Spoiler For The Multiverse: The Start of the Live Broadcast of Marvel

Chapter 127: The mighty Wanda, the Black Armor, am I a mother?

  Chapter 127 The mighty Wanda, the Black Armor, am I a mother? Sylvie's choice

   [Ding~ Tony Stark has finished answering and is judging...]

   [Tony Stark answered correctly and will be rewarded with 100 live broadcast points. 】

  [Get a random reward...Black Armored Beast Barracks]

  【The black armored beast, from the world of martial arts, is one of the three major armies of the beast clan. The barracks can produce 1 black armored beast every day, and the number of output will be accelerated after the upgrade. 】

   "What is the black armor beast?"

A beetle-like mini barracks appeared in Tony Starr's palm. After giving a suspicious glance, he poked with his finger, and a stream of data flashed through his eyes: "Mechanical lifeform? The rhythm of forming a mechanical army?"

  【The spoiler image corresponding to the correct answer will be inserted soon...】

   The cold voice of the system sounded at this moment, the original picture of Kang the Conqueror was dissolved, and a new picture was re-projected.

  【In the dark red sky, two women faced each other, throwing magic at each other. 】

  【One after another, the red light **** were thrown by the woman in the red sports coat on the right to the witch in the wizard robe on the opposite side. 】

   [The camera gradually zooms in, allowing everyone to see the face of the woman in the red coat clearly. 】

"this is me?"

   Looking at the extremely mature self on the screen, Wanda covered his mouth in surprise: "I look like I'm in my thirties and forties."

At this time, Master Gu Yi also sat up straight with interest, spread out the fan in his hand, fanned himself gently, and thought to himself: 'Sure enough, this lady witch who is favored by Sishorn has grown up to this point after all Degree? I just don't know if this girl will go astray in the future. After all, this Chaos Magic is not something that can be easily controlled. ’

  【As the red magic **** collided one after another, the witch quickly established a bridge of magic connection with Wanda's body, draining the magic power from her body. 】

  【And Wanda, who lost his magic power, seemed to have lost consciousness, and hung his head in the air. 】

  【On the ground, a red-skinned "man" looked up at the sky with a worried face, and beside him, the two children also shouted to the unconscious woman in the sky, "Mom!"】

   "My God, I have a child? Or two?"

  Wanda hugged his head in disbelief, and cried out in panic: "How is this possible, who am I married to?"

However, the focus of the others in the live broadcast room was not here. After seeing the yellow gem on the forehead of the red-skinned "man", they all looked at each other and shouted in unison: "Spiritual gem, that is the Vision?"

  Bruce Banner: "God, I actually call him a robot in the future? How is that possible, he looks completely human."

   Team America also said with a look of surprise: "And the most incredible thing is that this guy looks like the father of those two children, don't tell me..."

   Strange opened his mouth and said with the same puzzled expression: "This is Wanda's husband?"


  Wanda was shocked again: "I actually fell in love with a robot and had two children with him? Is the world crazy?"

Tony Stark rubbed his chin at this time: "By the way, Banner said before that I created this vision, so it should be counted as my son? If it marries Wanda, tsk tsk, don't tell me Wanda is my daughter-in-law?"

   "Fuck me, Tony Stark, it's impossible for me to fall in love with a robot, and I'm not your daughter-in-law, go and live your dream!"

   Hearing Tony's words, Wanda suddenly froze and roared angrily in the chat channel.

  Thor, who was watching the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, also said: "You are such an interesting woman. If you don't love a real big man, you go to a robot to be your husband. There are so many confusing behaviors by humans!"

Loki laughed and said: "Speaking of which, I still remember when the little Wanda Witch first entered the live broadcast room, but at that time, I wanted to eat Tony Stark alive, but I haven't seen it for a few years, and I actually followed the robot that Tony made. Playing the love game...humans really know how to play!"

   "Shut up, too, you two brothers whose relationship has deteriorated are not qualified to talk about me."

  The angry Wanda directly transformed into a lioness, and rudely turned everyone's ridicule back.

  【The witch who absorbed Wanda's magic power let out a mouthful of gunfire, and finally looked at Wanda who was gradually recovering her movements, she sneered and made a pose of firing magic. 】

  【It's embarrassing that no matter how she did it, the magic power couldn't flow out of her body, which surprised the witch, but the next moment, a panicked expression appeared on her face. 】

[Because Wanda waved his right hand gently, a few huge rune symbols suddenly appeared around the dark red world. Looking at the witch who pretended to be calm in front of him, Wanda let out an angry expression. Taunt: "In a certain space, only witches who cast spells can use their magic, you told me this!"]

