Special Years

Chapter 214: The longest roll call in military history

The night is already deep.

After the monstrous flood flooded over the large farmland and houses in Paizhou, it seemed that he was finally tired and finally calmed down.

The entire Paizhou Great Barrier has turned into an endless lake, and only those poplars that are still quite tall stand tenaciously in the water, revealing half of the tree body.

These poplar trees are the only life-saving straw for the 400 retrograde warriors.

As long as they are not swept away by the flood, the soldiers will hold onto the trunk of the tree and keep a fixed posture, waiting for the arrival of rescue.

Time passed minute by minute, and the water level rose little by little.

The most terrifying thing is that there is often a "click" sound in the dark, which means that the branch can no longer bear the weight of the soldier hanging on it, and it breaks.

This means that someone may fall into the water and lose their life...

The body temperature of the icy river began to drop gradually, and some young soldiers could no longer hold on.

So, someone started shouting around constantly, and they started to understand each other, who else was in the trees around.

"Brother, which army is on your tree?"

"We are from the Air Force Artillery Regiment..."

"We are from the Boat Bridge Brigade..."

In order to prevent dozing off, the cadres and the soldiers began to play home. The cadre with a flashlight on his body simply turned on the flashlight, and continuously illuminated the people on each tree trunk around him, and began to check one by one.

Someone climbed to the top of the tree and looked around to see if there were rescuers coming.

Some fighters began to mark the tree trunks to mark the rising water level.

Zhou Guangming, the instructor of the Zhouqiao Battalion, and more than 40 Air Force soldiers were trapped in a poplar forest a few hundred meters away from his troops.

He has good water skills. When he hugged the first tree, there was an airlifter on his head. He felt that the tree was too small and could not stand two people hanging, so he didn't climb up, took a rest, and swam to another one next to him. up a tree.

This tree is relatively safe, and the position is smooth and comfortable, but after a while, he gave this good position to another soldier, and he changed to another tree to hold it.

When he couldn't take it anymore, he would let go and change to another tree.

That night, he changed several trees one after another.

Wherever he swam, he would encourage the soldiers on the tree: "I am the instructor of the boat bridge camp. Our brigade is nearby, and there are many assault boats. They will come back soon to save us, everyone must hold on!"

In this way, officers and soldiers of different military branches, organizations, and positions began to encourage each other in the poplar forest, and Zhou Guangming was still doing his old job - political and ideological work in this special environment.

In the rapids of the flood, many things often float by, furniture, livestock, even mice and snakes, and people...

In the darkness, a soldier named Ge Baoguo found an "object" floating by the tree where he was hanging. He looked closely, and it seemed to be a person.

So he quickly grabbed the tree with one hand, leaned out and grabbed the person floating in the water.

Pulling it over, it turned out to be an old man.

The old man did not know how long he had been floating in the water, but he was still alive and had breath, but he was so weak that he could no longer climb a tree.

"Young man...I can't do it anymore, you have to live...leave me..." He couldn't bear to see Ge Baoguo take risks for himself, and said dying.

"No!" Ge Baoguo only answered one word.

"Throw me away...or else..."


Still a word.

Ge Baoguo hugged the old man beside him, grabbed the tree trunk with one hand, and stayed in the water for nine hours and stayed up all night.

By the time he was rescued, the arm that hooked the tree trunk and the chest next to the tree trunk were already bloody, and the right hand was stiff into a hook shape.

There is another warrior, Gou Feng.

He was rushed out very far by the flood, and in a daze, he actually grabbed a tree and climbed up.

After he woke up a little, Gou Feng was in pain all over his body, there were scratches everywhere, his belly and the inside of his legs were scratched, and the icy river water rushed in, gritting his teeth in pain.

There are no trees around him, only his one, everywhere is empty, only the turbid river water.

He shouted towards the surroundings, no one answered him, and there was a dead silence around him.

The water began to slowly rise inch by inch, and he began to move up inch by inch.

Suddenly, he saw a black thing floating not far ahead.

"A tree trunk?"

He was immediately surprised.

You know, if you can find a floating object, at least you will feel more secure.

When the floating object floated to his side, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the floating object in the dark.

very smooth!

He's caught!

But when he looked closely, he almost slid down the tree trunk in fright.

This float has hair!

It's a corpse!

The surrounding lights were dark and no one was there.

Gou Feng let go of his hand subconsciously, but immediately grabbed it again.

The corpse can't be given up either.

He dragged the body over and found the familiar orange life jacket on the other side...

Gou Feng's eyes became hot all of a sudden, and tears flowed out instantly.

Is a comrade!

After careful inspection, the soldier was out of breath and died.

He couldn't tell the sadness and sadness. Although he couldn't recognize which army comrade-in-arms he was, he, like himself, was also a member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

"Never let the body of my comrade float away!" He gritted his teeth and swore to himself that unless he died, he would definitely save the body of his comrade!

Fear was swept away at this moment, he hugged the body of his comrade tightly, silently waiting for the arrival of rescue.

While Gou Feng was still holding the body of his comrade-in-arms in the water alone, a recruit couldn't hold back his urination in the poplar forest, but at this moment his company commander and battalion commander were under the tree.

"Batch commander, I want to pee, I'll go down."

The battalion commander said, "Don't move, still moving at this time? Stay on it! Piss if you want! Just pee on it!"

The recruit hesitated for a moment, then said, "Batch commander, this will get you on your head..."

The battalion commander said: "If you want to do it, you can do it. Why so much nonsense?"

In the end, the recruits really couldn't hold back anymore, and the urine dripped from the crotch of his trousers and fell vertically, all on the battalion commander's head...

"Captain, I'm sorry..."

The battalion commander said: "What time is it now, I'm sorry for the ball! Keeping your own life is the most important thing!"

After a while, the recruit suddenly said again: "Batch commander, if we can go home, I'll wash your hair when we get home..."

The battalion commander said, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, save your energy and grab the tree. If you can't grab it, I won't spare you if I wash my head a hundred times!"

The recruits who climbed on the top all turned red all of a sudden.

"Why don't we call them by name?" Huang Shunhua, the company commander who had just counted the number of people who had just swam around the trees, suddenly suggested

The battalion commander thought about it, nodded and said, "Okay, you can also organize the following singing, so that everyone will not fall asleep."

In the cold night wind, company commander Huang Huashun began to blow the whistle on the life jacket.


"Drip - all companies gather!"

"Dip - all the names!"

"Lin Qingzhong!"







After the roll call, Huang Lian Zhang and the battalion commander decided after discussing the roll call every ten minutes, and then organized a song after another ten minutes.

From "Unity is Strength" to "We Soldiers", from "We Soldiers" to "Speak Your Heart", and from "Speak Your Heart" to "Little Poplar"...

our soldiers

what's the difference

just because we all wear

simple military uniform

our soldiers

just different

for the peace of the country

We got shot in our hands

say different

Actually the same

all yearning for glory

are winning glory

say different

Actually the same

same style in

The flag of the republic is flying

Familiar military songs reverberated over the Paizhou Hong District once and again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ again and again...

The roll call every 10 minutes, again and again...

This time the roll call took 9 hours!

Some people say that this is the longest roll call in the history of the PLA, and it is also the most tragic one.

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