Special Female Soldier

Chapter 365 Bombard me

Lin Yanxi knew that no matter whether there was pressure or tension, she should control it immediately, and not let it affect her mood, let alone let it affect the trajectory of the bullet.

Looking at the approaching convoy, Lin Yanxi suppressed her uneasiness, looked at their speed, but quickly calculated in her heart.

But at this moment, Lin Yanxi's eyes changed, and she firmly pulled the trigger with her finger.

With a bang, the second off-road vehicle in the convoy exploded with the sound of gunfire.

The off-road vehicle with raging flames didn't stop there, but was overturned and smashed forward. The person in the first car was obviously out of control, and swayed to the side at this time.

The speed slowed down instantly, and he was directly smashed by the car rushing from behind.

Accompanied by the sound of brakes, the cars behind also made a mess.

Seeing the tragic scene she had caused, Lin Yanxi didn't stop there, she continued to pull the trigger and fired a second shot, but the target was the last vehicle that was evading in an emergency.

The bullet flew out and directly penetrated the driver's head through the windshield. While blood spurted out, the car lost control and crashed forward.

Seeing that the initial plan had been successful, Lin Yanxi's face showed a bit of joy, but she didn't stop at all, picked up the sniper rifle and crawled backwards.

Sure enough, when she was still in the air, she heard dense gunshots, and there was a sound of bullets hitting the concrete wall where she was just now on the roof.

The reason why Lin Yanxi ran fast was that apart from being worried that the opponent had a sniper, she also knew that the hesitation just now had brought them closer, basically beyond the range of the sniper rifle.

But now it seems that her guess is indeed correct. Not only has the opponent already entered the range, but there are also masters.

To be able to locate her so quickly in such a chaotic situation.

Although she guessed right, Lin Yanxi didn't have time to rejoice at all, she jumped down, and then rolled over.

Putting his hands on the ground and exerting a little force, the person has already rushed out.

Lin Yanxi did not run in the direction where Qin Ningjun and the others left, but chose the opposite direction. Although this direction was a little strange and unfamiliar with the terrain, it was now the only route she could escape.

She can't bring trouble to Qin Ningjun and the others now, otherwise it would be meaningless for her to stay. Although the direction to Ke Chenglei's villa is familiar enough, she clearly remembers that the road is almost open. Maybe get in the car again, but the bullet is faster than the car!

Lin Yanxi only made a decision at that moment, an unfamiliar but relatively safe escape route.

After running for a while, Lin Yanxi was very grateful for her choice. Although the road here didn't have many bunkers, it was enough for her to turn the pursuit into a street fight.

Quickly shuttled between the buildings and the bushes, the gunshots behind him became farther and farther away.

Lin Yanxi did not continue running for her life, but stopped suddenly, hid directly behind a low wall, and shot them again.

Regardless of whether the fallen person was alive or dead, he immediately retracted the gun and ran quickly with a low body. After changing the sniper point, he shot again with precision.

The gunshots were still echoing in her ears, Lin Yanxi lowered her head while holding the gun.

But I didn't expect it, I just fired two sniper shots, and I chased after him with one shot, hitting the tree trunk, and the splashed sawdust hit my face, causing a burst of pain.

Lin Yanxi didn't have time to rejoice at the luck of having escaped the bullet, and she didn't even have the time to care about her hurt face.

At this time, she only had one thought in her mind, that was that she was being targeted by snipers.

Although it was just one shot, Lin Yanxi could be sure with her intuition that the shot just now was definitely not accidental, let alone a stray bullet.

Instead, the sniper who had been looking for her locked her position with her two shots. Fortunately, she was not careless just now, otherwise the shot would not have hit the tree trunk, but her head.

Facing such an opponent and a group of helpers, Lin Yanxi did not dare to be careless.

But this time is not suitable for a head-to-head sniper battle with him, and it is impossible to hide here to find the opponent. Obviously, the enemy is more patient than her at this time. It is obviously unrealistic to expect the opponent to expose the target before sniping.

Thinking of this, Lin Yanxi no longer hesitated, and rushed out with a gun in one hand, running irregularly and quickly on the street with only a few shelters.

But when she stopped suddenly and changed direction, the gunfire sounded again, and the bullet hit her feet.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yanxi stepped on her feet and threw herself down in the grass in the garden beside her.

She was not wearing a normal training uniform, and she only had a half-sleeve T-shirt on her upper body. The weeds in the garden were scratched directly on her arms, and bloodstains appeared one after another.

But she didn't even look at it, and as soon as she stabilized her figure, she turned around and shot.

"Oh, let him run away!" Lin Yanxi threw her hand on the ground in frustration after missing a shot.

In fact, her shot didn't have much deterrent effect at all. She also sensed the opponent's approximate position based on the angle of the bullet just fired, and she only took one look while lying down, and then fired. .

Being able to force the opponent to dodge is considered good marksmanship.

As for being annoyed, Lin Yanxi didn't dare to hesitate too much. She missed a shot and immediately got up.

But after running a few steps, there was a 'bang', and with the sound of the explosion, Lin Yanxi was overturned by the blast, and fell to the side just in time to protect the vital person.

This hit was not light, and the pain from her body made her gasp, but no matter how painful it was, it didn't matter.

Without taking a breath, the horse got up again, and staggered to the corner.

Temporary safety, Lin Yanxi took a deep breath, "Isn't it just to shoot you a few times, as for shelling?"

But she seemed to have forgotten that it was she who broke the opponent's fuel tank first and killed not one or two.

And after scolding, the flustered mood calmed down a little, and the pain in his body also eased a little.

Carefully looking back, he saw that they had already caught up, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Seeing this, Lin Yanxi's eyes turned hard, she took out a few grenades in her backpack, pulled out the fuses, and threw them out behind her without looking at them.

‘Boom, boom! "The sound of grenade and exclamation sounded together, and Lin Yanxi took the opportunity to jump up and run straight forward.

The high-speed running neutron bullet hit her feet, but she ignored it. She jumped over the high wall in front of her with all her strength, turned over, and blocked the bullet and the sniper from the wall.

The short-lived safety did not give her a sense of security. Lin Yanxi immediately changed her direction after only looking at the surroundings, but ran east along the wall, which was the direction where Qin Ningjun and the others left.

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