The members of the red blood cell team who rushed into the captain’s office all looked shocked when they saw He Zhijun with panda eyes.

Especially Chen Shanming, when he went to help He Zhijun, when he saw the panda eyes on He Zhijun’s face for the first time, he almost couldn’t help laughing, he saw He Zhijun’s panda eyes for the first time, it was so funny!

However, what surprised Chen Shanming was that according to his and He Zhijun’s plan, he should take someone to wait outside the door, as long as he heard the sound of the glass breaking, he rushed in and arrested Lin Tian, how could it be that Lin Tian beat He Zhijun?

When He Chenguang faced Lin Tian, he was extremely cautious, he felt that Lin Tian was the strongest person he had ever seen since he became a soldier, whether it was in marksmanship or fighting skills, he was very strong!

He Zhijun blinked his panda eyes, seeing that Chen Shanming hadn’t even arrested Lin Tian, and scolded angrily.

“What a daze! Lock Lin Tian up for me, I can’t hear the order!” ”

Chen Shanming immediately responded.


Chen Shanming turned his head and gave He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing a look, and He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing carefully surrounded Lin Tian.

Lin Tian seemed to be okay now, and without waiting for He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to come up to catch him, he took the initiative to take a step forward and said.

“If you don’t do it, I will go myself, and you will tell me where to go.”

Lin Tian said so, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing are not really going up to control Lin Tian, because the two of them are really not sure that they can control Lin Tian, in case they are not controlled, but they are cleaned up by Lin Tian, then it will be humiliating.

“Be honest, come with me!”

Wang Yanbing said a word, turned around and walked towards the door first, Lin Tian followed Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang followed Lin Tian, and the three left He Zhijun’s office one after another.

After He Zhijun watched Lin Tian being taken out, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and signaled Chen Shanming, who was supporting him, to help him to the sofa.

Chen Shanming and Li Erniu hurriedly came up and helped He Zhijun to the sofa and lay down.

Chen Shanming hurriedly went to He Zhijun’s refrigerator, took two ice cubes, then found a square cloth, wrapped the ice cubes, and then put them on He Zhijun’s two swollen eyes.

“Team He…”

Chen Shanming just wanted to ask what happened just now, when he saw He Zhijun stretch out his hand and wave, and said.

“You guys go back first, show Lin Tian to me, if there is anything, I will talk about it tomorrow.”

He Zhijun drank more than a pound of old cellar, which would be drunk, he was already drunk, and he couldn’t care about the puffiness of his eyes, so he fell asleep.

When Chen Shanming saw this situation, he signaled Li Erniu and Song Kaifei with his eyes, stayed to clean up the mess in the office, and he and Xu Tianlong went to the place where the military region closed people.

When Li Erniu and Song Kaifei cleaned up the office, they also deliberately shook the four bottles of old cellars on the guest table, but there was not a drop left.

“Oh, no mouthful!”

Song Kaifei sighed and said.

Song Kaifei is also a good wine person, as soon as he saw this wine bottle, he knew that this was old wine, a good thing!

I originally wanted to be able to pick up a leak, even if there was a bottle bottom, let him taste it!

As a result, Lin Tian drank really cleanly, not a drop of wine was wasted, and all of it was poured into his stomach.

Lin Tian followed Wang Yanbing to the door of an iron room, Wang Yanbing used the key to open the door, signaled Lin Tian to enter, and Lin Tian walked in leisurely.

This room is not bad, another bed, a table, a chair, like a duty room about the size.

After Lin Tian came in, he lay down on the bed, not in a hurry at all, because he knew in his heart that the commander would definitely come to him tomorrow, and when the time came, he would definitely be unlucky to listen to the sound recorded on his mobile phone when he was drinking just now.

Dare to shut yourself off? Lin Tian came to the wolf tooth brigade today and Ke Zhi personally came to the door to invite him, but he finally locked himself up? This does not correspond to the troop regulations at all!

Lin Tian decided to wait for the commander to come to him tomorrow and talk to the commander about what He Zhijun did today.

Lin Tian drank almost three pounds of aged wine, although this wine is not much of a wine for Lin Tian, but after drinking it can still have a good effect on helping sleep, at this time, Lin Tian just lay down and fell asleep.

Chen Shanming originally wanted to come and ask Lin Tian, what happened just now, how did he beat He Zhijun in a good manner?

Unexpectedly, when he entered the hut, Lin Tian fell asleep and had to give up.

Lin Tian slept peacefully this time, what other place was safer than the small black room of the wolf tooth brigade?

By the time Lin Tian woke up, it was already the next morning.

