Special Years

Chapter 366: Shock the whole group

Satisfied the appetite of the whole regiment's officers and soldiers, Wei Xuefeng proudly raised the electric horn in his hand again and announced the final result.

"In this assessment, the first place in the five-kilometer cross-country is the three battalions and eight companies!"


After the results were announced, the entire playground was boiling.

Thousands of soldiers looked at him.

Eighth Company's soldiers went crazy, and they all screamed, you hugged me, I hugged you, and some even rolled on the ground in a ball.

"Hahahaha! We won!"


"Eighth Invincible!"

Han Xiaobei stood quietly, the hustle and bustle around him seemed to separate the whole world.


He raised his head, looked at the solemn, and murmured again: "Squad leader, we won..."

Nodding solemnly: "Yeah! We won!"

Han Xiaobei lowered his head and opened his hands, which were covered with thick calluses.

"we won……"

He repeated this sentence again, and the tears finally fell.

This day is the highlight moment of the eighth company commander Zhang Jianxing.

The head of the regiment, the political commissar, the deputy political commissar, and the chief of staff all came to congratulate him and praised him well.

Of course, Zhang Jianxing also knew.

This is not only because the entire Eighth Company has made such great progress, in fact, although the Eighth Company was not the first in the whole regiment before, it was still considered to be the upper reaches.

The reason why so many regimental leaders gave him affirmation was because no one expected that the Eighth Company would take the first place.

Especially Wei Xuefeng and Xiong Guohan.

Zeng Jian and Han Xiaobei, Wei Xuefeng and Xiong Guohan would have no problem if these two immortals did not play today and did not participate in the assessment.

But these two people actually came, and the Eighth Company still won the first place with these two immortal soldiers, and the nature was completely different.

In public and private, Wei Xuefeng and Xiong Guohan were both satisfied with Zhang Jianxing.

Of course, Xiong Guohan knew in his heart who the credit should be attributed to.

He went to the so-called place of the third class specially and found the solemn.

There was such a conversation between the two.

"I want to thank you, solemnly."

"Deputy commissar, this is my duty."

"No, I am not talking to you as a deputy political commissar. I am the uncle of a soldier, representing his sister's family, to express my gratitude to you."

Before Zhuang Yan could think about how to answer, Xiong Guohan did not salute, but put his right hand in front of Zhuang Zhuang.

"Comrade Zhuang Yan, can you give me a handshake that belongs to comrades?"

Zhuang Yan quickly stretched out his hand and shook it with Xiong Guohan.

"You are the best squad leader I have ever seen." Xiong Guohan said, "If you go to the military academy, I will definitely support you."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

That day was not only the highlight moment of company commander Zhang Jianxing, but also the highlight moment of Eighth Company.

In this day's assessment, Balian won the first place in the total score of one or two shooting practice, 400-meter obstacle, and 5-kilometer cross-country.

Tactics and offensive and defensive drills, the eighth company and the fourth company tied for the first place.

Only in the three defense training assessment, it ranked fourth in the team with a slight disadvantage.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the basic assessment of all subjects was completed, and finally the live ammunition shooting of some professional arms was organized.

For example, the assessment of mortars, recoilless guns, 105 guns and other subjects.

The semi-annual assessment of the regiment headquarters every year, usually at this stage, in order to prevent the infantry company that has completed all the subjects from being idle, some small competitions will be set up in the regiment.

For example, you can directly compare the horizontal bar practice and the parallel bar practice, the three postures can pass the speed of the barbed wire, or you can build a foxhole in the single soldier lying position in the shortest time.

These items are not mandatory, but each company thinks it can do it, you send people to it, and the staff in the regiment will be the referee.

Most of these small tournaments have a competitive ring-type nature, but they are not useless.

Taking three postures through the barbed wire as an example, in the military competition, there are also competitions as a single-row project. Zhuang Yan once heard the story of a platoon leader of the ninth company. When this platoon leader was a soldier, other projects have just reached the top level. , but none of them are optimal.

It happened that year when he encountered a big competition in the military region. At the suggestion of the instructor of the teaching brigade at that time, the platoon leader who participated in the elite training team climbed through eight sets of winter training uniforms and six pairs of guards on the training ground of the military teaching brigade. Elbow and knee pads, and finally won the first place in the military competition through this project, and thus won the second-class merit.

Zhang Jianxing saw that the momentum of the Eighth Company was booming, and he planned to use the remaining courage to chase the poor bandits and win more first place in one go.

The staff officer in the regiment said later, the regiment commander said, there are so many veterans in the regiment, it is getting late, and the third battalion has to rush back again, or else, only the new recruits can be compared, and the veterans will not be able to compete.

This is also a matter. After four o'clock in the afternoon, after so many subjects in the competition, even if it is a challenge form of a draw competition, it will take at least two hours, and it will be tossed until more than six o'clock, and then I have to take the car back to N town. It's eight o'clock at night.

The time is a little late.

Of course, the company commanders of all the infantry companies agreed in unison, saying that the comrades of the third battalion lived too far away and should be taken care of.

It sounded like he had won.

The third battalion commander also felt that there was no problem.

It's just that Zhang Jianxing was a little unhappy.

The Eighth Company had very few recruits. The entire company, together with Han Xiaobei and Zeng Jian who came in behind, only had twenty-six recruits.

The recruits of other companies are at least thirty or more, and many are even forty.

This is a question of probability.

The more people there are, the more likely there will be a talented person.

But knowing that, he couldn't refute it.

As the commander of the company, he couldn't raise objections for this reason, it would seem too impersonal.

The situation was as expected by Zhang Jianxing.

At the beginning of the ring competition, the recruits from other companies were as fierce as tigers, and they practiced on the parallel bars.

Climbing tactics, eight companies also can't get any nouns.

Zhang Jianxing's heart sank slowly, but there was nothing he could do. Strength was strength, and he couldn't be anxious.

Finally came the project to build the foxhole.

In this project, in fact, the first position has already been selected in everyone's heart.

When it comes to building fortifications, who can compare to a company of engineers in a regiment?

It was my bank~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and although the infantry also learned to build foxholes, it was only one of the subjects, and the engineer company played professionally.

Therefore, every year in the construction of foxholes, the engineers have won the championship, with few exceptions.

Zhang Jianxing sent a recruit who was recognized as the most trained by the entire company, and he was quickly defeated.

"Go away! Go to the big playground to gather! Prepare to go back!"

I have already won a lot of firsts today, and that's it, nothing can be absolutely perfect forever.

The soldiers of the Eighth Company packed up and planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, the soldier of the engineer company who did not know that it was the donkey drill suddenly said, "I thought the eight companies, three heads and six arms were very powerful, so there is something wrong with them!"

His words caused a slight laugh.

"Report to the company commander!" A recruit suddenly emerged from the crowd of the Eighth Company and raised his hand: "I ask to participate!"

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