This little fat man really has magic talent?"

Mage Mordu also said in surprise: "And it's not worse than your Strange, remember, Strange, in the future video, after you came to Kama Taj, you still depended on the Supreme Mage to keep you. When you were on Mount Everest, your potential was stimulated and you learned portal magic!"

  Wanda: "Wow, this person is more popular than the dead man. I have studied hard and practiced hard until now, and it is not as easy as him to cast spells. What kind of monster is your friend, Little Spider!"

The little spider, who was still immersed in sadness, was also stunned, wiped his tears, and sniffed: "I, I don't know, Ned used to occasionally say that their ancestors had seen magic, But being able to open the portal directly without learning magic is a bit...too sloppy."

In the Kama Taj, Master Gu Yi's fan-fanning hand suddenly stopped, looking at Ned who opened the small portal on the screen, she put away the fan with a snap, and said with great interest: "Well, There are still such interesting children! It seems that when I observed the future before, I was too quick-witted!"

  Bruce Banner looked at Master Gu Yi curiously: "Master, haven't you seen this fat man beside Little Spider before?"

Master Gu Yi shook his head and nodded again: "I have seen it before, but...the Ned I saw, most of them ended up being Spider-Man's enemies, and finally died, this Ned with magical ability. Liz, it's the first time I've seen it."

  【Seeing the effect of his actions just now, Ned and MJ immediately became excited, and Ned also closed his eyes, turned his arm for the third time, and drew the portal. 】

  【"I want to see Peter!"】

  【The stable and bright golden portal opened, showing the scene at the other end of the passage in this small living room, which is a small alley in New York City. 】

  [And when they saw the figure across the alley, Ned and MJ jumped up excitedly, waved at him and called him over: "Hey, Peter!"]

   [Under the greetings of the two, the opposite Spider-Man also ran towards them. 】

   Looking at the running figure of Spider-Man in the image on the screen, a look of anticipation appeared on Peter's face: "This figure looks like it should be me!"

   [Spider-Man at the other end of the portal quickly rushed through the golden portal, then looked at Ned and MJ, raised his hand and took off his hood, revealing a face different from that of the little spider. 】

  【That is, The Amazing Spider-Man! 】

   (end of this chapter)

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