  【"But it's not your turn to tell me who I am!"】

   [The voice falls, and a red magic crown faintly appears on Wanda's head. 】

   [Looking at the illusory crown on her forehead, the witch's face finally showed a look of fear, but the angry Wanda was not ready to let her go, and waved her hand directly, and began to absorb the surrounding red magic energy. 】

  【Not only that, even all the magic in the witch's body was absorbed by Wanda in her screams. 】

   [The whole process lasted for dozens of seconds, and when Wanda finally stopped absorbing the magic power, her image also underwent a huge transformation. 】

   [Originally, her loose clothes disappeared, replaced by a luxurious dark red one-piece dress, and the illusory crown on her head finally revealed its true appearance. 】

   [Wanda, who transformed into a witch of chaos, sparkled with scarlet eyes in her eyes. I saw her gently pressing her right hand, and the two people who had been floating in the air slowly fell to the ground. 】

   [With a "pop", the witch who opposed her also fell to the ground. 】

The    picture ended here, and the next moment, the picture of Kang the Conqueror appeared on the screen again.

  Even if this short-term spoiler ended, the live broadcast room remained silent. After a long time, Strange turned his head: "By the way, did you see anything?"

  Tony shook his head: "I don't know, it looks like in a battle, the protagonist pretended to release water, and then killed the villain, and this did not see the power of Chaos Wanda at all!"

  Reed Richards: "But despite this, she did cause the thunder of that sacred timeline, didn't she? And it can be seen from this Kang's expression that even he was extremely surprised by Wanda's success."

  Captain clapped his hands at this time: "It's not interesting for us to guess here, let's hear how this guy explains it!"

  【"Rocky" video continues to play】

   [After Kang finished saying this, he grinned and showed a smile. The expression on his face was also mixed, shocked, confused, absurd, unbelievable...even with a hint of hilarity. 】

   [With the sound of thunder coming from the sacred timeline again, he couldn't help opening his mouth and gasping for breath. Afterwards, he picked up a bookmark on the table, but it still fell automatically and fell on the table. 】

   Loki couldn't help shrinking his eyes when he saw this scene, but he didn't speak immediately, he just folded his arms and continued to watch the video seriously.

  【"I lied!"】

   [Looking at Loki and Silvi, Kang suddenly said, "I just told you that I have the power of omniscience and omnipotence... I lied to you."]

["Or...everything I have ever known has a deadline, and that point..." Kang kept turning his head between the two of Loki with a mysterious face: "Probably around seven, eight, nine, It was ten seconds ago."]

  Tony said in a low voice, "By the way, 10 seconds ago, didn't he make an action of picking up something and still falling freely. Looking back on it now, it seems to echo the scene of the witch falling just now."

   A look of doubt appeared on Loki's face: "In other words, is Wanda's little witch's timeline at the moment synchronized with my timeline?"

   [The third sound of thunder sounded again, at this moment, the sacred timeline that had been straight all of a sudden began to twist, and the countless branches were like seedlings emerging from the ground, constantly extending up and down. 】

   [Looking at the suspicious expressions on both of Loki's faces, Kang said seriously for the first time, "I'm being honest this time."]

   [Loki doesn't believe this at all, how could someone sit here waiting to die. 】

   [And Kang also repeated the options he provided to the two before, and admitted that no matter what options they made, there would still be one of him in the future, meet Elios, and come back here again. 】

   "He's right."

  Bruce Banner suddenly sent a message on the chat channel: "For him, all this is actually a closed time loop, a Mobius loop starting in the 31st century."

  Reed Richards nodded in agreement and said, "So, time actually has no end, because the real starting point and ending point are actually the moment when Kang discovers the multiverse in the 31st century in the future."

   "The discovery of the multiverse, the war of the multiverse, the independence of the divine timeline, the establishment of TVA..."

Loki murmured to himself: "So whether he meets me or someone else, the result will not change in any way... Besides, those who can really break out of the siege and stand in front of him will only be like Xi A person like Erwei who has a deep hatred for TVA. Can such a person resist the desire to kill after the other party proposes to kill him?"

   "You mean? Will Sylvie choose to kill Kang?" Captain America looked at Loki in surprise: "Wouldn't that cause chaos in the multiverse?"

  Tony also thought of something at this time, and was stunned for a moment: "It's messed up...it's actually right!"

   Team America frowned upon hearing this, these young people are very dangerous, isn't it bad for a peaceful and stable world? Why destroy it.

  The extraordinary Peter also slapped his palm at this time: "Oh~ I understand what you mean!"

   (end of this chapter)

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