Special Years

Chapter 265: eventful autumn

Cai Wenming and the deputy chief of staff sat in the back row of the Cherokee. The car drove out of the teaching team and drove along the cement road toward the division headquarters.

Outside the window, the scenery after the rain seems to have been carefully cleaned, and it has a clean and flawless feeling.

Cai Wenming stared blankly at the passing mountains and trees outside the window.

Suddenly, he turned his head and said to Cui Gaoyi, "Old Cui, what do you think of the inspection at the headquarters at the end of the year?"

Cui Gaoyi said: "I don't think there is a problem. To be honest, I also know the training level of other divisions that compete with us. I dare to say that if there is no accident, we should be able to successfully advance to the adaptation."

"I'm not worried about whether I can get the formation of the quick-reaction force." Cai Wenming said: "I heard that the superiors want to upgrade not only the fast-reaction force, but also amphibious operations."

"I also heard rumors about this matter, but..." Cui Gaoyi said, "It seems that the eight characters haven't been written yet, right?"

Cai Wenming said: "The entire army only selects two army units for reorganization, one in the north and one in the south. I think we are very likely in the southern army."

Cui Gaoyi stopped talking.

He chewed on the meaning of Cai Wenming's words and guessed the possibility.

"If the amphibious mechanization is carried out, it means that all our current infantry regiments will be completely reorganized, and the implementation of amphibious armor will completely change our previous motorized system, including many new shocks in the profession. , if it is announced that we are selected..."

He didn't go further.

But Cui Gaoyi knew in his heart that motorization and armored mechanization were completely different things, and there would be great adaptations from the small to the big to the regiment, and even the division.

The reorganization meant that a large number of cadres had to leave their positions. After all, the professions did not match, and a large number of officers who specialized in armored command were needed.

Not to mention there is an amphibious.


In Cui Gaoyi's view, this has always been the category of the Marine Brigade. Why did the army suddenly organize two such units?

But in any case, any military reform will not turn a school-level officer like him to control the overall situation. All he can do is obey.

"Old Cui, what I mean is, we have to prepare for the future. For example, your direct team, if the amphibious armor is changed, it means that the division's direct team will have a great reorganization, and a certain number of military backbones need to be replenished. At the beginning of the year You don't seem to take that into consideration when you recruit."

Cui Gaoyi said: "At that time, I didn't say anything about amphibious mechanization."

"There is one more thing." Cai Wenming said: "The new military service law has been submitted to the National People's Congress. If it is passed by the end of the year, the three-year compulsory military system will become a two-year system. The last time I went to the army for a meeting, the army commander has already said , from now on, the army will no longer be 'conscripts' as the main body, but a combination of conscripts and volunteers, which means that our army will have a large number of volunteers, and you should do this well in advance. Prepare, those are good seedlings, and if you are willing to stay, make plans and wait for the new military service law to pass, so that you can have a response."

Cui Gaoyi scratched his head. At the end of this year, not only the 1st Division itself is facing the reform of the organization, but also the key reform of the entire Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Think about it, it's really a headache.

But there are also good things about reform.

For example, in the past, many outstanding soldiers could not be promoted, and they could not pass the military academy entrance examination, so they could only be discharged from the army.

Well now, if they are transferred to the non-commissioned officer system, these excellent veterans can stay, but they can be converted into volunteer soldiers.

In this way, it can really make up for the lack of bone feeling.

He suddenly understood why Cai Wenming was chatting with him about these two issues in the car today.

There is no need to hit the drum with a heavy hammer, so now Cui Gaoyi understands the words.

"Don't worry, I will make preparations in advance to ensure a safe transition."

Cai Wenming nodded and said, "Well, we have to plan ahead, lest we crawl in a hurry and can't do anything well..."

Suddenly, he asked Cui Gaoyi again: "What do you think of that soldier today?"

"How?" Cui Gaoyi said, "Deputy commander, why are you suddenly concerned about a soldier?"

Cai Wenming said, "That's a good soldier."

Cui Gaoyi asked, "Do you want to keep him in the division?"

Cai Wenming turned his face to the side, frowned at Cui Gaoyi, and said, "I am in charge of the training of the whole division, I only watch the training, but you, look at today, how many of those tops are native to your coaching team. Soldier?"

The so-called native refers to the soldiers who have been growing up in a unit since the recruits entered the army.

Cui Gaoyi said: "There are many, thirteen."

Cai Wenming also said, "How many recruits are there this year?"

Cui Gaoyi was stunned, and then he smiled bitterly: "There is only one."

"That's right!" Cai Wenming leaned back to his seat and said, "If it is adapted next year, it will require a large number of backbones. Even if you have a few more places for volunteer soldiers, how many are willing to stay? The teaching team is responsible for An important unit for recruit training for the entire city's directly affiliated team and for the training of the squad leader in advance of the entire division, if its own backbone team is not capable enough, what kind of good soldiers can it bring out?"

Cui Gaoyi smiled and said, "Okay, what should I do!"

While Cai Wenming and Cui Gaoyi were talking all the way in the back row of the Cherokee, Zhuang Yan was already surrounded by his comrades in the third district team of the coaching team.

This year is a day to be happy.

When Zhang Jianxing, the eighth company commander, left, he was on the car with a song in his mouth.

All his soldiers passed the top-notch assessment. What made him most happy was not the veterans, but the fact that the recruits were more powerful than the veterans.

Xu Xingguo alone achieved two of the standards, although one of the equipment gymnastics was judged to be not a complete standard. In addition to being brushed down, the bombing and the 400-meter obstacle shocked the entire team with extremely excellent results.

And solemnity and solemnity. Both of them successfully passed the top-notch assessment and got tickets to participate in the group army competition next year.

Among them, Zhuang Yan was also praised by Deputy Commander Cai, who has always been known for his sternness. Not only was he happy about this, but even the head of the regiment, Wei Xuefeng, came over and slapped him on the shoulders before he left~www.wuxiaspot. com~ said Zhang Jianxing, you did a good job! Well done!

Two in a row were good, and Zhang Jianxing was so elated.

After accepting the congratulations from his comrades, Xu Xingguo took Zhuang Yan aside, took the towel that Zhuang Yan had been holding in his hand, and looked at it, and asked Zhuang Yan with envy: "If you want to give this towel to Zhuang Yan? I'll be fine."

"If I ask you, do you stay?" said solemnly.

Xu Xingguo was stunned for a moment, then handed the towel back to Zhuang Yan, nodded and said, "Yes, opportunities are rare, and every opportunity must be seized."

Zhuang Yan recalled that Zhou Huping had asked himself whether he wanted to stay in the teaching team before. Of course, he would not know. Even if he refused, now Deputy Chief Cai and Deputy Chief of Staff Cui have already fixed his fate in the car. It's not up to him to choose.

He held back, still right.

Because that would hurt Xu Xingguo's self-esteem.

Since Xu Xingguo is all about staying on the team, let him be.

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