Special Years

Chapter 223: Queen's Land

For the first time in his life, Zhuang Yan saw this kind of situation when the people were retreating.

Without being there, you can't use any pen and ink to describe that kind of tragic and solemn.

News of flood diversion quickly spread throughout the county from various channels and began to spread in all directions.

In the county seat, tens of thousands of residents, carrying vegetable baskets, rice bags and oilers, rushed into every store, market, and commercial street they could see, sweeping up all the food they could buy.

The military truck they were riding in solemnly took a lot of effort to drive from the crowded road to the village where they were responsible for the evacuation.

The military vehicle drove away from the county seat and headed towards the surrounding towns. In the vehicle, Zhuang Yan was shocked by the situation outside the vehicle.

At this time, every road into the village was crowded with villagers, who drove their own cattle, pushed carts, or used tricycles, bicycles, or motor vehicles borrowed from relatives and friends. Something worth money.

All available means of transport were used.

This kind of situation, Zhuang Yan could only be seen in the pictures of the peasants fleeing the desert before the founding of the People's Republic of China broadcast in the TV series.

There are people everywhere, tens of thousands of people...

The village has ten rooms and nine empty rooms.

People tried their best to transport all the property they could take into the county town.

Prices across the county have skyrocketed.

The water spinach, small cabbage, etc. that sold for a few cents a pound had risen to 2 yuan a pound. In stark contrast to the vegetables, it was pork.

That's right.

Pig prices are plummeting!

A 00-pound live pig can be bought for only 00 yuan.

However, the reason behind it is so sad.

Pigs are cheap because farmers have no time to slaughter pigs.

The safety of life and other property now prevails over those pigs.

A breeding pig is bought for 50 catties, and it takes two or three hundred catties of grain. It takes more than three months to grow into a live pig of about two hundred catties, and the selling price is only more than two hundred yuan.

After removing the cost, you have to put it back inside.

But it really doesn't matter...

Compared to life, what can't be lost?

This kind of scene can be called a baptism of solemnity.

As a young man who grew up in a coastal city, he had absolutely no understanding of all of this. For the farmers facing the loess and back to the sky on the inland Yangtze River, he solemnly felt that he was a person from two worlds.

The people here have lived on this land near the river for generations. This river has nurtured them, but also brought them disasters.

However, they survived stubbornly in this disaster again and again.

After fetching water, they will come back here and rebuild their homes with their industrious hands.

The tenacity of the Chinese nation has long been deeply embedded in its blood. Disasters can destroy their homeland, but they cannot overwhelm their will.

Emperor Tianhoutu, God bless China!

There was an endless stream of farmers entering and leaving the county, and the mighty crowd blocked the largest entrance to the county.

The flow of people and vehicles was stalemate at the entrance, the driver kept honking the horn, the children were crying, and the adults were shouting...

Although more than a dozen police officers have been arranged to maintain order here, and although the traffic police team has dispatched almost one-third of its strength to divert it here, as long as it loosens a little, the crowd will immediately block up again.

Just a 25-kilometer-long, 5-meter-wide road connecting the three branch canals to the East Road is crowded with 2,000 people...

The 6-kilometer trunk line from Huangling to Yu Highway accommodates more than 9,000 people...

The most crowded is the main line from Buhe to the county seat. Its east and west ends are linked to the two largest safe areas, the Buhe River and the county seat. More than 100,000 people have been transferred through this trunk line!

Moreover, this main line is also the only way to travel from Jingzhou to the hinterland of the flood diversion area by ferry. Starting in the afternoon, due to the insistence order issued by the General Defense, about 100 vehicles transporting materials and rescue troops every hour from here. go through.

The solemn vehicle moved slowly in this stream of people filled with a sad atmosphere.

This is a team that is too dense and too complex, men and women, young and old, people next to each other, people crowding people, the big ones carry the small ones, and the small ones cry.

All kinds of cars...

Large trucks, small four-wheelers, tricycles, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, all the means of transportation that can carry finances are all in use, and each vehicle is loaded to the limit of load-bearing.

Food, furniture, clothing, electrical appliances...

Every car looks bloated, top-heavy, and teetering on the floor, feeling like it could fall apart at any moment.

The animals are also a headache.

It is easy to say chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep, and many people still drive their own cattle.

Cattle have always been the lifeblood of a farm.

Chickens can be sold, ducks can be sold, sheep can be sold, pigs can also be bought, but cattle cannot be sold!

This is the case with every transfer to the safe zone, without exception.

On the highway, the speed of the flow of people and vehicles is estimated to be no more than 1 km per hour, because according to the estimates at the time, there are 1,000 people, 100 vehicles, and 200 pigs per km...

However, this is only a rough estimate.

Unlike everyone who retreated in the direction of the county seat, in the crowd of hundreds of thousands of retreating people, a few teams in camouflage uniforms did the opposite.

They rode in trucks and headed unswervingly toward the embankment and the hinterland of the dividend zone.

According to the order, at 7 o'clock in the evening, the 1,900 cadres and more than 2,000 PLA ​​officers responsible for commanding and coordinating the transfer of the people must carry out a comprehensive net-type inventory in the dividend-sharing area to ensure that no one is missed!

A certain department of the G military region stationed in Guixing entered the levee of the Ga county section in the night, unfolded along the front line of the river, fought side by side with the 1st division, continuously raised and strengthened the dam, and prepared for a desperate fight against the fourth flood peak.

Zhou Huping looked at the watch that was usually used for training on the co-pilot of the lead car. It was 6:20.

There are less than 40 minutes to reach the designated area.

"Your car continues to drive slowly towards the designated place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We can't wait!"

He pushed open the car door and jumped out of the car, walking towards the convoy behind, smashing the deck with his fist every time he passed one.

"All the three squadrons get off!"

Zhuang Yan jumped out of the car with his comrades and stood beside the truck.

On the crowded highway, all eyes of the people evacuating the flood diversion area were on the group of PLA soldiers.

Zhou Huping had no choice but to wave to everyone and shouted, "Follow me, time is running out, run over!"

More than a hundred officers and soldiers of the Third Squadron began to run one by one on the road, running silently.

Looking at this group of people in military uniforms, the crowded people consciously separated a passage.

They all know that they are still moving towards the flood zone, which is retrograde towards death.


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