“Sleep well, Comfort!”

Lin Tian got up from the bed, moved his body on the ground, glanced at his watch, and estimated that the commander should be coming soon.

Early this morning, as soon as the commander woke up, he received a call from the gatekeeper, saying that the old commander and Li Lizhi had come again.

The commander hurriedly got up, washed up briefly, and personally went to the entrance of the headquarters to wait to welcome the arrival of the old commander and Li Lizhi.

A military district off-road vehicle smoothly stopped at the gate of the headquarters, and the old commander and Li Lizhi got down from the back of the off-road vehicle.

The commander saw that the old commander and Li Lizhi got out of the car, and hurriedly greeted them.

“Old Commander, why did you have time to come to the military region to see me today?”

The old commander said with a smile.

“I heard that the people from your military region went to invite Lin Tian yesterday? Are people still with you? ”

The commander shook his head with a puzzled look and said.

“Nope? I didn’t let people invite Lin Tian to the military region? Am I mistaken? ”

The old commander took out his mobile phone and gave Lin Tian a call, and the other end of the phone prompted that it had been turned off.

“Not true! The people of the Celestial Wolf Mercenary Group all said that four military off-road vehicles came and took Lin Tian away. ”

The old commander said with great certainty, originally he planned to have a family banquet today and invite Lin Tian to sit at his house to thank him for saving himself and his precious granddaughter abroad, and at the same time, he also wanted Lin Tian and Li Lizhi to have more contact and contact.

But Lin Tian’s mobile phone was turned off, and then the old commander called Li Lizhi back, so that people could find out the hotel where Lin Tian stayed after returning to China, and asked Li Lizhi to drive him straight to the hotel near Tianze Villa.

After going, I knocked on the door and learned that Lin Tian was invited away by the military region’s car yesterday, so the old commander asked Li Lizhi to drive directly to the Southeast Military Region.

“There is such a thing?”

The commander thought for a while, and suddenly thought of He Zhijun, so he said to the old commander and Li Lizhi.

“You guys go to the office first and sit and wait, I’ll check this matter.”

The old commander nodded, and Li Li went up to the second floor of the headquarters, and the commander’s office sat and waited for the commander to return.

The commander rode in this military off-road vehicle and went straight to the wolf’s tooth base.

The commander came to the wolf tooth base and went directly to He Zhijun’s office.

He Zhijun just woke up, with a pair of black panda eyes, went to the bathroom, looked up in the mirror, and startled himself.

“Oh my God! What’s wrong with me? ”

He Zhijun felt a headache, and after rinsing his face with water several times, he sobered up a little and recalled yesterday’s evening.

“This stinky boy, still dare to hit me? Look at me not to lock you up for ten days and a half, let your kid have a long memory! ”

As soon as He Zhijun finished speaking, the door of his office was pushed open from the outside.

He Zhijun hurriedly ran out to take a look, only to find that it was the commander who came.

The commander saw He Zhijun, who was black with two panda eyes, for the first time, and really couldn’t hold back his unkind laughter.

“Hahaha… Lao He, did you go to the zoo to play giant pandas? ”

He Zhijun said with a bitter smile.

“I accidentally fell when I went to the toilet last night.”

He Zhijun was embarrassed to say that he was beaten by Lin Tian, and he was the captain of a high-ranking wolf tooth special warfare brigade, but he was actually hit by a mercenary with two black circles? He can’t say it!

The commander is not a fool, he fell and was beaten, you can see it at a glance.

“Okay, less talk to me! Let’s talk about it, what’s going on? ”

The commander asked with a serious face.

He Zhijun couldn’t hide it, so he had to tell the commander about yesterday’s incident.

“Confused! Stupidity! Idiot! ”

After the commander listened, he cursed three times in anger, and did not feel relieved, so he directly raised his leg and kicked He Zhijun’s ass.

“What a stupid thing are you doing! What about people? Where are you locked up? ”

He Zhijun will be in front of the commander, like a child who has done something wrong, then there is still a little bit of the prestige of the captain of the wolf tooth brigade?

“I’m locked up in a little black room!”

He Zhijun said cautiously.

“You, you! Confused! Even if he has flying missiles, aircraft carriers, alien ships. You can’t beat his mind now! He is now the head of Tajikistan, and if you do this, don’t you make people think that our Great Xia Country is a country that forgets its interests and seeks wealth and kills people? ”

“Just wait to be suspended and think about you! Harm! ”

The commander was really furious, and after speaking, he turned around and left He Zhijun’s office, and went straight to the small black room where Lin Tian was detained. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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